CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

As she pulled out of the driveway, she was stopped by the undercovers.

"Excuse me Stella, we have strict orders from Mac ,that you are not leave."

"I know that Thompson, but I need formula for the baby."

"Just let me give Mac a call."

Trying his cell, he could get no answer.

"Hmm...okay, we'll follow behind you."

"That's fine, I'll go slow," she laughed.

As they neared the corner, and Stella pulled through the intersection, three vehicles stopped dead center in the middle of the road blocking the undercover units.

"Move your cars, let's go."

As the Officers watched, they seen the black sedan turn, following Stella. Picking up his radio, Thompson went to call it in.

*Bang, bang.*

Meanwhile Don and Danny were driving towards the Taylor home, when they seen Stella's car pull into the Pharmacy.

"Don, isn't that Stella's car?"

Pulling into the Pharmacy, Don yelled Stella's name.

"Stel....Stel, what are you doing out of the house?"

Looking at Don, she seen the black sedan speeding right towards Don and Danny.

"LOOK OUT....."

To late, the sedan nicked them both stunning them. Pulling to a stop, Michel got out pointing a gun at Stella.

"GET IN, NOW!!!!"

Trying to get back into her car, Michel pulled her by the hair, causing Claire to scream in fear.

"Mommy....mommy, don't hurt my mommy."

As Flack tried to reach for his gun, Michel seen him from the corner of his eye, and as he went to shoot Flack, someone kicked the gun out of his hand.

Tackling Michel to the ground, Mac gripped him into a neck lock.

"One wrong move Michel, and I'll kill you with one little twist, of your God damn neck."

Michel was having trouble catching his breath, as his eyes began buldging out of head.

"Check my men Merrick."

As Merrick checked on Flack and Danny, he could tell they weren't hurt to badly. He was more concerned with Michel changing color.

"Mac, ease up, you're choking him."

Turning Michel onto his stomach, Mac released his hold, and cuffed him. As he bent down towards him he whispered.....

"Make one move, and I'll kill you. Count yourself lucky that Merrick was here, or you'd be dead right now."

Walking over to his men, Mac asked....

"You guys going to be okay?"

"Yeah Mac, we're fine. How's Claire, she was screaming."

As Mac looked at his daughter, he could see her tears, and her fear.

"Claire bear, it's okay Daddy's here."

Picking her up in his arms, he could feel her fever.

"Stella...she's burning up."

"I know Mac. I gave her some Motrin, How did you know we were here?"

"Merrick and I have been watching the house all day. We had a feeling this was all to easy, when Danny and Flack left for the Airport."

Just then the FBI pulled up.

"Merrick, you're okay."

"Davenport, what are you doing here?"

"We came to get the suspect."

Interfering Mac angerly said....

"Now you listen to me. My suspect isn't going anywhere. He stays with me in my custody, until you or your Agents bring me papers."

"This is out of you hands Taylor, your job is done, " yelled Davenport.

"Like hell it is. You are in my City, and Michel and his men go no where till I get papers, so move."

Pushing Davenport aside, Mac lead Michel to his car.

"Mac...we'll take Stella and the kids for you."

"Thanks Danny. Merrick let's go."

As Merrick walked towards Mac, he heard Davenport yell....

"If you go along with this Merrick, I'll see you're fired."

Ignoring Davenport, Merrick got into the car with Mac and Michel.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they got down to the holding cells, they noticed how quiet it was, and the cell door was open.

"What's going on Mac?"

"I'm not sure Merrick. Let's get him locked up."

Once they had Michel locked up, Mac put the jail keys in his pocket. Drawing their weapons, they began walking through the hall.

"Shhh...listen, you here that?"

"I do, it sounds like someone pounding on that door."

As Merrick aimed his gun, Mac pulled open the closet and found Sinclair, all tied up.

"Sinclair.....what the hell happened?"

Pullling off the gag, he said....

"Two God damn FBI Agents came in here, they took the four we had in holding. Then the bastards tied me up, and locked me in here. Did you get Michel?"

"Yeah, he's in holding."

"Are you sure the Agents left the Station?"

"I'm positive Mac. They said they were looking for you, cause you had Michel in your sites."

"Okay. I have the only key for the cell. So Merrick and I will stay with Michel. You go inform some officers to keep a look out and prepare for a fight, when they return."

"Where's Messer and Flack?"

"They are with Stella and the kids. Michel tried to kill them."

"Are they alright?"

"Claire's a little shaken up, but they'll be fine."

After Sinclair left the holding area, he informed the Officers to be ready for a fight."


Don and Danny had Stella and the kids settled.

"How's her fever Stella?"

"It's gone down Danny. Did you turn on the alarm?"

"I did, and all the doors and windows are secure."

"Okay. I just heard from Mac. It seems to FBI Agents helped those four idiots escape. Mac and Merrick just let Sinclair out of a closet, all tied up and gagged."

"Christ. All this for a file?"

"Yeah. Mac has it locked away in his office. They are all ready down there for the shit to hit. He told us to be ready too. More in likely they will split up. One Agent will come here with two of the goons, and the other two will go after Mac."

"Great. Did you check on your dad and Jennifer?"

"I called him. They're ready on that end. Dad gave Jennifer one of his guns."

"So she's feeling better?"

"Yeah, my dad said she was up walking around, and eating."

"Okay guys. I'm going to make some lunch, coming."

"Yeah, Stel."

"Mommy, I have peanut butter and jelly?"

"Of course you can, with a glass of milk."

Picking up Gary, they all headed into the kitchen.

"Hold on Stel. Let me check outside the window."

