I liked last nights episode. One thing though, not enough of The Flack for my liking. I mean i know he is only the detective (and we did get to see a little more of Detective Angell, i like her, she isn't Maka...but hey)but i would have liked a little more of Flack.
But the fact that the focus was on Stella was great. I agree with Nattybatty, can we please stop making Stella a victim, at the same time i think its great that each time she is put into a terrible situation (not only do we get to see Melina K's brilliant acting) she is shown to be strong in dealing with them (even when she freaks - who wouldn't!??!), which i guess is the point. I loved her reaction to Hawkes (although i felt bad for him) and i liked that it focused on Flack too (not just for the reason that i got to see him) after being there for her in "All Access" it was nice to see that when she didn't reply to Mac "everyone alright" he made sure to get an answer.
I have to say (and its got nothing to do with my dislike of Peyton, cos i loved her and Danny in the "Bullet lodged in her head scene", i thought she played it nicely and the fact that she clearly can't control/ or resist - anyone else notice her touching of Danny when they were processing the Bathroom? - Messer was quite amusing)anyway i digress! the scene with her and Mac in the morgue when they were talking about passionate relationships made me feel... well it had the same uncomfortable, cringing (for me at least)effect as say if my parents had said it *Shudders*. WE KNOW YOU ARE GETTING IT ON... it opened the season... end of. Discussion closed!
Danny's reaction to Mac and Peyton was great, his slack jawed response and then the grimace of being the last one to know. I just hope that wasn't TPTB trying to tell us that he has been so wrapped up in
the bird who isn't there (sounds like a horror too
), that he has failed to notice a relationship that Falck (his best buddy) seemed to know about it PWM!! PURLEEZE! But it was a funny moment and it was great to see the lighter side of Mac, i loved his response to Flack, when Flack mentioned he thoguht it was his night off, which leads me to wondering, how does Flack know its Mac's night off? he doesn't work for him, just with him, which as we've been shown this season is occassionally?!? Maybe Danny phoned Flack to bawl him out about not telling him!!?.... Ooh i hope so!! :devil:
Hawkes needs more screen time, please this man is horredously under used!!
Adam was brilliant as usual, AJ Buckley (like Eddie Cahill and Roberty Joy) does make his screen time count and his scenes are always memorable - for the right reasons!
The bit part actresses, for me at least, were awful none of them could act and i think its TPTB's ways of keeping the place warm for Lindsey's return.
On a lighter note, The Ride In is next week - i have downloaded it from 5 Download, i know will power out of the window! - but just to let you know, it is a Flacktastic episode, Danny doesn't feature that much but it is quite funny and Falck gets to be his usual snarky self! YAY!