CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Looking over at Ken, Mackenzie yelled out....

"I hate you. I hate what you made my mother, and me do to my father."

Running from the room, Eric chased her down the hall. His main concern being, she was going to hurt the baby, as well as herself.

"I'm sorry Stella. I'm really sorry. I hope you can understand why this needed to be done."

As Ken left the room, Mac's doctor tossed him against the wall in front of everyone. While MJ, listened.

"You son of a bitch. You are a therapist, not a God damn doctor. You had no right to tell that family how to handle their husband/father. You could have killed him, or caused him to have a seizure. You were out of line, and out of your medical element. I'll see you on suspension for this. If not fired. Now get the hell out of my sight."

Releasing the therapist, the doctor had the nurse bring in the EEG machine. Hooking it up to Mac's head, he did a reading. Leaving MJ to bring up his fist, and slam it into the therapist mouth, knocking out two of his teeth.

"You come near me, or my family again. I'll have you arrested."

Heading down the hall, he turned into the doctors lounge. Picking up the phone, he took the tape recorder out of his pocket, and called the paper.

"Miami-Dade News Room... how can I direct your call?"

"I'd to speak to Erica Sikes. I have the full story on the Ross Wedding tragedy."

"Stay on the line please sir, I'm directing your call now."

Smiling while spitting out blood. He had to admit, it was worth his job to get the number one scoop before any other news team, or paper. The money he would make from this, by playing his hand to the highest bidder, would last a long time.

"Good Afternoon. I understand you have a story?"

"Yes I do... it's going to make me rich, and maybe help you win an award."

"You have my full attention, go ahead..."

Turning on the tape, she listened, as the Adam and Maddy Ross Wedding Tragedy, came to life.


Mac's doctor had finished the EEG, reading it over, he seen that Mac's brainwaves were in an agitated state. Giving him a higher dose of Diazipam, he watched him fall into a deep sleep. Once he was sure he was out, he turned to the family.

"I hope one of you have a logical explanation, for why you would want to possibly damage your husband and fathers healing?"

Stella was still in tears, MJ was angry, as he shook his fist. Eric had finally caught Mack and brought her back.

"I'll explain, said Eric. Your therapist, informed my mother that it would be best for our father to hear the truth. Two reporters came into the room this afternoon, and upset him, looking for a story.

After Ken removed them, he informed my mother, that it would be best to be honest with our father, and explain to him what happened to his family, before he read it in the paper, or heard it on the news."

"Ken will be dealt with shortly, by the medical board and myself. I just hope you all haven't made your husband/father, take steps back instead of forward."

Leaving the room, he stormed past his daughter, as she entered the room.

"Aww... come on Stella. Come here."

Taking stella into her arms, she held her close.

"I want you all to listen to me. My father was angry, yes. But he didn't mean to be. About three months ago, he lost a patient due to a family informing their parent to soon about the tragedy that took place in their lives. It caused the father to go into a massive stroke, and die. It's haunted him ever since.

He's learned to overcome this mistake the family made. He also swore he would never allow another family to attemp it again. So he wasn't angry with you Stella, or your family. He was scared, that history was repeating itself."

"But why would Ken, do this?"

"I'm not sure Stella. Don't worry though. My dad will make sure he's suspended, if not fired from here for good. As for now while your husband is sleeping, I'd like you to take a relaxer for me. Then I want you to climb in bed with Mac, and hold him. Also talk to him, while he sleeps, let him know, you are still with him."

Taking the tablet, Stella laid down and wrapped her arm around her husband. Strating to tell him she loved him, over and over, she fell into sleep. Walking over Melina lifted the bar so she wouldn't fall out.

"Good. This is what she needs. She's had a very rough few weeks, with no sleep. Mackenzie, would you like something to help you relax?"

"No thank you, I'm pregnant."

"Oh... that's wonderful news. I'm happy for you both. MJ... how are you doing? Your fist don't look to good."

"I'm fine Melina, but I'd like a hug like you gave my grandmother, please."

Walking over Melina wrapped MJ in her arms, as she rested her head on his chest.

"Aunt Mack... why don't you two head home. I'll stay incase mom or dad wake."

"Okay MJ. We'll keep the kids for the night."

While Eric placed the urns back in the box, Mackenzie kissed her mom and dad goodbye.

"Call me when they wake MJ."

"I will... go home and sleep. Take care of her Uncle Eric."

"Always MJ. See ya."

Once they left, Melina looked up at MJ.

"I have to start my shift. Are you going to be okay MJ?"

Caressing her cheek, he lowered his head and softly touched her lips. Feeling the passion that was so different from what he shared with Lea, he took them deeper.