Seeing no one lurking, Danny called the dogs, and had them guard the kitchen door.

"Sit. Stay."

As the dogs obayed, Danny passed them a biscuit.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yeesh! Just how many people are dirty here? :lol: This mob guy had almost everyone in his pocket!

:lol: at the image of Sinclair tied up and gagged. Too bad Mac didn't leave him that way. :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

There are two bad Agents DavenPort/Westfield, and Four of Michel's goons on the loose.:lol:

It's gonna get hot, before it gets cold.

Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

While Mac and his assigned Officers were ready and waiting. Danny and Don were watching the house with the dogs.

"What do you think Danny?"

"I don't know man, seems to quiet for me. I can't even here anything. Almost like a dead silence."

"I know, I hear that too."

"King, Kong, sniff."

As the dogs sniffed around the house, they could smell smoke. As they started barking, Danny and Flack ran into the den and seen the fore coming down the chimney.

"Wake the girls Don, and get them out of here."

"No way Messer, this could be a trap. Let's just put it out ourselves."

"Are you going to climb the flue, cause I'm not."

Running upstairs, they woke Stella and informed her what was happening.

"Stel...wake up Stel. I need you to get Gary dressed, we have to move now."

"Why, what's the matter?"

"They're here, they've started a fire in the chimney. Is there a way out of here, we can't be seen?"

"Yeah, the basement, Mac put in a trap door. It leads under and out into the street."

"Okay, let's get the girls dressed, and get out of here."

As they walked towards the girls room, they could smell the smoke.

"Oh God, hurry."

Once they had the girls and Gary bundled up, they headed downstairs to the basement exit. Removing the slat of wood, they began crawling through, onew by one, putting the dogs first.

Once they were out on the street, they seen a cab. Flagging it down, they got in.

"1442 West Avenue, hurry."

When they arrived at Don's father place, he was waiting with the door opened.

"What's going on son?"

"They started a fire in the Taylor home, I've called the Fire Dept. They are on their way. It was a trap, so I need to bring them here, and get into the NYPD to see Mac."

"Well bring them in."

"Hello Stella love, give me little Gary."

"Thanks Don."

"Stella...is everything okay?"

"It will be Angell, do you have a place I can get the girls settled?"

"Sure, they can have my room. This way."

Once the girls were settled, Danny and Don headed over to NYPD.


When the Fire Dept. arrived on scene, they found the fire had already been put out and the place had been ransacked.

"Christ, what the hell happened here?"

"I don't know. Looks like a robbery, call NYPD."

While the EMT called NYPD, two undercover officers walked in.

"Excuse me, we are with the FBI, where are the people that were in this house?"

"I don't know. There was no one here when we arrived."

"Where the hell did they go boss?"

"How the hell should I know. And don't call me boss. Your boss is the idiot that got himself caught. Now start searching.

"Yes Sir."

As they looked around, Davenport called Westfield to update him.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

The who team will be at Flack's Dad's before we know it! One question, How big is Flack's Dad's house?!? :lol:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

They don't need protecting, they haven't discovered where Don's dad lives

And I don't know:p
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

while DavenPort and his goon were still snooping, they didn't hear Flack and Danny pull up.

"Don, you see that?"

Looking towards the unmarked unit, they knew that someone was in the Taylor home. Drawing their weapons, they entered quietly through the front door.

"Come on, it has to be here."

"I'm telling you Sir, it's not here. He must have it with him."

"Fine. Let's go."

As DavenPort and his goon neared the door, Don and Danny yelled....


Raising their hands in the air, Don and Danny cuffed them.

"Let's go, we have nice 6x6 waiting for you."

Putting them into the car, they headed back to NYPD.

"You know you are going down for this. I'm FBI for Christ sakes."

"Yeah, sure. And my partner here is really PeeWee Herman in disguise."

When they pulled up to NYPD, Merrick was waiting for them.

"We've caught two of them."

"God damn it Merrick, tell them who I am."

"I don't know who you are. I thought you were FBI, but I was mistaken. I've already called Headquarters, and they are on there way down."

Taking them to holding, they put them in seperate cells.

"You idiots, can't do anything right can you."

"Sorry Boss. You didn't tell us how smart they are down here."

"Shut the hell up Reese, or I'll kill you in prison."

"I'. sorry boss. I'm sorry, please don't kill me."

"Oh, shut up. And as for you DavenPort, what the hell is your excuse."

"Excuse. You're kidding me right. I told you not to come down to NY. I warned you, but no, you just had to have that file. Now look at us, we are stuck in here, and stupid Westfield and his two goons are sure to be caught. You just wouldn't listen. Maybe I should kill you in Prison."

"That's going to be kind of hard. Just how criminals have you put in those prisons. You'll long be in your grave, before I see mine."

"Oh fuck you, and shut the hell up."


Westfield was watching the station carefully.

"What are we going to do Westfield?"

"There's only one thing to do. GO back to the boat, and get the missle."

"Oh...no way. That's the bosses secret. How'd you know about the missle?"

"It's my job to know. Just do it."

While they left to get the missle, Westfield waited patiently for their return.

"I don't know about this George. That Mac guy already has the file. I'm sure he knows all about that missle arms trade, for the drugs. I think we should get the hell out. Turn ourselves in and tell all. Leave Westfield to handle himself."

"Sounds good to me. But how the hell are we going to get into the station, when Westfield is watching it?"

"We'll call from down the street. We'll tell them where they can find it, and we'll be set free."

Hearing a sound, they turned and seen Westfield.


"Stupid asses, you want something done, you must do it yourself."

Getting in the car, Westfield drove to the boat to get the missle.
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