CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Taylor home...12am

Jessie was still wide awake playing with her blocks.

"Gary...what are you still doing up?"

"Hey dad...it seems my little doll face doesn't want to sleep."

"Hmm...let's see. Come here you little doll."

Picking her up in his arms, Mac held her against him.

"I'll show you a little trick son."

Walking into the room Mac seen the beautiful crib Gary had bought his daughter. Somehow he just knew Gary wouldn't use the ones that belonged to his other children.

While Gary watched his father began singing to Jessie, while swaying with her back and forth in his arms. As he watched...he noticed her tiny little eyes fall to half mass then close.

"Oh dad...you're good. She's out." He whispered.

Laying her in the crib, he covered her.

"She'll sleep all night now son. How are you doing? Have you had the chance to talk with Donna again?"

"Not really dad. Though she'll be here in the morning. I have a doctor's appointment for Jessie. She needs her last booster. So I asked Donna to come. I thought it was the right thing to do. She is Jessie's mother."

"That's very mature of you son. I'm glad the two of you can share her like this. For there is nothing worse then parents who don't get along. It makes it so hard on the children."

"I know dad. Anyways...once that's done I have to head home and clear out my home. The Goodwill will be stopping by to pick everything up. Then the home goes on the market."

"Are you going to be okay with this?"

"Yeah...sis, Anthony, and Uncle Danny are going to help. So it shouldn't take us long. Mom wanted to help too, but I told her no. I don't want her straining...especially now she's pregnant."

"Okay son...sounds like you have it all under control."

Getting up he kissed his son on the head and left the room.

"Mac...is everything okay?"

"Everything is fine love. Go back to sleep, you need your rest."

Climbing into bed, he reached for his lovely wife and pulled her into his arms.

"So...are we happy about this baby Mac?"

"We are love. Though I'm sure there are alot of risks involved."

"Yeah...we have an appointment on thursday. The OBGYN is going to discuss the issues and concerns of our pregnancy."

Embracing his wife closer he whispered...

"It's going to be okay love. We will deliver a healthy baby."

"I know Mac. I love you."

"I love you to sweetheart. Rest now."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Back at Claire's her and Anthony were having quite the time getting to know each others likes and dislikes.

"Umm..peanut butter and banna?"

"Eww...peanut butter yes. But no on the banana...to messy."

"Hmm...everything Pizza?"

"Uhh...hmmm...most times. though if it has those little bacon bits, instead of real bacon. I won't touch it."

Claire laughed..."You sure are picky."

"I can be. Though most times I'm not."

"What about you Claire...what are some of your dislikes?"

"Umm...I don't really have any I guess. Anyways....it's getting late. I should get some sleep."

Anthony noticed everytime the subject came back to her, she would change it. Leaving him again to think Jimmy did quite a number on her."

Walking him to the door she said goodnight. As she locked her door she headed to the kitchen and pulled out the paper. Looking through it, she hunted for a tree.

When the daylight shone through her window Claire woke the kids for school.

"Jimmy J...when you're dressed, grab the paper from the door."

"K mom. I'll do it now."

Opening the door Jimmy J seen the tree sitting there.

"Whoa...mom...come quick. Look...it's a tree."

Looking out her door she seen how bushy and green it was.

"Who's it from mom?"

"I'm not sure...what does the note say?"

"Umm...I don't know...I only know the word Santa."

Taking the paper from her son, she read it.

"Merry Christmas from your secret Santa."

"So...who's it from mommy?"


"Alright...let's bring it in."

Just as they were dragging the tree through the door Anthony walked out.

"Wow...cool tree. Where did that come from?"

Claire looked at him as if to say "like you don't know."

"Oh no...I swear Claire...it wasn't me. I'm not your secret Santa."

"Well if you're not...then who is?"

Shrugging his shoulders. He really had no clue.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once they had the tree in the apartment Claire took the boys to school. After dropping them off she knew she had a couple hours before meeting Gary to clean his home.

Stopping into the little Cafe she ordered a coffee and sat down.

"Hey Claire...how you doing?"

Looking up she seen Stevens and Patricks.

"Oh...hey guys. What's up?"

"Not alot...just walking the beat. So how are those boys of yours, all ready for Christmas?"

"Somewhat...they have their tree...so I guess that's a start."

"Wow...you got them a tree? Good for you. We're glad you are doing okay. We know how hard it was when Jimmy died. He was a good detective."

"Thanks...but I can't take credit for the tree. It was some secret Santa thing. I found it at my door this morning."

"Huh...kind of cool. So do your boys have any idea what they want for Christmas?"

"Too much. I wouldn't even know where to begin."

"Hmm..that's tough. I know I got my son a Wii...and a new laptop for school. Kids need that stuff you know?"

"Yeah...I hear you...Jimmy J is always talking about laptops in school, and how all his friends have the coolest Wii. Anyways guys I gotta go. So give me hugs, and keep in touch. Say hi to the wives."

"We will Claire...see ya."

Walking away Claire thought to herself how much harder this Christmas was looking without the money from Jimmy.

Doctor's Office.

"Gar...umm...how long have you had this doctor?"

"Since I was a boy. Why?"

"Just wondering. So he's good with kids...right?"

"Of course. Why all the questions Donna?"

"Mr.Taylor...you can bring your daughter in now."

Walking into the office Gary sat down with Jessie on his lap.

"Good afternoon Gary. How you doing son?"

"I'm doing good. Anyways...this is my daughter Jessie. She's due for a booster today. so I brought her in."

The doctor realized Gary was still hurting from losing his family. But he was also well informed from Mac and Stella about the story behind Jessie.

"Well then...hello there little lady. Can you come see me?"

Trying to reach for her...she snuggled into her daddy's arms.

"Here...I'll bring her over to the table."

