CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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"Where there is faith, there is hope" Even the doctors and Melina have faith in the family to bring Mac to a full recovery. The family, they have the ability that brought happiness and joy to everyone, same for their own family. I missed their smiles and laughter or even Mac's jokes. He had always stand by beside the family when they are depressed or feeling low. Some memories are better off forgotten but sometimes, one has to know everything that has happened around. To know soon is better than to know later, both takes time to heal though. It was horrible, one second.. they were all together, happily gathering but the next time he opened his eyes, everything has changed and some things were never the same again. But.. they are still and will always be the strongest and unyielding family. :thumbsup:
thankies for the reviews.:)

When Mac woke an hour later, he seen his family sitting to lunch. Smelling the food, Mac was becoming hungry.

"Hi handsome, you're awake. I'm going to get your lunch tray for you. They brought it earlier, but you were sleeping."

Bringing in the tray, Stella lifted the lid, and tried not to laugh at Mac's face. He had a pudding, some plain broth, orange juice, and coffee.

"Mac... stop with the faces, she laughed. Here...I'll taste it first."
Picking up the pudding, Stella tried not to eww. It was warm, and had a chalky taste.

"Michael...she spit out. Go down to the Cafe, and grab your dad some ice cream and a yogurt."

"Can we come with you, MJ?"

"Sure, let's go."

While they headed down, Stella opened Mac's orange juice for him, and placed it up to his mouth. Turning his head away, he closed his eyes again.

"Mac... I know you don't want my help. But you can't do it yourself. I love you, please let me help?"

Shaking his head no, Stella placed the juice down, and sat in the chair. While the family watched, Mac tried to pick it up. Getting it half way near his mouth, he spilled it down the front of him, as he felt the spasm down his arm.

Picking up some napkins, Stella dried off his chest, as he turned away in shame. God he hated being like this. He wasn't one to sit still, he needed to move, he needed to get out of that damn bed.

"Hey Mac... I see you're awake, shall we start our speech exercises?"

Nodding yes, Ken sat beside him.

"Stella, would you like to have a seat, and I'll explain the sessions to you at the same time? Your family can stay too, if they like."

Mac shook his head no. Turning away from his family, Stella hated what she was about to do.

"Guys, why don't you all head home, you can come visit dad tomorrow."

"Sure mom," cried Mackenzie, who hadn't even have a chance to share her news with her dad.

Walking up to the bed, she kissed her father and whispered... "I love you dad. I'll see you tomorrow."

As they left the room, they ran into Maddy, Adam, Gray, Danny, Nat, and the rest of the gang.

"Mack? You okay?"

"No... you all should go home. Daddy doesn't want to see anybody. He's having his session with the speech therapist."

"Then we should all be in there, should we not?"

"We should. But daddy said no. So mom said it would be best for us to all go home. Cause dad is to upset right now."

Eric spoke up. "He's not upset Mack, he's embarrassed. He tried to raise his juice to his mouth and spilled it down himself. He also hates the fact, that he had to be helped into bed. I really feel bad for mom, she's got her hands full. He won't even let her help."

"That's Mac... to damn proud for his own good. We knew this would happen. Don and I talked about it already. Maybe we should start coming to see him at different times. We can all take turns. Maybe with just one family at a time, he'd be alright."

"I guess...cried Mack."

"Come on Mack... calm down, it's not good for the baby."

"Baby? Oh sis... you're pregnant?"

"I am Maddy, and I didn't even get a chance to tell daddy."

Taking her sister in her arms, she held her tight.

"It's okay Mack... you'll get a chance. Dad just needs some time to adjust. We all knew, this was what his first few weeks would be like. You have to remember how hard it is for daddy too. I mean he doesn't even know about Michael, or my nieces."

"I know Maddy... but it's just so unfair. My damn babies are still sitting at home in an urn, not even laid to rest yet. They must hate us for keeing them here."

"Shh... listen sis, maybe it's best if we lay them and Michael to rest. We can always bring dad to the plot to say goodbye, when he's better. I think once we get this done, you'll feel a little more relaxed. So we'll take them to the plot in the morning, okay? Then we will come see dad."