Dualing their tongues wildly, as his hands caressed everywhere. Breaking the kiss, Melina was to frightened to move. Every part of her body, was brought to life by his heated kiss.

"I'll stop by and check on you later, MJ," she whispered

Pulling on her hair, she turned and left the room.
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"You're everything to somebody" :)

Everyone seems to be so unknown to me. They are so good and kind towards the family, even offered to help and provided them with comfort/safety yet they are just a villain who loves money or even try to harms the family. *Sighs* Is money really more important than happiness in life? Can we bring them with us when we're dead? *Shooks head* Nowadays, people gets self-importance 'cause of finance/money, does not even care about those around them.

I wonder what's behind this Ken.. Hopefully Mac will be alright and nothings gets in his way to stop him from recovering. As for Melina and MJ, I'm always happy for him, 'cause he deserves to be loved and to love, shares his life with someone who really does cherish him each and every moment. :adore:
She's BAAAAACCCKKKK! (Erica). :lol: I wonder how the family will react to the news story. How did Ken get a tape anyway? Interesting twist. Love that MJ punched him. :lol: Go, MJ.
The chapter before this. He had a small tape recorder in his pocket. As Stella told Mac what happened, he taped it.:)

A few hours later, MJ woke to the doctor walking in the room.

"It's okay MJ, it's just me. I"m going to check on your grandfather."

"Sure. Um... he's going to be okay, isn't he. I mean we didn't push him so far, that he'll never come back, right?"

"I don't think so MJ. I just can't understand... what would make your grandmother agree to this. She's known from the begining, about how dangerous it is to force him to remember."

"That's just it. This Ken guy came here, when those reporters came in. After he kicked them out, he told my grandmother it would be best, if we were honest to him. What I heard from my aunt, was that he was fully agitated from hearing about his grandchildren and son. When we returned this evening, he was watching outside the door. Listening, as we talked to my grandfather. I found it very strange."

The more the doctor listened, the more things started to make sense. Wasn't it just a few months ago, a family that was stabbed, and believed dead, showed up a week later, in the paper that the daughter had survived. Leaving the Police to have too move her into hiding. So the brother in law wouldn't find her? What if it was Ken, that had sold the story, what if he was selling the Taylor's story now?"

"I need to check into something, MJ. Stay with your grandparents, I'll be back soon."

After he left the room, MJ heard his grandfather moaning. Checking on him, he found him sound alseep. Leaving him to wonder, if he may be dreaming. Not wanting to wake him, he headed downstairs, for a coffee.

The Nurses Station...

"Terry, have you seen Ken?"

"I have. You just missed him, he was heading down to say good bye to Mr.Peters."

"Hm... did you happen to know if he went to the lounge first?"

"He did. Did you want me to page him?"

"No. I'll see him later, thanks."

Heading into the lounge, he opened Ken's locker and checked inside. Searching the pockets, he found the small tape recorder with the tape. Taking the little tape out, he placed it in his pocket, closing up the locker , as he left the lounge.

Making sure no one was around, he walked down the hall and into the bathroom. Closing the door, he took out the tape, unwinding it. Ripping it into pieces, he flushed it down the toilet. Coming out of the washroom, he washed his hands.

Meanwhile back at the nurses station, Terry seen Ken walk by.

"Hey Ken... Andrew was looking for you."

"What for? I'm done, he suspended me."

"You're kidding, for what?"

"Doesn't matter, I have somewhere to be. Tell him I left."

heading to his locker, he put on his jacket and took off out the Hospital to meet Erica Sikes.

Back at Mac's room...

Waking up from sleep, Stella looked at her husbands now at peace face. Placing her hand on his heart, she leaned her head beside his and whispered...

"I'm sorry for causing you so much pain Mac. Pain you weren't ready for. I should have never listened to anyone but your Neursurgeon. I know that now, and I only hope you can forgive me. Cause I love you so much, and I"m so afraid of losing you. I"m so frightened Mac, frightened for all of us, as you won't let us help you through your pain, and therapy. When all we want to do, is get you home with us, where we can love you, and get you back to where you use to be."

Stella sighed... family night. that was something they hadn't shared in months. So much had changed. Maddy got married and moved out of the house. MJ went through hell with his father and Lea. What was once a wonderful happy family, was slowly being torn apart by tragic events.

Softly crying, Stella wanted nothing more then to feel her husband touch. to feel him touch her in ways that made her cry from the passion, the sensual warmth, and love he provided. bringing her head up, she tenderly kissed his lips, as her hand slid under the blanket.

Feeling him become alert, feeling his soul come to life, she continued kissing him with her tears. For at least he still had nerves and senses, where he needed them most. As he opened his eyes, he could feel his body sensually call to her, as kissed her back.

