CSI:Miami Road Trip- We've Travelled a Long Way

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Personally, I thought 'drunk Katie' was fun. Until she got arrested and puked all over the patrol car. :lol: :p

Mean The World To Me


Katie: Whoa there's a building on the penny.

Speed: Where are you getting all this money?

Katie: Your pants.

Speed: In what timeframe?

Katie: Don't you worry your curly brown head about it. WHOA WHOA WHOA! No one told me there was a man on the back of this penny. And there's some sort of lettering on the front.

Speed: E pluribus unum?

Katie: Whoa..It's like a whole different language.

Speed: It's latin. It means 'out of many, one'.

Katie: Why? Why not just write it in english?

Speed: Because it has something to do with the justice system. Look, we can debate why the penny is the way it is, or you can stop acting like you're on crack.

Katie: I can't help it. Random things interest me. You know, it's ironic that a protracter has no corners on it, yet it's used to measure angles. And what's with the name? They should have called it the 'half moon thingy to measure angles'.

Delko: I don't think they would be able to fit that on the box it comes in. And since you hold it down, it's more like a sunset.

Katie: I want to be able to walk on all fours. Then I can use the full advantage of my arms. Two legs just don't give me the momentum I want.

Speed: What are you on?

Katie: I'm on the couch.

Speed: ...Okay what drugs are you on?

Katie: *sigh* Speed.

Speed: Um...*moves away*

Katie: You're just delaying the inevitable.

Speed: Which is?

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Oh great.

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Stop it.

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Stop it.

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: *covers Katie's mouth* Quiet.

Katie: *mumbles*

Speed: Forget it. You're not saying it.

Katie: *climbs into Speed's lap*

Speed: AH! Okay okay! *lets go of Katie's mouth*

Katie: TEEHEE!

Speed: Why does this always end up with you on my lap?

Katie: Who knows.

Delko: Wait, so there's latin on the penny?

Return of the teeheeing machine!!!! Sorry, i'm squeezing in as much Road Trip time as I can before I return to the no internet world!
Oh heck yes! Drunk Katie Kicks the Teeheeing machines butt! I have soooo gotta find that chapter! lol. And YAY! I said Teehee....5 TIMES! Ok, I'm a little hyper now. lol. Update soon please!
Loven it loven it... keep going, nice to see you stole my pitchfork..... meh i got more where that one comes from *pulls up pitchfork* for your tushys sake i hope u update soon

Where have I been? I don't even know but I missed a bit, I caught up though :D

Couple of the many things that made my laugh:-

Anni: *in german accent* It wants no straps.

I'm going to jam that dead rat up your a-

I think were going to need a bigger counter

Katie: I HAVE KNEES! - infact that whole conversation, I nearly spit my apple juice all over my laptop but I stopped myself lol :lol:

Delko: Wait, so there's latin on the penny? - bless Eric and his slowness. :lol:
*runs from pitchfork*

Hope To Find In The End


Horatio: OH NO!

Delko: What?

Horatio: There's a dead animal on the side of the road.

Speed: Is it a cow?

Horatio: No it's not a cow.

Delko: Is it a bird?

Missy: A plane?

Delko: ...A plane...That doesn't even look like an animal.

Missy: You were supposed to say 'Superman'.

Delko: But it's an animal.

Horatio: Why can't people go around the innocent animals?

Calleigh: Because people are stupid.

Horatio: No one needs to see guts everywhere. *stops Hummerhome*

Speed: What are you doing?

Horatio: I'm going to clean the animal off the road. *grabs crime scene tape*

Delko: Are you crazy?

Horatio: A little. *walks outside*

Speed: *runs outside*

Delko: *runs outside*

Horatio: *holds up badge*

[Traffic stops]

Horatio: Okay keep them there, and I'll clean the animal off the road.

Speed: How are we supposed to keep them there? This is a busy highway.

Delko: I don't want to become that animal on the highway.

Horatio: Get out your badges and do your jobs.

Speed: I didn't get into this business to be a patrol cop.

Horatio: Would you rather be wearing the uniform?

Speed: No way. *gets out badge*

Horatio: *puts up crime scene tape* There we go.

