I have given my reasons before but I'll humor you.
Firstly, I just never connected with the character. She was there and then she wasn't and back and forth. She served her purpose and I was fine with it.
Then when they put her in a relationship with Flack she all of a sudden was being shoved in our faces constantly.
I certainly don't mind if Flack gets a love interest but I just do not see the chemistry between Angell and Flack at all. So all of their scenes were painful to watch because I just don't think they play off each other well.
I also don't feel the chemistry between her and the other members of the team. She always falls flat for me. The other characters are so much more charismatic IMO.
Also, they've turned her into a complete Mary Sue. She's the gorgeous tomboy tough cop with all older brothers who will walk up to challenge the roid rage man even though he's literally throwing officers left and right. But nothing can scare Super Angell!
The only development we've seen in her has come through Flack relaying the information. She's simply just there to be his love interest.
And now she's even served that purpose because now TPTB are killing her off for the dramatic punch.