CSI: NY Season 5 Spoiler Discussion--Drama in Alphabet City!

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^ It's not that I wasn't expecting something so... so... *throws up* The thing is the promo caught me off-guard. I was still in awe with 5.22 and seeing the video has been a huge slap that's brought me back to reality: we must obligatory love Montana Jr., we must be oh so happy she's born, we must cry with joy because their parents' relationship has been so greatly portrayed all over this and the past seasons, yadayadayada... why? Well, because it's mandatory! My only remaining doubt, ingenious as it may sound, is "will there be a case during 5.23 or is it not necessary because the baby's awesomeness will be enough?" Don't answer now, I can't take so much cheesy, my arteries are already clogged with cholesterol.
^ It's not that I wasn't expecting something so... so... *throws up* The thing is the promo caught me off-guard. I was still in awe with 5.22 and seeing the video has been a huge slap that's brought me back to reality: we must obligatory love Montana Jr., we must be oh so happy she's born, we must cry with joy because their parents' relationship has been so greatly portrayed all over this and the past seasons, yadayadayada... why? Well, because it's mandatory! My only remaining doubt, ingenious as it may sound, is "will there be a case during 5.23 or is it not necessary because the baby's awesomeness will be enough?" Don't answer now, I can't take so much cheesy, my arteries are already clogged with cholesterol.

As this seems to have been missed I thought I would repost and set your mind at rest that there is a case in 23 If you watch this its the Canadian promo for next weeks ep and no mention of the baby.

No, it hasn't Fruitbar, but thanks for the reminder and the video anyway. I reckon next time I'll have to post my comments between "outraged and ironic" tags.
No, it hasn't Fruitbar, but thanks for the reminder and the video anyway. I reckon next time I'll have to post my comments between "outraged and ironic" tags.

Hope you dont think I was being cheaky :( Cause I loved your thoughts on Montana Jr. I was just trying to reasure you guys that I dont think the whole ep will be about *shudder* the baby:) I just thought you may have missed the earlier post with the non baby promo..

I was not overly happy about the CBS trailer, because (and sorry CBS) I dont tune in to see D/L's continuing unconvincing supposed happy family drama, so putting that as one of the highlights for the final 3 eps does not make me want to watch. So when I saw the Canadian one I felt much better.. It means I wont have to fast forward throught the whole ep.:lol:

P.S its fruitbat. ;)
*facepalm* I forgot how to read! Sorry, honey :alienblush:

You're not being cheeky or anything. The promo you posted actually gives me some hope. The wedding fanvid wasn't exactly the best thing since sliced bread, but at least it didn't take over the whole episode -there was still too little Adam despite the previous enthusiasm. However, the spoilers posted here suggest Lindsay's labor will be a difficult one, which means it will be sooooo long and the episode will finish with the whole lab family gathered to welcome Montana Jr. The case doesn't look that bad, though.
See this is why I dread that, other CSI in danger in the final ep wiill be Danny. Which would mean that we will get more Messer family drama which will spill over into season 6. I was kinda hopping that once he/she was born that would be the last we would see of the new family unit. Doesnt look like it though..:(
Not really, we'll get to see Danny and Lindsay "struggling with parenthood" and their story won't be a bed of roses. Mind you, I'm not against this particular baby being part of the show, but against all these soapy storylines. The idea of CSI babies is cute... for a few seconds. If they're parents, I don't mind some scattered mentions, but I'd hate to see this personal stuff becoming the center of the show. I know characters are supposed to have a life outside work -well, at least some of them, Mac and Stella appear to be the epitome of workaholics-, but this is not the way to show it. Take Sheldon's mention of his uncle, on the other hand. It worked beautifully both as some character insight and as a plot device :thumbsup:
Yeah, I thought the promo was kinda cheesy. My husband said "oh, no, she's back? Can I skip it next week?". Of course, I told him he could skip it. That way, I can watch it alone!

I just hope it doesn't become a soap opera (any more than it already has been...)

That promo does make me laugh. Poor Adam, the look on his face is hilarious. :lol: Why am I not surprised that Lindsay's water breaks in the lab?

Because practically everything they have done has been in the lab. I wouldn't be surprised to find out the kid was conceived in the locker room or on an autopsy table while everyone was on break.:lol::lol::lol:

I hope the baby episode isn't too overdone. She does have a pretty tight grip on the front of his shirt doesn't she? I imagine he froze the first time she asked him to help and she had to get his attention somehow.
My immediate reaction to the promo:
"The biggest event"? Really? REALLY?!
Dear CBS: Please read your own spoilers. There's something in the finale that I think just MIGHT be a BIT bigger...

Other than that:
1) Adam is adorable.
2) Totally not surprised that she's in the lab. Otherwise they might have had to have her at home. Although it could be worse; she could've been at a crime scene.

I can't fastforward through the episode, but I'm not watching parts that have to do with D/L Jr. Why? Because I despise babies on TV. That probably sounds worse than I intend it to, but I always cringe when they show main characters going into labor and whatnot. It doesn't help that I dislike D/L in the first place.
My immediate reaction to the promo:
"The biggest event"? Really? REALLY?!
Dear CBS: Please read your own spoilers. There's something in the finale that I think just MIGHT be a BIT bigger...

I suspect it's just a play on words to fit with the rest of the promo, weddings and babies are commonly referred to as 'big' events. Plus, maybe they've now decided to play it subtle about the other 'bigger' event coming up - I doubt it though. :)

I'm really not surprised about having Adam there as her water breaks, they're obviously going for the awkward and funny approach. I'm just hoping that they're not going down the whole 'Danny's stuck somewhere so Adam's gonna be the 'daddy' surrogate' route. :rolleyes:
I'm really not surprised about having Adam there as her water breaks, they're obviously going for the awkward and funny approach
Which is too bad because it makes it that much harder to take the whole thing serious. The whole story writing has been childish and immature and very hard to swallow as "Serious". The wedding was silly and now this well I hope there saving the "best" because if that is it...Pretty hokey guys:wtf:

I must say running such a silly promo after such a brilliant episode really soiled the moment. Trying to make Lindsey look funny at Adams expense just makes me come to dislike her more. She treats Adam kind of ignorant in my opinion.
just putting this out there but did anybody else notice that on the CBS promo, it showed Mac, stella and then Flack?? am i the only one that thinks thats kind of random?? maybe its like a hidden message into the season finale... hahaha oh god, yeah thats right i dig deeper into little promo's to find a deeper meaning lol
just putting this out there but did anybody else notice that on the CBS promo, it showed Mac, stella and then Flack?? am i the only one that thinks thats kind of random?? maybe its like a hidden message into the season finale... hahaha oh god, yeah thats right i dig deeper into little promo's to find a deeper meaning lol
I noticed that, too. And I watched the promo again to see if I haven´t overlooked the other ones:lol: I think I shouldn´t read so many spoilers:D
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