Delko: Oh cool, I feel so official. *waves hands* Yeah, stop right there cars. HA. I feel so empowered.

Speed: *rolls eyes*

Horatio: *grabs tiny shovel* Alright who brought the evidence bags?

Speed: You're collecting that as evidence?

Horatio: I need something to put the body parts in.

Speed: There are some inside.

Horatio: Excellent. *runs to Hummerhome*

Guy: *rolls down window* What are you guys doing?

Speed: We're...Collecting evidence.

Guy: It's just a deer.

Speed: And it's all over the road. Would you like your pretty car to get deer blood all over it?

Guy: No.

Speed: So just stay here and we'll let you guys past here in a few minutes.

Guy: Are you the park ranger or something?

Speed: No. I'm a cop.

Guy: You don't look like a cop.

Speed: ...Detective.

Guy: They have you guys cleaning up animals now? When did that become part of the job description?

Speed: Just roll up the window.

Horatio: I coudl't find any evidence bags, so I thought zip-lock bags would work.

[Horns honking]

Speed: What do you want us to do about that?

Horatio: Let some of them past slowly.

Speed: Um..Do you have a whistle or something?

Delko: *waving hands* Alright, this way.

[Cars start to move]

Delko: I like this job. I can't possibly screw up.

Horatio: You poor thing. You probably didn't see the semi. *scoops body parts*

Speed: Whoa! Holy sh...Eric, direct them AROUND me.

Delko: I was trying.

Speed: You did that on purpose.

Delko: No I didn't. If you got in the way, it's your own fault.

Woman: *rolls down window* Excuse me officer? Who's in charge here?

Delko: Um...He is. *points to Horatio*

Woman: He looks busy.

Delko: Okay then...Hey Speed get over here!

Speed: *walks up* I was right beside you. What do you want?

Delko: This woman wants to talk to you.

Speed: *takes off shades* What's the matter?

Woman: ...Whew I should take this highway more often.

Speed: *frowns* Forget it.

Woman: No, no sorry. Okay why is he picking up dead animal parts? This is a major highway.

Speed: It's just going to be a few minutes, then we'll get out of the way.

Woman: Well I have to get to the police station in a half hour, and this is taking up time.

Speed: You're a cop?

Woman: I start training today.

Speed: Do you have ID?

Woman: Sure. *grabs wallet* Here you go.

Speed: *takes wallet*

Woman: Am I in trouble or something?

Speed: Not at all. Do you have your training ID?

Woman: It's at the back there.

Speed: *flips through wallet*

Delko: HEY! I told you to stay there. *walks away*

Speed: *hands wallet back to woman* Great, just drive through here.

Woman: I can go?

Speed: Yeah but you'd better head out fast before my colleague gets back.

Woman: So cops get special treatment?

Speed: Get going.

Woman: *smiles* Thanks officer. *drives away*

Delko: *walks over* Stupid people don't know what the word 'stop' means. Hey where did that woman go?

Speed: I let her leave.

Delko: Why?

Speed: Because I said so. *sigh* Get those people back into their cars.

Delko: HEY YOU! *runs off*

Speed: Hey Horatio, how are you doing over there?

Horatio: Those kids are poking it with a stick. They won't seem to go away, no matter how many glares and poses I give them.

Speed: I'll get rid of them. *walks up* Guys, guys what are you doing?

Kid: Poking the dead animal.

Speed: Well get back into your car.

Kid: Or what? You'll arrest me?

Speed: *points to kid* Do not test me.

Kid: Fine, I'm going. *leaves*

Speed: *turns around* I forgot how annoying being a cop can be.

Horatio: It's not the job that's annoying, its the people.

Speed: Now I know why the taser was invented.

Delko: Move along people, *waves* Move along.

Horatio: Good, we've got all the body parts out of here. Let's go.

Speed: You're not going to put those in the freezer are you?

Horatio: We need something to eat tonight.

Speed: ...*lifts brow*

Horatio: I'm kidding. I'll bury them.

[Cop car sirens start]

Delko/Speed: *look up*

Delko: I think he wants to get past.

Speed: Get these cars out of the way.

Delko: *walking along highway* Come on people! Move!

