CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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I know we've seen more of Danny and Lindsay together than more of Danny and Rikki together, so perhaps that is why I think this, but why do you think that Danny meshes better with Rikki than with Lindsay? I think him and Lindsay have more in common and both bring out a different side in each other when they are together. I only remember Danny and Rikki sleeping together as a way to grieve over Reuben. We haven really "'seen" them together, have we?
...I dont really wanna debate this to death, as I dont really have much of a care who's with who when it comes to Danny and Lindsay :lol: - I like both characters, together or apart, but I was just wondering why people thought Rikki was suited better for Danny...

This isn't really the thread for that, but I'll try and keep it brief....

Honestly, I think that Danny and Rikki have better chemistry than Danny and Lindsay. Also, it seems to me that Danny is better with Rikki than Lindsay, even though she's been onscreen with him for maybe 15 minutes.

It seems that Danny and Lindsay have been full of angst from the beginning of Season 3. From "Love Run Cold," with her standing him up on the date, to "Snow Day" when they actually got together. Ditto for Season 4. It seems he barely interracted with her even before Ruben got shot.

Then, the Monologue in RND, and his utterly confused look afterward says that he had no idea she felt that way about him....

With Rikki, on the other hand, there was this great care not to hurt each other any worse than they already had been. It seems that they seemed to get each other in a fundamental way that wasn't there with Lindsay. They talked things out at every step of the way. Even when she told Danny that she was moving, you could tell that she was broken up about it and trying not to cry.

That's why I'm excited over Rikki coming back. Now, it seems that DL is going to end even before she comes back, so that is exciting. It means that DL will end for it's own reasons, not for Rikki's sake. Rikki will be back for 2-4 episodes, so that means the storyline regarding her return will be major. It's been speculated that it's perhaps for a trial for Ollie Barnes, the man who robbed the Bodega when Ruben got shot, or perhaps something more personal.
Ok, I just posted an article on CSI Files here with info about the fall season for all three series (lots of spoilers, but most of them are nothing new). Anyway, here's the segment of the EW magazine about NY, typed up from the issue itself:

Bucking the trend of crime shows that focus solely on the workplace, exec producer Pam Veasey says for season 5, "we decided we would bring the audience into moments when [the characters] go home. We're introducing relationships like brothers and sisters" - specifically, the bad-girl sister of Eddie Cahill's Detective Flack, who'll be played by Kathleen Munroe. Veasey says CSI: NY wants "to be very hip, very youthful, very contemporary, so Maroon 5 open up our second episode, performing. And we have Nelly in our episode 3, playing a confidential informant." Yep, nothing says "hip" like Maroon 5 and Nelly!
I can't tell if that last bit is sarcasm. :p
It's the 'wants to be very hip, very youthful, very contemporary' part that kinda made me snicker. :lol: CSI:NY has always wanted to come across as that. The keyword here is 'wants'.

So heh, I second Fay in saying I can't tell if that last bit is sarcasm. :lol:
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Nothing like letting Zuiker, Veasey and company dictate what they think those dang young'uns are into these days. :p

Am I the only one who found the use of the phrase 'brothers and sisters' interesting? Like, maybe we'll get more family members than just Samantha? I dare not hope for Louie, but maybe the brother Flack mentioned, or a relative for someone else?

Also, I'm glad to see she mentioned following the characters 'home' - and then mentioned family rather than lovers. Perhaps our collective psychic waves have finally gotten through! :lol:
'Very hip, very youthful and very contemporary...' :lol: Hmm, I'm not sure that this is the show for me...

Am I the only one who found the use of the phrase 'brothers and sisters' interesting? Like, maybe we'll get more family members than just Samantha? I dare not hope for Louie, but maybe the brother Flack mentioned, or a relative for someone else?

Also, I'm glad to see she mentioned following the characters 'home' - and then mentioned family rather than lovers. Perhaps our collective psychic waves have finally gotten through! :lol:

Brothers could be interesting, maybe for later in the season, and Louie would be fantastic. Although, as it seemed to be clarified as specifically Samantha, it's probably just a turn of phrase. Although we can all hope. :lol:

I do love the idea of finding out more about the characters, and their families, backgrounds and home life. It's fun, and after four years, it's about time. And yes, we've all thought for a while that this is a better avenue for them to explore rather than 'lovers', so good choice, TPTB. :thumbsup: :)
Everyone talking about bringing Louie back is getting really annoying. Maybe the writers don't want to bring him back and they don't find it necessary, I mean its not like his life is hanging in the balance. He's in a coma, and the whole reason Louie was in RSRD was to clear Danny's name of being the murder and he did that. DONE!! So does it really matter? No. I love any and all Danny story lines and I think Carmine can really carry an episode, but I’m more curious about getting to meet his parents, esp. his dad more than bringing Louie back
Everyone talking about bringing Louie back is getting really annoying. Maybe the writers don't want to bring him back and they don't find it necessary, I mean its not like his life is hanging in the balance. He's in a coma, and the whole reason Louie was in RSRD was to clear Danny's name of being the murder and he did that. DONE!! So does it really matter? No. I love any and all Danny story lines and I think Carmine can really carry an episode, but I’m more curious about getting to meet his parents, esp. his dad more than bringing Louie back

In RSRD Louie was in a coma. I would define that as "his life hanging in the balance." And it was obvious that he and Danny had a very tumultuous but loving relationship. A lot of people found that interesting and want it explored more. What happened to Louie? The doctors didn't sound too optimistic about his fate in RSRD. Did he die? Is he still in a coma? Is he a vegetable? Did he recover? Is he in a rehab facility? Is he in prison? That could be answered in one sentence from Danny without Louie ever appearing on screen.

