Hmm...that's an interesting point. Part of the reason Lindsay has been lower on my list is because I haven't been able to think of a way the writers could connect her to kidnappers in the finale without it seeming too random and/or ridiculous. However, if the Elgers character has some sort of run-in with Danny and he or some of his buddies decide to target Danny and his new family for some reason, Lindsay could certainly be in danger in the finale.
I kind of wondered if the Elgers stuff is being built up for that reason. Maybe Danny is the kidnapping target and Lindsay gets in the way. Then you've got Lindsay killed in the first 10 minutes and the team rushing to save Danny. Who knows though--at this point, it could be anything.
I tend to think the kidnapping is unrelated to the team, but that might not be the case. I do know that Dunbrook's son is being introduced in an upcoming episode--might he be the target of the kidnapping? And the team gets involved in rescuing him and then boom, someone is killed? It's fun to speculate about what it could be.
The only reason I could see Lindsay as a possible victim is because of Anna. It's true she could want to leave to be with her family but I doubt it.
They have always been very flexible with Anna's needs and also with the other actors. Plus, in this economy I can't see anyone choosing to leave a steady job. :lol: Especially now that her family has grown.
It would be not the wisest move to leave a hit TV show during a recession, but who knows? It also might not be her choice if her contract is up. I think for the show, losing Lindsay creates far more interesting storylines than keeping her.
Another reason is that we've already gotten spoilers that say she could be in labor up until and during the finale.
She's not going to be in labor for three episodes. :lol: Mitovitch made a kind of dumb joke with that--I think it was more a commentary about it being interesting that the baby was being born before the season finale as opposed to in it. Which is interesting.
Also, there was a brief interview with someone who said that they're excited next season about exploring Danny AND Lindsay being new parents.
What interview?
I think Hawkes could be likely because Hill is pretty underused and he could want to branch out and do more with his other projects. But like I said above, I can't imagine anyone wanting to leave a steady job right now. The actors are already seeing potential pay cuts.
I think Hawkes is a possibility, too. He'd have a far easier time than Anna finding new employment, with two books published, multiple acting awards under his belt and two Harvard degrees. I could see opportunities opening up for him--with those Harvard degrees, he could probably do some good in Washington. So I think it's just as likely to be Hawkes as Lindsay.
I think Angell could be likely (and I realize I have bias here) because it seems like they built up her relationship with Flack pretty fast, they've got her working with Stella, she and Danny have always seemed friendly, and she's a cop so for her to die it would affect them all. And it would change the lineup like PV said.
I think Angell is the least likely at this point of the three possibilities. Her death doesn't change the line up of CSI: NY forever, and her dying wouldn't really register with anyone but devoted viewers. And even then, she's in, what, an average of one in every seven episodes? With the Greek coin storyline wrapping up in 524, I think it's less likely that it would be Angell.
More than Angell leaving though, I'd be so excited to see Eddie's dramatic chops bust out over the pain of losing his girlfriend. And maybe, just MAYBE we'd see Danny being there for him for once. :lol:
They haven't built up the Flack/Angell relationship up enough for it to be affecting on that level. Flack would be sad, no doubt, really sad, but he'd bottle it away.
On the other hand, Danny and Lindsay got a happy ending in the middle of the show's run. And imagine how Danny would implode if he lost his new wife. And we know how much Flack loves rushing to Danny's rescue...yeah, there's a lot to work with there.
Another option is Sinclair. If he dies Mac could get a promotion which would change the lineup forever if Stella becomes the new Mac. They did it with the original CSI.
I don't think that's the way that they're talking about the line up changing forever, but that phrase could be an exaggeration anyway. I don't think it will be Sinclair though. Not enough emotional impact.