CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When Mac and Danny had left, Angell knew what Don was thinking.

"You want to go, don't you Don?"

"I do. But you are more important then New Orleans."

"Why don't you go Don. I'll be fine."

"No. I won't leave you Jen. You need to understand that I protect what is mine. But I have an idea."

Picking up the phone, Don called his dad.


"Hi dad. I have a huge favour to ask."

"What is it now son?"

"Remember when we discussed the case. The one you got me the information on?"

"I do son, what about it?"

"I need to go to New Orleans with Mac and Danny. But I need someone to watch Jennifer. She just got out of the Hospital from being poisoned."

"I take it this is the Detective that's in trouble."

"Yes dad. She means alot to me."

"Just how much son?"

Looking at Angell, he said to his dad.....

"Alot dad, I love her."

Silence could be heard through the phone line.

"Dad, you still there?"

"I am son. I just had no idea. Why didn't you tell me sooner?"

"It just wasn't the right time dad. Please, I need someone to protect her while I'm gone."

Sighing into the phone, he said....

"Bring her over son."

"Thank you dad."

Hanging up the phone, he helped Angell dress, grabbed her medication, bag, and helped her into the car. When they arrived Don Sr. noticed the uncover units around his house.

"Get rid of them son. They will do harm then good."

"Dad, she needs to be protected. Once I get to New Orleans, it could bring trouble here."

"You let me worry about that son. I have people to protect her. You just go do what you have to do."

Looking over at Angell, he seen how ill she looked.

"Come with me young lady, we'll get you settled."

Once they had in her bed, Don's dad left the room.

"Don't cry Jennifer, I'll be home as soon as I can."

"I know Don. But I can't help but worry, I love you."

Taking her by her hair, he wrapped it around his fingers, and kissed her passionately.

"I love you to Jennifer. I promise, I'll be back before you know it."

Leaving her before he changed his mind, he dismissed the Officers, turned and said...

"Keep her safe dad. Promise me."

"I promise son, she'll be safe."

Getting into the car Don drove as fast as he could to the Airport.

When he arrived, he grabbed a ticket, and found Mac and Danny.

"Don? What are you doing here? Where's Angell?"

"She's with my dad Danny. I'm coming with you."

"Flight 207 to New Orleans now boarding at Gate 2."

Knowing it was to late for Mac to talk Don out of coming. The three of them headed to Gate 2 and boarded their flight.

Once they were on the plane, Danny asked....

"Umm Mac. What about Sinclair?"

"Don't worry about it Danny. I'll handle Sinclair."


Sheldon was closing a case when Sinclair walked in.

"Hawkes. Where is Mac?"

"Umm...he had to go out on a case with Flack and Messer."

"What case? I didn't hear anything about a case."

"Oh. It's a case that's been on going. They may not be back for hours."

As Sinclair raised his eyebrow, Sheldon hoped to hell he was buying it.

"When they get back, tell Mac I need to see him."

"Sure. I'll do that."

With Sinclair gone. Sheldon ran down to see Adam.

"Listen Adam, I need the number where I can find Mac."

"You're kidding right? They are in the air by now."

"I don't care. Try and reach him."

Putting through the call to Mac's cell. Adam hoped to hell they weren't to far from NY yet.

Feeling the vibe of his cell phone, Mac picked it up.


"Mac, it's Sheldon. We have a problem. Sinclair is looking for you. I've distracted him for now, but he's going to be back."

"Okay Sheldon. Don't worry, I'll handle it from here."

Hanging up the phone, Mac called Sinclair.


"Yeah, it's Mac Taylor calling, you needed to speak wth me."

"Where the hell are you Mac? And where the hell is Flack and Messer?"

"They are with me. We are on our way to New Orleans, I have a break in a case I've been working on."

"Taylor!! You better not be talking about that Rodwell case. I recieved a call from the New Orleans Police Chief, you're not going to get a very warm welcome there. They don't want you anywhere near this case."

Just at that moment the phone line went dead.

"Taylor. Taylor!!!!"