Wrapping her sister tighter, she nodded her head okay.
Most hospitals food are distasteless. Home is the most secure and comfortable place to live, where all the family gathers in one room and talks about their daily life, shared their silly moments as laughters and smiles could be heard/seen by just picturing the image of their happiness and joy or the extreme cheerfulness of the scene. :) Different people have different points and opinions though. I hope that as time goes by, Mac comes to realise that he needs help. If he does not want a strangers help, let it be from the family or the other way round. What's to be embarassed by? Everyone has their difficulties through the years. Well, he is Mac the family guy who helps people more than others helping him. :adore:

"Ignorance is bliss". It means happiness is not having knowledge of something. There's both advantage and disadvantage for this idiom. I wondered if he really does have an impression of what happened, tries to ignore it or really doesn't recall a single thing at all. I love this suspension. Questions were loaded in my head as the storylines gets more interesting. I'm full of excitement to read the outcome of the climax in this storyline.. Loved it! :thumbsup:
That is so Mac not wanting help. I'm trying to convey that too but balance it with the fact that he trusts Stella enough to let her help. I know he hates the white cane lol
I'm trying to convey that too but balance it with the fact that he trusts Stella enough to let her help.

I thought of that too. But then when I looked at it, I realised whether you trust someone or not, the anger you feel is going to be towards everyone, even your own family, you love.:) Main reason, you feel useless and confused yourself. So it's hard to let anyone in, till you accept it.

Back in the room, Ken explained to Mac and Stella...

"Okay... Mac, your intense speech therapy is important for recovery. So I've scheduled you for 9 hours a week, for 3 months. Your first month will be while you are here. Your second and third month, will be in your home. Which means for the next three months, you are stuck with me. I will honestly tell you, I won't be easy on you. I'll also let you know, no matter how angry, how pissed off, or upset you become, I won't back off. Are we understood?"

Stella could see Mac's mouth and intense eyes become angry. A look she had missed, and secretly loved. Especially on the nights Stella wanted her husbands roughness. She would piss him off on purpose, cause she knew, he would eventually love her with passionate anger. Feeling her face heat, she snapped herself out of her daydream.

"Stella... are you okay? You look flushed."

"Hm... oh... yeah, I'm fine."

Mac knew right away what had her heated. Smirking at her as she looked up at him, with his sinister, sexy grin, he winked. God even after all these years, he still made her heart race.

"Okay then, shall we continue?

With your speech sessions, we will be communicating with pictures, gestures, body and sign language. We will also use a device called a word board. This board is a device that shows single words or short phrases that you can point to in order to communicate with others. Wordboards would work best for you, because you know what you want to say, but can't form the words to come. We'll also be doing a combination of intensive exercises, such as repeating my words, following directions, and doing reading or writing exercises. Once we find out how well your motor skills are fuctioning."

"Um... Ken. So with the therapy, it will be about an hour and ten minutes a day?"

"Close to that Stella, maybe a little more, as I try not to work on Sundays."

Stella smiled as his beeper went off.

"Oop's, that's for me. You get some rest Mac, and I'll see you in the morning for our session. Take care Stella."

"I will, and you too."

Once he left the room, Stella whispered...

"You're a devil Mac. You knew damn well, that your anger was affecting me. At times I swear you do it on purpose. Mac... you know you were very rude to our children, right?"

Sighing deep, he nodded, as he reached for her to get into bed with him. Just as she got comfortable in his arm, two reporters came through the door.

"Excuse me... Mac Talyor. How do you feel knowing that you saved alot of lives? It must be hard losing your son, and three grandchildren in the blast. Can you explain to us what happened?"

Mac was confused. He had no idea what the hell they were talking about. What blast? What did they mean his son and grandbabies were dead. His son was just here with him. He helped him into bed, he even called him papa, like he always did when the younger grandkids were in the room. He squeezed his hand tightly, telling him he forgave him for what he did to his son. Just what the hell was going on? God he was so confused, and agitated. So agitated that he began to shake.

Pushing the call button, the nurse came running down with Ken, who was finishing up for the day. When they seen the reporters, Ken kicked them out of the room, then called Security to escort them from the Hospital.

"Don't let them in here again. No reporters."

I'm sorry doctor, they've been hanging around since the blast. They may have heard one of the Taylor children talking about Mac being awake."

"I want Security around this room, 24/7, understand?"

"Yes, doctor."

"Help him... there's something wrong with him, he's shaking."

"Nurse... get me 25mg of Diazepam please."

Injecting the fluid into Mac's I.V, he quickly calmed down, and the shaking stopped.

"Mac... I need you to look at me Mac."

Half out of it, Mac looked up at Ken as he said...

