CSI:NY Season 4 - U.K

I really hope that this Devon character wont be back in anymore episodes.

Well i've just read (last night) an Eddie Cahill interview and he said it was the writers that wanted to call Devon his "Girlfriend", apparently he wasn't that comfortable doing so as he saw it more of a fling... which I think we all did too. So we can blame TPTB for that little annoyance, therefore I don't think she goes past that episode.

Plus as a little aside, apparently the little hallway teasing scene was made up by Eddie and Carmine, which i think is fantastic. It's great to know that these guys care about their characters to give more to us as an audience for depth and a feeling of background. So thank you guys, we sure do appreciate it!

It raises an interesting point for me though, obviously the actors have a say in how their characters are portrayed to some degree, Eddie is allowed to adlib as we've seen in other episodes (Trapped, with the "No way to treat good Pizza messer" and his jibe at the suspect in Superman "Sometimes brothers fight". Gary sinise is a producer on the show (occasionally?) and TPTB clearly feel comfortable in allowing Carmine and Eddie to mix it up a little, so I guess my question is, do you think the cast should be more involved in the production of it, maybe Eddie and Carmine could write and epsisode?... Gary could direct it? I just wondered how people would feel about that, they clearly have an input already... Just a thought.
A few posts ago someone was talking about the S3 repeats, well they're actually on FRIDAYS at 11pm, not Sundays when S1 is being repeated.

"You Only Die Once" was a definite improvement on last week, I think.

- I got the feeling the teaser was supposed to be surprising, they didn't show Flack's face right away, so yet another case of "spoiled by the TV Guide" (by the way, why are those white vests called wife-beaters?)
- The cab driver who put the meter on. Do you think he got a reimbursement after Flack "borrowed" his cab? I like how they showed that the chase was a lot longer than they could show on screen, with that shot of the meter which got up to $63.50. I also love Flack talking to the car.
- Devon. She was portrayed as one of those Paris Hilton socialite types, maybe she's dating a cop to get in Daddy's good books, but chose Flack because he's a 'dangerous' cop.
- Bubba Sinclair starts off being nicer to Mac when it's revealed he was robbed too, but then ruins it with his reaction to the email. Mac had the decency to call him in, tell him to his face and he didn't rub it in too much: "If you're asking if I know what it's like to have my reputation called into question... I think you know the answer" (by the way, did anyone else cheer for Mac when he said that?) and then Sinclair went and blamed the wrong person again. The blame belongs to either the jacket's owner, whoever leaked the email, or possibly Sinclair himself if the allegations were true - and the person who made them if they're false. It's definitely not Mac's fault.
- So Sid had counselling in 3rd grade? Aww, poor little Sid! Judging what she said to his mum, maybe he was a bit of an ugly duckling in school.
- Mac needs to buy new clothes because his luggage went missing? Does he not own that many clothes, or did he actually take his work shirts on holiday? Still, at least it was an excuse for that sexy black shirt, and seeing as he's given up wearing ties he wouldn't notice the cardboard in the collar.
- OMG, Mr 333 is in town! The number makes sense now too, but I agree about Mac not being careful enough with the evidence. He could have dusted the lock for prints or something before opening it. There could have been anything in there, possibly dangerous - and was it really too inconvenient to pop down to the lab and get some latex gloves before opening it?
- Stella's dress. For once, having her girls on display was justified, sure it made the chase harder but she would've looked conspicuous if she hadn't dressed the part. I love her line as she caught the burglar too: "You'd never make it as a Bond girl driving like that". I figured out it was her early on though.

So, 5 days to go til next episode, and did anyone else catch the voiceover at the end of the repeat? Looks like someone's dying from a happy ending if you know what I mean...
(by the way, why are those white vests called wife-beaters?)

It's an UNPC but very common name for the vests, as (I think) it stems from the 50's... stereotypically men that wore then as an article of clothing rather than underwear were usually thugs/drunkards/lowlives... the kind of scum that beat their wives... hence the term wifebeater.