Getting no response, Sinclair hung up his phone and booked a flight to New Orleans.
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they arrived in New Orleans, they headed right to Thomas's house. As they arrived they noticed two things. One, there was an unmarked FBI unit in front of his house, and two, there was already someone in the house.

"Mac, I didn't know the FBI were informed of this?"

"They weren't Don. Let's go."

Drawing their weapons, they opened the door moving with caution. As they neared the den, they noticed the suspect placing something on the desk.

"FREEZE, DON"T MOVE," yelled Mac.

Looking up Merrick seen the three with their weapons pointed at him.

"Listen, I'm a Police Officer, don't shoot for christ sakes. Check my back pocket."

As Danny checked, he found the suspects ID. Opening it it read...

New Orleans Police Department.

"It's okay Mac. He's a cop."

Putting their weapons away, Mac asked....

"Is that unmarked unit out there yours?"

"What unmarked unit?"

"The one that's outside this window."

"No. Listen, who the hell are you people?"

"I'm Detective Mac Taylor from NY, and this is Det. Danny Messer, and Don Flack."

"Wait a minute. You are the ones that have been giving us trouble from NY."

"We haven't been giving you trouble. We have interest in this case, as it involves one of my Officers."

"Your Officers, we've had no Officers here from NY."

Mac knew he was dealing with someone who wasn't very capable. But what bothered him even more, was the fact that he hadn't gotten himself killed yet.

"Listen, why don't have a chat before those FBI guys get in here and take over? I see it as, you can allow us to help you solve the case, and make your department look good. Or we can go back to NY, and allow the FEDS to take your credit."

Looking at Mac, Merrick could tell he was dealing with someone who had alot of knowledge. Extending his hand to Mac he said...

"Okay. I'm Merrick Johnson, what have you got?"

Danny tried desperately not to laugh.

"Listen Merrick I don't think it's a good idea to talk here. I have the feeling this place is bugged. Just let me look for something, and we'll be out of here."

As Mac made his way to the desk, he picked open the locked drawer.

"What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm getting the information that will most likely crack this case for you."

Pulling out the file, Mac noticed the letter on the desk.

"I suppose you wrote this?"

"I did."

"Then I take it you are on the inside of this Mafia gang, and that is a stolen unmarked unit out......."

Just as Mac was about to say his last word, the shooting started. Hiding the file in his jacket, they all began shooting at the two suspects killing them.

"Damn it Mac, where the hell did they get an unmarked FBI unit?"

"I'm not sure Danny. But something about this case isn't right, Merrick call it in."

Picking up his cell, he began dialing.
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Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Also, it seems that Emmanuelle Vaugier was originally credited as Jennifer Angell but that credit changed to Jessica Angell mid-season 4 with no explanation

Haha on me....I just found this on Wikipedia. Now I'm not sure whether I should her name to Jessica or leave it at Jennifer:confused::lol::guffaw:
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Yeh it did change :lol: I remember the talk about in the NY forum, Just keep it the same Lind. Your fic doesnt really follow the seasons and plus you might just confuse some readers :D
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When the other Officers arrived on scene, they asked Merrick what went down, while Mac, Danny, and Flack headed out to the undercover unit.


"Christ sakes, it's Sinclair Mac."

"I can see that Danny."

Continuing to the car while Sinclair was ranting in his ear, he opened the trunk and found two FBI agents inside dead.

"Well that explains the unmarked unit Mac."

"What the hell is going on Taylor?"

"Listen Sinclair, this case is about be cracked wide open, and I have no intention of leaving it now. So either help us or go home."

"You're pushing it Taylor. When I get you back to NY, I'll be sure to....."

"EXCUSE ME...yelled the New Orleans Sergeant. Can someone tell me what is going on?"

Mac looked at the Sergeant, and realized there was something not right about him, or the four cops he had with him. Not wanting to give him to much information he said...

"I believe Officer Merrick can explain it to you, Sinclair, let's go."

"You just can't leave like that."

"We can, and we are Sergeant."

Ignoring the Sergeant Mac and his team continued to walk.

"Now you listen to me Det.Taylor. I want the file."

"What file, I don't what you're talking about."

"You have five seconds to give me the file, and get your asses back to NY, or I file a complaint against your whole NY Dept."

