CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Thanks for the reviews. :)


Condo, 8pm

Steph: Daddy, not another hotel.

Scott: You snooze you lose, my dear.

Steph: I'm gonna bankrupt you so fast, it'll make yer head spin.

Scott: I look forward to it.

Dominick: Stephie, are we winning?

Steph: Not yet, Dom. Right now, Daddy's got a monopoly.

Dominick: *frowns* WIN, STEPHIE! *slams hands on board*

Steph: *takes Dominick's arm* Stop it, Dom. You have to be patient.

Dominick: No.

Steph: Yes. *looks at Scott* He wants everything right now.

Scott: I know how he feels. I was the same way as a kid.

Steph: You musta been an annoying kid.

Scott: *smiles* I probably was.


Katie: *sips coffee* Ugh, remember when you were a father?

Speed: *looks at Katie*


Dominick: *reaches over, takes money*

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Dominick: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *shakes head*

Dominick: *drops money*

Scott: *looks at Steph* Your move.

Steph: *grabs dice, drops them*

Dominick: How many is that, Stephie?

Steph: 12.

Dominick: *staring at dice*

Steph: There's 6 on this one and 6 on the other one.

Dominick: I wanna count it out.

Steph: Okay. *hands over car*

Dominick: *slams car on board* 12!

Steph: No, that's 1.

Dominick: *frowns*

Steph: You need to go this many more. *takes Dominick's hand* 2, 3, 4, 5-

Scott: *smiles*

Steph: And 12.

Dominick: That's too many, Stephie.

Steph: No it's not. Besides, there's more numbers than that.

Dominick: *looks at Steph*

Steph: *whispers* You're gonna need to know 'em when you become a fireman.

Dominick: *frowns* I don't like numbers.

Steph: Daddy, I passed 'Go'.

Scott: Oh, right.

Katie: *walks over* Now Scott, you know you can't take the Monopoly money home to buy drugs.

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Katie: *sits*

Scott: Was that really appropriate?

Katie: I used to do it to Lori all the time.

Steph: Daddy's getting better. *straightens out money* Poison's almost gone.

Katie: *looks at Steph*

Scott: *lifts brow*

Steph: Your turn.

Scott: *nods*

Katie: Can I play?

Dominick: NO.

Katie: Why the hell not?

Dominick: Go away. Bitch.

Katie: *looks at Scott* Are you going to let him talk to me that way?

Scott: Yes. *tosses dice*

Dominick: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *winks*

Dominick: *smirks*

Katie: Ugh. You, sir, are not as nice as you let on. *stands, walks away*


Speed: Back so soon?

Katie: That whole family is full of...of...well, you know what I mean.

Speed: No, I truly don't.

Katie: Scott's perfect for Lori. He's just as manipulative and...hot.

Speed: *wraps arm around Katie, kisses her head*

Katie: *sigh*

Gables Estates, house, 9:48pm

Lori: *drinks champagne*

Tom: *pushes past people* Lori, what the hell are you doing?

Lori: *turns around, smiles* I am enjoying the PARTY! *laughs, staggers forward*

Tom: *grabs Lori* You're supposed to be rubbing elbows with important fashion people, not drowning yourself in...*picks up bottle* whatever this french word means.

Lori: *grabs bottle* I think it means swan or...swanson...wait, isn't that a TV dinner?

Tom: Anni's been looking everywhere for you.

Lori: Why? *gasp* We didn't just make out, did we? Oh man, she'd kick my ass.

Tom: It was something about the food, I think the caterers missed a dish.

Lori: So? Hand out more champagne, no one will notice. *smiles, strokes Tom's cheek* You have an impressive jaw line.

Tom: Why don't I direct you to the kitchen.


Anni: *uncovers plate*

Lori: *staggers over, smiles* Anni! My girl! What's kickin'!

Anni: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Champagne.

Anni: We ran out of food.

Lori: Don't worry about it, nobody will care once I strip and sing kareoke.

Tom: Huh.

Anni: *looks at Tom*

Tom: No. Nooo. Bad idea.

Anni: Honey I think you'd better go upstairs.

Lori: Why? The night is young. *rubs hands together* Who's pumped for dancing?

Anni: You hate dancing.

Lori: Now see, that's a myth. I don't like dancing with my clothes on.