If he's alive, many people think it would be great to bring him back and explore his and Danny's relationship more because it could explain more about Danny and the way he acts. Bringing Louie back would be great for Danny's character development. Many people who want to see Louie or at least learn what happened to him would also like to see the Messer parents. I don't see it as an either/or situation.

Faylinn said: Am I the only one who found the use of the phrase 'brothers and sisters' interesting?

The Veasy comment about "brothers and sisters" made me think of Louie right away. I know it's a long shot, but I'm still keeping some hope that they'll at least address what happened to him if they don't bring him back.

Oh and I took the Maroon 5 and Nelly comment as sarcasm. I mean, if TPTB are looking to be "hip" and "youthful" they're a tad behind the times. Plus just saying "hip" and "youthful" is a red flag that they don't have a clue about either. :lol: :rolleyes: The CSI shows have always skewed older with their crowds. Instead of trying to snag the very fickle "hip" and "youthful" crowd, you'd think they'd focus on the fanbase they have instead of alienating them by trying to get viewership from the opposite end of the spectrum. They risk losing the fanbase they have and not getting faithful viewers from the fanbase they're courting.
I guess it's that obsession with the 18-49 demographic (although 49 isn't all that 'young', but they always seem to refer to that when they want to talk about the 'young' viewers).

Railynn said:

Everyone talking about bringing Louie back is getting really annoying. Maybe the writers don't want to bring him back and they don't find it necessary
I find it annoying that the writers created a sibling for Danny and then acted like he never existed once that episode was over - their grasp of continuity isn't always strong, and I fail to see the necessity of creating intense emotional situations if they don't plan to follow through.

If they didn't want people asking about Louie now, they should have addressed the situation at the end of season 2. 'Louie died.' 'Louie is a vegetable.' 'Louie is still in the coma.' 'Louie is in rehabilitation.' - it wouldn't have been hard, and we wouldn't keep talking about it all this time later.
I got my TV Guide in the mail today and there is a huge article for returning favorites and I found this for CSI:NY:

Danny's (Carmine Giovinazzo) old fling Rikki (Jacqueline Pinol) returns with a big secret that could rupture his romance with Lindsay (Anna Belknap).

It also said this:

Both Sid (Robert Joy) and Adam (AJ Buckley) face major life crises.

Just thought I'd pass that along. :)
Elsie posted this in the "Just the Facts" thread.

#508 - My Name is Mac Taylor
Yep, that's pretty much all I've got so far. But apparently 508 is called "My Name is Mac Taylor". I don't currently know what it's about, but Danny and Flack share a couple of scenes together, and it seems that there may be more than one person in New York with the name 'Mac Taylor'...

There's another Mac Taylor in NYC! *gasp*flail* I'll bet he's up to no good as well! CSI Mac Taylor will not tolerate such insolence! I'll also bet that when evil Mac Taylor finds out he's being persued by CSI Mac Taylor he won't tolerate such insolence either! It's kinda like an evil twin but . . . not. Sounds like a job for The X-factor and his side kick! Is evil Mac Taylor in cahootz with Sid?! Oh sorry. Just came from the "Alter Ego" thread and got a little carried away.

I got my TV Guide in the mail today and there is a huge article for returning favorites and I found this for CSI:NY:

Danny's (Carmine Giovinazzo) old fling Rikki (Jacqueline Pinol) returns with a big secret that could rupture his romance with Lindsay (Anna Belknap).

It also said this:

Both Sid (Robert Joy) and Adam (AJ Buckley) face major life crises.

Just thought I'd pass that along. :)

Gee, I wonder what secret Rikki could have that could break up the Drama Llama? :p I'm thinking Ausiello might want to pick up a nice bottle of wine to go with the words he'll be eating. :lol: I have to say that if we're right and there's a Danny/Rikki Jr. on the horizon I'm disappointed in TPTB. It could be a good development, don't get me wrong, but it's pretty damn obvious. People started calling that the second after RND aired.

As a side note I find it amusing they refer Danny's relationship to Rikki as a "fling" and to Lindsay as a "romance." :wtf: :rolleyes: But that's a discussion for another thread.

