CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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Back at the Delko's, Eric and Mack finally made it back home. Opening the door, Mackenzie held it open for Eric while he carried in the paint, boarder, pictures, brushes, and other small items they had picked up for the nursery. Setting everything down, he shut the door and sighed.

"Aww... I'm sorry honey. Look at you. You're all tuckered out. It must be hard getting old, huh?" she laughed.

"Old? You think I'm getting old? Come here Mack, I'll show you how old I'm not."

Laughing Mack ran through the house, trapping herself in the kitchen.

"Now... why is it. All you Taylor women, like to get yourselves trapped in the kitchen?"

Mackenzie began to pant. She could feel her body respond to her husbands deep, dark, passionate look. Stalking his way towards her, she sliently cried out his name..."Eriiiic."

Near her side now, he placed his hands seductively on her hips, listening to her sighs as the shiver rolled through her every nerve, her every orifice that was screaming for more deeper, longer, sensual strokes.

God... Eric loved this side of his wife. Never in all his previous years before meeting her, had any women responded the way his wife had, and continued to do, too this day. Each and every moment like this, she always made him feel like they were sharing their first time as lovers.

Sliding his hand under her shirt, he caressed them upwards closing his eyes in pleasure as her flesh continued to shiver, and come to life.

Watching as her head fell back, taking advantage with his tongue as he stroked it up and over her ear. Feeling her tense right into him, as she bit down onto his shoulder and released her pleasure.

Releasing her teeth, she moved her head towards his ear, whispering with the deepest, darkest, seductive pleasure, as he hissed and grinded her tighter. Listening as she whispered out..." Take me Eric... take me now."

Sweeping her up in his arms, he carried her to their room. Never breaking pace, or stride as they continued their loving whispers. Laying her upon the bed now, they looked into each others passionate, deep dark eyes. Letting each other know that they no longer needed gentleness, they no longer needed caresses or strokes.

All they needed in that special moment was each others love.

Meanwhile at the beach, MJ bought Sharon a coke and some fries.

"Alright kiddo, spill it. What's going on in your life."

"There's this guy at school. He's a real jerk. He took out my friend Mandy to the drive-in the other week. I mean she was so excited about being asked out by a senior, especially this senior. His name is Frank, he's kinda built like a tank, has dark,sexy looks. Anyway... when they got to the drive-in, he tried to get her to loosen up. After she told him no, he kicked her out of his car, leaving her to find her own way home."

"She got home okay, didn't she?"

"She did. But she never got over the experience of it. Now he seems to be gunning for me. MJ... he knows I hate him, but he don't care. Everyday he comes up to me, Shannon, and Sara. Tossing the school paper on our lunch table to get my attention. Then when I ignore him, or tell him I'm not interested, he says... "always you think you are better then us. Just because your father is a Lieutenant."

"Sharon, what does Tristan say about this?"

"I haven't talked to him in months. I guess I should say he hasn't talked to me in months. Ever since he went away to College, I haven't heard from him. Which is fine with me, for we both knew this was going to happen. I"m sure he'll send me a letter soon saying goodbye."

"Aww kiddo, I'm sorry. But you know, if he can't see the wonderful woman he had in you, then he's not worth it."

"I know MJ. But now I don't know what to do about Frank. He figures because I have no one, it gives him the right to move in."

"Hm... I have an idea. Tomorrow morning, I will pick you, and your sisters up. When we get to the school, we will give Frank a little show. Once he sees you with a older man, he'll back away."

"Um... I'm not going to have too kiss you, am I?" she panicked.

MJ laughed. "No... I'll give you a beautiful caress on your cheek. Just enough to let him know you're taken."

"You would do that for me, MJ?"

"Of course I would kiddo. Cause I love you squirts, each and every one of you."

Getting up she hugged her cousin tight.

"Thank you, thank you, MJ."

"You're welcome, now let's get you back for your last class."

Tossing their garbage in the bin, they headed back to the school.
Back at the Hospital Mac was determined to get up on his own. Knowing his wife was out getting supper, he reached for the bar, pulled it towards him, gripped on, and tried to stand. Whether it was the moment, or whether he had done to much, the pressure in his brain hit him all at once.

