CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

*runs into thread**
Woohee - looks whos back!!
I see my name was mentioned! This time last year I was steering clear of spoilers! Not this year. Season 4 looks amazing!!
How is everyone? xxx
Thank you, you are help <3 And you're called Sammie too so thats pretty damn awesome. lol. Its been ages since I've been on here...I remember the night the boards crashed when Run Silent Run Deep aired in the USA. I stayed up until 6am to get a download of it.
Michelle, how're ya doin?? Good to see you back,

We're all waiting with baited breath for the communal head explosion at the sight of the one and only, Don Flack tonite. I'm just hopping around with impatience...
This time last year I was steering clear of spoilers!

This time last year I thought you were some nutter... now I know you are :p

You steered clear of spoilers last season?... oh is that like your steering clear of SP spoilers?

And you're called Sammie too so thats pretty damn awesome. lol. Its been ages since I've been on here...I remember the night the boards crashed when Run Silent Run Deep aired in the USA

We are very DAMN awesome!! and modesty is my middle name.

I have watched CSI NY from the very first time it was aired on 5, but I didn't get onto these boards until Season 3, I never knew there was a whole community out there!! I didn't even know what Slash was until I ventured into here, now every show I watch i'm slashing all over the place... sometimes though I go too far and it's just wrong.

the communal head explosion at the sight of the one and only, Don Flack tonite. I'm just hopping around with impatience...

MUCKY! - oh that sounded vaguely dirty... ;)

I will never forget the time Joolz said (I would quote verbatim but I can't remember it exactly) "... have that man slap an ASBO on me and organise my curfew..."

I bow down to the queen that is teh Joolz !!
And you're called Sammie too so thats pretty damn awesome. lol. Its been ages since I've been on here...I remember the night the boards crashed when Run Silent Run Deep aired in the USA

We are very DAMN awesome!! and modesty is my middle name.

I have watched CSI NY from the very first time it was aired on 5, but I didn't get onto these boards until Season 3, I never knew there was a whole community out there!! I didn't even know what Slash was until I ventured into here, now every show I watch i'm slashing all over the place... sometimes though I go too far and it's just wrong.
We're awesome! I forgot how amazing this place was in all honesty. It's pretty awesome, I remember the Run Silent Run Deep night like it was yesterday - it was pretty much the most awesome night ever on here. Man I miss this place, take me back!
RE: tonights episode.

I will post something coherent and grammtically correct tomorrow but right now all i can possibly say is...


Flack, Don Flack

The arms, the car chase, the shoulders, jealous Danny, the hulking chest... *deep breaths*, the arms, the snark, the shoulders, Sinclair having a go (pervert!), the hulking chest... :eek:

Eddie, Carmine has nothing on you and you didn't even have to show that much flesh...

In the words of Baloo "I'm gone man, solid gone"

* babbles to herself * the arms...shoulders.... chest... *faint*
Re: tonights ep.

Ok first new NY ep I've seen since S2 but oh my god what an ep. I died at the first scene with Flack and then the chasing and then the *dead* and the bit with Danny teasing Flack was adorable. So was the Danny and Lindsay interaction...but WTF at the end. The 333 thing. I need to know what is going down with that!
Ah, yes, my ASBO and curfew were organised properly (or improperly...mwahaha) I'm now tagged electronically (make of that what you will) ready and waiting to be tracked by Flack if I get a little naughty... ;)

And to the epi..Flack, baby, was seriously rockin' it last night. Jeez, arm porn at it's best...I threw something at the tv when he covered up.....and sulked.... :mad:

Flack, honey, slam me in the back of that cab and drive me.... :devil:

Only one complaint about the episode...........Toooooo much Lindsey....I'm sorry, but in little miss Montana's case LESS is definitely MORE

Someone should put out an APB on Adam....he's MIA and we need him back and quick.

And finally.......Lindsey DOES NOT ROCK no matter how much she doth protest.....
What I liked:

Flack in a wife-beater. YUMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMY! :devil:

Action Flack chasin' the bad guys.

Flack telling EVERYONE about his new girlfriend. :lol:

Jealous Danny!


Mac confiding in Flack about 333. The scene really showed the friendship between them.