Speed: *walks to cop car, shows badge*

Cop: *rolls down window* We've got a code 30 S.

Speed: I'll let you through. Hold on a second. *turns around* HEY ERIC!

Delko: YEAH!

Speed: HE'S GOT A 30-S!

Delko: A WHAT?!

Speed: 30-S!



Delko: WHAT?!

Speed: *sigh* NEVERMIND! *turns to cop* I apologize, we'll get you through here in a second.

Cop: Well you boys had better hurry.

Speed: *runs over to Delko* What are you doing?

Delko: I'm getting people out of the way.

Speed: Get them back in their cars! They need to move their cars!

Delko: Oh..

Speed: OKAY PEOPLE LISTEN UP! Get back into your cars and move to the side of the road!

People: *blink*

Speed: NOW.

[People get into their cars]

Speed: Eric, what did you think 'move everyone out of the way' meant?

Delko: You didn't say cars.

Speed: Well next time assume it's the cars that need to move.

Delko: They're going so slow.

Speed: *angry sigh* Direct them out of the way, I'll be right back. *walks to cop car*

Cop: Can't they go any faster?

Speed: I guess badges and sirens mean nothing to these people.

Cop: This call can't wait.

Speed: Yeah I know.

Cop: What is that guy doing up there?

Speed: He's burying body parts.

Cop: What? Why?

Speed: NO, no not human body parts. Animal body parts. He's actually a Lieutenant.

Cop: You guys don't look like patrol cops.

Speed: We're not. We're detectives.

Cop: Well that explains a lot.

Speed: Look, we're trying to get you through here.

Cop: If I don't get through here, my lieutenant is going to kill me.

Speed: I'll have my lieutenant speak with your lieutenant.

Cop: Good because I don't want to get written up for this.

Speed: Okay everyone's out of the way.

Cop: Thanks. *drives off*

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: *walks over* What's his problem?

Speed: Homocide by shooting.

Delko: Oh so THAT'S what that code means.

Horatio: *walks up* Gentlemen? What's with the police cars?

Speed: They had a murder scene to get to.

Horatio: ...Interesting.

Speed: Horatio, we are not going down there.

Horatio: It might be an interesting case.

Speed: And it's not ours.

Horatio: It couldn't hurt to observe.

Speed: But you won't observe. You'll take over.

Horatio: Nah, I promise I'll keep at arms length.

Speed: *sigh*

Horatio: It'll be fun.

Whoa, that was a LONG update. lol. haha oh Horatio "They won't seem to go away no matter how many glares and poses I give them." yeah, well that probably annoys them even more. lol. update soon please.
:lol: that cheared me up, my sister got a new phone after "loosing" her other one *coughs*favoritism*coughs* lol

Well I shall be back tomorrow, I need my sleep :)
Oh man I just caught myself watching season 4. *shivers* What has this world come to? :p

And yeah Horatio's glares and poses do annoy, but for some reason it's cheezy so I love it. :lol:

Georgia Peaches


Delko: *looks up at house*

Speed: *glares*

Horatio: *takes off shades* Well gentlemen, let's say hello.

Delko: Where's Calleigh?

Horatio: She chose not to participate.

Speed: Bummer.

Horatio: Come on, let's go.

[Inside house]

Horatio: Okay guys, just hang back a little.

Delko: But there are so many strange people here.

Woman: *looks up* Excuse me sir? Can I help you?

Horatio: I'm Lieutenant Caine.

Woman: ....That's nice but what are you doing in my crime scene?

Horatio: We're from Miami CSI. We wanted to observe this investigation.

Woman: Why?

Horatio: Why not?

Woman: *stands up* I'm Rachel Speedman.

Speed: *squints*

Rachel: And you are?

Horatio: I'm Horatio Caine.

Rachel: And you're the head of the crime unit in Miami?

Horatio: That's right.

Rachel: So what are you doing in Georgia?

Horatio: Observing this investigation.

Rachel: Did anyone authorize this?

Horatio: I was hoping you would authorize it.

Rachel: Well as long as you keep your hands off of everything, you can observe away.

Horatio: Excellent. Thank you miss Speedman.

Rachel: Well most people just call me Speed.

