CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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Yes, Raylinn. According to the Maths done inside a thread, the 100 th episode will be 5.06 ;)

BTW Inside the Smacked Thread, a fellow made a comment on Matt's Rousch (tv guide online) comment

He said
I'm thinking a female lead is more likely should either of the male "stars" of the Miamior NY versions ever step down, and oh, do I wish they would.)

As we said weeks ago inside the Stellarina thread or even here, Stella in charge would be GREAT
but i can't help but thinking on Kimmy's words about if the whole cast will be there in Season 9
Personally i think meanwhile would be great to have Stella as The Boss, losing Mac would kill the show. The same i say about her and any other member of the cast
It's a family and i want all of them as they are now!

Debbs :)
I agree. And honestly not just because I love Mac. If Mac stayed, and Stella went, that would kill it too. Same if Danny or Flack left. Hawkes has so little screen time, it wouldn't make much difference in a screen time sense if he left, but still it would leave a big gap in the show. I wouldn't mind Lindsay leaving, but only because her character doesn't seem very well developed to me.
It would be nice if they had Mac go away for a few weeks (like when Grissom went on his sabbatical, or Lindsay when she went to Montana) and then Stella could be Boss for a bit, and maybe we would still see Mac at the end of eps, like we did in CSI LV with Grissom and Lindsay when they was away. 'Cause you know he'd be calling to check on Stella (in a nice way, to see she's okay) and her on him. She called him in London, didn't she?:)
I do love the team as they are now. I even like Lindsay some of the time, and I'm hoping that if the writers develop her away from Danny, I might like her more, as I did in s2.
Right now, I'm not going to worry about anyone leaving. I read that Gary Sinise is contracted through till 2011, and AJ I think is contracted till 2014. I know contracts aren't 100%, but they seem to be pretty solid with everyone in the CSI franchise, barring strikes or pay disputes (as with Eads and Fox from CSI LV).
Thanks Jellybelly and Vegaslights for the claryfication :) That's why i'm not a Maths lover :D
Wait! If it is 5.08 maybe it will be aired as part of November Sweeps, won't it? Hopefully it will be an AMAZING episode to all of us :D

Macslady (I always enjoy your opinion a lot!!!!)

I agree. And honestly not just because I love Mac. If Mac stayed, and Stella went, that would kill it too. Same if Danny or Flack left. Hawkes has so little screen time, it wouldn't make much difference in a screen time sense if he left, but still it would leave a big gap in the show. I wouldn't mind Lindsay leaving, but only because her character doesn't seem very well developed to me.

I.E I think Eddie is so ready to run his own show. I said it months ago. But he is so important to CSI NY it would be another rollercoaster as we had in S2. Even if we hadn't a full episode for him still he is so important (The richeness of the character and how he portrays Donnie :D

It would be nice if they had Mac go away for a few weeks (like when Grissom went on his sabbatical, or Lindsay when she went to Montana) and then Stella could be Boss for a bit, and maybe we would still see Mac at the end of eps, like we did in CSI LV with Grissom and Lindsay when they was away. 'Cause you know he'd be calling to check on Stella (in a nice way, to see she's okay) and her on him. She called him in London, didn't she?:)
I love your ideas. I wish you are Smack fan (maybe some day i'll convince you! :D ). And considering we both know he likes controlling ;) I totally see him calling Stella and checking on her as she did before :D BTw i have replied to your great post inside the Mac's thread (one of the best if not the best post ). I'd like to ask you about Mac relationship towards Reed and Danny (i'll try tomorrow :)

I do love the team as they are now. I even like Lindsay some of the time, and I'm hoping that if the writers develop her away from Danny, I might like her more, as I did in s2.
Season 4 made stronger the idea of "family" (exactly what i was looking for). Despite Lindsay doesn't have a background (because she was tied to Danny from the beginning) some people will suffer if something happens to her.
Personally i don't dislike her as long we don't have those "My great explanation scene" where usually Stella looks silly (writers make that way) and as we had in Right Next Door along with the melodramma of her previous relationship with Danny is out of the picture
She had nice scenes with Hawkes, Mac and Stella in Season 4

Right now, I'm not going to worry about anyone leaving. I read that Gary Sinise is contracted through till 2011, and AJ I think is contracted till 2014. I know contracts aren't 100%, but they seem to be pretty solid with everyone in the CSI franchise, barring strikes or pay disputes (as with Eads and Fox from CSI LV).

God, are we going to have 20 seasons? :D Kidding! I like the news!!!!!!!