Opening her mouth more, she felt his warm tongue, caress and dance with hers, as her hand continued to dance under the sheet. Then she felt it, felt his hand join hers, as he touched her soul.

God they were both so alert now. Both so alive, as they brought each other up and over their passionate cloud, that they both thought had disappeared. Feeling her body tense, Mac knew she was ready, he was alert enough to know that one more caress, would push her beyond their world again.

With the final stroke of their tongues, they both softly cried out , as each others souls meshed, with their love. Sliding her hand back up his chest, Stella smiled at her husband, while looking into his now alert eyes.

Pointing his finger, Stella followed as she seen him point to her, then to his heart, and back at her.

Tearing up again, she understood he was saying he loved her.

"I love you too, Mac. I love you too."

Walking back to the room with Melina, they seen MJ's grandfather sign that he loved her.

"That was so beautiful MJ. God your grandparents are amazing. To have that kind of love, that kind of understanding, after all the tragedy they've been through."

As MJ watched her, he smiled. God he still couldn't over how tiny she was. He was like a giant to her. being gifted at six foot two. She was no more then five foot one, her hair was blonde with bouncy curls, that matched her bright blue eyes, her gorgeous figure fit every part of her perfectly.

Wrapping his strong arms around her, he couldn't agree more, as he lowered his head to her level, and kissed her hair.
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At the Delko's, Eric and Mack had gotten the kids settled for the night. Heading back downstairs, Eric sat down and called his wife into is arms. Laying herself across them, as her head rested onto his chest, he caressed her tummy where their child was safely nestled.

"Are you okay sweetheart? I know how hard it must be for you to see your dad like that."

"It is Eric. I'm really hoping we haven't hurt daddy more. I can't get his face out of my head, the way he screamed, the heart wretching pain, that came deep from his soul."

"Shh... I know baby, just try and close your eyes, try and rest."

"I don't want to rest Eric, I need you to love me. I need to feel your touch, your kiss, your love."

carefully leaning his wife up, Eric sat her on his knees, as his hands slid under her dress, and up her thighs.

"Eriiiiic..." she sobbed out, when he had barely touched her.

"It's okay Mack... just let yourself go. Don't hold back. I promise I won't stop, even after your passionately lost, I'll continue to touch, to caress, to dance with you."

Hearing his words, she cried out as her head fell back. Feeling her body soar, he lifter her into his arms, and carried her to their room. Laying her upon their bed, he wildly removed her clothes, feeling his fever begin to match hers.

God they had needed this. It had been to long since they found the time to love each other. Taking his fingertips, Eric caressed them across her shoulder, arms, tummy, till he reached her thighs, causing her to sigh out his name.

Tracing his tongue along the same path his fingertips took, he stopped to savour, each and every inch of her silky perfumed skin. Leaving her fingers to grip the sheets in endless pleasure, and sensual fires long forgotten.

"Please Eric... I don't want to wait another minute. I need to feel your soul burn with mine."

Pulling her on top, he looked into her beautiful passion filled eyes.

"Then take from me Mack... take all you need. I love you, and need to feel you love me too."

Take she did, as they twined their fingers, and moved in sweet motion, leaving all the memory and pain of the day, long forgotten, even if only for a little while.

Back at the Hospital, MJ had brought his grandparents some juice, coffe, ice cream, and muffin.

"Looks like you both got some much needed rest."

"We did MJ. Is this for us?"

"Mhm... the coffee is yours, with the muffin. The juice and ice cream is for your silent partner." He laughed.

Mac looked at the muffin, then at the ice cream, back to the muffin.

"I know honey. Just eat the ice cream. It's vanilla, your favorite."

Giving his wife the look, he tried to pick up the spoon, but it fell from his hand.

"Can I help you papa, it's only us here?"

Nodding yes, MJ picked up the spoon, and scooped the ice cream, placing it towards his grandfathers mouth, as he tasted it.

"You know papa. You should take advantage of this. I mean you get to be waited on, hand and foot. Pampered, left and right. But most of all, loved forever."

Giving him the last spoonful, MJ helped him with his juice, as the doctor walked in.

"Well... someone looks spoiled, and well rested. If it's okay Mac, I"d like to another EEG, just to make sure your brainwaves, have returned to normal, okay?"

Nodding his agreement, the doctor started the reading.

"Your physio therapist will be here in the morning Mac. Most likely around nine or ten. I'd like to see if we can't finally get you out of bed. I'll also be sending you in the afternoon, to have another x-ray done on your arm, to make sure it's healing. One more thing before I forget. I got you a new speech therapist. While she's actually a first year med student, but she has a wonderful bed side manner, and full training in speech therapy. She'll be here shortly, to see your grandson."

Mac looked at MJ strangely.

"Don't worry papa, you're going to love her."

