Backtracking slightly to Elgers and Danny, haven't been in fer a bit.
Sounds to me like TPTB are continuing the 3-arc appearances for guest actors. (Ella, Gillian, Dunsbrook, and now Elgers).
In that sense it's been a very interesting season for staggered little threads of continuity tossed into the mix here and there. I'm now most interested in the Greek coins, Elgers (because of Danny and then Mac and the insight to Mac's father regarding the WWII concentration camp), and of course, the long awaited reveal about the flashdrive.
The rather out of the blue comment in 5.17 about the Death Penalty, and the deliberate intensity of the interview of Elgers by Flack (which I think was meant to introduce him and make him memorable as a character for his appearances down the line) was so unconnected to the rest of the story I did immediately flash to wondering about possible connections to the holocaust eppie. That's what reading spoilers will do for ya... :lol:
Onwards to Pino. I am confuzed about the medical examiners, because I now can't decide if those photos posted look like they're from the beginning or end of the ep. If beginning, it could set up a story where Pino does wind up getting killed. If it's at the end, then maybe his wife was also an ME? How many former ME's can TPTB stuff into an eppie?

Guess we'll see. It's interesting that TPTB thought to bring back a character from days past at all actually. Especially a guy who was only in a handful of eps anyways. I'm all the more curious about it for that.
I came across that thing from Ausiello a few minutes ago - it pretty much convinced me that he doesn't have a clue who's dying. There's nothing more than what he shared initially. My guess is TPTB are keeping this information wrapped up tight.
Hill Harper has so much going on that I'm increasingly worried that he's decided being off the show makes better sense for him - on a personal level, I support him 100%, don't get me wrong, I just don't want Hawkes to
I was looking through older articles last night while doing the news, and I came across
this one from December. An interesting excerpt:
"Being on a great show that is part of, arguably, one of the most successful franchises in television history is fantastic. It offers a platform of reaching a large amount of audience," Harper explained to
EURweb. However, the show takes up a great deal of time and doesn't allow him to do many other acting projects. "There's a real blessing to doing the show and it's helped for this campaign and it's also great for the books that I've written," Harper continued. "So there's a wonderful ancillary benefit to the show in that way, but as far as for pure career stuff and doing big movies and things like that, it's very difficult."
Oh, TPTB are absolutely gonna milk and nurture this carefully and for as long as they can and choose. If anyone, including Ausiello, had even a sniff of anything more, they would pull the spotlight to toss it out and be king of the next shark frenzy of speculation. :lol:
I gotta agree. Hill/Hawkes has always been tops of my list of possibles, though I'd hate to see him go. Lindsay's just wishful thinking, and I can't let myself actually think she'd be the one to go, because frankly the trade off if she didn't surely wouldn't be worth it. IMO.
As much as Angell is coming to contribute to the show, and as much as the intermittent presence of Sinclair helps to flavour it, I don't think losing either them would drastically alter things for the immediate family, so to speak. Unless TPTB are truly playing silly buggers, I gotta think at this point that it's someone from the core group of main characters who will be lost.
My other theory is that they didn't even decide who bites the dust. Maybe they are watching the fan's opinions to see who they think it is. I might suffer from the conspiracy theory but this could be very well true. The truth is that I don't know who the hell can go. It's safe to say that is not Mac or Stella. But there are many other contestants who are eligible for RIPing.
Well, while TPTB are always trawling for viewers, I can't actually see them catering in that regard to get them.

I'm sure they do know, I'm sure by this point in the season the cast knows, and I think it's just going to be very carefully managed PR wise to wring every last wee little drop out of it that they wanna get from it.
^ I also think that since the Infamous Fatality occurs within the first ten minutes, we will not be left hanging for the duration of the episode to find out who it was. I'm thinking the cliffhanger will hafta derive from the remainder of the ep.