CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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I agree :)
I want more speech therapy so he can talk again lol
I actually remember researching aphasia and aphraxia for a fic but I can't recall which fandom darnit. And it's been so long it's also hard to remember what I read lol
Up's and downs,Melly:lol: thanks for the reviews

Later that night, at the Taylor home. MJ was helping his grandfather into the tub.

"Alright papa, there you go. I'm sure nana will be in shortly to help you wash."

Mac smirked. Oh yeah... he was so looking forward to bath time. It had been to long, since he had his wife share his bath.

"Behave papa, I can seen that sinister grin on your face already."

Laughing, MJ heard the door open. Seeing his nana come in, in her robe, he left them a few words.

"Now you naughty kids behave. Don't drown yourselves."

Shutting the door behind him, he headed downstairs.

"Hello my sinister husband. Would you like to see what is under my robe?" she whispred, seductively.

Oh yeah... Mac could feel every part of his soul come to life. Just as Stella could see the darkness glaze her husbands, in fevered passion. Dropping the robe, Mac wished to hell he could move, for if he could, he would have had his wife trapped under him, long ago. How dare she play the seductress, when he was unable to respond the way he wanted too.

"Mm... what's the matter Mac? You like what you see?" As she threw her head back, in teasing pleasure.

Splashing the water with his hands, letting his wife know that he wanted her now. She stepped into the tub. Knowing she was now trapped, he pulled her forward upon him, gripping her hips as he kissed her in fevered passion.

"My head...auuuuugh... augh... damn it, the pain."

Mac could feel the burning in his head, he could feel the pulsating pain. Trying to hide it from his wife, he failed as his eyes watered. Quickly getting out of he tub, she threw on her robe, and called her grandson.

"MJ... MJ, bring me papa's pills, hurry."

Handing her the pills, Stella gave one to Mac with a glass of water. A few minutes later, he was feeling better.

"How's your headache Mac? This isn't good, maybe we should get you back to the...."

Shaking his head angerly, he had MJ help him out of tub. Throwing on his robe, MJ sat him on his bed.

"Okay MJ, you can leave us now."

"Is he going to be okay, nana?"

"I think so. He's most likely done to much today. There was allot of excitment."

Once MJ left the room, Stella asked... "Mac, how long? How long have you been having these headaches? Did you not tell your doctor? Did you?"

Shaking his head, Stella became angry.

"Why? Why would you lie. Did you not listen to a word he said. These headaches could be dangerous, or are you trying to leave us all behind? Well I won't have it Mac. I won't have you leave us alone in this life, do you understand me? I won't. You're being selfish"

Mac was getting frustrated, didn't she understand he just wanted to be at home?

Reaching over Stella grabbed the board and tiled words. Passing them to her husband with tears he wrote...

"I'm sorry sweetheart. I never meant to lie. I just needed to come home. To be with you, the children, please understand."

"How can I understand Mac. What you did was wrong. I'll tell you right now. I'm not spending the rest of my life alone. I will not have you die on me, or our children. God damn you Mac, you should have told the doctor, they could have checked you before your release. How long? How long have you had the headaches?"

Placing tiles on the board he wrote... "two days. Two days before my release."

As much as Stella hated to do it, she had no choice. Picking up the phone, she called her husbands nerosurgeon.

"Dr.Robbins office, how can help you?"

"Yes, it's Stella Taylor calling. I need to speak with Andrew right away."

"Just a minute Mrs.Taylor."

Waiting for the doctor to pick up, Stella could see Mac's tears shinning in his eyes. God she was so angry at him. So angry. He could have endangered his life more now, then before.

"Hello, Stella. What's the problem?"

"It's Mac. He had a very bad headache tonight while in the tub."

"Okay... I need you to bring him in."

"That's going to be hard. He's refusing to come back."

Andrew sighed. He knew this would happen. He had known from the begining that Mac was stubborn.

"Alright, I'll be right there. But if I can't help him at home, I will call the Ambulance myself and bring him back, understand?"

"Yes. Thank you Andrew."

Hanging up the phone, Stella looked at Mac and said...

"He's coming here. But if he can't help you, or figure out what's wrong, he's taking you back with him."

Reaching his hand to her, he knew she was angry. He knew he had hurt her, scared her, with his attack. He knew she was angry, unable to be reasoned with at this time. Collapsing beside him on the bed, she cried out....

"Don't you understand Mac. I can't live without you. I can't go on without you, you are my only love, there is no other, I just don't want you to leave us all behind."

Pulling her down towards him, he passionately kissed her tears. Letting her know that he understood how she felt. Letting her know, that he would from this moment on be honest with her and their children.