Tom: There you go. A perfectly reasonable explanation.

Lori: *smiles*

Anni: Nobody's getting naked.

Lori: *gets to knees* Please? I promise I won't break anything!

Anni: Stand up, Lori.

Lori: *stands, staggers backwards*

Tom: *catches Lori* Whoa.

Lori: *smiles* Heeey, you caught me. Look at how much I'd trust you if I actually realized you were standing behind me. Do me a favour and unhook my dress.

Anni: Lori, it's time you retired upstairs. *walks over, takes Lori's arm*

Lori: But I'm not finished partying.

Anni: I think you've partied quite enough.

Lori: No. *shoves Anni*

Anni: ACK!

Lori: *falls into wall* I'm not done. Nobody tells me WHAT to do. *lifts finger* I am the HOST. *slides down wall* The hostess who does the mostest.

Tom: Alright. *picks up Lori, swings her over back*

Lori: Hey! I'm upside down!

Tom: *walks upstairs*

Anni: *rubs arm*


Tom: *drops Lori onto bed*

Lori: *smiles* Déja vu.

Tom: Not for me.

Lori: *sits up, grabs Tom by the tie* I need you.

Tom: No, you need Scott. But like an idiot, you're pushing him away.

Lori: I don't recall you talking this much whenever we were in this...*laughs* situation.

Tom: *takes Lori's cheeks* Sweetie?

Lori: Yes.

Tom: I love you very much.

Lori: *smiles*

Tom: And that's exactly why I'm leaving now. *stands straight* You need to sleep this off. *walks away, shuts door*

Lori: *smile fades*

Ahem...I'm taking that as a friendship love, thank you very much:) But that's nice that Tom helped Lori out of a jam and would you look at that, fully clothed :guffaw: I knew he could do it.

I laughed with the emergence of the Scott /Dominick dynamic- it was so cute for them to interact more. More of that would not be a problem....

I do have to say, Lori's hiding something again...No one goes out and gets plastered, not if she has an important party that she's hosting. She better thank her lucky stars that Anni and Tom were there- otherwise, there would've been problems. I really think Lori needs to talk to someone..>STAT

Awesome update:)
I think Lori is pushing a little isn't she! Shes starting to revert back to the old Lori somewhat. This is not good! I'm glad Tom had since enough to leave.

Lol! Dom called Katie a Bitch ! Thats just to funny!

Great update Geni!
Oh, man. Lori, Lori, Lori. Whatever are we going to do with you? Although, I like the way Tom handled it... :D

I love Scott with the kids. And Steph's comment of "you must've been annoying"... :lol:

Speed and Katie are being so sweet with each other. I like it!

Great updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Gables Estates, house, bedroom, 8am next day

Scott: *kneels beside bed*

Lori: *opens eyes*

Scott: *reaches up, brushes hair from Lori's cheek* Morning.

Lori: ...What are you doing here.

Scott: Brought the kids back. I understand you had a wild night.

Lori: *sits up, places hand on forehead* ...I actually feel okay.

Scott: *stands, sits on bed*

Lori: How were the kids?

Scott: *smiles* Delightful.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: Would you like a glass of water or something?

Lori: No.

Scott: *nods*

Lori: Yeah.

Scott: *smirks* Alright. *stands, walks into bathroom*

Lori: *lifts eyes*

Scott: *flips tap on* I'd ask how the party went but...

Lori: I remember most of it, I wasn't that drunk.

Scott: *walks over, sits*

Lori: *takes glass, drinks*

Scott: Are you okay?

Lori: *looks at Scott* Why. What did Tom tell you.

Scott: You just look tired, that's all.

Lori: You look rather fresh.

Scott: Maybe I'm just tired of being tired.

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *stands* I'll see you later. *walks away*

Lori: Right.


Brook: *runs in*

Anni: Anybody home?

Speed: Yeah, I'm just cleaning!

Tom: *steps in* We need to get going, Anni.

Anni: Hush. She needs to see him before we leave for the weekend.

Tom: *looks at watch* Which will be in one hour.


Brook: *runs in, arms out*

Speed: *picks up Brook* Well look at you, all pretty in your dress and everything.

Brook: *smiles*

Anni: *walks over* We're going to Jersey for the weekend.

