CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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For without hearts, there is no home.
Somewhere a person dwells, the habitual abode of one's family and the sacred refuge of our life where there's safety, love, comfort, joy and happiness. Where everyone gathers and share the moment in their hearts and existence in time, where one's heart is, that's home. There's not a day when one do not feel to be at home. ;) I hope that the family will soon heal from all these torments and agony that has been landing endlessly on them.

Mackenzie can be vulnerable sometimes but she never gives up or even ignores about what's in the future and present. She tries.. tries so hard to comprehend them with the help from the family as everyone has a reason to live, appreciate and hold dear to what we have now as everywhere, everyone is special to someone. :adore:
Thanks for the reviews.

Back at the Hospital, Melina had finally found her dad.

"Hi daddy... she whispered. Can we talk for a minute?"

"Of course love, in here. What is it?"

"Um... I was wondering if we could send Mac home early. His family would really like him at home. He has gotten better at cooperating. I think it might be good idea. Also Stella has everything ready for him. I can really see how upset she is dad, she really wants her husband home."

"Melina... I know you've come to love the Taylor's. But Mac still has a long way to go. To be honest with you, I do not even want him released in two weeks. Does Stella realize the work that needs to be done when the homecare worker is not there to do it? Then there is his medication. We have antidepressants, Tranqs, antiseizure meds. Not to mention the amount of stress that family will be under."

"I know dad, but the Taylor's are strong. They have allot of family to help."

"Listen love, with most TBI families, it's always great at first. Then when the reality of it sets in, it becomes a burden, then no one wants to help anymore. They make excuses , often leaving the patient to retreat back to where they were before they left our care."

"Dad... this time you are wrong. I know the Taylor's would never do that. Please, let this family heal at home, their way. The Taylor way."

Sighing he knew he couldn't fight his daughter.

"Let me talk to his therapists. If they all feel secure enough, I'll consider it."

"Oh, thanks daddy. I love you."

"Don't love me yet. I still may say no."

Leaving her dad to his thoughts, she realized her dad may have trouble with David. For if he found out she arranged it, he could use it, to try and get her to go out with him.

"There's my angel."

"Hi MJ... you ready for lunch?"

"I am, but my grandmother mentioned that you had something to share with me, about one of my dads therapists?"

"We'll talk over lunch. I'm starving."

Taking MJ by the hand, they walked out before he could ask anymore questions.

In the meeting room. Andrew was sitting at the table with Mac's therapists.

"Um.. where's Melina, Andrew? She should be here, shouldn't she?"

"I've already discussed the issue with her, She's fine with it, that's all you need to know. What I need from you all, is how ready do you feel, to send Mac Taylor home?"

"As his Occupational therapist. I feel Mac is ready for home. He's come far. He still has allot of trouble gripping things for long periods of time. But is able to hold items for several minutes before his muscles spasm. He's also started drawing simple lines and circles with pens, pencils, and markers. His next steps, can be done in his home. So I think it's a great idea. Plus patients have a 90% better recovery rate at home."

"How about you David, how do you feel about it?"

"As his Physio Therapist, I have to say no. The patient cannot stand for more then a minute, he has taken only one step before his muscles in his legs give in. He also shows several signs of frustration. At this time, I'd have to say no."

"I'm not sure how aware you are David. But his wife just readjusted their home. She had a ramp, a chair lift, special top of line physio equipment installed in their home. Her and her family, have devoted hours and money into this project to bring their father/husband home. I think if someone is willing to make that kind of effort. We at least need to make one too."

"I just don't think he's ready. Hell... I don't even think the family is ready for the mental side of it."

"That's not your department David. It's mine as his neurosurgeon. So you just worry about your side of it. Are we all in agreement?"

"I'm not."

"That's fine David. If you do not wish to be Mac's in home physio therapist, I can find another."

"Fine... you have my vote. Now if you excuse me, I'm ready for lunch."

Leaving the room David wasn't at all happy. He knew it was now going to be twice as hard to get near Melina. For Mac would not put up with that kind of crap.

Heading into the elevator, he whispered... "this is really going to suck."
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*nod* I agree. I think he should try to see it from their perspective though.

