Good ep!
The Adam puzzle scenes were so funny. Adam's so cute.
I loved how Stella confronted Drew, but going alone (TWICE!) to see him really wasn't such a bright idea.
I felt so sad for Mac when the last building in the puzzle was the one where he proposed to Claire. That was a low blow from Mr 333. But like you said Elsie, how did Mr 333 know? Not very belivable, TPTB!

I didn't mind Mac saying the puzzle was about him, because it WAS about him. Before he saw it, he did assume it was all about Stella, and was asking her questions about it. But the look on Lindsay's face when Mac mentioned the 333 caller and then when he practically ignored her and just talked to Stella and handed her the shirt was funny. I don't think Lindsay likes being left out of the loop. And the '333 caller' does sound strange when you first hear it.:lol:
I liked how it was Danny who made the connection that caught the caterer - the bubble goop from the guy's son's bubble thingy. Poor Danny was so wrong last week about Brandi's boyfriend, it was nice to see him make the vital connection this week. Yay Danny! And Adam offering him money to work out what the goop was was funny.
Snarky Flack, yay!
Loved Danny in interrogation with the caterer - 'How do you think your son's gonna feel when he finds out Daddy's a killer' - great scene!
Mac in Chicago - looking all intense and HOT (IMO) - yay!
I'm glad the bloody shirt FINALLY re-appeared.
Can't wait till The Thing about Heroes. Lots of Mac angst. And then the week after that, Child's Play, lots of Danny angst! Can't wait! Even though I've seen 'em already, I'm still really excited.