Speed: I see. What for?

Anni: We're visiting Tom's brother. He's graciously opened his home to us.

Tom: It'll be a nice change from all the flight attendants.

Anni: *elbows Tom*

Tom: Ow.

Brook: Don't wanna go.

Anni: Why not?

Brook: Scary.

Anni: It's not scary.

Brook: *wraps arms around Speed's neck*

Tom: Oh that's perfect. We'll be taking a screeching 3-year old on a plane. Good times.

Speed: You could always leave her here.

Katie: *peeks around corner* You did NOT just suggest that.

Speed: *looks at Katie*

Brook: *smiles*

Anni: Looks like she's staying.

Tom: *crosses arms* Can we go now?

Anni: Tom, be patient.

Speed: *looks at Brook* Want to say goodbye to Mommy?

Brook: YA! *looks at Anni, stretches out hands*

Anni: *walks over* Bye bye, baby.

Brook: *wraps arms around Anni's neck*

Anni: See you in a couple of days.

Brook: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *turns around*

Brook: DADDY!

Tom: *looks back*

Brook: *makes grabby hands*

Tom: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *places Brook on floor*

Brook: *runs over to Tom, hugs him*

Tom: *kneels, wraps arms around Brook*

Brook: Bye bye.

Tom: Be good. *kisses Brook's cheek*

Brook: *nods*

Tom: *stands*

Anni: I'll call you when we get back.

Speed: *nods*

Anni/Tom leave

Brook: *climbs onto couch, waves*

Speed: *walks over to couch, sits*

Brook: *jumps down* I'm hungry. Cookies.

Speed: Cookies already? I don't know about that.

Brook: *bats eyes* Pwease?

Speed: *smirks*

LOL... Lori's got a slight hang over and she's a lot less Bitchy. Scott was nice though...maybe there's hope for them yet:D

Oh aww...Brook wanted to stay with Speed. This is going to be very intersting in that Brook's already got Speed wrapped.:guffaw: it's just a matter of time.

Awesome update!
Well I guess Lori Is a bit on the ruff side this morning ! Been there, Done that! She needs to take some aspirin and straighten out ! Gee Scott didn't hang long! Wonder what his malfunction was.

Aww Brook is starting to get close to Speed now. I'm think Tom may be some what Jealous of this. He was in an awfully big hurry to get gone! And he sure was kinda bitchy about having to take her with them!

Whats Katie's Problem! Shes gonna have to come to the conclusion with Speed you get Brook! So deal!

Great update Geni!
Aww, Brook's already got everyone wrapped around her finger... :lol: Power to her! :D

Scott and Lori... man, I don't like it when they're not together, but they're not always good together... so torn, so torn.

Great update! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :adore: :D


New Jersey, large house, 7pm

Jeff: *opens door, steps out* Hey!

Anni: *smiles*

Jeff: So this is my little brother's wife. *wraps arms around Anni*

Anni: Ooh.

Tom: *rolls eyes*

Jeff: *lets go* How was the flight?

Tom: Bumpy.

Jeff: It's probably because I wasn't flying. Hey, what happened to the kids you said you'd be bringing?

Anni: We decided it'd be better if Brook stayed with her father.

Jeff: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Her biological father.

Jeff: I see. And Tayla?

Anni: That would be my fault. Little nervous about having a baby fly.

Jeff: Well that's no problem. Come on inside, I've got dinner on the stove. *walks away*

Anni: I like him.

Tom: Everyone likes him.

Inside house, dining room

Jeff: *digs into potatoes* So Anni, you're a CSI?

Anni: Yep.

Jeff: That's quite an interesting field.

Anni: It keeps me busy, that's for sure. Well, between that and the kids.

Jeff: *looks at Tom* Tayla's yours, right?

Tom: *frowns*

Anni: I think I sent you the pictures last month.

Jeff: Yep. Beautiful children. Almost makes me want some of my own.

Tom: Too bad that'll never happen.

Jeff: Well no, especially not if I go after women the way you do.

Tom: *slams meat onto plate*

Jeff: How did you two meet?

Anni: Through work. He just started at CSI from Homicide and we...hit it off.

Jeff: *nods*

Tom: *cuts meat*

Jeff: ...Was he high?

Tom: Alright, enough.