Holding his hands to his head, he tried to shake off the pain. Reaching for his medication, he opened it and took one. Once he swallowed it down with water, he laid back and closed his eyes. He knew, he should have known better, but he had too at least try.

Not wanting his wife to know, he pushed the bar back with his foot.

"Hey Mac... I got you the chicken, potatoes and veggies. Is that okay?"

"Mm... sounds good love, thanks."

"Are you okay Mac? You look pale."

"I'm fine love, let's eat."

After they were finished dinner, Stella helped Mac into his wheelchair and took him outside for a walk. Feeling the sunshine across his face felt wonderful, as did the warm Miami breeze. Pulling over by one of the benches, they sat together in silence.

Reaching for his wife's hand, he held it as he kissed her. Deepening the kiss he wanted more. Knowing this wasn't the right place, he pulled back but continued to passionately love her with his eyes.

"Are you ready to go home tomorrow Mac?"

"I am love. More then you'll ever know. Just knowing we will be back in our own home, our own bed, with our children by our side, is all I need."


Back at the Taylor's the family was all together getting everything ready for their father/grandfathers arrival in the morning.

"MJ? Where did you want the streamers?"

"Just around the hall, and the sliding doors. This way when my grandfather comes in the door he will see them. Eric, can you hang the banner across the hall with Danny?"

Once they had everything in order, MJ, gave one last check to the Physio room they had set up in one of the spare rooms. Seeing everything in order, he walked out, and shut the door.

"Okay guys, all set. Should we all go out for dinner?"

"Mm... sounds good. Danny, you and Lindsay coming?"

"Not this time Mack. I'd like to get home too Nat and Kat, they've both been ill."

"Okay Danny, thanks for your help. Tell Nat and Kat to get better."

"We will, see you in the morning."

Once they left, MJ, and the rest of the family headed out to eat.
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All that glitters is not gold
You can't tell a book by it's cover. Things that appear valuable or worthwhile might not actually be so, things that look nice might not be as good as they look. Some people, one's outer appearance may be perfect but when looked deeper into his inner heart, it might be hazardous due to his aggresiveness and what's behind this, Frank's mind, as the manner of his behavior is different from others. ;) A person's attitude is what matters in a person's character rather than his appearance. Just like the family, they treated everyone as a family even if they weren't sharing the same blood. Everyone could feel their love that was radiating around the world.

I'm glad that Sharon and Melina told MJ about what the two bad guys is up to as knowledge of imminent danger can prepare us to overcome it. Being aware of this and being able to protect the both of them. MJ had come to terms of being responsible and protecting the family, and even the one he loved. He's a great brother, grand child or a child to Mac.

trapped in the kitchen
*Burns and adds more ice* They needed each other just like a needle needs a vein. Hmm, wonders what they're going to paint on the wall for their new individual. ;) I.. I.. did enjoyed that. You always had a beautiful new idea of how to deal with the naughty and risque ones. :thumbsup:*Gulps*

Hopefully a good recover full of happiness shall come to Mac someday. He made a genuine, determined and assiduous effort to accomplish things. He attempted to get better soon. But there was all of it that was pushing him down. Never did he disappoint the family, fight for his life and even tried to made the family smile when they're in pain or something that's fussing them. I'm sure Stella will find out soon. They can never hide anything from each other. :adore: There will have to be a fall before any success. :thumbsup: He made it all worthwhile for the family to be with him despite of what condition he's in now. Just holding him by their side letting them know he's very unyielding and still fighting. One day, he shall be a victory that conquers all the weaknesses in him. He's the endeavour Mac the family had known. Even if it's to search high and low, he'll find happiness for the family. :)
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When the girls got home from school. They seen their parents covered in paint.

"What happened to you two?"

"Hi kids. We were kind of painting, and spilled a little."

"A little, try alot. You both painted your bodies all over the place." said Sharon.

"Eww... is that paint print one of mom's, auuuuuuugh... I'm out of here, I know what you two were doing now."

Shannon took off, as did Sara. They wanted far away as possible.

"Can you believe mom and dad. Pregnant again, and still acting like children."