Mac and Sinclair's first scene together. Despite their differences in the past, they were open and honest and adult with one another - Mac didn't rub the email in Sinclair's face, and Sinclair acknowledged that he was now in a similar position to the one he put Mac in back in s3 when he gave that little nod. Nice. I like that they can work as professionals on the case too - Sinclair asked Mac to solve the case fast and Mac tried to do that for him.

Flack in a tux.

Flack interviewing the bad guy at the end and getting him to open up by appealing to his pride about the car.

What I didn't like:

Flack's girlfriend.

Stella once again having her boobies on display at work. :rolleyes:

Lindsey's 'I rock'/dancing scene. :mad: :rolleyes:

Sinclair accusing Mac and his team of leaking the email. If he trusted Mac enough to talk to him about it, he should know Mac isn't petty enough to leak it. And didn't he think it was possible whoever robbed him leaked it? But then I suppose he does have a right to be paranoid, just as Mac did last season. But Mac wasn't in the right with his attitude then, although it was understandable, and the same applies to Sinclair here.

Stella's dress at the stakout. Yes, she looked great, and yes she had to dress uo to fit in, but is so much boobage really appropriate? :rolleyes: It's a good job Flack was there because there's no way she'd've been able to chase the woman outside like he did dressed like that.

Mac not wearing gloves at the end to examine the case. Naughty Mac! I mean, they could always elimate his fingerprints later on if they examine the evidence, but handling evidence w/o gloves is a big CSI no-no.
Now I have semi recovered from the serious pornage of last nights episode and managed to work out what the hell the crime was actually about I will give my review.

It was nice to see a glimpse into Flack's personal life, I to was not keen on Devon but I get the feeling we weren't supposed to like her, me thinks they are trying to sell to us that Flack is a bit of "the man about town", hockey benefit, cop meets socialite, none of the team knew about her including Danny which would suggest to me the "Girlfriend" he KEPT mentioning was not in fact a serious one. Just a thought, I did love Flacks face though when she draped herself over him and mentioned the party "Great?!" :lol:!!

Action!Flack is always a joy to watch. Anyone else completely jealous of Devon, and altough I didn't like her, i did like her reaction to him telling her to call 911, she looked kinda pleased... :lol:

The James Bond references did grate a little but over all it was a good homage to the film series and I didn't find it totally unbelievable once "the science bit" was explained. Flack's reation to the car "What the hell kinda car are you?!?!?" was exactly what I thought.

Danny and Lindsey, now I get the feeling the romance has been dropped, which I am damn pleased about. I did actually like their scenes together last night, and Lindsey was light and fluffy which is what Anna Belknap does well. The "I rock" scene, was not funny, my feeling was we were supposed to see her as geeky and find it funny that she thought she was "cool"... Adam (or AJ Buckley) would have made that funnier but that is my own opinion. I did love their nerdsquad car talk, and the date with the Batmobile, sometimes you forget that they are lab techs first, cops second and it was nice that it was brought to the forefront.

Stella's dress was amazing!! I want me one of those. MacsLady , I know exactly where you are coming from but I actually think it was one of those times where the boobage was warranted and Flack's "Flack, Don Flack" was just fantastic!!

I to liked the Mac/ Sinclair scenes, they behaved like mature, professional adults (after the last season I was dreading the scenes but i'm glad they pulled it together) it made for some good drama, to an otherwise cracktastic plot.

Not much of Hawkes or Stella really, she was used most of the time to balance Flack out a little, but I do love Flack and Stella together and often their scenes are a delight to watch as Melina and Eddie play so well off each other.

As a true D/F girl I loved the Danny/ Flack scene last night, so Flack didn't tell Messer about his "Girlfriend" (I think you mean BEARD Donnie!)? He looked a little embarrassed about it too... and did Danny's teasing of Flack sound to anyone else a little snarky and jealous? Yes... good! See Messer two can play that game, if you don't move soon some other girl could get their claws into your cop in bullet proof vest. ;)

The actual crime itself, well it wasn't very believable, but it was. Gadgets galore and beautful girls aplenty made it feel bondesque and the technology used didn't feel too out of this world. I did love the idea of the jacket being a computer and downloading personal data. As we saw it could have (and maybe has had) some serious implications. I actually hope they carry that over and we see what happens to Sinclair (but I doubt we will).

