OK, i have only watched it once so far!!
But My good god was this a good episode! utterly fabulous! sorry about all the exclamation marks but its jsut how i'm feeling!!!
I thought it was all well acted, credit to EF who could have made Shane casey over the top and pantomime, he kept he the right side of creepy and angry. You really felt nervous when he was in there with Danny, he was so on edge, brilliant stuff! And when he tunrs up at the prison, any one else shiver?
Stella kicked butt!! When she gave it to Gerrard, Stick that in your pipe and smoke it pops! It was great to see the old Danny, the passionate, rule "Bending", bit of a maverick, worked up Messer. This is the Danny we want, not the one who is mooning over some girl!
I got the feeling Flack doesn't like his superior much, the lil' look of admiration he gives Danno after Danny's outburst is only small but to me spoke volumes. They are the kind of thing Eddie Cahill does well - he is a very subtle actor at times and I think the delicate touches he gives Flack, make for a very rounded character.
Not much of lindsey, but Anna is looking fit to pop.
Hill Harper, the man didn't really get much of a chance to shine, but he really worked with what he got and you felt truely sorry for him. ALthough i know some people perhaps felt that only Stella being there and not the rest of the team was a bit off, i perfered that ending, it stopped it beign too sentimental and made it (for me) more real.
I couldn't really get into Mac this episode, for a man who usually follows the rules he isn't half becoming a bit of a maverick... not sure i like this Mac so much... give it some time.
Peyton - she just didn't need to be in this episode... bit of a spare part, i kind of got the feeling they felt the need to give her more screen time as Lindsey is in it less and less due to Anna's pregnacy and they want to even up the sexes a bit.