I love it when Kristine interviews Eddie. The man really puts thought into his answers. I didn't agree with everything he said, particularly about Flack's relationship with Angell, but I am biased in that regard. I loved his assessment of Flack being an arm's-length guy, though, and his fanboying of Brian Dennehy. And his New York slipped out late in the interview with a double negative and lack of subject-verb agreement. It was adorable, though the tight-assed grammar pedant in me hopes it's not a habit.
As for Veasey's l33t analysis of the Adam situation, it just further proves my hypothesis that TPTB are a herd of Styrofoam-chewing imbeciles. Critical thinking is clearly and sadly beyond their ken. If the guy is alive when Adam pulls him out and remains so afterwards, then Adam rescued him, a phrase which here means "saved his life". If the victim would've survived without Adam's help, then there would be no drama, and Adam could've done his character a favor and exited the scene before any damage was done.
I suspect that Veasey doesn't play with language much. Or if she did, the virulent strain of DL baby rabies has rotted her brain.
As for Veasey's l33t analysis of the Adam situation, it just further proves my hypothesis that TPTB are a herd of Styrofoam-chewing imbeciles. Critical thinking is clearly and sadly beyond their ken. If the guy is alive when Adam pulls him out and remains so afterwards, then Adam rescued him, a phrase which here means "saved his life". If the victim would've survived without Adam's help, then there would be no drama, and Adam could've done his character a favor and exited the scene before any damage was done.
I suspect that Veasey doesn't play with language much. Or if she did, the virulent strain of DL baby rabies has rotted her brain.