CSI:NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion - This City Never Sleeps

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I`m not suprised that D/L get a mention ever other answer cause wether we like it or it or not,it is a big storyline,litterly and figurly speaking.
But what interest me more,is that in the same sentence she does say that they both have a hard time adjust,which can be a good thing for Danny`s side atleast.

I like it that Adam gets to play the hero,it`s a nice change for a fact.
And could give a major twist in the storyline.
One thing I do hope is that there is a lot of focus on that and not that we get that annoying greek storyline of Stella or Mac`s obsessive stalker storyline too.

On a different not and maybe not so nice of me but why do people feel the need to use bolded letters? cause it does seem to be a bit too pushy for me to read.
One thing I do hope is that there is a lot of focus on that and not that we get that annoying greek storyline of Stella or Mac`s obsessive stalker storyline too.
Adam saving the day will be great however i completely disagree about mac and Stella's cases. We had stalkers before (Drew) but never a psycho chick who believes she must get a man's love to all cost
Also Stella's storyline is a way completely different to anything we have had before. Only because you don't like Stella doesn't mean it's soooo terrible as you imply

On a different not and maybe not so nice of me but why do people feel the need to use bolded letters? cause it does seem to be a bit too pushy for me to read.
why don't you say it directly instead of using undirect statements? It would be more honest. It wasn't my intention to bother anyone who reads the thread. I was remarking (not shouting) how great storylines we will have other than "DL" *roll eyes*

Debbie ;)

ps: See? I am nice for real ;) I have put the text back to normal

5.15 PROMO!!!!!!!!!

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Guys, quick reminder here not to get personal over storylines or characters others do or don't like. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on a character or storyline, even if it differs from the one you have. We're all going to be excited by different storylines--that's just the nature of a bunch of different people here with differing interests. So let's all place nice, okay? Thanks. :)

Thank you for the 517 spoiler report, Fay! :D It'll be nice to have an Adam centric episode. Where the heck was he tonight???
It sucks that this is the second time he hasn't shown up despite being a series regular, but I figure maybe he's doing something else (since TPTB have shown that they're willing to work with him on that kind of thing). I'm not too bummed, though, since he apparently has a good part in next week's episode. (Unless they changed something, which will make for a very not-happy Fay. *narrows eyes*)
Do we know how far along Lindsey is supposed to be by this ep?
I must say she looked pretty far along to me last night, Ten months at least!!! So where was the "Big" D/L valentine scene surprise??

why do people feel the need to use bolded letters? cause it does seem to be a bit too pushy for me to read.

ps: See? I am nice for real ;) I have put the text back to normal
Actually I am Quite nice but I wanted to see what it looked like in bold letters!! Honestly though what makes CSINY so great IS all of the characters! It would not be CSINY, and we would not be talking about it all the time, without all of them . So C'Mon, I'm playin nice here!!
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I am actually pretty excited for the next episode. I like Greg T. Nelson as an actor. I don't know why exactly. Just always have. I think he and Gary will have excellent dialouge between them. The promos have me wondering how well Stella and her FF are doing? Wonder if this is 2 fellow NYC employees attending an event and figured they would go together as friends or if this could be a possible interest for Stella. Very interesting.
why do people feel the need to use bolded letters? cause it does seem to be a bit too pushy for me to read.

ps: See? I am nice for real ;) I have put the text back to normal

Do I really have to repeat myself? :rolleyes:

As I said just a few posts above yours:

Guys, quick reminder here not to get personal over storylines or characters others do or don't like. Everyone is entitled to an opinion on a character or storyline, even if it differs from the one you have. We're all going to be excited by different storylines--that's just the nature of a bunch of different people here with differing interests. So let's all place nice, okay? Thanks. :)

So knock it off. There's no reason to get personal over characters/storylines and there's certainly no reason to get personal over freakin' bolded text. :rolleyes:

Moving on...I'm looking forward to seeing all the characters dressed up next week at this benefit gala. Isn't this supposed to be Ormond's last appearance, too? I wonder if Gillian will be killed off or if she'll get some sort of lead on her niece and end up leaving or if she'll just disappear into that character black hole with Louie, Dr. Giles, Jane Parsons, etc., etc.
didn't adam come into replace jane???or is that jus me reading too much into the whole show....cause if adam is the dna guy (the whole stella hiv story) then wouldn't that mean Jane might not really be needed....just my theory, jane left they brought in adam (although i do know they crossed over a few eps) oh well

as for next week...falling bodies...um fun!!!!! and is ADAM really in it!!!! cause that would just about make my day!
I promise i'll be more patient Top. Sorry ;)

Gturuturu---> Adam didn't replace Jane. Adam was introduced in S2 meanwhile Jane was still on the show. Jane was until the last episode of S2. (She met Mac in the elevator if my memory doesn't betray me)
If Adam replaced someone maybe it could be Chad who was as funny as Adam is :D

Debbie (Thanks Lori. You are a complete sweet soul :)
Ghawazee,Thank you for changing the letters to normal:)
It wasn`t really aimed at you but more in general but I appriaciate you gesture.

I try to not let it happen again,Top

Moving on,didn`t adam start in season 3? cause as I recall we had a Zack too,in the beginning of season 2.

Adam`s episode looks nice but I still get the weird feeling that it will be pushed aside for Mac and Stella,as it mostly always is.

Stella and her firefighter look nice though,I hope he sticks around cause she really deserves to be happy and have someone who is in the know of her shifts but doesn`t work at the lab
Adam's first episode was 2.08 "Bad Beat". I know this because I am a bit of a fangirl. ("No, really?!" You say. :p) I don't think he replaced anybody in particular so much as he was just their next try at a recurring lab character. He never really had a specific job - he does trace, he does DNA, he does AV stuff, sometimes he collects evidence at the scene with the CSIs (once or twice, anyway), he's qualified to run an HIV test... So I don't think they put him in a specific department (although he's never tested a gun that I can recall) - of course, they also have the CSIs skilled in everything (Hawkes is apparently a computer genius or something), so it's no surprise. :p

GTuruturu said:

and is ADAM really in it!!!! cause that would just about make my day!
According to the original spoilers, Adam is there - and he has a good part in the episode, which might even provide us with a little bit of character development. Unless they are EEEEEVIL and got rid of that, he'll be there. ;)
oh no please let him be in there!!! and hey he can push mac and stella back...lock them in a flipping storage closet give adam all the glory muah haha.

I loved Adam in Bad Beat!!!! the video...AND the pants. the start of the greatness that is Danny and Adam!!!! Think i need to start rewatching those eps again as i have taken a sick day... =] thats it bad beat is going in right now! =]
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