CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

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It's not much, but this person on youtube was behind the scenes for what clearly looks like the filming of the season finale. There are ten parts, each mostly only seconds long, but in the last part (10th) you can catch a glimpse of Emmanuelle!

Here is the link:


I would figure they would have serious security, this is the second video that we see with the finale scenes being shot. Weird....

ETA: There is also another vid, this one posted by CBS:

It's interesting to see what parts they really have focused on that they thing are important for catching us up on....
Something is just really fishy with all of these on-set videos. I was just on the set of the original CSI recently, and I'm pretty damn sure (and Top can confirm this) that filming of that kind would not be allowed by the normal civilian. The closest thing I got to do was take photos of me with cast members and writers. No video is allowed, and photos of the episode (spoiler-like) are not allowed.

I'm thinking a production member is doing this, and trying to throw us off.
Yeah, but you were on the actual set - they were filming this in the middle of a street. I'm guessing it would be much harder to control things in that situation.

CdfSjaI said:

ETA: There is also another vid, this one posted by CBS:

It's interesting to see what parts they really have focused on that they thing are important for catching us up on....
I love how half of the recap is about the baby drama - with hardly any reference to the flashdrive. :rolleyes:

I wonder why they bothered to show the team giving up their vacation time to save Adam (considering that I don't think Adam appeared in the recap at all) - a hint that maybe that storyline hasn't fallen into the Black Hole of Continuity?
But still, that person was right up near the film monitors with a camera, and not a single crew member did anything about it. While filming on a street has higher chances of having onlookers, I doubt that they could get that close without someone saying something.
If the finale airs and Angell doesn't die, nothing matches the original spoilers and Aiden is working for the Men in Black - I'll send TPTB flowers for the hard work they put into throwing us off. Otherwise, I'm just not convinced. :p
I'm trying so hard to believe the spoilers! :lol: I really am. :p But I have been fooled too many times by TPTB on TV shows, and I wouldn't put it past them to change it on us.

I luv you, Fay. :eek:
love the vid with EV on it, but yeah it's kinda weird that the production team didn't stop the person from filming. i mean, they must know that any vid can be posted on this particular site called youtube. :p

and that's EV's name on the chair right? lol.
Given that Angell is supposed to die in the first 10 minutes, it's possible that TPTB feel that it's not the 'big' storyline of the episode, and therefore it's not as important to conceal what's happening. Maybe they feel that by letting out all the spoilers for Angell's death, it'll be easier to control the ones relating to the cliffhanger.
I wonder why they bothered to show the team giving up their vacation time to save Adam (considering that I don't think Adam appeared in the recap at all) - a hint that maybe that storyline hasn't fallen into the Black Hole of Continuity?

He was in the recap barely... in the scene where Danny told them the baby was a girl. :lol:

Given that Angell is supposed to die in the first 10 minutes, it's possible that TPTB feel that it's not the 'big' storyline of the episode, and therefore it's not as important to conceal what's happening. Maybe they feel that by letting out all the spoilers for Angell's death, it'll be easier to control the ones relating to the cliffhanger.

That's a good theory and I agree with it. I think if the vic had been one of the people in the opening credits, they would have kept it more tight-lipped.
I luv you, Fay. :eek:
ILU2 BB. :p And you're right, we've all been tricked before, so it's definitely possible.

I wonder why they bothered to show the team giving up their vacation time to save Adam (considering that I don't think Adam appeared in the recap at all) - a hint that maybe that storyline hasn't fallen into the Black Hole of Continuity?
He was in the recap barely... in the scene where Danny told them the baby was a girl. :lol:
Oh yes, of course. :lol:

Given that Angell is supposed to die in the first 10 minutes, it's possible that TPTB feel that it's not the 'big' storyline of the episode, and therefore it's not as important to conceal what's happening. Maybe they feel that by letting out all the spoilers for Angell's death, it'll be easier to control the ones relating to the cliffhanger.
That's a good theory and I agree with it. I think if the vic had been one of the people in the opening credits, they would have kept it more tight-lipped.
They have managed to keep the details about the cliffhanger secure - and perhaps by talking only about the death, they're keeping our attention exactly where they want it. :shifty:

Let's just hope people don't change the channel in disgust when they realize the death is a recurring character and don't actually see the cliffhanger. :lol:
Yep, I was just about to say--this big cliffhanger thing has been kept totally secret. It makes me think a lot of this stuff is to distract from the big storyline...which I hope means it's going to be BIG.

vegaslights is right--no one would be able to film covertly that close to set. There's nothing they could do about the earlier videos (which seemed to be taken from above by someone in an apartment, but the ones on set had to be authorized (and probably taken by someone on the crew or a guest of someone on the crew). I only watched #10--didn't seem to be anything to spoilery on them, was there?

