CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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There's not much info about the consulate, just that she goes there in episode 5 because of the case.

Speaking of episode 5, here's the spoiler report. :)
That's quite the spolier! I couldnt read it...just barely skimmed. I hate spoiling the episodes, but I can't...turn...away... :)
I feel a small flicker of hope - mayhap I will enjoy this season even more than I thought. Flack family! Hawkes with an old school friend! Angell still around! Stella getting some meaty stuff! Adam (nuff said)! Sid! Rikki coming back! Other stuff!

And now perhaps a beacon of light that the drama llama will stay out to pasture for at least a brief (but glorious) time? Joy!
I just watched the promo online and it's definitely Ollie, but it looks to me like it's the scene from AitF, he's wearing the same clothes and Danny hits him.
Unfortunately after watching it again AND going back and watching that scene from 4x13, it sucks that it is the same scene. Anywho, maybe it's something significant for season 5.

"Right now, I'm sorry to say, it seems to be really stagnant. The brakes are slowly being pressed, I believe." And mind you, he hasn't even started filming those new episodes featuring Jacqueline Pinol's Rikki.

Carmine himself said that? Awesome! He's been pretty much right about everything else he's said regarding DL and DR. :p Sounds like DL is coming to an end to me since the outcome of slowly pressing brakes is to come to a complete stop. :devil:

So Rikki will be in episodes after 5.06 (not sure how many they've filmed so far)?? Maybe Danny's time off and Rikki's return will both happen in 5.08 (the 100th episode).
With Rikki coming back, is there any hope for CSI: NY's Danny/Lindsay fans? — Hayley
I myself would answer you, but why not let Carmine Giovinazzo give you a first-hand status report on that slow-going romance? "Right now, I'm sorry to say, it seems to be really stagnant. The brakes are slowly being pressed, I believe." And mind you, he hasn't even started filming those new episodes featuring Jacqueline Pinol's Rikki.

Hmm. It's a bit hard to interpret that, but it almost seems like the whole DL thing is done. However, the whole "I believe" thing is odd, especially considering that last year, he knew a lot about what was going to happen with Danny "looking elsewhere" and Lindsay "Not being all he thought she was."

Also interesting that the new Rikki episodes haven't started filming. I'm really looking forward to her return, because I love her chemistry with Danny and what she brings to the show.
However, the whole "I believe" thing is odd, especially considering that last year, he knew a lot about what was going to happen with Danny "looking elsewhere" and Lindsay "Not being all he thought she was."
Carmine being right about those two examples is another reason I believe DL will be over. We don't yet know why Rikki is coming back and the way he worded that keeps everybody guessing just what is going on.
My guess is that they're going to kind of push D/L to the side and essentially forget it exists until they need some more dramaz, at which point they'll magically remember it and bring it back up. They've basically done that so far anyway - it's one of many components that exists to further the show, rather than the show existing to further the relationship, etc etc. Such is the nature of the series, I suppose.

Bringing Rikki back, having Lindsay make eyes at a new guy, and so on and so forth - that provides a lot more opportunity for diverse drama for the characters than the same-old, same-old D/L drama llama, IMO - YMMV, of course.
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My guess is that they're going to kind of push D/L to the side and essentially forget it exists until they need some more dramaz, at which point they'll magically remember it and bring it back up. They've basically done that so far anyway - it's one of many components that exists to further the show, rather than the show existing to further the relationship, etc etc. Such is the nature of the series, I suppose.

That's actually what I'm kind of afraid of; that they're not going to put the whole DL mess to rest, they're going to keep it in their back pockets to pull out whenever they need some easy drama.

I certainly hope not, because the DL stuff, IMO detracts from the show, and prevents the character of Lindsay Monroe from developing in her own right.

Bringing Rikki back, having Lindsay make eyes at a new guy, and so on and so forth - that provides a lot more opportunity for diverse drama for the characters than the same-old, same-old D/L drama llama, IMO - YMMV, of course.

Agreed. So let's hope they do more of that and have the diverse drama that reveals things about the characters. Because IMO that's what drama is supposed to do, reveal something about the characters, and DL really hasn't done that for me.
Wow, it does sound like D/L might be over. "Stagnant" and "Brakes" sound pretty final. His wording makes it sound like they're backing away from it slowly. :lol:

I wonder if Rikki's return is being saved for sweeps? Sounds like that might be a possibility!
I'm strangely quite happy that they've essentially put it on the back burner or ended it as much as I was a fan its a perfect opportunity to develop Lindsay hopefully.

*prays that tPTB have taken the hints*

And the spoiler report makes kind of more sense now seeing the promo, still dying to see it need to go back watch last few episodes of s4 to refresh my mind. Pity that they used clips from last season to confuse us especially Ollie or they were just hoping the fans wouldnt look to far in to it lol.
My guess is that they're going to kind of push D/L to the side and essentially forget it exists until they need some more dramaz, at which point they'll magically remember it and bring it back up. They've basically done that so far anyway - it's one of many components that exists to further the show, rather than the show existing to further the relationship, etc etc. Such is the nature of the series, I suppose.

That's actually what I'm kind of afraid of; that they're not going to put the whole DL mess to rest, they're going to keep it in their back pockets to pull out whenever they need some easy drama.

I certainly hope not, because the DL stuff, IMO detracts from the show, and prevents the character of Lindsay Monroe from developing in her own right.

I agree with Fay, I'm not sure that D/L is done for good, it's probably just done for now. But maybe that will depend on how things develop for the characters over the coming season (which I can't wait to see, btw). IMO, the D/L stuff does go some way to preventing the character of Lindsay from developing in her own right, but perhaps this break will actually give her the chance to develop, and then if D/L did return it would at least be a relationship between two fully rounded characters.
It would be nice to see Lindsay develop on her own, away from the romance. If this weren't a CSI show, I would be more on the fence, but I remember how the stuff with Catherine and Warrick was built up and then just dropped like a hot potato in a completely baffling way. So I'm not sure. From Carmine's comments, it sounds like the storyline is being dropped. But it could be for a time rather than permanently. I guess we'll see how their interactions are when the season starts.
I'm guessing Carmine is reluctant to imply too much given that he made comments about Lindsay and Rikki before seeing all of the scripts last season. Maybe he wants to make sure we know he's just guessing. :lol:

I definitely hope that season 5 is full of character development for everyone, as well as lots of platonic interaction.

As far as D/L goes, although I'd like to see it ended for good, I just don't think that'll happen. They know it brings drama, and if they think that's the best way to do it for a certain episode or storyline, I'm sure they'll go there. That being said, you never know - this mysterious guy that is supposed to catch Lindsay's eye might end up being even better than they expected, and they could decide to expand his part. Never say never - I guess we'll all just have to wait and see.
'The brakes are slowly being pressed'?

Well, ya know what happens when the brakes are pressed, right?

Something stops.

Now I'm thinking Carmine could have been onto something with his statement of DL possibly 'ending completely' in season five. Yeah, it's possible it may only be for a time, but if TPTB's going to go as far as bring Rikki back even after a farewell scene and bring in a new romantic interest for Lindsay ... I dunno, I do think we're gonna have very little or next to no DL this season.

And also interesting, he's saying the 'brakes are being pressed' BEFORE any scenes with Rikki have been filmed. So does this mean DL ending may have nothing to do with Rikki?
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