CSI:NY/Miami #3..The Younger Generation Cont's

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It's the memories Melly. It's hard for Mack to see her daughters things. So it's best to remove the items from the home. It's hard for some people to deal with death. Especially when it's your own. Removing the memories sometimes help with the healing. :)

Later that night, MJ massaged his grandfathers muscles. He could feel how tight they were.

"MJ... how is he?"

"Hey Melina, he's sleeping. So I thought I'd massage his muscles a little."

"Here, let me help. It's very important that you rub them in a circular motion, this way the blood flows freely through the veins."

Looking up, Melina seen Mac smirk at her.

"I think your papa is enjoying this too much. Does he often play matchmaker?"

"Yeah. Most times he's spot on. Other times he slips, and lets the wrong one through."

Melina knew he was talking about Lea again. Not wanting to get him started on her, she crushed her lips to his, to shut him up. Again as Mac watched, he could see the passion between them. A different kind of passion, then what he shared with Lea. Even the aura around them was brighter, more alive.

"I see you Mac. Are you enjoying the moment?" Melina asked.

Smirking even more, he shrugged his shoulders.

"You're a sneaky one, aren't you? You pretend to sleep, but yet you see everything that goes on around you. You must have been a wonderful Detective."

MJ looked up at his grandfather. He could tell how badly he wanted to talk.

"He was. He ran his own team in New York. Then when he came here to
Miami, he became a Luitenant for a while. As did my grandmother. Then they decided it wasn't where they wished to be, so they retired all over again. I remember when my father, Caroline and I arrived here, my grandfather had a house full of family members. We were sleeping in the den, or sharing rooms. It was alot of fun."

"Sounds like it. I've always wished for a huge family. But after my mother died, it became my father and I. He never remarried, or dated. He said my mother was it for him. There would be no other that could even come close to her. So why bother."

Mac smiled, reaching for her hand, he squeezed it.

"I know Mac, you feel the same about Stella, I can see that every minute you spend with each other. That's why you both remind me of days gone by. You both have the beautiful souls, with aching need to keep your family tightly sewn together. I've never seen such love and passion. It truely amazes me, you are both a perfect example, that life can and will continue after so much loss."

Mac teared up, never had he thought anyone could understand the beautiful reason behind their passionate love. But yet... here was Melina, a young lady who knew what they meant to each other. Who knew what made their family bond what it is today. A tightly woven pattern, full of generations and unconditional love.

Stopping her massage, she walked up, bent down and looked Mac right in the eyes, as she said...

"You go ahead and cry Mac. You go ahead and let the pain out. You have every right to release it. You and your family have lived through the evilness, and still came out as survivors. So let everyone that loves you, carry you for a while. Let them give back, what you forever give everyday. Strength, understanding, comfort, warmth, and most of all love."

Sure enough he did. He cried for what seemed like hours. Yet all the while Melina stayed right beside him, just holding his hand, not saying a word.

For she knew in her heart, none were needed. The only thing that was needed, was a simple caress from a caring friend
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A short time later Mac finally calmed down. Taking a cool cloth, Melina washed the tears from his face. Then picking up his ice water, she gave him a few sips.

"Are you comfortable on your back Mac? Or would you like to be turned on your side?"

Shaking his head no. Melina propped his pillows, tucked him in, and kissed his cheek.

"Sleep well Mac. Night."

Once MJ, was sure he was resting comfortably, he left the room with Melina.

"You were amazing Melina. Do you think you may have gotten through to him. About allowing us to help?"

"I hope so MJ. We will know more in the morning."

Walking down the empty hall, MJ and Melina headed to the roof.

Back at home, Stella couldn't sleep. It just wasn't the same without her husband there. It was like a piece of her soul was missing. Turning on her light, she wrote down some estimates on a wheel chair ramp, and chair lift. Then taking out the phonebook, she looked up some Orthopedic manufacturer numbers to call in the morning.

"Mom? You're home."

"Hi sweetheart. I am. What's the matter? Cant' sleep."

"No. I miss daddy. Why do we have to wait so long to bring him home?"

Stella wasn't really up for questions tonight. The only place she wanted to be was with her husband.

"Why don't you come sleep with me sweetheart. I"d love some company."

Climbing into her moms arms, she covered them up, while caressing her daughters hair.

"Please answer my question mom. Why?"

"He's not ready love. Until your dad can accept help from his therapists, or from us, he can't come home."

"But why? He's our dad, it should be up too us. I don't understand mom."

"It would be too much stress on all of us. Remember what your dad was like yesterday? When he had that temper, scaring you, and your cousins."

"Yeah... but he didn't mean too. He only thought you were keeping things from him."

"I know that love. He should have never thought that. He knows I've never kept anything from him. He's very confused and angry, he can't remember how to perform simple tasks, or remember certain events. There are so many reasons love. The most important one being. "I don't want you kids, to have too be subjected to his anger. Even though it's not directed toward you. It's not fair to you, or your cousins."

