CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

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Don't know if this is okay to write, still new here. So feel free to reprimand me if i'm not supposed to. It's about these super secret spoiler websites. Can anyone access them? I'm guessing no but I would sure like a link. Do I have to pay for some kind of membership, just wondering, cause it all sounds so secretive. I'd really like to get a look at them.
Can we please drop discussion about the sources of spoilers? Seriously, guys, sources dry up if you discuss them and it would suck not to get spoilers. I'd really like to not have to ask this again so please, let's drop the conversation about the source and talk about the spoilers themselves.

Is there a preview for Yahrzeit up yet on YouTube? I saw one somewhere else (not a place I can link to) and the episode looks great!
My mistake. Just simply curious. I still don't understand. But I shall drop it. If anyone has the power to delete my previous post, go ahead(i've tried but I can't find how).

And i'd also like to know about the promo, i asked before. They usually have a promo out by now..
Ceindreadh, I don't remember reading anywhere that they were filming some new season episodes before going on hiatus. Does anyone know if that's the case?
I could have sworn that I read it here about them filming new seasons eps.
If not here, then it must have been mentioned on the TWOP forums.
I really think that the writers can have the knowledge and witness to pull out htricks to mislead u .. after all u r their only asset and they'll try to make it exciting for the season Finale and increase the viewers they have .. !!
Im not fond wiht cliffhangers because i always know that they will turn out in a good way because they wont kill some1 at the beginning of a new season .. !!
About Danny falling in a coma .. i think that is too far fetched and too Soap opera kind of story .. !!
the death of some1 important i think is more realistic and easier to believe .. !!
Just read this on tvguide.com, not that is tells us anything new really.

CSI: NY (May 20, CBS)
Danny and Lindsay's baby drama takes a back seat to actual life-and-death issues as the CBS procedural wraps up its fifth season. What you may have heard: One member of Mac's team will be murdered within the episode's first 10 minutes. What you may not know: The finale's cliff-hanger will place a second major character in jeopardy, with his or her fate left up in the air until the fall's Season 6 premiere.
Angell's not a member of Mac's team persay. And I thought Angell was more or less caught in the crossfire and that the bullet was actually meant for Connor? So, maybe someone else is murdered and Angell's life status is up in the air? :sigh: I keep going back and forth. :lol: Adam and Flack just better be okay. :lol:
Just read this on tvguide.com, not that is tells us anything new really.

CSI: NY (May 20, CBS)
Danny and Lindsay's baby drama takes a back seat to actual life-and-death issues as the CBS procedural wraps up its fifth season. What you may have heard: One member of Mac's team will be murdered within the episode's first 10 minutes. What you may not know: The finale's cliff-hanger will place a second major character in jeopardy, with his or her fate left up in the air until the fall's Season 6 premiere.

Interesting wording. Maybe we're not the only ones sick of Danny and Lindsay's baby drama. :lol: :p ;)

I'm really curious as to who's going to be in danger in the cliffhanger. I hope it's someone we'd actually worry about not coming back next season. Though do characters in jeopardy in the cliffhanger ever actually die?
I'm really curious as to who's going to be in danger in the cliffhanger. I hope it's someone we'd actually worry about not coming back next season. Though do characters in jeopardy in the cliffhanger ever actually die?

Only Warrick as far as I recall... with the CSI shows anyway. Yeah, it needs to be someone we're invested in. Not some recurring character such as Gillian or anyone like that.

I meant to post earlier but I was the last post and didn't want to double post. I just wanted to thank you for the PM (I tried looking for a reply button but could not find one anywhere!). It cleared everything up for me. Thanks!
And thanks Poppet for that spoiler tidbit. " one member of Mac's team will be murdered" huh. I guess that could be a hyperbole. But looking at the ONE part of the sentence makes me wonder. If the cliffhanger will be Angell. She's part of the team in her episodes. So don't want it to be her. And all this stuff can never really be interpreted right. The whole "another CSI member's life is in danger" and the Yes answer from Ausellio. *sighs*

And this is my 50th post so yay to me!
Awesome Fruitbat. TYVM very cool to see behind the scenes stuff.
Almost kind of makes ya feel like your an extra or stage hand:guffaw:
Sheesh I wish!
No offense intended, but I don't believe that TPTB are "smart" enough to raise false spoilers just in order to leave a big question mark in the audience's head... honestly, I don't think they even suspect that we suspect Angell's dying...
Rach, I don't quite agree with you here. Anyone anywhere can register here and have a look around. It would be extremely easy to create an alter ego, say, Gracie Ann from Oklahoma, and post your way around to see what people think and how they feel about the spoilers.

Exactly! I agree with you... but the thing is I don't really think they bother to read fan forums... ;)

No offense, but I trust my own spoiler sources more than this 'Danny is in a coma' stuff. The information about Angell dying did not come from Wikipedia - it came from the same place where we get most of the spoilers about the episodes. And having looked at these spoilers for the past few seasons, I feel pretty confident saying that they are usually accurate - and when they're not, it's because nothing is set in stone. If those spoilers are wrong about Angell dying, it's because TPTB either changed it or they put them out there to intentionally mislead us.

I didn't make it up or interpret vague spoilers when I said it was Angell - I said it was Angell because the spoilers we use (and which I trust) indicated that she was the one to die. I can't name the source because, as Top said not too long ago in here, we're not allowed to. But I will say it's the same source I use to write the spoiler reports for CSI Files - if you read those reports, you know that things are not always 100% accurate, but they tend to be pretty darn close.

ETA: For reference, here's the spoiler report for "The Past, Present and Murder", which we saw last week - it's not 100%, but it's close. Those spoilers are from the same source as the ones I used to determine that Angell would die in the finale.

I'm not trying to say these coma spoilers aren't real because they may very well be for all I know - but I remain skeptical. I trust certain spoiler sources, but I don't even know the source of this rumor. (What I mean to say is that I'm not trying to sound rude or anything - just because I don't see it doesn't mean it isn't a legitimate spoiler source, and I'm not trying to sound like a snob. I'm just...skeptical.)

BTW, I wouldn't say TPTB aren't "smart" enough to mislead us. If they wanted to go through the extra trouble, I have no doubt that they could easily send us on a wild goose chase. I know the original CSI had some misleading spoilers when it wasn't known whether Sara would live or die after being kidnapped by the Miniature Killer, so NY could certainly fabricate spoilers to mislead us.

Fay I swear by your spoilers! :thumbsup:
They sure change things (not only on CSI NY, but any series), but never too drastically - prove is most DVD extras are full of unaired/cut-off scenes isnt that right?! but...
...regarding the plot surprises factor, I don't know... I just don't know... :shifty: CSI:NY has been so predictable in the past 3 seasons, always Mac or Stella in danger and/or playing superhero... so the outcome has been kind of predictable as well... that's why I'm kinda of blah about it, that's also the reason I said they're not "smart enough" to mislead us, because they have been so predictable! :( or maybe it's just me... So... I blindly trust Fay's spoilers and I think Angell's gonna die in the 1st 10 min; and I have a gut feeling the endangered one is gonna be either Hawkes (makes sense to me because of his recent plotline) or Mac/Stella(safe old, same old), but not Danny at all (pleaso god no! :scream::scream::scream::scream:)

Hmmm...now it could perfectly be Adam, too. :shifty: Couldn't it? What do you guys think? Oh I just don't know anymore. :rolleyes: I guess I should just wait for the episodes now...:)
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