Mac looked at his grandson with suspicion.

"Forget it papa, we are already together, he laughed, and you're looking at her father."

"Alright then, all finished. Your brainwaves look great Mac. Try and get some more sleep, it's very late. I'll see you in the morning, Goodnight." he winked.

Laying his head back down on the pillows, he sighed, as he wrapped his wife in his arm, and closed his eyes.

Shutting off their light, MJ headed out to find Melina, hoping he could coax her, back into his arms.
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MJ heard his grandfather moaning
Hmmm.. I thought he moan a moarnful cry of pain 'cause of the tragic events or it was 'cause of Stella.. :adore: The doctor, Andrew is very kind-hearted and caring towards his patients. Once experienced is more than enough. "Money Face Ken", he traded a patient's life for money.. Those cash he earns.. I wonders how many human's innocent blood is being spilt by him. Life... People step on others head to succeed.

How.. how.. to stop a heart from beating fast.. *cheeks burning* Gulps... gulps... Lindaaaaaaaaaaaa.. I.. I finished my glass of water! I've been reading this for 2 hours plus and I'm still on the same line.. I'm.. *Fainted* Sighs.. Butterflies are fluttering.. I'll need a breathing mask next time.

I'm glad that they have their ways to mend their broken heart, to forget the past and to move on with what's in the future with open heart as Mac advance to a better state. Even though they have some disagreements, they still love and comes to terms of understandings as they gave in and sat together in a room to converse, sort things out :thumbsup: I have faith in Melina.. :) It's irresistibly amazing and frabjous! Loved how concerned they are for each other and their responsibility as one role. :thumbsup: I'm still on the same line..
Thanks for the reviews.:)

When Ken met Erica at the beach, he passed her the cassette recorder.

"Is this it? What am I supposed to do with it? There's not even a tape in there."

"What? Yes there is. I put it in there myself."

Popping the top, he looked inside and seen the tape missing."

"Damn it... how the hell... it was in there. God damn it, someone took it."

"Yeah, right. Look... next time you want to waste my time, make sure it's for a better reason."

Leaving Ken standing on the beach, he cursed as he thought... "Who the hell would know about the tape?"

Ross Home...

Maddy had just finished her shower, when Adam came to check on her. He knew she was due anytime now, making him just a little more cautious.

"Maddy... do you need some help?"

"I don't think so," she smiled.

Admiring her swollen tummy where their child lay nestled. He helped her wrap the huge towel around them.

"What's the matter Adam? you look concerned."

"I guess it's the fatherly jitters. I"m really scared Maddy. I'm worried that something may go wrong, or our baby may not like me."

"Aww... aww... Adam. Why didn't you tell me you were having fears?"

Tearing up, Maddy wrapped him in her arms, kissing his watery lids over and over to reassure him.

"I swear Adam, nothing is going to happen. We are going to deliver a very healthy baby. And as for our child loving you, I can assure you, he will. I love you Adam, so much, you are going to be a wonderful father, even Gray loves you. Just like you're a wonderful husband. Don't ever doubt yourself Adam."

Bringing her lips to Adam's, she kissed him with all the passion and love inside her. Until all his fears and doubts were laid to rest.

Over at the Messer's, Lindsay and Gray were babysitting Kat. Looking at the time, Gray noticed it was twelve in the morning.

"Hey Linds... what time is your mom and dad going to be home again?"

"They said between one thirty and two, why?"

Sneaking up, he grabbed her around the waist and whispered... "let's go make love."

Lindsay laughed. Gray sure was insatiable. Ever since they decided to take the next step, most of their time was spent in the bedrooms, making Lindsay glad she was honest with her mom and dad.

She also needed to remember to thank her doctor, as he had decided the needles would be best for her, to prevent pregnancy. Which was true, as Lindsay often forgot to take her medication. So a needle every three months, was... so much easier.

"You are naughty Gray." Turning in his arms, she passionately kissed him.

Deeping the kiss, Lindsay heard Kat crying.

"I need to check Kat, Gray. I'll be right back."

Turning on the light, Lindsay walked over to her sister, and noticed she was burning up with fever.

"Gray... grab the ear thermometer, please."

Placing the thermometer into Kat's ear. She noticed it was 103.2 degrees.

"I think we need to get Kat to the Hospital. We'll call my mom and dad on the way."

Wrapping Kat in a blanket, they headed out.
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The chapter before this. He had a small tape recorder in his pocket. As Stella told Mac what happened, he taped it.

Oh, I thought he had a tape of the actual explosion. Sorry, I got confused. :lol:

I love that the doc took Ken's tape. Haha.

Loved Adam and Maddy awww... Adam's nervous. He's so cute.

I hope Kat's okay.
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