Speed: *frowns*

Delko: *smirking*

Speed: *elbows Delko*

Delko: Ow.

Horatio: Well then, let me introduce you to my team. This is Eric Delko, he's our Underwater Recovery specialist, and this is Tim Speedle, he's our Trace Analyst.

Rachel: Good to meet you.

Delko: You too.

Speed: *frowning*

Rachel: ...Does he speak?

Horatio: It takes him a while to warm up to people.

Rachel: Well in any case, glove up and step in here.

Horatio: Great. *walks in other room*

Delko: This is killing you isn't it?

Speed: Shut up.

[Crime scene]

Horatio: Well, this looks pretty cut and dry. Gunshot wound to the head.

Rachel: You'd be surprised.

Delko: Do you have any suspects?

Rachel: Just one. This guy's girlfriend called it in.

Horatio: Where is she now?

Rachel: Patrol transported her back to the station to give a statement.

Horatio: Interesting.

Man: Hey who's this?

Rachel: That's Lieutenant Caine and his team. They're from Miami. Guys, this is Scott Brown. He's our ME.

Horatio: Pleasure to meet you.

Scott: Likewise. So I'll get this guy out of here in no time for you Speed. *walks away*

Speed: *crosses arms*

Delko: This case is probably going to get confusing.

Horatio: I'd like to check out the rest of the house if that's alright with you.

Rachel: Go ahead Lieutenant.

Horatio: Thank you.

Delko: Hey H, I'll come with you. *leaves*

Rachel: *looks up* What about you?

Speed: *frowns*

Rachel: Are you a mute or something?

Speed: Let's get one thing straight. My boss wanted to observe this investigation. I don't want any part in it, so you do whatever you were doing, Speed.

Rachel: Suit yourself. *opens kit*

Speed: *glaring*

Scott: *walks in* So how did you want to do this?

Rachel: I want to preserve any evidence on his hands, so bag those and then you can wheel him out.

Scott: Great. *signals to paramedics*

Rachel: Hey I got something, hold on.

Scott: What is it?

Rachel: Some kind of trace on his hands.

Scott: It looks sticky.

Rachel: Yeah.

Speed: It looks like glucose.

Rachel: *looks up* Good observation. You mind passing me a swab?

Speed: It looks like you've got everything under control.

Rachel: *frowns* Fine. Don't help, it's your choice.

Horatio: *walks in* It's a large place. This guy probably had a lot of money.

Delko: Yeah the toilet is pristine. Man, in my house it would never look li...Nevermind.

Rachel: I found some trace on the vic's hand. It looks like some sort of sugar but we'll know more when we run it through some tests. Care to join me back at the lab?

Horatio: I thought you'd never ask.

Rachel: I'll get some Yukons out here to pick you up.

Horatio: Yukon? ..You don't have anything a little...Bigger?

Rachel: Like what?

Horatio: Well at our lab we use Hummers.

Rachel: *laughs* Yeah right I don't think the entire state has that kind of budjet.

Horatio: Yukons will do nicely.

Rachel: I'll make the phone calls. *walks away*

Horatio: *turns around* So? How are we doing so far?

Delko: This is fun.

Speed: I want to go back to Miami.

Horatio: Oh come on, this is an opportunity to learn how other state's process scenes.

Delko: He's only mad because the senior CSI has his name.

Horatio: Oh grow up. I'm sure there are a lot of people with that nickname.

Speed: I had it first.

Horatio: You did not.

Speed: Fine, but I still don't like her.

Horatio: You don't have to like her.

Speed: Good.

Horatio: Good.

Delko: ..Good?

[Georgia Lab]

Rachel: We have the fourth biggest lab in the country.

Speed: Pfft.

Rachel: *turns around* Did you want to add something?

Speed: I'm catching a cold.

Rachel: Sure you are. *walks* We have state of the art technology, and fully funded lab equipment to optomize performance.

Horatio: It's very impressive.

Delko: Yeah and it's so...White.

Rachel: We tend to find that being in a bright room as opposed to a dark room, allows people to see better. We don't need flashlights in here.

Horatio: I can see that.

Speed: And yet we don't really care.

Horatio: *sigh* Speed, mind your manners.