It is interesting that the CBS season recap focused on the budget problems and the DL wedding/baby almost exclusively, with a bit of Flack's police brutality story and the Greek coin storyline. If there was a theme to it, it was about people on the team pushing boundaries/breaking rules--and then of course the fluffy DL stuff. I'm surprised there was nothing about the flashdrive or even the Greek coins really.
Don't think these have been posted yet. Press Releases for both "Grounds for Deception" and "Pay Up".
Noted that there are no other writers listed with Melina. I guess I woulda assumed she'd be collaborating rather than penning the whole thing? Wow. :) Also noticed that the guy directing Melina's ep also did Snow Day, What You See, and a coupla other eps. I'm very much looking forward to it.

As for the finale, I'm happy to see Nelly back as Terence Davis, though also curious, because of the lapse in time since we last saw him, the fact that there was a character very similar to him. Was he always on the whole 3-ep arc, same as others? I only recall seeing him in two other eps.

Also curious about the listing of a 'Sniper' cast, and wonder if this ties into the cliffhanger aspect, seeing as Angell apparently gets shot inside the restaurant. Not saying a sniper couldn't/wouldn't do that, but I just kinda associate "sniper" with 'outdoor long distance...'

It will be an intense week of CSI-viewings.

Something is just really fishy with all of these on-set videos. I was just on the set of the original CSI recently, and I'm pretty damn sure (and Top can confirm this) that filming of that kind would not be allowed by the normal civilian. The closest thing I got to do was take photos of me with cast members and writers. No video is allowed, and photos of the episode (spoiler-like) are not allowed.

I'm thinking a production member is doing this, and trying to throw us off.

.... But still, that person was right up near the film monitors with a camera, and not a single crew member did anything about it. While filming on a street has higher chances of having onlookers, I doubt that they could get that close without someone saying something.
It very much seemed like the person shooting the clips had permission to be there, and in some places seemed to have a handler or guide pointing people and things out, almost like a tour, and one person even waved at and acknlowdeged the cameraperson midsentence while talking about something else. PA or guest or whoever, I got not clue who would be allowed on set with a camera in hand, but again, nothing new or particularly revealing seemed to be included for all that.

If the finale airs and Angell doesn't die, nothing matches the original spoilers and Aiden is working for the Men in Black - I'll send TPTB flowers for the hard work they put into throwing us off. Otherwise, I'm just not convinced. :p

Somehow I like the idea that Aiden's working for MIB. :p This greatly amuses me. Fed. All along..

Given that Angell is supposed to die in the first 10 minutes, it's possible that TPTB feel that it's not the 'big' storyline of the episode, and therefore it's not as important to conceal what's happening. Maybe they feel that by letting out all the spoilers for Angell's death, it'll be easier to control the ones relating to the cliffhanger.
That sounds very plausible, gotta agree. In a way, having the Death in the first ten minutes of a two-part episode does obviously feel like the cliffhanger's what they deem important, but in a way it almost cheapens the death in the first place. I hope the continuity of it for S6 is handled well, so it doesn't just feel like a way to set everything in motion only to be forgotten about or minimalized later.

The synopsis vid felt predictably CBS, if that makes sense, but still curious for what it omitted as much as for what it ultimately included and focused on. As for the bugdet problems, I guess that's a fair focus seeing as Dunbrook wrote a cheque for $20million and features in the finale. I'll hafta watch it again. Were the eps highlighted mostly character-centric ones? Mebbe eps where people were called into question, who is accountable for what events and choices and to what standards? I guess I shouldn't hope for CBS to be so deeply themed in putting such a thing together :lol:
I didn't watch the most recent videos - only the one that was posted before - so I guess I assumed it was done in the same way. I went and watched #10 - it's not what I was thinking it was. But as was already mentioned, there wasn't anything spoilery in that clip (I don't think Emmanuelle even had blood on her at that point). So it's entirely possible that the person was given permission to film - of course, I'm wondering why the videos were in such small segments. 30 seconds here, 20 seconds there. *shrug*
Didn't one of the producers do an interview with TVGuide about it being certain that all the regular cast members will be back? Why would they work so hard to keep the cliffhanger a secret, if they told us everyone is returning. Then we already know that this "other csi will be in a life-threatening situation" will be okay?

I don't even know how I feel about this whole cliffhanger theme. I agree, with Elwood, i think it might cheapen the death. The only way I would be okay with it is if it is Flack, because it would most likely tie in with Angell's death, and i'd just love to see Flack going a little reckless because of being distraught, etc. The spoilers did say that Flack was going to work the case. I guess i'd like to see him shoot the bastards that killed Angell. If the cliffhanger is Danny, I will be very annoyed! I do not need the D/L soap opera for the finale.
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