CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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What episodes are 5, 11 and 14? If you have no idea when they are going to be shown i'd give in and watch them. I'm probably a really bad person to ask as I'm a sucker and can't wait for anything!! Let us know what you decide to do??
Man if I had access to Raising Shane it would not even stand a chance!! You're a stronger person than me if you can resist them! I've not heard much about Oedipus Hex or the Lying Game but I've heard Raisng Shane is one of the best of the season!!
Sorry to be coming to this a little late, haven't been able to get on to the 'puter till this morning....

Just a few thoughts on Saturday's episode:

Well, Peyton's definitely growing on me; when she smiles and flirts with Mac she's fun and incredibly pretty and I love her interaction with Sid. And, yes I see what you mean about Angelina Jolie - it's the lips that are similar although she's nowhere near as pouty than goodness :)

And as for Danny/Lindsey. Well I suppose this is where it all really starts isn't it? I've liked the relationship between then up until now - all teasing and squirly flirting - and I'm aware from spoliers that it all gets a little more serious. BUT...I thought the final scene was really very touching, even rather moving. Danny genuinely seemed beside himself with worry, and then so overwhelmed to find she was okay, while Lindsey looked absolutely terrified - good emotional stuff from both of them I thought.

Oh and just a few pics....

Worried Danny...


Even more worried Danny (I just adore this picture)...


And, altogether now.....Awwwwwwww *sniffle*

Twinkletoes said:
Well, Peyton's definitely growing on me; when she smiles and flirts with Mac she's fun and incredibly pretty and I love her interaction with Sid.

I had to scrape my jaw off the floor when Sid starting talking about how the process of mummification was like the best sex you've ever had. That was dark even by his standards. I was really intrigued to know where he was going to go with that one but Peyton interrupted him, dammit. :devil:
I really enjoyed Saturday nights episode! Much better than the premiere. Danny was great, Flack was looking great and overall the cases held my interest.

Roll on next week! :)
arrg! i watched oedipus hex! :lol: i do really wanna watch raising shane but isnt there a prequal/backstory to it i'd be missing?
Yeah it follows on from Hung Out To Dry. I've seen both and both are superb episodes.

I guess there is no harm in waiting a few more weeks, I guess if you watch them in the order your supposed to it'll have more of an impact.

There are a a couple of Eps on You Tube which I haven't gotten round to watching yet, but I'm holding out till they're aired on TV.

The 1st 2 Season 5 Miami Eps are up aswell and I swear I was about to fall asleep in the 2nd half. It has really taken a nose dive Season 4 and 5. *cough* NOT.BIASED *cough* haha

Apologies for going a little OTT there folks.
SO Err Not What It Looks Like' I give it a 8.5/10, better than PWM but not quite a 9. Lyndsay didn't annoy me as much this episode. But I know that will change in Love Run Cold :lol:
OOOh so many good episodes to come!!
I think Flack is starting to grow on me even more - if that's possible!! BOOM!!
I seem to have booked the next few Saturday nights off work. The rest of the staff think I have a packed social life. We know the truth!! That's quite sad to admit I guess!!
MichelleK said:
I seem to have booked the next few Saturday nights off work. The rest of the staff think I have a packed social life. We know the truth!! That's quite sad to admit I guess!!

LMAO!! Well, let's face it, it's a case of sorting out one's priorities, isn't it?

Do you honestly want a packed and active social life when you can sit alone in front of a box in your living room, watching a man you've never met - and most likely never will meet - act his little socks off??

I'm afraid I'm with you in that the answer to this question has to be 'Yes'..... :rolleyes:
I knew it was too good to be true! As longs as the guys at work think I am out and about having a night on the tiles!! At least I'm saving some money!!!
The answer for me would be a big fat YES! Watching Eddie act, or have a life, Eddie act wins every time! :lol:
Also, does any one have any caps/pics of Eddie looking incredably sexy from the end of the scene? The bit where he's holding the radio and then the storming into the building all bad ass? Thanks! :D

The guys (I am the only woman in the department) know that I dont have a life. They know that on a Saturday night I can be found sitting in front of the TV drooling over Gary. The fact that he is on the wallpaper of my PC at work, my mobile phone and my music player, could have given them the hint... :D :D :D
CSIVegasMiamiNY said:
Also, does any one have any caps/pics of Eddie looking incredably sexy from the end of the scene? The bit where he's holding the radio and then the storming into the building all bad ass? Thanks! :D


Not great I'm afraid Jemma but these were the best I could find...


ooh Flack looking all sexy there!! Thanks for the pictures!
As long as I am not alone in choosing to stay in on a Saturday night than go out!!
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