"Just relax Mac. I promise when you wake, we will talk about what happened to you, and how you arrived here, okay?"

Closing his eyes, Mac fell into sleep.

"Stella, I think we should talk."

Walking off to the side with the doctor, Stella wiped at her tears.

"Stella... I know you were told by Mac's neurosurgen not to tell him about the incident that happened. But I'm begining to think he needs to be told. I know how hard it will be for you to tell him, but it's better coming from you, then from the news, or a newspaper."

"I know you're right. I just don't think I have the strength to watch him fall apart again. God, I'm so tired, and fed up myself."

"I know you are Stella. I can see it in your eyes. If you like, you can call your daughter Mack and her husband. It may help to have them here, when you tell him. I also have a feeling your grandson MJ, should be here too. I think Mac may have mistaken him earlier, for your son. It will also help him face the truth of the event."

"Okay...I"ll call them this afternoon. I just hope we don't send my husband into another anxiety attack."

"You won't Stella. The amount I gave him will last for at least eight hours. I'll also stay for a while. Just in case you, or your family need some help."

"Thank you...she cried.

Caressing his hand up her arm, he said... you're welcome Stella. Get some rest, I'll see you when your daughter, and son in law get here.

Walking back into the room, she climbed in beside her husband, and cried.

Later in the evening, Mack and Eric dropped the girls and little Eric off at her sisters.

"Why can't we come mom? We should be there too. They were our sisters. MJ, gets to be there."

"I know that Sara. But papa has had a very hard time, and tonight is going to be very difficult for him."

"It's still not fair." Storming away, Sara sat and pouted in the corner.

"Mack... do you have the urns?"

"I do Maddy, she cried. What if we hurt dad more. I don't know if I want to do this."

"You have too sis. Mom is right, so is that doctor. Dad needs to understand. Especially if any more of those damn reporters decide to sneak in again."

Giving her sister a hug for strength, they left out the door.
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Yeah why not? I think they should go too.

yeah I see what you're saying about Mac and needing help. It just makes me hope mine comes accross okay.
He thought MJ was Michael. I didn't see that coming. Stupid reporters for barging in like that and blabbing everything. They are really inconsiderate. There should be a law against that. If you want an interview, you call the person and ask for one. You don't barge in when they are trying to heal. Man I bet Stella wanted to strangle those reporters. :lol:

Good chapter.
If you want an interview, you call the person and ask for one. You don't barge in when they are trying to heal.

They'll be bankrupt if they were to follow the laws 'cause most people will declines the interview. They are meant to be like that. They push and never tries to tolerate. They surround you and asked stupid questions while trapping you with the Camera's flash. Some people who can't control their temper wrestles them.

you feel useless and confused yourself
Aww, both of them... :adore: *Grins* Totally agrees with that. Most of us always think that we're not doing good enough or useless. Good enough to give others satisfactory, to let them know we could do everything. But not all things can be done in certain condition. It was only temporary. We're all the same. It's the matter of how much effort you put in to complete a job and what way one chose to go through, to start a journey.. One step at a time as it was too much for him to swallow in. I loved it when something unexpected came in. It got me whoa! and starts reading without stopping. ;)
The Hospital...

When Eric and Mack, and MJ, walked into the room, they seen their father/grandfather propped up on pillows, sleeping, while mom was looking out the window crying.

Sitting down the box, that held the urns, Mack walked over and wrapped her arms around her mom.

"It's going to be okay mom. We are all going to get through this. But before we talk to daddy, I have some news to share with you."

Turning to face her daughter, she whispered...

"I know Mack, you're pregnant. I could tell the minute you walked in this afternoon. It was your glow, something a mother can't hide. No matter how upset they are."

"Yeah... yeah, I am. I brought the babies, and Michael."

Releasing herself from her daughters arms, she walked over and seen the beautiful urns. The three girls were resting inside a pink flowered urn, with a little doll painted in the center, who held the small plaque, with their name, birth, and date of death. Placing it carefully back in the box, Stella picked up her son.

Holding him right to her heart, Stella collapsed in the chair, cried and whispered...

"He tried to say good bye. He waved to me as he lay buried under the rubble. I seen his hand come up as he said good bye. Letting me know that he wouldn't be coming home with us. I see the event over and over, every night I try to shut my eyes. Oh Michael... I'm so sorry, so sorry we couldn't bring you home."

"Mom... why didn't you ever tell any of us, you seen Michael die?"