In Mac's case, I'm glad he confided in Flack (an awful lot of people confide in Flack?!?!) and that the story is being looked into now, I hate it when they drag it out for too long, I get bored... sorry. My only problem is that now i've heard the voice I know who it is... couldn't they have kept us the audience guessing as well? or maybe they want us to know so we wait in anticipation for Mac?... ah! :rolleyes:

And yes where is Adam Ross? We need him, we miss our cute, geeky lab tech!! :(

I shall leave it there as I think I have waffled enough.
Any shots of Flack in a state of undress are welcome ones! CSI:NY is definitely becoming the best out of the trio, the episodes are getting better and better!

Though some of the references in last nights episode seemed far fetched (despite the fact I studied multimedia and touched upon digital clothing) and the James Bond references got a little stale. I did really enjoy it, and it was good to see an episode that found itself centered towards Flack. A character, which in my opinion is often over looked.

Devon? Hmm... Jury's still out on that one, not sure if I like her or not. But judging on the way she came across (excited about being invited to a party because her apartment got burgled), I don't think we are supposed to like her.

It does seem like they're painting Flack as the man about town and I must admit I kinda like it, but I'd like to know where he gets the time to do it! lol

Sammy11 said:
My only problem is that now i've heard the voice I know who it is... couldn't they have kept us the audience guessing as well? or maybe they want us to know so we wait in anticipation for Mac?... ah! :rolleyes:

And yes where is Adam Ross? We need him, we miss our cute, geeky lab tech!! :(

How I wish I had Sky+, I couldn't really hear anything when he answered the phone. How long do you think they're going to keep it going? I just hope it's not too long otherwise it's just going to get dull.

You are right - everyone uses Flack as a shoulder to lean on! And yes, Adam was very much missed this week!
xxmaybe said:
It does seem like they're painting Flack as the man about town and I must admit I kinda like it, but I'd like to know where he gets the time to do it! lol

He is Super!Flack... He works, Vice, Homocide, Hostage situations, Terrorist threats and now takes place in High Speed pursuits and undercover ops... To be quite honest i think Devon left her window open so he could fly through it with his red cape and lycra suit! :lol:

I like it, as I think Eddie Cahill can play it without making it sleazy... but i'm a D/F girl so I don't want him catting about too much.

xxmaybe said:
You are right - everyone uses Flack as a shoulder to lean on!

But what a pair of shoulders!!! :devil:

xxmaybe said:
How long do you think they're going to keep it going? I just hope it's not too long otherwise it's just going to get dull.

I know it's going to be about another 6 or so episodes... so not too long and there is a lot of action and drama involved with it so it should be interesting and fun to watch.
I'm really goodf thanks Joolz! Thanks for the welcome back!
Sammy, I try really hard to steer clear of spoilers - if the shows weren't so good it wouldn't be a problem!! Nutter MOI!!

Last night's episode - your telling something actually happened after the first five minutes! I'm going to have to re watch it!!

Lindsay does not rock at all - but she's not as annoying as normal but then again I can't remember anything apart from the phsique of the Flackster!!
Sammy11 said:
But what a pair of shoulders!!! :devil:
Hmm, what shoulders indeed! Such a good use of that icon!

Sammy11 said:
He is Super!Flack... He works, Vice, Homocide, Hostage situations, Terrorist threats and now takes place in High Speed pursuits and undercover ops... To be quite honest i think Devon left her window open so he could fly through it with his red cape and lycra suit! :lol:
A man of so many talents! Imagine if he left? The crime rate in New York would go up ten fold!

Sammy11 said:
I know it's going to be about another 6 or so episodes... so not too long and there is a lot of action and drama involved with it so it should be interesting and fun to watch.
Yippee! I'm glad to hear it's not going to be strung out! I'm racking my brain trying to figure out who it could be, but I think I'd like to see how it unfolds and see if I'm pleasantly surprised! :D
I really hope that this Devon character wont be back in anymore episodes.

Ok i watched the repeat on Five US, a couple of hours ago, stuck at work sat eve grrrrrrr.
On the whole i enjoyed it, lots of yummy Flack which is always a good thing.
Found the James Bond theme a little silly but hey. Stella loves her boobs doesnt she?? Didn't like the dress.
Was Lyndsay wearing high heel stelltos at the crime scene?? Maybe my eyes were decieving me?
Very curious about the 333 thing with Mac now... hopefully wont be dragged out too long. Whoops answered above.