If it's one of the CSIs who dies, I'd think a new character would have to be brought in to be a CSI, since that would only leave the team with four. Or maybe Adam will suddenly have a desire to become a CSI? I kinda hope not, because he's so great in the lab, but some of his development--the way he helped the boy confess, his rescue of the man from the wreckage of the house--suggests that maybe he's ready for a change?
Adam's been getting some good stuff outside the labs this season, but Sid's also had some too. I like that Adam's getting field time, I think it's a way to let us see more of him onscreen, but I hope he's not bumped from the labs to become a CSI. What I like in seeing him out in the field is precisely that he's
not a CSI or a cop. He's the cute, fuzzy, brainy, everyman, encountering the same situations as the CSI's without their experience and saavy, and let's us do the same, or at least see it from a different side. I think Adam's unique take on things would be lessened by pushing him out in a more official capacity. I like Greg on Vagas but wasn't initially a fan of him trying to be a CSI. It's worked out well there because they've now managed to build a whole little army of fun, quirky techs to draw upon. Right now I'd kinda prefer Adam remain as is, while still being stretched against good material like that, and a new CSI character added to inject a different kind of life into the show in a way that doesn't change who the core group is too much.
I didn't mind Hawkes applying to be a CSI and leaving the ME's office. I'm glad Sheldon's out in the field now, because we have Sid
, and because every now and then we get glimmers of the kinds of stories Hawkes could really shine in. I'd be hugely disappointed if Sheldon turns out to be the one to go. More Hawkes, not less.
Much as I like Angell and would love to see her as a reg, I think history on the other CSI shows proves there's not really room for two regular detectives. Sophia and Yelina were both kind of the odd-women out on their respective CSI shows, and both eventually got written out as regulars. I suppose that could be another argument for Angell being the one to go, although it's kind of a weird little nebulous area: you can't just have one detective--Flack might be something of a superhero type (especially when Danny is in danger :lol: ) but he can't be everywhere all at once!
I think they've got a good thing going with Angell as a recurring character. She's a good balance to have when they need more than one, but isn't required in every eppie. Certainly the whole Greek storyline wouldn't have been possible without her as they've written it, and it's fun to have a strong secondary female character in the mix. There's potential, if TPTB don't overstep and screw it up, to have her equally nebulous relationship with Flack add a little extra dimension to both of them too.
I still think it would be a cheap way out of the hype to kill Angell off, and I hope it's not her because she does add to the show. Having her there adds possibilities and enables storylines, but as a recurring places no demands on how they're produced.
And yeah, even Flackman needs a little downtime (to spend with Danny or Angell, ...or even Danny and Angell. Whatever works I guess :lol
Faylinn: Indeed - although I'd be all up in the story if he wasn't sure whether Hawkes or *gasp!* Flack was the daddy. Flack would be all, 'It was just one time!', but Mac would glare at him and tell him that's all it takes - so he'd better be prepared to take responsibility. Adam could tell Hawkes that he regretted having a fling with Flack until he was blue in the face, but if that baby doesn't come out mocha, he's scared he's gonna lose his man.
Damn, I'd watch that crazy sh*t. No lie.
:guffaw: Thanks for that.