CSI:NY Season 3 - U.K

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iwuvflack said:
Loved Flack and his sarcasm (as usual)

hehe i loved it t the beginning when he said "i swear, one of them better not call me 'Bro'" lol and the Edward 40hands cracked me up when he called him 'Bro' :lol: good ol' flacky baby!!! :D hehe he does come out with some of the best oneliners :D

yeah i think they kinda rushed the ending because they wanted it to be the kinda cliffhanger that leaves u wondering about everything :D i liked it :D
"i swear, one of them better not call me 'Bro'"

It was flacks face, he looked like he was going to punch that young lad who called him bro!!
Did you see stella's face when she saw that young lad with the coconut shell on!!!
Hi to HC and nattybatty55, nice to see you both here! :)

Last night's episode was a good one, I enjoyed it a lot! Having not read really read any NY spoilers I had no idea what to expect. It was a clever case with gruesome murders. It was nice to see Edward Furlong cast too. Flack was on top form, Danny was great too and I loved the reference to his brother. The whole tshirt thing was a bit mad I think, but still worked well and was pretty clever. I loved Danny and Flack chasing Shane down the alley, it was great.

Obviously having not read any spoilers I didn't like the ending. It seemed so random and out of place with the rest of the episode, I would have liked them to expand on that a bit, because it really just didn't fit. But I will look forward to seeing 'raising shane' to conclude it, however long we will have to wait.

Finally, is it just me, or is Sid Hammerback just a medical examiner God! I love that man! :D
Aww my favourite part is still the chase and Flack and Danny bringing down Shane Casey.
Flack was on form last night and I did laugh out loud when he was interviewing at the party. The scene with Edward Fortyhands made me laugh. Flack was like get out and the guy is like no seriously and Flack is like honestly get out of my face, I never want to see you again! Th bro comment was class.
I'm still trying to figure out how Shane Casey escaped. He was all cuffed when Flack and Danny handed him over to the officers so how he got out, beats me. I'm baffled!!
Yeah where the sandhog is left down there to die and it figures that the brother killed him?? Good episode and Danny looks lovely in his suit!!
He always looks good.
Is till death do we part the one with the bride that dies on her wedding day. She dies from wearing the wedding dress that has been taken off a dead body or something like that. That ones a good episode.
I'm just watching CSI:Miami! I love Speedle!
May watch Charge of the Psot or Run Silent, Run Deep Later. I'm still on the sick for another week so need to keep watching CSI:NY!
I can't think of a better way to spend my day!!

yer its the ep when at the beginning when mac and danny have that LOVE chat:

Mac: it could happen to you, you know!
Danny: what marriage?
Danny: Don't even say stuff like that mac its not funny!!

i love danny's reaction!!! lol
Oh that's right yeah and then Maka comes in and says something and Mac is like you two wanna be alone, I can drag the body outside. Hehe that is a good episode! I love Danny's reaction to Mac's comment.
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