"I know Sara, just isn't done."

While the girls finished their homework, Eric and Mackenzie put the finishing touches on the paint.

"We are finished. Isn't it bright. I love the color pink. Once we get the boarder around, it's going to be gorgeous."

Wrapping his arms around his wife's swollen tummy he couldn't agree more.

"Daddy...ungry. I ungry."

"You're hungry. Well... let's go downstairs and get you something to eat."

"Oh damn... we were so busy with the painting, I forgot to make supper."

"That's okay Mack, we can order out. What do you feel like?"

"Hmm... how about some Chinese tonight. I'd love some chicken fried rice, and chow mein."

Placing his son in the chair, he brought down some cookies and filled a small cup with milk.

"Sank you daddy."

"You're welcome son."


Over at the Ross's, Maddy had just finished feeding Adam when Gray came in.

"Mom... would it be okay if I took Adam for a walk? I won't go far with him."

"Of course it's okay. Are you going to see Lindsay?"

"Nah... she's got the flu. She hasn't been feeling well."

"Gray... she's not..."

"Noooooo... God mom, no she's not pregnant."

"Thank goodness for that. You kids had me worried for a minute."

Wrapping Adam in a blanket, Gray placed him in the stroller and took him for a walk.

Back at the Hospital, Mac was too excited to sleep. Sitting himself up, he reached for his drink when Melina walked in.

"Hi Mac. I'm on a break and thought it would be nice to spend it with you."

Smiling, he leaned back against his pillows.

"So are you all ready to head home tomorrow? You are going to be missed here you know."

Nodding that he understood, he tried to turn and face Melina.

"Here... let me help you." Adjusting his pillows behind his back, Melina then covered him, and sat back down.

"Would you like me to read to you Mac?"

Shaking his head no. He closed his eyes.

"Sleep well Mac. The moring is a whole new day for you."

While Mac slept, Melina continued to read till her break was over. Walking out into the hall, David stopped her.

"What do you want David?"

"Some conversation would be nice. Maybe a coffee?"

"No on both. But thanks for the offer, I have to get back."

"What is it with you Melina? Why do you have to be such a bitch?"

"Me... a bitch. I think you need to look at yourself first. You're a user. You take what you can from the nurses here, and then you move on to your next victim. Even with the Candy strippers, you do the same thing, and those are underage girls. Your ass should have been fired long ago, just for those stunts alone. Now if you don't mind, some of us have real work to do."

Walking away from him, David thought to himself... "one of these days, I'm going to teach her a lesson she won't soon forget."
I can't decide who I want to see kick David's arse: MJ, Mac or Rambo Stella. :lol: Someone needs to though. What a jerk! :lol:
lol let all of them kick his butt
*All of them chased after David* When they caught him, they shouted "SUPER DUPER HYPER KICK!" as they kicked his butt in synchronized. The strength within the family added up and formed a strong fire that causes David's butt to burn fiercely. Boom! Let him fly to Sahara Desert without even needed a plane. Save cost, save energy. ;)

Diversity is essential
It takes all kind to build a world. They are people who made the world full of peace but was totally spoiled by people who would do everything to fulfill their own excitement and needs. All the adversity that has came between the family occurs in quantity but with a period of discomfort can provide the basis for a period of happiness. I'm wondering what this David is up to too.. All this obsession in him was pushing him beyond the edge. He does not know what is love, neither does he know what is life. There's so many girls in this world yet he choose to destroy a person's bliss. I couldn't wait for Mac to be with his family again as they get to spend more time with him at home.. What they had planned for him. :adore:
*All of them chased after David* When they caught him, they shouted "SUPER DUPER HYPER KICK!" as they kicked his butt in synchronized.

:lol: The "super duper hyper kick" thing for some reason made me think of the power rangers (of all things lol). :guffaw:
Coming Home

When the family arrived to pick up Mac, they found him already dressed, and in his wheelchair.

"Whoa daddy, look at you. Are you in a hurry?" giggled his daughter.

"Good morning Taylor family. I see everyone is ready to take Mac home."

"We are. But it looks like my husband is ahead of us."

