Great ep!
What I liked:
The train scene was awesome, but Lindsay's line 'I think we're going for a ride' had me saying, 'Well, DUH, yeah!'. :lol:
Mac ignoring the Rent-a-Cop as he searched the deserted floor in the Tribune Tower was cool, and he looked damn hot doing it, esp. when he pulled a gun.:drool: The way he worked out what the word was was very cool!
Loved Danny's solution to stop the train. When something electronic p*sses ya off, throw a rock at it. It was great to see him actually save the team as he's always the damsel in distress. I liked how Mac and the others made sure to mention it.
Loved seeing Mac in Chicago and enjoyed his interaction with Brennan (who made me think of Kathy Reichs' character! and also of Peyton, she looked like her). Brennan was a bit abrasive with Mac, but she had right to be, and she did apologize (sort of) for giving him 'bad reception'.
Loved Flack and Stella's looks when Sinclair came to them to complain about Mac. Flack's expression as he walked with Sinclair was classic!
Jimmy and Mac's confrontation was tense and interesting.
Loved Flack's subway line.
Mac's story about what happened when he was 14 was interesting and belivable. Little Mac was cute, but he looked 12, not 14. That must have been a horrible thing to go through, especially for Jimmy and Andy but also for Mac. But Mac's not a coward, he just didn't want to be a murderer. Jimmy shot to protect his brother, so instinct probably took over with him, but I can understand why Mac, who was just Will's brother's friend, would hesitate. That Mac had nightmares for years after shows that he's still haunted by what happened.
Loved that Sinclair went into the building to help Mac out and they had that little conversation before hand. Bubba ain't so bad after all, it seems.
-Flack, Mac and Danny all in Kevlar and with guns, yay!:drool::drool:
Drew was very evil and crazy, but I could sympathize with his pain.
The team is Mac's 'family', awww!
Loved the look in Mac's eyes when Drew threatened Stella and the rest of the team, saying whoever came through the door first would die.
The laser set-up was cool.
Jimmy came back to help out Mac and his brother, yay Jimmy. I was so glad he didn't die.
Yay for Mac for not killing Drew. Despite what Drew did, Mac seemed to feel sympathy for him, or for his family at least.
What I didn't like:
-Lindsay's hair. Ugh.
-TWO more renditions of the 333 story.
-Flack following Danny rather than Drew's potential 'victim', Mac, and Mac going off on his own and the rest of the team letting him, in Drew's 'lair'.