CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

On their way home Gary and Jessie stopped off at the toy store. Grabbing some fingerpaints, plastic blocks, dolls, and teddy's. They headed to the children's clothing store and picked up all kind of clothes, pj's, shoes, coats and bedding.

"Hmm...what do you think doll face? Junior bed, or crib?"

"Hello...I'm Terry can I help you with anything?"

"Sure can. I'm just deciding on the junior bed, or the crib."

"I can help you with that. We have this oakwood crib that turns into a bed when your child is ready. That may be your best buy, seeing as your daughter is ohh...about a year?"

"You're good. Yes she is."

"Well she's a very lucky girl. I can see she has a wonderful daddy."

"I think we'll take it...and a set of those Princess sheets."

"Would you like everything delivered?"

Gary had forgotten about that. He hadn't even put his home on the market yet. He hadn't even given all the things to Goodwill. He didn't even have a place to live.

"Ummm...yeah. It can be delivered to my parents place. Here's the address."

"Okay....umm..are you alright?"

"I'll be fine. Thanks for all your help."

"You're welcome....come again."

When Gary got home with Jessie, he put her down for her nap.

"Dad...can I talk to you and mom for a minute?"

"Sure son. But you'll have to deal with me for now. Your mom went to the doctor."

"Oh....she okay dad?"

"I hope so. She just needed to have her flu checked out, she's been having a hell of a time getting over it."

"Umm...today I went shopping with Jessie."

"I can see that son. Looks like you bought enough for years."

"Yeah...I got carried away. I also bought a crib for Jessie before I realized I didn't have a home for it."

"Aww...that's no worry Gary. You and Jessie can stay here as long as you like. Your mom and I love having a little one around again."

"You sure dad? It would just be till I find a place for myself and Jessie."


"Hold on son."

Answering the door Mac seen Donna standing there.

"Hi Uncle Mac...may I come in?"

"Of course Donna. Gary...Donna's here."

"Hi...I hope it's okay. I came to pick up Jessie."

"She's sleeping right now Donna. I was going to call you. I'd like to keep her with me for a few more days."

"Oh...umm..I guess that would be okay."

Looking around Donna seen all the toys, clothes, and toddler supplies.

"Wow...I can see you've been busy."

"We have been Jessie and I did alot of shopping today. I've got everything she needs while she visits with me. Why don't you sit down, I have a few things I want to talk over with you."

Donna was scared....she thought this was going to be the scene she had played in her mind. The one where he tells her he wants full custody of their child.

"Okay Gary...I"m listening."

"First...I'd like to have Jessie's last name changed tomorrow. She'll be going back to Taylor. Secondly....I want joint custody. I want us to share Jessie...but I also need you to understand that if you try and run away with her...I'll file for full custody."

Donna breathed deep....at least he wasn't taking her from her.

"That's fair Gary. I'll agree to your terms. I'll also promise you I won't run again. This is where home is now. Always was. I know I was wrong in keeping your daughter from you, I know you will never forgive me for the pain I caused you. All I can say is I deserve it....every bit of it. Anyways....how about you call me when you're ready to send Jessie home."

Mac felt sad....he could see his son trying not to allow his feelings to show. So much love he could see in his sons face for Donna. But he also knew his son could hold a grudge , before he'd be willing to work it out.

Turning towards the door Mac seen Stella walk in.

"Sweetheart....what did the doctor say?"

Looking at Mac with soaken tears she whispered.....

"We're pregnant..."
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

I wonder how Gary and Claire will feel about a new baby brother or sister. :)

Loved the talk between Donna and Gary.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Over at claire's they were all getting ready for dinner.

"Mom...where is Anthony taking us?"

"He didn't say. Why?"

"I hope it's a fun place to eat. I don't like that fancy stuff in those big places."

"I'm sure it will be somewhere good James. Don't worry."

"Mom...when are we going to get our tree? We haven't even decorated our apartment."

"Oh....it will be soon Jimmy."

"But mom...all my friends already have their trees. Why can't we have ours?"

Claire knew all these questions would come up. She also knew that Jimmy Sr handled all that.

"I promise Jimmy. We will get a tree okay. Let's just have fun tonight."


Running to the door James let Anthony in.

"Hey bud...where's your mom and Jimmy?"

"They's in the kitchen. Jimmy is bugging mommy for a tree. But mommy says he has to wait."

"Well...let's go break them up, okay?"

"K...Tony...can we go somewhere fun for dinner?"

Anthony laughed....he kind of figured the kids would think it would be at some fancy place.

"Hey you two....you ready to go?"

Walking into the kitchen Anthony could see the tears softly dance in Claire's eyes. What was it her brother had told him...."Jimmy handled everything....Claire was not allowed to breathe without his okay."

"Boys why don't you go grab your coats?"

Running from the kitchen, leaving their mom with Anthony. He walked up beside her.

"Did you want to talk about it Claire?"

"Nah...it's nothing....the boys just want their tree. So I need to go hunting for one sometime tomorrow."

"Hey....you don't have to put up a front Claire...I'll understand if you need to take a moment."

"No....I'm fine. Let's go."

Leaving the kitchen Anthony watched and wondered if Claire would open up to him.

Back at the Taylor's Mac was still standing with his mouth open, Donna was in tears....Gary was trying desperately not to gloat that his dad still had it. What was it Claire had said..."They were sterile"...God wait till she found out.

"Ehmm....dad...don't you have something to say to mom."

"Err...umm...oh boy Stel..."