Mac knew he couldn't give up that file, so he switched them, handing the Rodwell file to the Sergeant.

"Now get back on the fastest flight to NY, you're not welcome here."

Getting into the rental car Sinclair realized that was to easy.

"What did you give him Mac?"

"I gave him the file Sinclair, that's what he wanted."

"The truth Mac."

"I gave him the Rodwell file. I have the file on the Mafia inside my jacket. That Sergeant isn't going to realize it till we are least back in NY. He has enough explaining to do with those two dead FBI agents."

Sighing deep Sinclair said....

"Why is it you always feel the need to bring trouble home to NY Mac?"
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Why not just work with them and solve it faster? Can someone please explain?
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

:lol: I love that last line from Sinclair. Love the name Merrick too btw. :)

Angell's first name has been changed? Why does the CSI verse keep doing that? They've done it with the new upcoming character on Vegas too. Yeesh! It's confusing. Haven't they ever heard of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"?
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

Wow! I've only just caught up with it! This is a really good story. I love Mac, he's such a passionate character and you've written him brilliantly! lol!


"The thrill is in the chase. Never in the capture."
Re: CSI- NY " Danvale Case".

When they boarded the flight, Mac opened the file and began to read.

"Mac, anything?"

"Alot Danny. Seems that that Sergeant we met is on the Mafia payroll along with several Officers in New Orleans."

"What about that Merrick guy, is he on there?"

"No. But the name of the the boss is Michel Mahonie. It seems he has dealings in almost all of New Orleans. According to this, Thomas has written that this Michel owns over 90% of the buisnesses in New Orleans, and has over 60 men working for him as collection agents."

"Yeah, but that doesn't explain why this Michel guy killed Thomas."

"I have a feeling it has to do with the fact that he killed Rodwell. According to the file Rodwell was his right hand man, he was the one who kept the Special Agents away from Michel and his dealings. With Rodwell now gone, Michel is panicing that FBI is going to be on his case."

"I still don't get how Merrick ties into this, he seemed almost lost with this case."

"I have a feeling Merrick is more then a New Orleans Police Officer, and he was playing us."

"If that's the case Mac, than Merrick's now in danger."

Looking at Danny, Mac knew he was right.

New Orleans....

"Did you find Merrick? I knew there was something strange about him when he joined our Dept."

"No Sergeant, but Michel is waiting on you, he's in your office."

The Sergeant was worried, for he knew once Michel found out Merrick was working for the FBI undercover as a Police Officer, shit was going to hit the fan.


Merrick knew there was no way for him to get out of town by plane, bus, or train. For Michel had all those areas covered by dirty cops now.

"Christ...how the hell am I going to get to New York. I don't even have a cell phone to call Headquarters."

Hiding in the shadows, avoiding the lights of New Orleans, he looked for a way out. Nearing a Hotel he seen a couple getting into their car.

"Excuse me. I'm wondering if you can help me. I need a ride to the outskirts of New Orleans, are you heading that way?"

"Listen Mr. Even if we were, we don't give rides to strangers."

"I'm an FBI Agent, here's my badge."

Showing them the badge, they looked at it carefully.

"Okay. We can take you as far as the outskirts, after that you are on your own."

"Thank you. Umm, one more thing, I need to hide under your back seat."

"Excuse me?"

"I know this sounds really ridiculous, but there are going to be Police blocking the exits out of here, so I need to hide."

"You're scaring us mister, just what are you trying to pull."

"Look, I swear to you. I'm not pulling anything. Please don't ask questions, or you'll put yourselves in more danger."

"What do you think Melissa?"

"I think we should help him. We can't leave him here."

Lifting up their back seat, they helped Merrick climb in. Then getting into their car, they began to drive. When they neared the outskirts of New Orleans, they seen the road blocks.

"Good evening sir, may we ask you to pop your trunk please. We are looking for a dangerous criminal."

"Sure Officer."

Trying to be as cool as he could, he popped the trunk. After checking inside the Officers released their car.

"Okay you can go. Thanks for visiting New Orleans."

Driving off into the night, they told Merrick it was safe to come out.
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