CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caution!

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Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Epsiode 608 is called "Death Wish"

The episode concerns a young man who was on vacation with his family from Calgury and is found murdered in the hotel's elevator. Shot through the head. Horatio and the team investigate and find that the young man may have been killed as part of an gang initiation for one of its members. But as they continue to investigate, the team comes to realize there may have been another motive for the killing; And it involves the youngs man's entire family.

Ryan appears to be back at work full time in the lab. And all CSI's seem to work this case together.

No mention of Jake or Yelina but by now you should all know that that doesn't mean anything. ;)

When I know more I will let you guys know ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

the promo is on youtube, at CBS in Miami's video section and there is a link to the promo here on the front page of this site, under "Miami Brings the Heat"

If you go to youtube, search 'csi miami season 6 promo
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

1 more week till season premier. i wonder thou if anything is going to change as far as the music. I love the who and it will be a shame if that music is no longer in the show.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Don't think they'll have change the theme. It's like getting rid of DC's character...

God I hope to see Yelina a lot in S6 but I shouldn't get my hopes up.. The only epi where we're sure that she'll appear is the premier? no?

Oh and a longer promo is on the CBS site, open up innertube (?) and press "csi miami fall premier" or something like that. It's slightly different from the one posted on youtube :)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

no the misic will be the same i just hope the credit pics will be different.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Yeah I hope they update the pics too. Some of those are from a long time ago and it would be nice to see some new ones in there.

They would never change the music...it is their signature now and The Who would probably cry if they did ;)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

i know!!! some are from s1!!!!! and they have been the same since s3!!!! all they did was add Jon's credits and then Rex's and Eva's
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

They need to update the pictures. They should add some from more recent seasons. They should show the one where Horatio is flying through the exploding building for the part when the singer yells. Would you replace them with action shots or more investigative shots?
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Ooh good question! I'd opt for the investigative shots, since it is Crime Scene Investigation after all ;).
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

I would say for H, Calleigh & Frank; action shots! Natalia; investigating/interrogation! Ryan & Eric; action/ investigation! For me personally thats where the characters shine most. (of course Alex & Frank would be the obvious)
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Do you think that in this season, we will be able to see a hurted Horatio?
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

Horatio has a son? Does Yelina know about that? I wonder how she will react to all this.
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

well....Horatio will discover it now....during the first episode of the sixth season :eek:
and....well....I don't think she knows about it..... I'm wondering the same thing :D .... poor Yelina :(
Re: CSI: Miami Season 6 **Spoiler Lab** #3-Proceed With Caut

From the posts it sounds as if Horatio asks Yelena to investigate the boy. It sounds as if Yelena finds out about the same time Horatio does. I think the reason she was upset with the Madison situation was because she thought Horatio was hiding the fact that he had a family. I mean before she learned Madison was Raymond's. She will realize Horatio didn't know about the boy's existence. If his mother is still alive, she may feel she has competition. Maybe Yelena will make the first move, since Horatio won't. :D
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