"Oh... I'd say you're right. He's been dressed since 6am this morning. Okay Stella, here are Mac's medications. We've talked about them in detail. One very important thing you must remember. If Mac begins to have any pain, or headaches, he must be brought back immediately."

"He is okay, isn't he?"

"He's fine Stella. I asked him if he was experiencing headaches, he told me no. So everything looks fine. It's just precaution."

"How bad can they be?"

"It all depends. Most times it's as simple as adjusting his medication. Other times it could be a small clot that has developed. Either way it's very important that you watch for these symptoms. The quicker you get him back here. The easier it will be to treat."

Mac avoided the doctors eyes. The only thing he wanted was to get home
and return to the life he once had. Headaches or no headaches.

"Okay, thank you for everything. Can we take him now?"

"Of course. Now you have all the appointments and times for the visits from the therapists, if there is any time you'd like to change, let my office know."

"I will. Again, thank you for everything."

"You're welcome. Mac... take care of yourself. I'll see you in four weeks for your scan, okay?"

Nodding yes, the doctor left the room.

"Let's go mom. I want to get daddy home for his surprise."

Mac smiled. He knew his family would havre something planned. Leaving the Hospital, MJ walked ahead and opened the van door. Watching as the ramp descended, Mac smiled.

"Alright papa, you ready?"

Nodding yes, MJ wheeled him into the van, and buckled his chair into the snap. Getting into the back, Michelle sat beside her father and held his hand.

"I love you daddy. I've missed you so much. I'm so happy you're coming home," she cried.

Taking his hand, Mac caressed his daughters cheek. He had missed this closeness with her. He knew how much Michelle needed him, he knew how much all his children and grandchildren needed him.

Pulling up to the house, everyone got out. While Michelle ran ahead to let everyone know they were home. MJ, helped wheel his grandfather in. Nearing the door, Mac could hear the shh's coming from the house.

"SURPRISE... welcome home dad."

As Mac watched his family, he cried. Here they all were, together again. Together in one room, sharing the new life they were all about to start from this day forward. Looking around his home, he could recognize what he had missed, then he seen it. Standing on the mantel, shinning brightly as if saying "welcome home dad," was Michael's urn.

Watching the family knew what had Mac fixated. They knew that Mac would want to lay his own son to rest, that's why they had kept him on the mantel. Where's he'd be not only safe, but warm in his families love.

"So tell us dad. How does it feel to be home?"

Smiling at Adam through his tears, he wrote on the board... "it feels amazing. I love you all, and from this moment on, the generations will continue to grow, and rebuild on our strengths, passions, and love."

"Okay guys, enough with the tears. Let's get our new family pictures, and first new family video." yelled Mack.

As all the grandchildren stood around Mac's wheelchair, the adults stood behind. Then clicking the timer, everyone smiled as they yelled.... "generations." *click*


Danny knew Nat, the kids and himself were missing Mac's home coming. But what could they do? They all had the flu. Heating up the soup in the kitchen, Danny heard Kat crying again. Turning down the heat on the stove, he walked into the nursery and checked on her.

"Hey Kat. I know sweetheart. Daddy's girl is so stuffed up and fevered."

Taking her downstairs, he cuddled her into his neck. Hearing footsteps he turned and seen his daughter with fevered eyes.

"Linds... are you okay honey?"

"No daddy, I feel so achy and sore. Can I have some Tylenol?"

"Sure sweetheart. How is Gray feeling? Did he happen to catch it?"

"Not that I know of daddy. I talked to him this morning. He said he was feeling fine."

"That's good love. Especially with Mac coming home today. Why don't you take this soup up to mom, and I'll bring Kat with me."

"Okay daddy. I love you."

"I love you too, Linds."

When Danny got back upstairs with Kat, he laid them together on their bed.

"How's she doing, Danny?"

"She's fine Nat, go back to sleep. You're still pretty fevered. I'll take care of her."

"Danny... I"m really sorry we had to miss Mac's homecoming."

"There's nothing to be sorry for, Nat. I'm sure the Taylor's understand. Try and sleep."

Wrapping his family in his arms, they fell back into sleep, leaving everything else behind while they healed.
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