Watching from the door, MJ, Michelle, Caroline and Tyler nestled into each other. Worried, frightened. For they had never seen their mother/grandmother lose it like that. Ever.

Hearing the knock at the door, MJ knew it was Andrew. Taking a deep breath, he answered it.
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*snuggles the family* I hope he does keep his promise and tells stella when something is wrong, at least she can do something :)
Walking up the stairs with the doctor, he left him with his grandmother and grandfather.

"Hello Mac. How you feeling now?"

Taking the tiles, he wrote, "better now."

Opening his medical bag, Andrew took out his light and shinned it into Mac's eyes.

"Are you feeling any pain, or stiffness in your neck or arm? How about dizziness? Nausea?

Shaking his head no. Andrew checked his blood pressure.

"Are you having any headaches now?"

Shaking his head no again. The doctor turned to Stella.

"You mentioned he had a bath. Did he exert himself at all during this time?"

Stella went red, Mac smirked. It take the doctor long to figure it out.

"Um... okay then. It's most likely with the temperature of the water, and the exertion of exercise, that may have caused him to much strain . Mac, when you take your meds, how long does it take for the pain to disappear?"

Placing the tiles on the board he wrote... "fifteen to twenty minutes."

"Okay, I'm going to up your dose. Instead of taking 25mg when the pain hits, I want you to take 35mg instead. Stella, all you have to do, is cut the tablets in half. That way when the pain hits, he gets one and half, instead of just one."

"Um... is it okay for us to make love? I mean, will it cause his headaches to become more frequent or worse?"

Andrew tried not to laugh. He wondered if Mac realized how lucky he was. Not only was his wife beautiful when she blushed, but she was very smart. Something he admired in a woman.

"No Stella. Making love to your husband won't hurt him. Just try not to make love in the heat, okay? He was most likely exahsted."

Getting up off the bed, Andrew put his stethoscope in his bag.

"I'll walk you out, Andrew. Kids, stay with your dad please."

Walking downstairs, Stella mentioned the earlier headaches.

"Um... Andrew. Mac's had headaches before this. He said two days before his release, he felt one hit him hard."

"He could be doing to much Stella, even some of his therapists have told me that they've seen Mac push himself to hard. He's very determined, and very proud. I'm sure you already knew this though. Just have him take it easy for a few weeks. Then when he comes in, we will redo the scan."

"I really want to thank you Andrew. We kind of all panicked. But it was very scary."

"These kind of episodes are Stella. Now that I've adjusted his medication, he should be fine. As the months progress, we will have to change his medication, and or dose again."

"This is due to the body becoming immuned to the amount of the dosage, right?"

"That's right. Anyway... if you have any questions, feel free to call me at my office. I'll give you my home number too. You know Stella. If you find you ever need to talk about anything, please don't hesitate to come see me. I'm here for you, as well as your husband."

"I know, and I will, thank you again, Andrew."

"You're welcome, Stella. Goodnight."

Once Andrew left, Stella headed back upstairs. Sitting on the bed, she leaned herself onto her husbands chest.

"You scared me Mac. You really scared me."

Taking his hand he stroked her beautiful curls. God how he wished he could talk. Just to tell her how sorry he was. Opening his mouth, he forced the strain on his vocal chords.

"I..I..I'm... s..oooorry." He mumbled out.

Looking up from her husbands chest, she said...

"What did you say Mac?"

Repeating his mumbled words, Stella could see the pain in his eyes, knowing that he knew, he had hurt her.

"I know you are Mac. Just as I'm sorry for..."

Placing his finger to her lips, he shook his head no. Letting her know she had nothing to apologize for. Pulling her with tenderness and care, he softly touched their lips. Just a sensual soft caress, and as their mouths opened, they took each other into their passionte moment together.

Breaking the kiss, Stella rested her head on her husbands chest, gently stroking his hairs, as he continued to caress her long beautiful curls.

Closing her eyes, falling into sleep, he softly heard her whisper.... "I love you Mac."

Squeezing her tighter. He closed his eyes, and fell into sleep with her. Leaving them both wrapped in each others warmth.

Melina had finished her shift, and was on her way to MJ's, to see how the family was doing, after Mac's episode. Heading through the underground parking she neared her car.

"God damn it. Who the hell...?"

Seeing the giant scratch across her new paint job, she called MJ.


"Hi MJ, I'm going to be a little late. I need to stop by the Police station and fill out a report. Someone damaged my car."

"Are you okay Melina? You didn't get hurt, did you?"

"No. I'm fine. I'll see you as soon as I can."

"Alright. Stay safe, I'll see you soon."
David's such a childish jerk. She turned him down (because she's already with someone), so he keys her car? :lol: What a loser! haha.