"It was something I wanted to share with your father first. I didn't do it to hurt you."

"I know that mom. But you shouldn't have allowed it to haunt you this long. You should have shared it with someone."

Continuing to look at the urn, she said nothing more. Getting up Mackenzie noticed her dad was awake.

"Hi daddy. Walking over to the bed, she wondered how much he had heard, as she kissed his lips. "I love you daddy, alot."

Nodding that he understood, he squeezed her hand.

"Daddy... are you ready to find out what happened?"

With a tear running down his cheek, he nodded, yes. As Ken watched from the door,he pressed the little button, listening, to the story about to be told.

Placing the urn back in the box, Stella sat beside him on the bed, while Eric sat on the chair, with Mack on his knee, and MJ in front on the other side, caressing his hair.

"It was almost four weeks ago Mac. A sunday morning, at Maddy and Adam's wedding. Do you remember the wedding?"

Mac gave her a quizical look.

"Adam Ross, you know who he is, right?" Nodding yes, Stella continued. He asked our daughter Maddy to marry him. She said yes. The day of the wedding, we were all at the Chapel. You and Maddy were walking down the isle, when Mackenzie noticed C-4 blocks under the pews. As we ran towards the exits, we found them all locked. It was at that moment, you rushed us all into the basement, to keep us safe.

While most of us made it down, there were 75 casualties in total, along the way, as the church exploded. Our son Michael... she choked out., he didn't make it Mac. He was crushed under the rubble with Lea, just above the stairs. I could see his hand Mac. See it as he waved goodbye, knowing he wasn't coming home.

Stopping to take a breath, and swallow back tears. She could see her husband shake his head, no, as he pointed to MJ.

"I'm sorry Mac, that's not Michael. It's MJ, your grandson."

Looking at his grandson, he slowly focused and seen the difference. Closing his eyes, he sighed.

"There's more... our three youngest grandbabies died too. Eric tried his hardest to revive them, but he wasn't able too. You had to pull him back, just as the next set of debris fell, burying their already damaged bodies."

Stella waited for a response. Anything that would say he was understanding. Continuing, she knew this was going to be the hardest part.

"But that's not how you ended up here...

What happened with you, was the rescue teams had finally found a opening to send through an air tube. The first time they failed, killing a five more guests. The second time they succeeded.

As we felt the air, you began yelling to Sheldon, and when the next set of rubble and debris came down, it buried you, with a huge piece of the rubble cracking the left side of your skull, and breaking your left arm. Which caused your amnesia.

Mac shook his head no, he could feel his tears soak his face. He tried to turn away, not wanting to believe what he was hearing. Damn he wished he could wake up from this dream. Never had he had a dream like this, last so long.

Mackenzie was crying onto Eric's neck, as he held her as tight as he could. Trying to protect her from seeing her mom, show dad the urns. Getting up Stella brought the box to the bed. Carefully removing her grandbabies, she placed them on the little table in front of Mac, followed by their son.

As he looked at them, he finally realized this wasn't a dream. This was real. Everything they said had happened, was all true.

Coming up the hallway, Melina seen what Stella was about to do. Running to the nurses station, she paged her dad.

As they watched the emotions play across his face, they seen his mouth open, then they heard his heart breaking scream release.

Filling the room, causing people and patients to come out of their rooms. Covering her ears, Mackenzie cried out loud. Watching in tearful pain, as her father clawed at the sheets to get out of the bed, with his good arm, upsetting the table, as the urns fell onto the bed, and rolled onto the floor.

Grabbing at them quickly, MJ picked them up, and passed them to Eric, as he held his grandfather down, before he hurt himself.

Coming into the room, Ken slowly sedated Mac, a little at time, not enough to knock him out, just enough to calm him. Once the screams became weak, once he stopped fighting, MJ released his hold. Looking into his grandfathers teary eyes, he whispered to him over and over, that he loved him, that he would be okay. That they would keep him safe.
I can't stop myself but to say that you did a great and wonderful job! :thumbsup: In a story, one of the most important thing was description. It was perfect as it helps us readers to pictures the scene and get ourselves inside there alive too. I could see all those pains in there as I read this chapters when Mac's anger augmented. I'm glad.. proud of him that he only gets bad-tempered after Stella told him everything. It was normal for one to react like Mac but.. They can't be revived or resurrect. Too much to be taken in at one time. The inevitable progression into the future. I wonders if someday, God shall answer his prayers.. :)
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