Debbs :D
Yes, Raylinn. According to the Maths done inside a thread, the 100 th episode will be 5.06 ;)

BTW Inside the Smacked Thread, a fellow made a comment on Matt's Rousch (tv guide online) comment

He said
I'm thinking a female lead is more likely should either of the male "stars" of the Miamior NY versions ever step down, and oh, do I wish they would.)

As we said weeks ago inside the Stellarina thread or even here, Stella in charge would be GREAT
but i can't help but thinking on Kimmy's words about if the whole cast will be there in Season 9
Personally i think meanwhile would be great to have Stella as The Boss, losing Mac would kill the show. The same i say about her and any other member of the cast
It's a family and i want all of them as they are now!

Debbs :)

Personally, I'd love to see Stella take the lead of the team, but I agree that it would probably be something temporary. I'd kind of love to see Mac demoted for a while, or on forced leave, because I think it would create a lot of interesting tension and situations.

Much as I run hot and cold on Mac at times, I wouldn't want to see him leave the show.

And you'd have to pry Miami out of Caruso's cold, dead hands. ;) :p So I guess we're never going to see a female CSI lead. I wish Vegas would do it, but I know they won't and that really sucks. That's a debate for another day/thread though. ;)
From the other spoiler thread:

#505 - The Cost of Living

This looks to be a one case episode, however I've only briefly glanced at the spoilers. It seems that the team are investigating the death of an archaeologist, but he is not quite who he appears to be.

Whilst investigating the case, Stella makes a visit to the Greek consulate.
And you tells me there is lots of Adam, yessss? :D

There actually is Adam in the episode. :D
hey ppl wat is going on wif danny and lindsay in this season??? they on or off.... need more of the flack humour... :lol:
I may have understood wrong.. but is either Melina or Gary leaving the show? If that is true, then I want to say that is a shame, because the show wouldn't be same without them. I agree, it would be interesting seeing Stella taking command (I loved her on Charge of This Post when she was the boss :D).

Yes, please, more Adam. There is never enough Adam. :D No matter how much an episode sucks, Adam is always the best :D
I may have understood wrong.. but is either Melina or Gary leaving the show? If that is true, then I want to say that is a shame, because the show wouldn't be same without them. I agree, it would be interesting seeing Stella taking command (I loved her on Charge of This Post when she was the boss :D).

I think I know what you're talking about, and I was talking to Kimmychu about this the other night. I think people are thinking a lead from a CSI show will be leaving. The only person that is leaving from the franchise now would be William Petersen from the original show. Gary Sinise has signed a new contract (including more money) to last him a few more years and I highly doubt David Caruso would make the same mistake of leaving a hit show like he did on NYPD Blue. I could be wrong, but there's nothing to indicate that someone is leaving the franchise besides Billy P.
And you'd have to pry Miami out of Caruso's cold, dead hands. ;) :p So I guess we're never going to see a female CSI lead. I wish Vegas would do it, but I know they won't and that really sucks. That's a debate for another day/thread though.

I don't watch Vegas but i did watch an episode once and Marg was amazing. I understand why you say that:thumbsup:

Miss Blue---> I made a comment based on Matt Rousch's statement at tv guide online
According to that he would want Calleigh or Stella in command instead of Mac and Horatio
I said, even when i'd love Stella as the Head the show wouldn't be the same without Mac. And the show itself wouldn't be as it is now without any other member of the cast

Sorry if it was confuse. I need improve my English to explain better :)

Debbie :)
When do they start filming again for seasion 5? I know they are on a break at the moment, but if I remember right there were threats of an actors strike. Has that been resolved yet too?
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The actors strike is still up in the air, but at the moment it hasn't affected anything television-wise, really--business is continuing as usual, more or less.
Does anyone know if any of the cast are going to be doing any promo work for the new season? I mean like interviews and stuff as opposed to CBS showing trailers for the show.
Does anyone know if any of the cast are going to be doing any promo work for the new season? I mean like interviews and stuff as opposed to CBS showing trailers for the show.

It would be great to see Eddie do an interview. I don't think I've ever seen him do one.
^He's done a bunch at this site. ;) Check out the "Interviews" link on the right hand side of the page when you're on CSI Files.
I am looking for a clip I saw on you tube. Mac and Hawkes were investigating the apartment of the Threesome married couple. Hawkes says "the place was not quite what I expected " and Mac says "ok Ill bite what were you expecting?" And Hawkes said somthing "Oh I dont know lava lights," and robo spankers and Mac did such an unexpected sincere laugh and said "Ill be in the kitchen". It was a clip that was with in a clip and I CANT FIND IT ANYWHERE! Can someone help me Please?
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