"Okay mom. I'm sorry I questioned your reasons."

"Don't ever be sorry Michelle. You ask me all the questions you need to about your dad. Okay?" Nodding yes, Stella leaned over and turned off the light as her grandchildren ran in.

"Nana... can we sleep with you too?"

"Sure... come on up. We can have big cuddly sleepover."

Once her daughter and grandchildren were comfortable, she finally fell into sleep herself. With her final thought being, tomorrow would be another day.
"Absence makes the heart grows fonder"
When someone or something is far away, you realise how much you love or miss them. You wanted to be with them so badly yet there's someone else who needed attention too.. Rather than feeling nostalgic or sentimental, one should simply accept any place where one happens to reside as their home. It was just like before, it's yesterday once more. Somewhere, someone that gave them happiness, fills their life with enjoyment and colorful rainbows where there's a pathway at the beginning and an end but indefinite where it shines, remains in the spirits forever.

Melina's and MJ's great development and all the events that happened recently did a lot in helping Mac towards the improvement of recovering as he begins to accept all of these slowly. They took the risk, attempt to make everyone feels better, day by day, all the pieces that has been shattered were pickened up. They never did hide anything from each other unless it's necessary for a while, they grasp fully or throughly. In unity, there is strength where the family helped each other to heal as they have the common goal to accomplish. By just holding each other, letting them know there's still tomorrows where they're going to fight together. I loved this. It made me smile when they had all the wonderful conversation and understood each other. :thumbsup:
I think he should come home, he'd be in familar surroundings and could recover better. They could have a home therapist come in...
The following day brought fourth a whole new change in Mac. Leaving his family to wonder if Melina had truly answered their prayers. Even when the Physio therapist arrived, he was cooperative.

"Morning Mr.Taylor, how are you feeling this morning?"

Placing the tiles on the board, he wrote... "fine."

"Good... alright, let's get your muscles working today. Have you had your massage today?"

Writting on the board he said yes.

"Very good, you're way ahead of me today. Should we try and stand?"
Placing his hands on the bar, Mac pulled himself up and stood for a few seconds before falling again on the bed.

"That was great Mac... now let's try again, and take one small step. You won't fall, I'll be right behind you."

Pulling himself up again, he took a step, felt his legs collapse, as the therapist reached for him. Sitting him back down, Mac became agitated again.

"It's okay Mac. I know it's very frustrating. But you will get there. In the mean time, I have these ankle weights for you. They are very light. What I'd like you to do is little leg lifts from the bed. This will rebuild the strength back in your legs."

Nodding that he understood, the therapist left as Melina came in.

"Hey Melina... what are you up too tonight? I know this..."

"Forget it David, just move along to your next patient."

"You know... one of these days you..."

Hearing the slam, David turned and seen the look of anger on Mac's face. Understanding the meaning behind it, he left.

"Thanks Mac. That was very sweet of you. How are you feeling now?"
Placing tiles on the board, he asked... "are you in any danger with him? I want to know Melina. The truth."

"I don't think so Mac. He's just a jerk. He tries to hit on alot of the nurses and single girls. I'm one of the few who have said no. I don't like him, but I know how to handle him don't worry.'

Placing new tiles on the board again, he said... "I do worry. You are a beautiful young lady, who has come to mean alot to me in such a short time. I don't want to have to worry about you. I think it's best if you let MJ know. Please, for me."

Caressing Mac's face, she smiled. "I will Mac. I promise."

"Aaah... so you are the one who has stolen my Mac's heart."
Turning with a giggle, she seen Stella.

"Hi Stella, how was your night? We are just getting started on his speech, come on in. As for his heart. It belongs to only one, and that's you. Have a seat."

Kissing her husband good morning. She sat down and noticed the board.

"Are you in danger Melina?"

"No, just one more guy, who thinks he's important to the female population."

Stella looked with concern at Mac. Reaching for her hand, he told her with hie eyes, that they would talk about it later.

"Alright Mac. I'd like to continue working on our sounds. What I want you to do, is make smochie lips. Like this.."

While Mac watched Melina's lips tighten up, he tried not to smile. But damn he couldn't help it, she looked like a fish.

"What? What's so funny? Hmm... how about you pucker up for your wife then."

Turning towards Stella, he grinned wickedly.

"On second thought, let's skip that," Melina giggled.

"Melina... is there a reason he can't talk? I mean he knows everything, he should be able to speak."

"Well... with trauma like Mac has suffered. Sometimes the vocal chords, and muscles tighten up. When this happenes, it constricts the voice box from openeing to release sounds. So what we try to do, is exercise the throat muscles and vocals chords, allowing them to hopefully reopen."

"But he will be able to talk again, right?"

"He should Stella. Though he will always have some disabilities remain. Mood swings, loss of some short-term memory, problem-solving abilities, control of emotions. Mainly due to the blow he recieved on the frontal and temporal lobes."

"Now your father said he's suffering from subcortical aphasia."

