CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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I'd probably sound very English, and different, if i was stood next to Americans. I can understand why Peyton's accent is so different.

I am a D/L shipper so i am naturally happy about tonights, and next weeks!!!
It is a very strong English accent that Peyton has. Not sure how many people over here really talk like that.

Looking forward to tonights epi. Not seen any trailers or read anything about it so a nice surprise I hope.
Not long to go now!! Yay!!!

On a side note does anyone know how to add a picture to my posts! Like an avatar!! I don't know how to do it!!! Thanks!
She is just a well spoken middle class type. She has similar accent to Sienna Miller, Kate Winslet, Emma Thompson, Helen Mirram, Judi Dench and all the other well establish British actors.

None of them put their accents on, it is how they speak. It may have differed from their inital upbringing, but I'd imagine when your training/studying to be an actor, your accent phases out as you want to be versitle and you end up with a nice well spoken accent.

She doesn't bothere me in the slightest anyhow, big up the Brits is what I say!!


Michelle - You need to get to 100 posts before you are allowed an Av
I think this will be my 100th post now!! Eek I'm very excited!!

I love the accent of Peyton and Jane Parsons! I always try and speak like them when they are on the show!! But then I always try the New York accent also! I'm not good!
I think Peyton's accent is OK. It's one of those things that you notice at first, and then as you get used to it, it becomes normal. ;)

Anyway, as I am not too NY spoiled I have no idea what happens in tonight's episode, but if it has D/L in it, then it obviously has some Danny in it, and I'm all for that.

So, I'll get ready to watch it now, in the mean time, congrats MichelleK, some info for you about posting an avatar. You can find more information about posting images at the fan art forum. :)
I'm going to get the video ready to record it!! EEK! I'm slightly excited!
Thanks very much Elsie! I've tried to upload a piccie so hopefully it's worked!!!
How good was that? Danny and the dog clip was so cute. You clown. I think I'm going to watch it again. It was a really good episode. I wanna dress up like Audrey Hepburn and rob places.
You are not alone.
I so want to dress up like Audrey now! hahaha
*picks up cigarette holder and swans round house*
Cracking episode. I adore LV and NY so much and I need to squee about it.
I'm not a huge TV lover as IMO most of it crappy to say the least but THESE shows I cant get enough of. I love that they are back on our TV's at last.
Hehe! I've just got visions of eveyone swanning around their houses like Audrey! it's a genius idea!!
I'm so excited that CSI:NY is back on our screen. It's one of the only things I watch - I admit I am slightly obsessed about i though!!
Danny and the dog were so cute!!
I know. I accidently went into the other thread and saw caps of that months back so I new the cuteness was a coming but Awwww.
It's such a scrappy little cute dog.
I like the idea of Lynsey just going for it to save a life. Also like that it didn't work. I.E the guys were bright enough to know it wasn't Beth as she looked nothing like her what so ever.
And the ending! Can't wait for the next one. I hate the fact that us in the UK can't webwatch on US site where as it works the other way round. No fair.
I love the fact that Hawkes was like you know what they say about dogs and their owners!! Hehe! Danny looked very suspicious when he came out of the lift with the dog under his arm. I kinda liked Lindsay and she didn't irritate me as much in this episode. That being said I turned over at the end. Kinda knew that was going to happen.
I hate being so far behind the US because it's so hard to stay away from the spoilers and pictures but at least we have it for a lot longer after it's ended in the US!
I know! Forever behind and you have to tippity toe through the threads hoping not to come across huge massive spoilers. Although well marked as they are my noseyness makes me want to go in and read them all.
I'm not a huge fan of Linsay and I can see that I aint alone on that one. But we knew it was coming. I was an Aiden girl myself. Loved her sassyness we need a female with attitude to rock the boat.
Astrid I'm with you! I absolutely loved Aiden and I was gutted when she was killed off in Heroes!! Her kick ass attitude was awesome!! Not a big fan of Lindsay. I can deal with her in the background of the show but shoved in my face with Danny makes me wanna vomit. My own opinion though!
I'm trying so hard but I've sneaked a peek at a couple of things. I'm stearing clear of the Rasing Shane episodes! Overall I'm so excited about this season!!
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