I really hope that this Devon character wont be back in anymore episodes.
Well i've just read (last night) an Eddie Cahill interview and he said it was the writers that wanted to call Devon his "Girlfriend", apparently he wasn't that comfortable doing so as he saw it more of a fling... which I think we all did too. So we can blame TPTB for that little annoyance, therefore I don't think she goes past that episode.
Plus as a little aside, apparently the little hallway teasing scene was made up by Eddie and Carmine, which i think is fantastic. It's great to know that these guys care about their characters to give more to us as an audience for depth and a feeling of background. So thank you guys, we sure do appreciate it!
It raises an interesting point for me though, obviously the actors have a say in how their characters are portrayed to some degree, Eddie is allowed to adlib as we've seen in other episodes (Trapped, with the "No way to treat good Pizza messer" and his jibe at the suspect in Superman "Sometimes brothers fight". Gary sinise is a producer on the show (occasionally?) and TPTB clearly feel comfortable in allowing Carmine and Eddie to mix it up a little, so I guess my question is, do you think the cast should be more involved in the production of it, maybe Eddie and Carmine could write and epsisode?... Gary could direct it? I just wondered how people would feel about that, they clearly have an input already... Just a thought.