Rachel: *turns around* His name is Speed? Well that explains everything.

Speed: Explains what?

Rachel: Why you hate me.

Speed: Oh there are many different reasons why I dislike you. Your nickname being Speed, happens to be one reason.

Rachel: Would you like to see our Trace Lab?

Speed: *frowns*

Horatio: We'd love to.

[Trace lab]

Speed: *stops walking* ...Whoa.

Rachel: It's the largest part of the lab.

Horatio: It's beautiful.

Delko: This is bigger than my house.

Speed: Size isn't everything.

Rachel: If you'd like, you can process the trace recovered from the crime scene.

Speed: Me?

Rachel: Unless you'd rather watch someone else do it.

Horatio: He'd love to.

Speed: No he wouldn't.

Horatio: You'll have fun.

Speed: No I won't.

Horatio: Yes. You will.

Speed: *sigh* Fine.

Rachel: This way please.

Horatio: Eric and I are going down to autopsy.

Rachel: I'll meet you down there.

Horatio: Good. *leaves*

Rachel: Now, you'll need this lab coat.

Speed: Yeah I know. We have those in Miami too.

Rachel: Do they have Prozac in Miami?

Speed: *grabs lab coat* Funny.

Rachel: Do you think you can find everything?

Speed: I'll manage.

Rachel: How long have you been doing this?

Speed: Look, I didn't come here to socialize with you. I'm sure you're a stand up person but I really could care less. So could you just let me do my job?

Rachel: *tilts head* Alright.

Speed: *grabs pipette*

Rachel: *crosses arms*

Speed: What are you doing?

Rachel: I'm watching you work.

Speed: Why?

Rachel: I want to see what crawled up your butt and died.

Speed: I'm laughing a river inside.

Rachel: You're married.

Speed: Your observation skills are stellar.

Rachel: Wow..I'm glad I'm not her.

Speed: Didn't you have to get down to autopsy?

Rachel: Well see, that's the great thing about being in charge. I set my own schedule.

Speed: Good for you. I hope you're proud of your little schedule.

Rachel: *cell phone rings* Well, my people await. I'll check back in later. *leaves*

Speed: *rolls eyes*


Rachel: Sorry I'm late.

Horatio: *smirks* So how do you like Speed?

Rachel: Oh he's just a bag full of charm.

Horatio: You'll get used to him. Once you get to know him, he's not so bad.

Delko: Yeah sometimes he's actually pleasant.

Scott: *lifts sheet* Well, here we are ladies and gentlemen. Our victim. Cause of death was a gunshot wound to the head, time of death was 1 pm.

Horatio: When did the girlfriend call it in?

Rachel: 1:22 pm.

Horatio: Any idea of where she was prior to the shooting?

Rachel: Apparently she was grocery shopping. We didn't find any bags in her car.

Delko: Maybe she put them away.

Rachel: I'll check the driveway. I want to know if she even left the house today. Care to join me Horatio?

Horatio: Actually, take Speed.

Rachel: Why?

Horatio: You two seem to be getting along great.

Rachel: I'll grab him. *leaves*

Delko: *smirks*

Horatio: *smiles* Good luck to her.

[Crime scene, driveway]

Speed: Why am I here?

Rachel: You're going to help me.

Speed: I came here to observe, not process a crime scene.

Rachel: You will be observing. And you'll be observing hands on.

Speed: That's a complete contradiction.

Rachel: So what can you tell me about this car?

Speed: It's small.

Rachel: What else?

Speed: It's new.

Rachel: Weather reports said it rained this morning.

Speed: So?

Rachel: The ground is wet, but underneath the vehicle it's bone dry.

Speed: So the girlfriend lied. She was home all morning.

Rachel: Ballistics confirmed the gun beloned to the victim.

Speed: So the girlfriend just...Kills him for no reason.

Rachel: Well she told PD that her boyfriend had been cheating on her.

Speed: So she shot him? Come on.

Rachel: It's still a motive.

Speed: Maybe the girlfriend was too demanding or annoying.

Rachel: That doesn't explain his voyage between other people's sheets.

Speed: Maybe she irritated him.

Rachel: What, like I'm irritating you now?