It sounds like both Sid and Adam are going to get some great material! I hope so as they both deserve a good story line.
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Railynn, as the spoiler said 'brothers and sisters', mentioning Louie didn't seem that out of place. Some of us would like to know what happened to him, but yes RSRD was a while ago now, and I don't know what the writers have planned any more than the next person, but everyone is entitled to their opinion on it. As for 'everyone' discussing it, I think it was just Fay and myself, so, even if you find it annoying, it's really not worth getting worked up over.

From the Just the Facts thread:

#508 - My Name is Mac Taylor

Yep, that's pretty much all I've got so far. But apparently 508 is called "My Name is Mac Taylor". I don't currently know what it's about, but Danny and Flack share a couple of scenes together, and it seems that there may be more than one person in New York with the name 'Mac Taylor'...

Hmm. #508 is the 100th episode I think.

eta: PA beat me to it, thanks for bringing it across. :)
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One I'm not getting worked up over it, and its not just you, it really does seem like any and all spoilers that come out there is someone complaining that there no mention of Louie. When Danny spoilers come out people are always like where Louie?? Why no Louie??

And I didn't mean that the writers don't have to mention Louie ever again. I'd love to see Louie come back as well I think the actor that played Louie (sorry his name escapes me at the moment) was very good in the episode and it would be nice to explore that relationship. But all I meant was its not a dire situation. It’s not like they had a gun to his head and then we heard a bullet go off and they cut to credits. Maybe I didn’t phrase myself correctly. But I don’t think it’s a hugely needed story right now.

I’d love to see more stories for Flack, Hawkes, and Adam the other characters that seem to get left out in the cold. I’d also like to see a meatier story line for Stella not one that involves a guy. As much as I love Danny and think Carmine is one of the better actors on the show, the boy has had a storyline every season. Give someone else the spotlight for an episode or two.
I'm excited about Danny and Flack having scenes in 108, and I'll be curious to see how another Mac Taylor plays into it. Is Mac going to be the victim of identity theft? :lol:

I got my TV Guide in the mail today and there is a huge article for returning favorites and I found this for CSI:NY:

Danny's (Carmine Giovinazzo) old fling Rikki (Jacqueline Pinol) returns with a big secret that could rupture his romance with Lindsay (Anna Belknap).

More and more it's sounding like Rikki is preggers, but the "big secret" could also be that she and Danny slept together while Lindsay thought she was dating Danny.

It also said this:

Both Sid (Robert Joy) and Adam (AJ Buckley) face major life crises.

Just thought I'd pass that along. :)

We know what Sid's is...but I do wonder about Adam!

Thanks for sharing the spoilers, guys. :)

One I'm not getting worked up over it, and its not just you, it really does seem like any and all spoilers that come out there is someone complaining that there no mention of Louie. When Danny spoilers come out people are always like where Louie?? Why no Louie??

I do get what you're saying...it does seem like any mention of drama for Danny brings up either a) how it involves Lindsay or b) Louie. Hopefully we're about done with a. and I've given up hope of b. so yeah, I know it does get repetitive. At the same time, it's a storyline a lot of people want to see more of, so voicing it here doesn't hurt. You can always skim over posts with Louie's name in them.

And I didn't mean that the writers don't have to mention Louie ever again. I'd love to see Louie come back as well I think the actor that played Louie (sorry his name escapes me at the moment) was very good in the episode and it would be nice to explore that relationship. But all I meant was its not a dire situation. It’s not like they had a gun to his head and then we heard a bullet go off and they cut to credits. Maybe I didn’t phrase myself correctly. But I don’t think it’s a hugely needed story right now.

I think for now following up on Danny's guilt over Ruben's death is the more immediate story, and it's been handled really well IMO.

I’d love to see more stories for Flack, Hawkes, and Adam the other characters that seem to get left out in the cold. I’d also like to see a meatier story line for Stella not one that involves a guy. As much as I love Danny and think Carmine is one of the better actors on the show, the boy has had a storyline every season. Give someone else the spotlight for an episode or two.

I'll shameless admit that I'd rather watch Danny drama over anyone else's in a heartbeat. So I'm glad he's getting more drama this season, and another storyline. I think that can happen with some development for the other characters as well. I'm excited about Flack's sister, for one, and to see her stir up some trouble.
Its wierd part of me wants the pregnancy storyline just to see how they play it but also part of me desperately doesn't want it because its now been mentioned so much and almost made it easy to pass off, and be quite blasay (sp?) about it.

Yay for Sid and Adam having more its nice to see them bring them out.

I like the idea of delving more into the home lives of the cast it almost makes a nice diversion although i hope it doesnt take away from the cases to much because it would take away what the show is there do be.
More on 5.08 - My Name is Mac Taylor

There are multiple people with the name 'Mac' in their name. There's Macdonald Taylor, Machiko Taylor, Mackayla Taylor and Mackinley Taylor, all involved with the case. There's a woman named Melinda who was killed and a person wanting a "Mac Taylor" dead. While on the Brooklyn Bridge, Adam goes to see Stella and asks Stella if she wants to grab some pizza.
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