"Yes... it's a condition characterized by either partial or total loss of the ability to communicate verbally, or using written words as a result of damage to non language-dominated areas of the brain. Mostly all patients recover fully. But with Mac, the blows he recieved most likely jarred his muscles in his throat, and around the vocal chords, causing them to tighten, thus constricting sound to be released."

"So the more you work with those muscles. The more they will loosen, allowing sound to come through."

"That's our goal, right Mac?"

Opening his mouth, he tried to push out a sound. "Eeeeeeeeeees..."

"Oh my... good job Mac. See that Stella, he agrees. Now let's get back to the kissy lips."

Leaning over, Mac kissed her cheek this time. "Awww... thanks Mac."

"Melina... how much longer do you think he'll need to be here? I'd really like to have him home. I made some calls today. We're having a chair lift installed in our home, a wheelchair ramp, and the family van is going in this afternoon for adjustments."

"That's wonderful Stella. I"m honestly not sure. To be honest Mac still has another two weeks with us. Though his improvement today shows he's trying. Why don't I talk to my dad, and see what he says."

"Oh honey. We don't want to put you in that position."

"You're not Stella. Let me at least see what he says, then we'll know more."

After Melina left the room, Stella crawled into her husbands arms and whispered...

"I missed you handsome. So...damn... much..."

Pulling her in closer, he shadowed her hair over their faces, and kissed her in fevered passion. All the while, both of them hoping, he would get the okay to go home.
A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine to go down. There is a good element in every calamity. Melina helped the family a lot in the face of bad times and hopelessness. Under different circumstances, unpleasant situation can be pleasant when a pleasant aspect is deliberately introduced :thumbsup:. As it takes time for Mac to recover even if it takes a slow/careful process, day after day, there's a great progression in it where he comes to terms of learning and understands better, have faith and trust in others to help or assist him. I hope David does not takes his next step as some people gets obsessed and the family shall protect Melina from all these psychos. :) Definitely! :devil: Stella is every woman in the world to Mac. It's his fantasies and reality, everything that he needs ;). "Everybody loves somebody"
Thanks for the reviews:)


Over at the Delko's the girls were headed out the door for school.

"Bye dad, we'll see you tonight. Tell mom we love her."

"I will girls, love you back."

As the girls left out the door Goodwill showed up.

"Hi, you must be here to pick up the items, they are upstairs, first bedroom on your left."

When the guys walked into the room, they seen the gorgeous condtion everything was in. Almost imaculate.

"Um... you know you could sell this stuff, right?"

"I know. My wife and I decided to donate it too children who need it. So please take it."

Once they had everything loaded in the truck, they gave Eric a Goodwill thank you card. Closing the door, he placed it on the table.

"Eric... are they gone?"

"Yeah... they are love. Please stop crying. How about we pick out some paint for the new nursery. We can grab some baby furniture too."

Reaching for her coat, she put it on.

"I don't mean to cry so much Eric. I can't help that I miss them."

Wrapping his wife in his arms, he kissed her hair.

"Believe me Mack, I know how you feel. They were my babies too."

Heading out the door, Eric knew this shopping trip is what they both needed. to help them move on.

Over at the Ross's, Maddy had final come home with Adam Jr. Opening the door, Gray helped her into the house.

"Okay mom, close your eyes. Dad and I did the whole nursery for Adam, are you ready?"

Nodding yes, Gray and Adam opened the door.

"Okay mom, open your eyes."

"Oooh... oh my. It's gorgeous. Look at the paint and boarder. Where did you get the little trains?"

"We found it at the wallpaper shop. The train boarder is an orignal. The lady said it wasn't a big seller, so we got it at a discount. Which was really cool. Cause once dad and I painted the walls blue, the little train boarder stood out."

"It does, almost three D effect. Even his comforter are little trains. Aww... thank you so much you two. Adam is going to love it."

Kissing her husbands warm lips, he took his son in his arms. While Gray brought out the beautiful cradle.

"Gray...she cried. Where did you find your old cradle? Oh Gray... where?"

"Papa had it. He said you left it with him before we went overseas. I thought Adam could use it, till he's a little older for the crib. I know you dad want to keep him close for a while."

"You know what Gray? How about we put it in your room. This way Adam can sleep with his big brother close to him. I think Adam would like that more."

Gray teared up. Never did he think his mom would let the baby stay with him. For most mothers loved to have their babies close to them for the first few months.

"Honest mom. You don't mind?"

"As long as you don't mind being woke up every four hours," she laughed.

"I don't mom. Thank you so much. I'd love my brother with me."

Lifting his brother from his fathers arms, he carried him into his room with the cradle. Looking at Adam, Maddy said...

"He needs this Adam. I can still feel his pain from losing Gregory."

Wrapping his wife in his arms, he whispered.... "you never have to explain

Maddy, I understand completely, and I couldn't agree more."

Walking towards Gray's room. Maddy was glad to finally be home.
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