Jeff: Come on, I can't poke a little fun at my brother?

Tom: No. I've been sober for almost 7 years so I don't appreciate that shit.

Jeff: Okay okay, don't get your boxers in a twist.

Tom: *jams fork into meat, mumbles* I hope your plane crashes.

Anni: *elbows Tom* Stop that.

Gables Estates, house, kitchen, 8pm

Rock music blares throughout house

Lori: *dancing, grabs broom*

Scott: *steps over*

Lori: *starts air guitaring on broom*

Scott: *smirks, leans against wall*

Lori: *dancing, flipping broom*

Scott: *staring at Lori*

Lori: *twirls around, looks at Scott* ...

Scott: *smiles*

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *takes Lori's hand, spins her*

Lori: *smiles, yanks Scott into kitchen*

On stairs

Dominick: *plugging ears*

Steph: Yay! *clapping*

Kitchen, 10 minutes later

Lori: *falls against counter, grabs Scott's shirt* Whew.

Scott: *turns off CD player* Blowing off some steam?

Lori: I was. Thanks for joining me.

Scott: Well your moves were so infectious.

Lori: *smiles* Yours weren't half bad. *walks over to fridge, opens it* Water?

Scott: Please.

Lori: *grabs water* So what brings you to my humble abode?

Scott: I have a new roommate. We need to ammend the payment plan so that I'll be getting less every month.

Lori: *nods* How much are you going to be paying?

Scott: $275, roughly.

Lori: *turns around* Okay. *hands over bottle* Do you have a statement?

Scott: *takes bottle* Sure. It's at my place, I just wanted to run it by you first.

Lori: ...You couldn't use a telephone?

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: Right, you don't like telephones. *walks over to counter, grabs wine bottle* Who's the new roommate?

Scott: Bailey.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: I know, what are the odds?

Lori: You two must have a lot of fun. *pours wine*

Scott: I'm not there to have fun.

Lori: ...Wasn't there some kind of rule that stipulates you can't have a roommate of the opposite sex?

Scott: My place was the last one available, I guess they made an exception.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: Besides, I have self control.

Lori: Obviously not, or you wouldn't be there.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: ...Sorry. I guess I need to work on mine.

Scott: It's okay.

Lori: Kids! Bed!


Steph: Oops. *grabs Dominick's arm* Let's go.


Scott: I should be going.

Lori: *nods*

Scott: *leans over, kisses Lori's cheek*

Lori: *wraps arms around Scott*

Scott: *blinks*

Lori: *lies head on Scott's chest*

Scott: *wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: Don't go.

Scott: *stares blankly* ...Okay.

Last edited:
"Don't Go..." Hmmm...seems like the ice queen's heart is melting. One dance and mention of Bailey has her singing another tune. But this is what is needed. They NEED to get back together again. Fix what's broken.

:guffaw: Jeff is awesome! And Poor Tom hates him:guffaw:

There has to be more with them:D!

Awesome update!
Hmm! I think Lori is a little Jealous of Bailey staying with Scott! Why do I get a bad feeling about this whole thing! not Good!

Well seems like Anni and Tom are off to a smashing start with Jeff. I hot this doesn't end in a knock down drag out fight. Lol!

Great update Geni!
Poor Tom, getting railroaded by his brother like that. Although, I suppose it could be worse... but I kinda like Jeff. :D

Lori's concerned about Bailey, and I think maybe she should be. Bailey's making the moves... Although, Scott's not going for it... I don't know.

Great update! :D
Thanks for the reviews. :D


Miami Shores, complex, 10am

Lori: Are you going to be kicked out for not coming back last night?

Scott: Nah.

Lori: *looks at Scott*

Scott: ...I'll have to find out.

Lori: *shakes head*

Scott: *steps in*

Admin area

Woman: *lifts head, frowns* Scott.

Scott: *clears throat* Yes ma'am.

Woman: Bailey reported you were missing last night. I thought we went over the rules.

Scott: Yes. I was at my wife's house last night.

Lori: Ex-wife.

Scott: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *smiles*

Woman: *places cup on table* Pee.

Scott: *grabs cup* No problem. *walks away*

Lori: *leans against counter* We didn't do anything last night.

Woman: *lifts eyes*

Lori: I mean, he probably would have liked to but no way. He lost his chance when he put a needle in his arm.