Glad Mac's okay.
yay he talked a little again :)
lol at the whole making love thing
That is so him, he's the same way in my fic. Push push push lol
yeah David is a loser.
"MJ, is Melina not coming now?"

"She'll be here Michelle, someone keyed her car. So she needs to stop by and fill out a report."

"Who would do that MJ? That's kind of mean."

"I know Michelle. Most likely some kids fooling around. As long as she's okay, and not hurt. That's more important then her car."

"You're falling in love with her, aren't you?"

Caressing his cousins cheek, he said... "yeah, yeah I am, kiddo."

Meanwhile... Miami-Dade Police Dept.

"Can I help you?" asked the Officer.

"Yes. I need to fill out a report. Someone damaged my car."

"Do you have any idea who damaged it maam?"

"No, I don't. All I know is my paint on the left side of the car, has been scratched off."

After filling out the report. They took pictures of the left side.

"Now what happens?"

"I'm afraid not much. Chances of finding the person who damaged your car are very slim. But we will keep the report on file, in case something else should come up."

"Thank you for all your help, goodnight."

Finally arriving at MJ's, Melina was ready to crash. It had been a very long shift, and her car being damaged, was the last piece of stress she could handle. Parking her car, she got out and knocked on the door.

"Hi Melina. Come on in, MJ's in the den. Are you okay? You look tired."

"I'm fine Michelle. How's your dad feeling?"

"Better now. He's sleeping, so is my mom."

"That's good, they both need rest." Taking off her coat, she placed it on the hook. Walking into the den, she seen MJ, playing with the dvd player.

"Hi Melina, just give me a minute, I'm trying to adjust the dvd player. Did you get your report filled out?"

"I did. Though there isn't much they can do."

"Aww... I'm really sorry Melina. I wish I could do more."

Sitting on the couch, Melina layed her head on the pillow, and fell alseep.

"MJ... MJ, whispred Michelle. Melina is sleeping."

"Aww... Getting up off the ground, MJ picked her up and carried her to his room. Laying her on his waterbed, Michelle covered her up. Thanks Michelle."

"You're welcome, MJ. She must work really hard to be a doctor, huh?"

"She does. But if she's anything like her father, she'll be exceptional."

Kissing her sweetly, they left the room. "Get Caroline and Tyler, kiddo. You can start the movie. I'm just going to call her dad and let him know she's safe here for the night."

After MJ called Andrew, he sat with the kids and watched the movie.

Meanwhile in MJ's room, Melina woke to the waves. Trying to figure out where the hell she was, she clicked on the light. Looking around, she realized she was in MJ's room. How neat he was. She thought to herself. His room was spotless, except for the laundry basket that had fresh clean clothes in it.

Walking over, she grabbed out his College t-shirt, dropped her clothes, and slipped it on. Laughing at herself in the mirror, as it just about reached her ankles. Yawning wide, she climbed back into the waterbed, turned out the light, and allowed the waves to lull her back into sleep.
A picture paints a thousand words
Most human beings, no matter how familiar they are with abstract symbols, respond to voice and images better than written language. They took pictures of each and every beautiful moment they shared together, gathering in one room, smiling or even laughing at one another. Each of the pictures has thousands of wonderful stories and histories behind it. Not only did it give one a great impression of happiness, the pictures helps the family to reminisce of what they once had before, cheering one another, preventing one from falling apart through times when they're down. Sometimes, a visualization is a better description than a verbal description. Although one was absent, they could feel the rays or waves of love from the family that was emitting in and around them.

Nothing is more important than Mac's health. If he recovers well, he could spend more time with his family without letting them concern about him, doing all sort of things he wants. It is comprehensible that he wanted to go home to be with his family. Everything changes in just a blink. He wanted to be with them as badly as he wanted to hold what's once in his hands before and give them everything, he needed to bring back those joyful days. Once he stands, he does not want to fall back down anymore but if he really does, Stella is there to grab hold of him. I'm glad that Stella found out soon before anything major attacks. Hopefully he could recover soon with the medications that Andrew prescribed.

*Sighs* Something in the pit of my stomach. :adore: I really loved it, I was reddening as I read them and couldn't get enough of it. I..I'm speechless yet there's tons of thoughts running through my mind. There's so much to review but it was all stated very specific and written generic by you. It helps us readers to understand a certain situation better in detail as the love and angst between the characters were great and it shines! I enjoyed them as much and of course the :adore:... I loved how Stella responded to Mac's condition and they understood each other very well by the end. It was soft, the endurance, strength and patient among them forced all the tribulations to back away. Being able to bent and flexed without breaking as they hold each other throughout this. :thumbsup:
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