Speed: *sigh* The point is, she killed him.

Rachel: Excatly. *opens car door*

Speed: What do you have?

Rachel: So you're curious now?

Speed: Just tell me.

Rachel: No bags, no food, not even a receipt.

Speed: Good for her.

Rachel: ...There's a car seat in here.

Speed: So?

Rachel: She never said she had a child.

Speed: Maybe she doesn't. Maybe she knows people with kids.

Rachel: Possibly. Pass me the luminol.

Speed: Why?

Rachel: Are you always like this on a case?

Speed: *passes over luminol*

Rachel: *sprays luminol* Blood.

Speed: In the child seat.

Rachel: *stands up straight* Mhm.

Speed: Well that's perfect. I guess we have to find that kid now.

Rachel: We?

Speed: *shrugs* Whatever you want.

Rachel: So you want in on this case?

Speed: It involves a child, so yes I do.

Rachel: You have any kids?

Speed: No.

Rachel: I see. Well then, let's get back to the lab.

Speed: Wait, you're not going to ask me why?

Rachel: It's none of my business.

Speed: ...Fair enough.

Rachel: Now come on before the traffic gets bad. I hate slow drivers. I just want to run them over. *gets in Yukon*

Speed: Lovely.

Rachel: I'm hungry. You want some lunch?

Speed: No.

Rachel: I'll let you drink a beer in the truck. *smiles*

Speed: *frowns* Watch the road.

Rachel: Okay then, so you're not big on lunch.

hahaha oh man Speedmen. Hilarious. And there both called Speed? Well that's a disater waiting to happen lol.

Rachel: I want to see what crawled up your butt and died.

Speed: I'm laughing a river inside.

haha, that cracked me up and I dont even know why. Update soon please.
:lol: Yeah that is quite a disaster there...Whew.

The Speed Of Light


[Meeting room]

Rachel: So, thank you for sitting in on this briefing.

Horatio: Thank you for having us.

Rachel: Alright, trace on the victim's hand.

Speed: *reads paper* It's a mixture of glucose and Monilinia fructicola.

Delko: Like Pepsi?

Rachel: It's brown rot.

Delko: What kind of soda is that?

Speed: It's not a soda. It's a disease. Peaches and nectarines get it all throughout Georgia.

Horatio: So out victim touched a rotten peach.

Speed: I'm thinking someone else touched our victim.

Horatio: How so?

Speed: It doesn't look like direct transfer.

Rachel: I think the girlfriend got it on him either before or after she shot him.

Speed: *blank stare*

Rachel: What is it?

Speed: We checked the bottom of the car, but we didn't check the top of the car.

Rachel: You think some peach juices dripped onto the roof of her car and then she touched it.

Speed: It could tell us where she's been.

Horatio: Well you two seem to be...Ahead of everyone else.

Rachel: Speed has some good ideas.

Speed: And Rachel isn't exactly...Hopeless as a leader.

Horatio: Well then, let's get started.

Delko: What do you want me to do?

Horatio: Just chill out here for a while and...Color or something.


Horatio: I'll talk to the girlfriend.

Rachel: I'll go with Speed to the garage.

Speed: Great.

[Interview room]

Horatio: *sits* How are you doing?

Amanda: Fine.

Horatio: *lifts brows* Fine? Your boyfriend was shot to death.

Amanda: I know. I was the one who found him.

Horatio: Do you have any children?

Amanda: I have a little girl.

Horatio: Where is she now?

Amanda: She's with my mother. Why?

Horatio: We found a car seat in your vehicle, and the car seat had blood in it.

Amanda: Okay.

Horatio: Would you mind if we took a DNA sample?

Amanda: I want my lawyer.

Horatio: *smiles* Sit tight.


Rachel: *closes phone* Horatio called. The kid is with her grandmother. Apparently the girlfriend laywered up.

Speed: How nice of her.

Rachel: Did you find the peach juice?

Speed: Yeah there was a couple of drops on the hood of the car.

Rachel: Why didn't we see that before?

Speed: We weren't looking for it before. Where does her mom live?

Rachel: 82nd ave. Right near the orchard.

Speed: *nods*

Rachel: So that's where she was.

