CSI:NY Season 5 Spoilers Discussion - Start Spreadin' The News!

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Very interesting! A few thoughts:

1. However Rikki is coming back, one thing is guaranteed: Lindsay is going to find out Danny slept with her. Cue angst: Lindsay will dump Danny and then he's going to get all emo about it and she'll miss him even though her new guy will be hot as hell. :rolleyes: Well, we'll see. There might be some hope in the fact that Veasey said Danny was going to go through things that didn't involve Lindsay. Maybe these two will be over for good, a la Eric and Natalia on CSI: Miami?

2. I bet Stella's new guy is the fireman she's going to flirt with in ep 503, is it?

3. If Mac's love interest is either Quinn or Jordan--and given the set up at the end of last season, it could be--I hope it's Quinn. My dream scenario would be that Lindsay gets fired or leaves or something and Quinn replaces her as a CSI on the team (obviously higher up than Lindsay), but I'd rather see Quinn as Mac's love interest than no Quinn at all. I like Jessalyn Gilsig, but I couldn't stand Jordan, so I'd rather not see her back in any capacity.

All very interesting! I love that Ausiello is digging up so much NY scoop! Thank you, Ausiello! :D
Thanks for the spoilers, csimania! :)

Both Mac and Stella getting new love interests next season? Well, as long as neither relationship is heavy-handed or detracts from the cases and crime solving... re: Mac's interest, I'm guessing it will be either Quinn or Jordan, since the writers introduced both of them last season already; I'm guessing it won't be anyone we haven't met before.
My little shipper heart breifly hoped it would be Jane but that's not going to happen, so I agree with you that it will probably be Quinn or Jordan. I like them both.
I'm really glad Stella's getting a new love interest who isn't a psycho or loser! It's about time she got a nice 'normal' man. If he's that fireman that was mentioned in earlier spoilers, I wonder whether he was one of the ones who responded to her apartment fire?
I agree that so long as any romances don't get in the way of the crime stories and other character development- if they're along the lines of Mac/Peyton or Stella/pre-psycho Frankie rather than Danny/Lindsay (s3/4) then I'm happy. The writers can do romance well sometimes.
Oh, and I agree with everyone who says that Hawkes needs some lovin'. Even Adam and Sid have more of a known love life than poor Hawkes - Sid has been married a few times, and Adam had the flirty thing with The Dreaded K. (yuk, yuk, yuk). And there's been speculation that Adam may get a crush or even have a relationship with Flack's sister, so Hawkes is definitely in need of some lovin'. It's been FIVE YEARS, TPTB!!!

That does open it up for numerous possibilities why Rikki does return, though. Many of us have been thinking her return would be an amicable/downright friendly one, but it just occured to me, what are the chances of her coming forward with some kind of Wrongful Death suit? :eek: That would certainly fall into the category of Danny Drama without Lindsay, as the writers promised us. I'm not sure I even want to think of that one.
That would make for some good Danny Drama, but I can't see Rikki doing that to Danny.
I'm just happy to hear we'll be getting some Danny drama without Lindsay.:bolian:
Very interesting! A few thoughts:

1. However Rikki is coming back, one thing is guaranteed: Lindsay is going to find out Danny slept with her. Cue angst: Lindsay will dump Danny and then he's going to get all emo about it and she'll miss him even though her new guy will be hot as hell. :rolleyes: Well, we'll see. There might be some hope in the fact that Veasey said Danny was going to go through things that didn't involve Lindsay. Maybe these two will be over for good, a la Eric and Natalia on CSI: Miami?

I still find it hard to believe that there will be another guy interested in miss annoying. Guys in NY cannot be that bad off or that blind, deaf and dumb. Can they? Of course just because I can't see why anyone would be interested in Lindsay doesn't mean there can't be someone out there for her -- attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder after all. As long as there isn't much screen time taken up with these recurring characters I am okay with it -- and I mean that for all the new love interests that are supposedly going to happen this season.

2. I bet Stella's new guy is the fireman she's going to flirt with in ep 503, is it?

I want that weapons guy from the last episode to come back and be Stella's boyfriend :) He was hot and I thought they had chemistry.
Top41 said:
However Rikki is coming back, one thing is guaranteed: Lindsay is going to find out Danny slept with her. Cue angst: Lindsay will dump Danny and then he's going to get all emo about it and she'll miss him even though her new guy will be hot as hell. :rolleyes: Well, we'll see.
:guffaw: Dude, you read my mind! The only difference is that my speculations were of Lindsay being the emo one having flashbacks of various moments with Danny in the past while Maroon 5 sings one of their usual wangsty break up songs. I don't see Danny being emo about it due to him already having been all emo and lapdog-like in the latter half of season four after Lindsay handed him the Monologue of Doom. Geez, to have to watch him like that for another season would be: :brickwall:.

