There's a new trailer featuring Danny, and according to that they'll be repeating the new episode at 9pm every Sunday on FiveUS.
So, "The Deep":
I didn't think this was as strong as last week's episode, but to be fair a season opener has to be big. There were a few things I liked though:
- Flack teasing Danny about Staten Island: "Too late to give it back?"
- Flack again re the mermaid being registered under a false name: "I thought that was a little fishy myself"
- Stella teasing Flack about wanting to question all the single women.
- Sid, for once outside the autopsy room! I loved his reaction when the gas escaped from the vic too.
- Sheldon's near-death experience, when he said Sid was "standing over me, firing up the bone spreader". I wonder if it's common to imagine your own autopsy in that situation if you've seen a lot of them. Maybe he could take a quick trip to Vegas and discuss it with Nick (I'm getting that slash feeling!)
- Mac getting all angry with the terrorist. It was kind of uncomfortable, but no doubt any regular viewer would know he wouldn't actually kill the guy, just scare him.
- Mac again, looking hot as ever :devil:
- Stella's glasses.
Things I didn't like:
- After all the development last week, there was no sign of Adam.
- Has Lindsay been demoted to lab tech or something? She's not in the field anymore!
- Would Mac really change his extension without telling Stella?
- More bombs without any reaction from Flack.
- The plot escalated VERY quickly - bombs hadn't even been mentioned by the third ad break. Maybe they didn't want to do another "hunt the bomber" story, but the twist was too last-minute to have any real impact.
- Action Stella is cool enough as herself - she doesn't need to dress like Lara Croft.
- Stella's little toyboy seems a bit creepy, I'm surprised she didn't just tell him to push off.
- All that water, and no Wet Mac? I feel cheated