Speed: What I want to know is, why was there blood in the child seat?

Rachel: Kids have bleeding noses all the time.

Speed: Yeah but the kid would have gotten it on her clothes, not on the seat.

Rachel: So maybe it's a legitimate injury.

Speed: Yeah.

Rachel: What are you thinking?

Speed: Maybe the girlfriend does have motive.

Rachel: She was protecting her child.

Speed: Protection of your child trumps everything else, even your own life.

Rachel: You seem to know a lot about it for not having any kids.

Speed: I've been to a lot of crime scenes.

Rachel: *nods* Horatio was right.

Speed: What?

Rachel: You're a lot more pleasant once people get to know you. *leaves*

Speed: *grabs kit*

[Interview room]

Rachel: *walks in* Amanda, we know why your boyfriend died.

Amanda: Really.

Rachel: You shot him.

Amanda: *blank stare*

Rachel: You shot him because he was going to hurt your child. What did he do? Hit you? Hit her?

Amanda: *looks down at table*

Horatio: *leans on table* Amanda, we know you did this to protect your child. Just tell us what he did, it's okay.

Amanda: He had been getting pretty violent lately. I told him that I was moving out, and he got angry. He didn't want me to take her. He threw a vase and it shattered everywhere. I got out of there as fast as I could with my child, and I dropped her off at my mother's house. I didn't know she had been hurt.

Horatio: Then what happened?

Amanda: I went back to the house to grab my things.

Rachel: Why didn't you call the police first?

Amanda: I don't know. I wasn't thinking about calling anyone. I went inside and he grabbed for me, and I almost fell down the stairs. I grabbed the gun out of the drawer in the hall and shot him.

Horatio: Why did it take you 22 minutes to call the police?

Amanda: I went downstairs and cleaned up the vase, and..I don't know, a lot of it was a blur.

Rachel: Well it was self-defense so the DA doesn't want to prosecute.

Amanda: Does that mean I can go?

Rachel: Yeah.

Amanda: *leaves*

Rachel: Thanks for the help Lieutenant.

Horatio: I'm sure you never needed our help.

Rachel: Where will you go now?

Horatio: We have to head back out on the road.

Rachel: Don't be a stranger up here.

Horatio: I'm sure we'll get around to visiting soon. *gets up*

Rachel: Well have a good trip.

Horatio: Thank you. *leaves*


Horatio: Okay guys, we have to head back out. The case is solved.

Delko: But I just started coloring.

Horatio: You can take the coloring book with you.

Delko: YES! *runs away*

Horatio: Are you coming Speed?

Speed: *sigh* Yeah, I'll be right out.

Horatio: *leaves*

Speed: *looks around* ...Hey Rachel!

Rachel: *stops walking* Hey, what are you still doing here?

Speed: *runs over* I just wanted to say...Thanks for letting us help out.

Rachel: It's not a problem. A fresh pair of eyes is always welcome.

Speed: *nods* Look, I'm sorry about before. I should have been nicer.

Rachel: You don't have to be nicer. You can be yourself.

Speed: *smirks* Okay.

Rachel: I hope you have a good time on your trip.

Speed: Yeah. Um...Yeah so I'll see you later.

Rachel: Speed...

Speed: *turns around*

Rachel: Um....Goodbye.

Speed: *nods* Bye. *leaves*


Horatio: Ah, home sweet Hummerhome. *turns key*

Carly: Did you guys have fun?

Horatio: Oh plenty.

Katie: Wow it's only been a day. That's record time for a murder investigation.

Horatio: Yeah see? All those people say that you can't possibly solve a murder in an hour. Well the joke is on them because it takes at least 4 hours.

Delko: I got a new coloring book.

Katie: Tim, did you have fun?

Speed: Nope.

Delko: *coloring* Yeah he wanted to leave the second we got there.

Speed: Not the exact second.

Delko: *looks up* If you didn't want to be there, why did you stay so long?

Speed: I walk slowly.

Horatio: Let's get underway.

Awww when Speedy doesn't even really try he still manages to flirt with every woman. lol. Nice to know that it was self defense. That's a different change in...Miami....lol. Update soon please.
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