There's also the fact Lindsay was the only one who professed to be in love, while Danny never did. If there's to be a break up, she would be the one feeling it way more than him. And since Rikki's returning and he'll be catching up on a lot, Danny will probably be preoccupied with her and whatever other dramatic things are going to happen to him.

There might be some hope in the fact that Veasey said Danny was going to go through things that didn't involve Lindsay. Maybe these two will be over for good, a la Eric and Natalia on CSI: Miami?
Yep, so hopefully we won't ever have to watch drama llama like the one that went on between Danny and Lindsay in season four again. So since Ausiello claims to be fairly certain Rikki won't return pregnant, what could the 'lot of things' be about Danny? Rikki's return is just one. It'd be great to have more details on the excitement coming up for Danny! :)

privatename said:
I still find it hard to believe that there will be another guy interested in miss annoying. Guys in NY cannot be that bad off or that blind, deaf and dumb. Can they? Of course just because I can't see why anyone would be interested in Lindsay doesn't mean there can't be someone out there for her -- attractiveness is in the eye of the beholder after all. As long as there isn't much screen time taken up with these recurring characters I am okay with it -- and I mean that for all the new love interests that are supposedly going to happen this season.
:guffaw: Another person who read my mind! I noticed Veasey only mentioned Lindsay having eyes for the guy. Makes ya wonder if the guy will even reciprocate her sentiments.

Poor Flack and Hawkes, they're being left out of the love game once more. At least Flack had dates with that Devon and flirted with Angell ... but Hawkes! Oh, Hawkes, he's had no love interest so far. It's an outrage, I tell you! Who can resist such a sweet god of chocolate thunder?
MBGrissom said:
Many of us have been thinking her return would be an amicable/downright friendly one, but it just occured to me, what are the chances of her coming forward with some kind of Wrongful Death suit? :eek:
If that happened, you'll be seeing me do this: :brickwall:, because Rikki doing that after she tells Danny in person that she's forgiven him and that he shouldn't blame himself and says to him what a sweet man he is ... it doesn't make sense for Rikki to file a charge like that against Danny at all. However, I can see Rikki filing it against Ollie Barnes. His robbery did ultimately cause her son's death although he wasn't the one who pulled the trigger.

I think it'd be weird if they tried to pull that one off. I don't think they're going to paint Rikki in that sort of light, if they were going to do that then they'd have had her reacting to Danny in a completely different way than she has already. Of course, grief can make people behave erratically and I could imagine Rikki's initial reaction to Ruben's death being one of anger towards Danny then realising it wasn't really his fault then shifting back to the anger again. But, they didn't take that route so it wouldn't work now imo.

I've always thought that the pregnancy option for her return was a little too obvious, although convenient for tptb if they want to keep the real reason for her return under wraps. If you link her return with the hints we've had about Danny drama then I'm thinking it's not going to be hearts and flowers, but it's also not likely to be her as a direct cause of the drama. So, I'm thinking it's going to be Danny drama that Rikki's a part of, which leads me to think it's got to be something to do with Ruben's death. It's possible for them to explore the whole issue of her threatening Ollie Barnes and taking Danny's gun.

At the time I was happy that they left that alone and didn't think they needed to explore it any more. But, now they're bringing her back I think it'd be weird if they don't address it in some way. I'd like to think she'd be dealt with sympathetically by the system but it's possible that she might not be, or at least the whole process is enough to cause angst, not least with it elevating Danny's guilt to an all time high.
I want to cry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

new love interest for them! Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!

i'm sorry . I feel devastated. I thought after frankie nd Peyton we had more than enough


Debbie (Thanks God Huddy was confirmed. AT LEAST:brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall::brickwall:

ps: Frankly i 'm not happy AT ALL. Either is Quinn ( i prefer her over Jordan because i can't stand Jordan) or anybody else.
I can say the same about Stella. Yeah, this guy is not going to be psycho. BIG DEAL:brickwall:

I feel Pam Veasey is mocking with us. We are going to have the 100 th episode this season and we will have nothing at all. We have waited, we have been tolerant. We didn't threat any online writer but still they decide to slap our faces when we had so many illusions about Season 5 :(
In special after the "hints" in Season 4 that told us they were sharing "space" :(

This is like Season 2- Season 3 nightmare :(

I WANT SEASON SIX now (well Season 9 would be better)
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JellyBelly said:
I've always thought that the pregnancy option for her return was a little too obvious, although convenient for tptb if they want to keep the real reason for her return under wraps.
Heheh, I still love that Ausiello made sure to say, "I may be eating my words," at the beginning of his spoiler that he's 'fairly certain' Rikki won't return pregnant this fall. :lol: She may not be pregnant when she comes back ... but he didn't say she wouldn't be later on, eh? ;)