Woman: *nods slowly*

Lori: Well, there were plenty of times where I slept around with other guys in crack houses and was high on something and he still y'know, loved me and everything but guess what? I'm not him.

Woman: ...You're an addict?

Lori: Not really. I suffered a head injury during a plane crash so I don't remember it. Okay, I remember it but not as well as I would have if my head hadn't hit a tree.

Woman: *stares at Lori*

Scott: *walks over*

Woman: *takes cup, looks at it*

Scott: Am I in the clear?

Woman: Yes. Don't do it again.

Scott: Yes ma'am. *walks away*

Lori: Nice to meet you. *turns around, leaves*

Outside, complex

Lori: Why do you keep calling me your wife?

Scott: ...Legally, you are.

Lori: I don't want to be your wife.

Scott: Ah yes, the lesser known 'I don't'.

Lori: *slaps Scott* Stop it.

Scott: Alright, if you want to make this final, let's just go the divorce route.

Lori: *stops walking* Really?

Scott: *looks back* Yeah.

Lori: Why?

Scott: You said it yourself, we should finalize it either way.

Lori: ...You want to divorce.

Scott: I want to spend the rest of my life with you.

Lori: *narrows eyes* Is this some kind of reverse psychology?

Scott: *lifts brow* No.

Lori: ...So you don't want to divorce.

Scott: I don't want you to be unhappy.

Lori: *blinks* But divorcing you would make me unhappy.

Scott: Right.

Lori: So we should stay married.

Scott: If that's what you want.

Lori: Okay.

Scott: *walks away*

Lori: *scratches head* ...Wait, what? *follows*


Scott: *walks in*

Bailey: Oh hey, Scott. *wipes hair with towel* I just got finished in the pool if you want it.

Lori: *looks at Bailey*

Bailey: *smiles* LORI! How the hell is it going!

Lori: Why are you half naked?

Bailey: This is called a bikini. They're designed for women, you may have seen one around Miami.

Lori: *grabs Scott's arm* Scott, she's too hot to live here.

Scott: *smirks, walks into kitchen*


Bailey: I hope you don't mind, I ate the leftover pasta.

Scott: Not at all. *opens fridge, grabs water*

Lori: ...Is that all you people do here? Sunbathe and eat?

Bailey: We work out, too.

Lori: ...Together.

Bailey: Yeah. Scott's my spotter.

Lori: *frowns*

Scott: Bailey's been teaching me yoga.

Bailey: *smiles* He's learning so fast. We went over the Reverse Warrior pose yesterday. It's supposed to improve the flexibility of your spine. *grabs Scott, shakes him* He's very flexible already.

Lori: *frowning*

Scott: You could always come by, maybe Bailey could teach you a few things.

Lori: Is there an Ass-Kicker pose?

Bailey: Not that I know of.

Lori: Then I'm not interested.

Bailey: Hey, I heard you work for Levine's fashion. Is there any chance you have an opening? I've been itching to get back into the work force and I majored in fashion.

Lori: No.

Scott: You were just telling me last night how you had to hire 2 more people to fill out the sales department.

Lori: The positions have been filled.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *looks at watch* I need to go. See you later. *turns around, walks away*

Bailey: *wraps arms around Scott's waist* She's just jealous.

Scott: *grabs Bailey's arm* Maybe it's because you're giving her the wrong impression. *turns around* I'm trying to improve my relationship with her.

Bailey: Why? It sounds to me like she hates you.

Scott: Lori's always been defensive and...slightly aggressive.

Bailey: Slightly.

Scott: We should all go out to dinner sometime. Melt the ice a little.

Bailey: Hey if it's a fancy place, I can wear my new dress! *claps* YES. *runs upstairs*

Scott: *sigh*

Ha. Ha. HA....Lori and Bailey in the same room with Scott? So...we're looking for a death match are we? I think that it would be cool to see them face off, maybe it will give Lori a reason to rethink her recent Bitchy ways...Who knows.... All I know is that I'm ready for things to get better for the Finch clan...:D

Awesome update:D
Hell Lori why don't you take Katie to dinner with you guys and unleash her ass on Bailey. I'm sure that that would be quite amusing on its own! I can see a defendant hospital trip foe someone in the future.

Great update Geni!