"Could be dad...but you'll have to wait a bit to find out."

Mac looked at his son...."quiet."

"Mac....are you happy about this? I know you think we're to old. I know...."

"Come on dad...you're making her cry. Say something to her."

"I think your dad is a little overwhelmed at the moment Gar."

"Gar"...it had been a long time since he had heard Donna say his name with that lyrical tone.

"Dad....snap out of it and say something to mom."

Feeling his eyes weld up with tears, he softly whispered...."God love...I'm more then happy...I still got it...."

Stella let out moan as she ran into his arms.

"Aww...God Gar....your mom and dad make life look so easy."

"That's why they call it true love. cause they've built their future from begining to end on truth."

Donna understood the tone, and the pain she heard in Gary's voice. She had hurt him deep, very deep, but she also knew she had the rest of her life to hopefully make it right.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".


"I'll be right back guys. I need to grab my daughter."

"Hey there doll face. Did you have a good sleep?"

Rubbing her eyes she yawned, while curling in to her daddy's neck. Changing her bum, and dressing her in one of the new outfits he had bought her, he carried her out.


"Hi baby. How are you?

Reaching her arms out she snuggled her.

"Mmm...mommy misses you. Are you having fun with daddy, nana, and papa?"

"Dada...see mama...dada."

"Yes baby...that's dada. You know what...mommy's going to go. She has shopping to do. So I'll see you soon, okay?"

"Bye mama."

"Mac, Stella...congratulations again. I'll be sure to let mom and dad know. They'll be so jealous."


"Well...they've been trying for a while now. You and Uncle haven't been, but you got caught. So that's going to have them happy for you, but jealous happy."

Kissing them both on the cheek, she left.

When Anthony, Claire and the boys returned home from supper. Claire had them get ready for bed.

"Let's go guys. School in the morning."

"Aww...come on mommy. This is the last week. Can't we stay up?"

"Nope...teeth, pj's and bed."

"Aww...so if we listen and go to bed can we have our tree tomorrow?"

"We'll see Jimmy J...okay."

"Fine...but I wish daddy was still alive. He may have been mean, but at least he got us a tree."

"Jimmy...that's not very nice to say to your mom. I think you should tell her you're sorry. Your mom loves you very much. Does she not keep warm, read you stories, buy you clothes, toys and books. Does she not give you lots of wonderful warm love?"

Jimmy J teared up...he knew Tony was right. He did. But he really wanted a tree.

"I'm sorry mommy. I love you..."

Snuggling in her arms, she desperately tried to hold her tears.

"I love you to Jimmy J, lots and lots. Now let's get your teeth done and into bed...okay?"

"Okay mommy....will you help tuck us in Tony? Like my daddy and mommy did?"

"I'll give it a try if it's okay with mom. But you will have to show me how?"

"Can he mommy? Please?"

"Sure....let's go."

Walking into the room...

"Just grab the two corners of the comforter, and I'll grab the other two. Then just listen as I tell the little rhyme.

"Jimmy J my love...here comes the cloud. The cloud that will take you to Knights, and Warriors in their battlegrounds. Where you will dream, play and run, on your cloud of fluffy white fun."

Tossing the blanket down like a cloud, it covered Jimmy J from head to foot.

"Now we do the same for James."

Anthony smiled. Claire was so beautiful, so sweet, as she lulled her children into their dreams.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

With the boys sound asleep Claire headed to the kitchen. Making a pot of fresh coffee she brought down to cups. Reaching for the sugar she dropped it on the floor.

That was it...she gripped the counter and softly cried. Feeling the warmth of a hand on her shoulder she stopped her tears.

"Umm..I made coffee, would you like a cup?"

"Claire...please look at me."

Turning with fresh tears in her eyes she leaned her head against his chest.

"I'm sorry...I don't usually cry."

Bringing up his arms, he wrapped them protectively around her.

"It's okay Claire...you can cry all you like. I don't have a problem with tears."

Allowing him to comfort her she felt safe. A feeling she hadn't allowed herself in years. As he continued to hold her he thought to himself if she would ever come to care for him, like he was starting to care for her.

Hearing the phone ring she released herself from his arms.


"Hey sis...I know it's late. But I have some amazing news to share with you."

"What news? Don't tell me you have another child floating around New York."

"That's hilarious Claire. I'll have to remember to laugh later. Now...I want you to remember back to a conversation we had about mom and dad being sterile. You remember that?"

"Hah...of course. I told you that mom and dad were like rabbits. Sterile rabbit. But rabbits all the same."

"Well sis get ready to choke on your words. Mom just found out today she's eight weeks pregnant. so it looks like your sterile bunny theory...was wrong."

"Oh...my...God...you have got to be kiddin me. No way. Dad is like fifty three. It's not possible."

"It is Claire. Mom is living proof of that. Anyways sis I should let you go. Jessie decided she doesn't want to sleep. So I've been chasing around the house for the last four hours."

"You should get her on a schedule soon Gary. Or she'll have you up all the time."

"I know sis. I will. Love you, night."

"Night bro, love ya back."

"Is everything okay Claire?"

"Yeah...everything is great. My mother and father just found out they are with child again."

Claire noticed the amazed look on Anthony's face.

"Wow...I can only hope when I hit your dads age. I have as much stamina as he does."

Claire laughed. There was no way she was touching that one. Oh don't get her wrong. She could imagine herself eventually in bed with Anthony. Just when she was ready...for timing on her part was everything.
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