I love you and your evilness, Ausiello! :devil:

If you link her return with the hints we've had about Danny drama then I'm thinking it's not going to be hearts and flowers, but it's also not likely to be her as a direct cause of the drama. So, I'm thinking it's going to be Danny drama that Rikki's a part of, which leads me to think it's got to be something to do with Ruben's death. It's possible for them to explore the whole issue of her threatening Ollie Barnes and taking Danny's gun.
Yeah, the big question being if. It's possible whatever dramatic things will happen to Danny may not directly involve Rikki at all. But I guess if Rikki's returning for up to four episodes (or more!), the writers have something big going on for her and Danny (since he's the one she's always had the most interaction with) and it's not automatic/necessary it must be a bad thing that'll cause Danny pain. Being with Rikki made Danny feel better, not worse. It was when she told him she was moving away that he became as upset as he was in episode 4x19.

The only way I can see Ollie Barnes being part of the situation again is if he/the DA presses charges OR Rikki charges Barnes with wrongful death (thanks to privatename for the idea!). I can see her doing that in light of episode 4x13; she blamed Barnes for Ruben's death, not Danny. I don't see the DA pressing for a trial because it's pretty certain the jury will sympathize with Rikki over Ruben's tragic death and if Barnes' lawyer was smart, he'd back off unless he wants his client to be in even more deep @#$% than the dumbass already is. :lol: But even if there's a trial, I doubt it'll be shown for more than an episode like other trial scenes that have happened on the show. It'll most likely only one of the 'lot of things' Danny and Rikki will 'catch up on'.
Thanks for the spoilers!

Interesting. It does seem the characters' personal relationships will be more outward-focused in S5. I just hope the relationship stuff stays mainly in the background relative to cases and that there are still meaningful interactions planned between the core characters (Mac, Stella, Flack, Danny, etc.) as that's still one of the main draws for me.

I'm somewhat disapointed there hasn't been much info yet on major case arcs or storylines for the season (unless I missed it). I certainly hope there is more character development planned that goes beyond the personal relationships and ties into the cases.

Honestly, though, my expectations for the season are a bit low. If the series is targeted for a 8-10 year life, it's really only at the midpoint, and I sort of expect the characters to be treading water for a while. Hopefully, there will be strong and memorable cases to elevate the season and hold interest.

I am curious about Rikki's return -- especially now that the pregnancy storyline sounds unlikely.
Maybe Rikki comes back because she misses Danny. Or, maybe something happens to Danny (without Lindsay), and Rikki comes in to help him. And then stays by him for a while. ;)

I'm not a SMACKed shipper or anything, but I'd rather not see Mac with Jordan or Quinn. I didn't like either of them (though, Quinn was better than Jordan). And Stella with a non-psycho boyfriend does sound refreshing.

Poor Hawkes. He needs a date. :(

I agree, though- I hope these relationships are just sidebars, and not main content.
Kimmychu said:
She may not be pregnant when she comes back ... but he didn't say she wouldn't be later on, eh? ;)

I love you and your evilness, Ausiello! :devil:

Yikes! :scream: Now that is an evil idea...but if the child turns out like this:



At least we'll know why Lindsay has to come to the rescue :lol:

(credit to Mugglenet.com for the screencap)
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Maybe Rikki comes back because she misses Danny. Or, maybe something happens to Danny (without Lindsay), and Rikki comes in to help him. And then stays by him for a while. ;)
It's possible...but I prefer the scenario where Rikki comes back because of some legal issues with Ruben's death or the theft of Danny's gun.

I'm not a SMACKed shipper or anything, but I'd rather not see Mac with Jordan or Quinn. I didn't like either of them (though, Quinn was better than Jordan). And Stella with a non-psycho boyfriend does sound refreshing.
I don't consider myself a SMACKed shipper either, but I do think Mac and Stella have nice chemistry and some part of me would enjoy seeing their relationship play out as a different, more mature and subtle type of romance. Unfortunately, I don't know that there's much patience for that type of romance these days, so if it happens at all, it'll likely be near the end, and in the meantime, we'll be treated to the love interests of the week, month, or season.:rolleyes:

Having said that, I agree that Quinn seems like a stronger character and better match than Jordan, but there might be some baggage for Mac (re: Claire) around a relationship with Quinn, so Jordan may have the inside track.