Sitting her on the exam table she watched as the doctor put the stethoscope up to her chest. After listening for a few minutes he checked her height, weight, and motor skills.

"Okay Gary...everything seems great. I'll have the nurse give her the booster. Have you given her some Motrin?"

"I did. Half an hour ago."

"Great...she may still run a slight fever. But she'll be fine."

Watching as the nurse came in. Gary distracted his daughter with his funny faces, while the nurse inoculated her.

"All done. She was a very brave girl. I'll book her next appointment for four months time."

"Thank you. Bye."

Heading out of the office Donna asked..."Gary...would you like my help this afternoon?"

"No...but if you can. You can stay with Jessie at my parents place. I know they'd like to visit with you again."

"You're okay with this?"

"Why wouldn't I be Donna. We are all family...no matter what happened between us."

Passing her Jessie he left.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Once everyone had Gary's place in order, and Goodwill had the boxes picked up he locked the door without looking back.

"You'll be okay bro?"

"Yeah sis. I'll be fine. Get home to your boys. Thanks for your help too Uncle Danno."

"Anytime Gary. We'll see you later."

When Claire arrived at home she seen the packages sitting at her door. Picking them up she carried them into the house. Reading the labels they said..."from your secret Santa. Do not open till Christmas."

Claire thought to herself..."this is getting weird."

"Hey Claire...I thought I heard you come in. Whoa...where did all these packages come from?"

"Funny Anthony. This is twice in one day from a secret Santa. So be straight with me...are these from you?"

"Listen Claire...I swear on my sister...God rest her soul. That these are not from me."

"I just don't get it. Who the hell keeps sending all this stuff? It's marked for Jimmy J...and James."

"I wish I knew Claire. But I don't. Here come the boys. You might want to hide that stuff."

Helping her carry it into her room, she shut the door.

"Mom...we're home. What's for supper? And can we decorate the tree tonight?"

"Pizza is for supper...and yes we can all do the tree."

"Coooool...Tony too?"

"Yes...Tony too."

"Alright...let's get the table set."

When Gary got home he could hear his daughter crying.

"Ooohh...what's the matter doll face?"

Taking her from Donna's arms she stopped.

"Aww...sweetheart. You are so warm. Did you give her her Motrin?"

"Just a few minutes ago. We were late with it. She just woke up."

"Shh...it's okay doll face...daddy's here."

Gary began singing and swaying her in his arms. No more then ten minutes later she was out again.

"How'd you learn to do that?"

"My dad showed me. He said it was a trick he did with us."

"Smart trick. Oh...your mom and dad said they'd be back. they're doing some baby shopping or something. God they're so happy."

"Good...they deserve it. Especially dad with all his medical problems. This is going to be good for him. I can see it now."

"Aww...that's great Gar. I'm going to go. I have some Christmas stuff to do for Jessie. So I'll see you tomorrow."

Gary could see the pain in her eyes. He could tell she was lonely without Jessie.

"Listen Donna...why don't you stay for supper. I'm sure Jessie would like you here when she wakes up."

"Are you sure Gary?"

"Yeah...I'm positive. Stay."

Taking off her coat. She watched as Gary placed Jessie into bed.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

And so it begins. hehe.

The case of the Secret Santa is very intriguing. :D Can't wait to find out who it is. :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Wow! This is looking exciting. I can't wait to see what you do next! Honest! I think my only gripe with this at all at this point it that there isn't more of it to read. So, get to writing! Lol. :)
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With dinner out of the way. The boys grabbed the boxes of tree trimmers.

"Mommy...where is the star that I made from last year?"

Claire had forgotten about that star. She could remember how excited Jimmy J was that he had made it. Then just after christmas, Jimmy Sr went into one of his rages and broke it.

"Umm...listen baby. Mommy forgot where she placed it last year. How about we use the star that secret Santa gave us."

"Fine...but I want you to find my star mommy...okay?"

"I'll try Jimmy. I promise."

Anthony was watching the kids hang the bulbs from secret Santa. Each time he thought about it, he became more upset. What if someone had a secret crush on Claire. Where would that leave him? He liked her too. Should he make his move? Or should he wait it out? What if she wasn't ready, then she became amgry for him trying. So many what if's again. God love was confusing.

"You okay Anthony? What's bothering you?"

"Hmm...oh...nothing. I guess I'm just a little tired tonight."

Claire wondered...what if he's getting tired of us already? What if he had someone in his life already? But wouldn't he have told her? Wouldn't she have met her by now? So many unanswered questions. God why was love so confusing?

"Did you want to head home then? It's okay if you do."

"No...I'm fine Claire. besides I promised the boys we would tuck them again tonight."

"Okay mom...Tony...what do you think?"

Looking at the tree they tried so hard not to laugh. The boys had one whole side full of tinsil, and the other side full of bulbs.

"Aww...it's great guys. But now it's bed time."

Once the boys had their teeth done, and their pajama's on Claire and Anthony played the dream game with them again. With both boys out like a light Claire started a fresh pot of coffee, while Anthony admired the boys tree.

"Here you go Anthony...just the way you like it."

"Thanks...Claire? What happened to Jimmy J's star?"

"Umm...I'm not sure. It just seemed to disappear."

Putting down his coffee Anthony gently placed his fingers under her chin.

"Talk to me Claire. Please...let me know what is haunting you."

Watching as tears slipped down her cheek, he captured them one by one.

"I'm sorry Anthony. I can't. I know I"m starting to have feelings for you. But I'm just not ready to share that part of my life with you yet."

Yet...she didn't say no...she said yet. To him that meant more then the explanation itself.

"Okay...just know when you are ready. I'm here for you Claire."

"I know Anthony...thank you."

Leaning in she softly kissed his lips.
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