Not very nice but its what i grew up calling them and now I can't change it. I believe the australasians call them Singlets.
OK I finally watched the episode properly. Stuff does happen after the first five minutes!
I loved the episode, it may have been far fetched but I want the bat mobile. Devon annoyed the crap out of me, just didn't seem like the kinda girl Flack would go for. Not for girlfriend material.
Anyhoo I loved Danny's geekiness - and his scene with Flack (jealous messer). I also loved Mac's 333 connection - I am so intrigued with what's going on and who is this mystery person. Lindsay did not annoy me but she didn't really make an impression on the episode. The only fun thing with her character was when they finally got their hands on the batmobile.
Flack well what can I say. WOOHEE!! Was nice to see him having abit of a personal life and he was proper action flack during the whole episode!!
Overall a fab episode and I think it's clearly a great start to season four.
Wow, that was a great episode. And I loved that car! It was so cool! It's nice to see Flack have a personal life, as you don't really see that side of him-you just see the tough (and cute) side of him :D.And Mac's storyline with the strange calls has certainly got me wondering who it could be if they managed to trail him from London to New York. Also, I liked that balck shirt :D :devil: he had on it did look very nice on him :devil: :devil:
Has anyone seen the advert for CSI with Carmine. He looks so delicious in that advert :devil: and I love the way he says "I love this place". I could listen to his accent all day and never get fed up with it.

^ that advert is lovely... first time i saw it it didn't click who it was or what it was.

Its on constantly now i keep finding it and going YAY. Makes my day that they now have some new CSI adverts out.

I'm curious... how many of you have given into the spoiler or can you actually stay away from them and resist.
I struggle its like as soon as i see them my mouse is taken and click I'm there as bad as it actually is for me.
I just saw the Carmine advert! He looks stunning! I didn't recognise him at first but good god. His eyes are so blue. Love him.
Take a bite outta the big apple - watch out for the maggots.
Dawni said:
I'm curious... how many of you have given into the spoiler or can you actually stay away from them and resist.
I struggle its like as soon as i see them my mouse is taken and click I'm there as bad as it actually is for me.
I've got to stay spoiler free, otherwise I get far too impatient and can't wait for the episode to be shown! Plus I like the suspense and surprise far too much. I was a huge Buffy & Angel fan back in the day and thought I'd check out some spoilers - ruined the whole series at the time for me :(

But believe me, it's hard not to go clicking and find out what happens next!!
Dawni said:
I'm curious... how many of you have given into the spoiler or can you actually stay away from them and resist.
I struggle its like as soon as i see them my mouse is taken and click I'm there as bad as it actually is for me.

Erm... i wouldn't say I actively look at what is going to happen but unfortuantley going into other threads in the forums you pick stuff up.

I don't find it ruins it for me, I watched the penultimate episode and Season finale as soon as they came out in the US for season 3... and i still watched them and again when they were screened here and enjoyed them.

I guess with spoilers they don't always happen so you have to take them with a pinch of salt.

Plus I like knowing whats going to happen if it's good, like I knew about Flack's shirtless scene and I got all fangirl about it as I knew it was coming.

Sometimes spoilers are a good thing, sometimes they're bad.
I find that if i see whats going on i'm like i want i want, i watched most of s3 and this s4 when its aired in US so when its here i'm not as mad but i find knowing whats going to happen can ruin it but also makes you think oooh.

i read the reviews and before i started watching them early i found they were worst cos i would have peoples view saying t wasnt that good so i would have big expectations.
I never worry about other's reviews. I guess on the boards you get to know what people you're like and sometimes they can swing your opinion. I'm not big on Lindsey and The ship that was (as one poster put it) the U.S.S Dinsey, never floated my boat - but if the Danny/Flack fans liked it then I really looked forward to it... might sound weird but hey it works like that for me.

It is hard not to judge it by what has been said though.
I try really hard to steer clear but I find it really difficult. I have only seen clips of seasons four except for the episode that just aired but I can't not watch them. I still enjoy them the second time around and as Sammy11 can tell you most of the time I can't even remember watching them.
yeah I like linsday so i read stuff and people say ooh wasnt to good in ep so its always on my mind tho most stuff i block out and make my own mind up but sometimes i rewatch and go oooh i see what that person means.

I miss this Saturdays one as out at a party but i was like happy i seen it or i'd be sucking up to parents.