I still want to know, how do you get things so in detail? I've researched a lot but still have a hard time filling things in in my head, which is why I have a couple gaps. I so want my muse to work like yours lol. I don't know how to make it happen though. I'm not compairing myself or anything now cause I know we're all different and write different but how do you do it? lol

btw do you have a beta?
Blood is thicker than water
;) Family relations are stronger, full of ardor, fervent and most importantly, much more passionate than relationships with people you don't even know or necessary to meet for some certain reason. If it's to heal him completely, it would be his family. Someone who he trust, confidence to love and had known all his needs from his ups and downs, providing him intense warmth of feeling. I'm glad that Melina, Andrew and the occupational therapist has been very compassionate towards their patient, being able to look on the bright side instead of inclining to a discouraging view or self-indulgence. Nothing will ever come between the family's way. :) I can't help it.. I enjoyed each and every sentence that was written well and competent. :adore:
thanks for the reviews

When Melina and MJ returned to his grandfathers room, she found her father there. Looking at Stella, Melina noticed she was in tears.

"Oh.. oh Stella, I'm sorry. Dad, why would you say no? Now look at Stella, how could you? She loves..."

"Would you stop Melina? Just breathe. Stella is crying because she gets to take Mac home on friday."

"Home? Really? Oh dad...oh.. I'm so happy for you Stella."

Embracing her in her arms, Melina wouldn't let go as they all laughed.

"Melina, please let go of Mrs.Taylor."

"Right... sorry dad. I'm just so happy for the Taylor's. Mac... you must feel amazing right now? You get to go home."

Mac was smiling. Melina sure was excitable.

"So did everyone agree dad?"

"Everyone but David. He doesn't feel Mac is ready."

"I bet," whispered MJ.

Andrew looked at MJ with confusion. "Is there something I should know about?"

"No dad. Everything is fine."

Nodding that he understood, he continued.

"As I was saying Stella, Mac will be on at least four to five different types of medication. For his depression he will remain on the Amitriptyline, it seems to be working well for him. It's very important that this medication is taking on schedule. He will also be given Olanzapine which is his tranquilliser to help him sleep. Carbamazepine, is the anitseizure medication we have chosen for Mac's seizures. Most times his seizures will go unkown, which is why it is very important that this medication not be missed. Oxy, for his pain. Like I informed you earlier, this is not going to be easy. Your husband is going to be demanding at times, angry, confused and very impatient, when things don't go his way.

"We understand that. We are all willing to get my husband through this, as a family. It's what we do Andrew. It's what we've always done for each other."

"Good, I only wish we had more families like yours who are willing to be this involved in the healing process. We shall talk more before Mac is released. I'll see you later Mac. Try and rest."

Once Melina's father left the room, she punched him in the arm.

"Oww... what was that for?"

"That was for almost telling. The last thing my dad needs to hear about, is

David's possible obsession. Remember, none of us are sure. So lets just keep it between us."

Mac nodded, Stella had to agree. Until they knew more, it was best to say nothing.

"Fine. But you didn't have to punch me."

"Aww... I'm sorry honey." Leaning up on her tiptoes, she kissed his lips.

*Beep,beep,beep* "Oh that's me. I'll see you later MJ."

As Melina left down the hall, Stella laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Melina. She's such a little bitty thing."

"Bitty or not, she packs one hell of a punch." hissed MJ.

Meanwhile Shannon, Sara, and Sharon were eating lunch when Frank tossed the school paper on their table.

"Frank! What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing Sharon, I just wanted to get your attention. Or maybe firing a bullet in the air would work better?"

"Well forget it. You're not my type, and two... you could fire several bullets in the air, I still wouldn't notice you. Now get lost."

Sharon disliked Frank. He had taken her friend Susan to the drive-in. When she wouldn't put out, he sped off, leaving her there with no way home.

"You know Sharon. Someone needs to knock that chip off of you and your sisters shoulders. None of you are better then the rest of us."

"We never said we were. It's the rest of you, who judge us. Just because we are the daughters of Miami's Lieutenant Delko."

Getting up Sharon and her sisters left the Cafeteria.

"Are you going to be okay Sharon?"

"Yeah. Don't worry about me Sara. I'll be fine. You better get to class."

Once her sisters left, Sharon called MJ to pick her up. Arriving at the school he asked...

"What's going on Sharon? Is everything okay?"

"It's fine. I just didn't know who else to call. I need to take the afternoon off. But I don't want mom and dad to know."

"Whoa... you want me to fib to Auntie for you? I can't do that Sharon."

"Please MJ. You were young once. Please, just take me away from here."

Sighing deep he wasn't sure what to do. If he left her here. She may just run off on her own. But if he took her with him. At least he would know she was safe.

"Alright. Let's go. But we are going to talk, deal?"

"I promise MJ. It's not that serious."

"Serious or not, I want to know."

Opening the car door, she sat and strapped herself in.

"Thank MJ. I owe you alot."

"The only thing you owe me, is an explanation when we get to the beach, understand?"

Nodding her head yes. They left the school.
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Not Mac. Melina doesn't want her father to know about David and his antics with her. Not until they know for sure what David is up too:)
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