Poor Hawkes. He needs a date. :(
Yeah, poor Hawkes is right.:( Is he the only regular character who hasn't been shown with a date or significant other? And there hasn't been a S5 love interest mentioned for Flack either, IIRC. But maybe Angell will be around to banter with Flack.
I don't consider myself a SMACKed shipper either, but I do think Mac and Stella have nice chemistry and some part of me would enjoy seeing their relationship play out as a different, more mature and subtle type of romance. Unfortunately, I don't know that there's much patience for that type of romance these days, so if it happens at all, it'll likely be near the end,

I feel the same. I prefer Mac and Stella as very, very close friends. With them, there's always a hint of attraction, flirtiness, and the possibility for something more, that's been there for 4 years. It's subtle, different, mature, like you say, and it's amazing to watch. Mac and Stella both go through relationships that don't work out, but at the end, each is there for the other. Mac and Stella will never 'break up'.
I'm not a SMacked shipper, and if Mac and Stella are going to get together, I'd rather wait till the end of the series, or close to it. They put Grissom/Sara off for a long time - 7 seasons, was it?. Another example is Mulder and Scully from the X Files. Mac and Stella's relationship reminds me a lot of Mulder and Scully's up to the end of s7/ s8 of the X Files.
I don't consider myself a SMACKed shipper either, but I do think Mac and Stella have nice chemistry and some part of me would enjoy seeing their relationship play out as a different, more mature and subtle type of romance. Unfortunately, I don't know that there's much patience for that type of romance these days, so if it happens at all, it'll likely be near the end,

I feel the same. I prefer Mac and Stella as very, very close friends. With them, there's always a hint of attraction, flirtiness, and the possibility for something more, that's been there for 4 years. It's subtle, different, mature, like you say, and it's amazing to watch. Mac and Stella both go through relationships that don't work out, but at the end, each is there for the other. Mac and Stella will never 'break up'.
I'm not a SMacked shipper, and if Mac and Stella are going to get together, I'd rather wait till the end of the series, or close to it. They put Grissom/Sara off for a long time - 7 seasons, was it?. Another example is Mulder and Scully from the X Files. Mac and Stella's relationship reminds me a lot of Mulder and Scully's up to the end of s7/ s8 of the X Files.

I'm with you both, that I prefer Mac and Stella as close friends. In a way, I think they do have feelings for each other, but the thing is, even if they were to recognize those feelings, it would be very OOC for them to take it to the next level.

Look at what a hard time Mac had with Peyton about even being seen at work with her once they were together. Because of that, I don't think that Mac would get with Stella, at least not right now, because he works with her every day, and she is directly under him. I think Stella would be the first to recognize that she has feelings for Mac, but knowing him like she does, she wouldn't go there, because he wouldn't go for it.

I can sort of see it happening, eventually, but not any time soon.
dutch_treat said:
Now that is an evil idea...but if the child turns out like this:



At least we'll know why Lindsay has to come to the rescue :lol:
I'm not sure what you mean, 'cause from that screencap, that is a sweet-looking kid. :confused: But if it's some 'joke' in reference to a certain nickname that's been given to Rikki ... :wtf: :rolleyes:

Curiosity said:
Originally Posted by racefh853629
Maybe Rikki comes back because she misses Danny. Or, maybe something happens to Danny (without Lindsay), and Rikki comes in to help him. And then stays by him for a while. ;)
It's possible...but I prefer the scenario where Rikki comes back because of some legal issues with Ruben's death or the theft of Danny's gun.
Yep, gotta love that there are many possibilities to Rikki's return! :) I dunno, even if she does initially return due to legal issues, Matt Mitovich's spoiler that Danny and Rikki have 'a lot to catch up on' hints at much more going on between them. I don't see the writers stretching a legal issues/trial storyline across four episodes either, especially if the episodes are spread throughout the season.

MacsLady said:;
Mac and Stella both go through relationships that don't work out, but at the end, each is there for the other. Mac and Stella will never 'break up'.
Agreed! Due to Mac and Stella being the two CSI stars of the show, I can't see the writers ever pairing them up unless it's near the end of the show. Even Melina mentioned in an interview that a Mac/Stella relationship may only happen in season nine of ten, and that's if the show lasts that long!
Kimmychu said:
She may not be pregnant when she comes back ... but he didn't say she wouldn't be later on, eh? ;)

I love you and your evilness, Ausiello! :devil:

Yikes! :scream: Now that is an evil idea...but if the child turns out like this:



At least we'll know why Lindsay has to come to the rescue :lol:

(credit to Mugglenet.com for the screencap)

I'm not sure what you mean, 'cause from that screencap, that is a sweet-looking kid. :confused: But if it's some 'joke' in reference to a certain nickname that's been given to Rikki ... :wtf: :rolleyes:

Yeah. Mugglenet+Young Tom/Harry PotterxTom Riddle=Voldemort.

=So funny I forgot to laugh. :rolleyes::wtf::brickwall:

/We so need a vomitting smiley.
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