CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Finch, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the reviews! :)


    Restaurant, booth

    Steph: *looks around*

    Lori: *looks at watch*

    Steph: Momma...

    Lori: Be patient.

    Steph: You don't look patient.

    Lori: I don't have to be patient, I'm your mother.

    Scott: *walks over* Hey.

    Steph: *lifts head*

    Scott: *looks at Steph, smiles*

    Lori: *stands, wraps arms around Scott*

    Steph: *looks down at table*

    Lori: *whispers* You're late. She thought you were doing drugs.

    Scott: *lifts brow*

    Lori: *lets go, sits*

    Scott: *sits in booth*

    Steph: *moves away*

    Scott: *looks at Steph*

    Steph: *fiddles with napkin*

    Scott: I'm sorry I'm late.

    Steph: *nods*

    Scott: Remember that time you missed the schoolbus?

    Steph: Yup.

    Scott: That's what happened to me.

    Steph: *looks at Scott* Why.

    Scott: I read the schedule wrong. Different system here than what I'm used to.

    Steph: You weren't doing anything naughty?

    Scott: *smiles* No.

    Steph: *slides closer* Okay.

    Scott: *wraps arm around Steph, hugs her*

    Steph: *staring at table*

    Lori: *stares at Steph*

    Scott: Is Dominick at daycare?

    Lori: Yeah. Actually, I got a call the other day from one of the staff. It turns out Dominick was caught stealing candy from the candy jar on the desk.

    Scott: That's not very good.

    Lori: He's also been pushing the girls and making them cry.

    Scott: *nods*

    Lori: *stirs soda with straw* Normal little boy stuff I guess but he still needs a kick in the ass.

    Scott: Right. *opens menu*

    Lori: Maybe what you need to get around is a vehicle so you don't keep missing the bus.

    Scott: *lifts eyes*

    Lori: We'll go browsing sometime.

    Scott: What happened to my car?

    Lori: The dealer took it back. *drinks soda*

    Scott: Perfect.

    Lori: Of course you'll have to get a job first.

    Scott: ...I have a job.

    Lori: What you have is partial ownership of a company and enough money to live on per the judge.

    Scott: *stares at Lori*

    Lori: You used to work at a garage when you were in school, right? You can apply somewhere in town to make the payments.

    Scott: I'm a data analyst, not a mechanic.

    Lori: Then do some work for Bob.

    Scott: *lifts brow* You want me to earn extra money by working for the same company that already pays me to keep you in your house and my children fed. That's called double-dipping. Not to mention for all intents and purposes, I'm still Robert's boss.

    Lori: Then I guess you're not getting a vehicle.

    Scott: Give me your car.

    Lori: I need my car.

    Scott: For what? You already have a truck.

    Lori: Truck uses too much gas.

    Scott: Then give me the truck.

    Lori: No, it's expensive. I don't want you pawning it off for drug money.

    Scott: *frowns* That's not going to happen.

    Lori: How do I know that?

    Scott: Why don't we work something out. Negative tests for the use of the car.

    Lori: *narrows eyes*

    Scott: I'll pick up Steph from school everyday.

    Lori: No. I'll agree to the car but you're not picking her up.

    Scott: Why?

    Lori: You don't have custody, Scott.

    Scott: The school's only a couple miles from the house.

    Lori: *looks at Steph* Do you want him to pick you up?

    Steph: *shakes head*

    Lori: There you have it.

    Scott: *looks at Steph*

    Steph: *staring down at lap*

    Scott: *looks at Lori* I can pick up Dominick.

    Lori: *shakes head*

    Scott: Please, Lori, I want to be in their lives for more than 3 hours a week.

    Lori: I guess you should have thought about that before you stuck a needle in your arm.

    Scott: *stares at Lori*

    Waitress: *walks over* What can I get for you?

    Lori: She'll have the chicken fingers and I'll have the salad.

    Waitress: *looks at Scott* And for you?

    Scott: I'm fine, thank you.

    Waitress: *walks away*

    Lori: *closes menu*

    Scott: What can I do?

    Lori: *lifts eyes* You've done enough.

    Scott: *looks down at table*

    Miami Shores, street

    Scott: *gets out of car*

    Lori: *steps out, walks around car*

    Steph: *jumps out of car*

    Scott: *kneels* I'll see you on Tuesday.

    Steph: *nods*

    Scott: *wraps arms around Steph*

    Lori: *leans against car, crosses arms*

    Steph: Bye, Daddy.

    Scott: *lets go, places hand on Steph's head* Be good for your mother.

    Steph: *nods, runs back into car*

    Lori: *shuts door*

    Scott: *stands*

    Lori: What do you have planned for the rest of the afternoon?

    Scott: I don't have much planned.

    Lori: Looks like you'll need to find something productive to do. Later. *walks around car*

    Scott: Maybe I could stop by after dinner?

    Lori: No. *gets into car, shuts door*

    Car drives off

    Scott: *nods*

  2. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
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    :scream: ....Exactly what I feel like right now. I...I'm flabbergasted at what's going on...I really can't think straight to give a viable review, so I'll just rant.... Hold on tight kiddies, it might get bad...

    GRANTED Lori forgot the past few years where she was everyone's whore and addict, and she didn't give a rat's ass about how her husband saw her or how he felt, and how forgiving he was of just about EVERYTHING she did to him...YES, I can see where she'd forget that with the amensia and all...BUT we are quick to jump righteous. For CRIPES sake, he's trying! He's willing to offer up negative results for positive reinforcements, offering to do anythign he can to be in his children's lives and Lori... She's just turning her back on all that! HOW! How can she do that when Scott was the epitamy of forgiveness? She's hurt...WELL, Scotty was hurt when she did all of her bullshit...Did that stop him? No, he took her back time and time again. It just irritates me that she's got this whole, I'm better than that 'tude now. She's putting him through hoops and she knows she's not going to reward him after the end of the trick * swear, that one just happened*. What she's doing, IF Scotty's not strong enough, is giving him a reason to fall again. How productive is that???

    Whoo...I apologize, but I feel strongly about this issue... I hope I didn't offend, if I did, I'm truly sorry...

    Okay...rant over:lol:

    Awesome update though:D
  3. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Woo Boy! Loris sure is bustin Scott's chops! the only problem is she tends to flip flop on some stuff! She needs to hold his feet to the fire and not give into her infernal need to have him!

    Great update Geni!
  4. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Hee. :) Thanks for the reviews!


    Gables Estates, house, 9:30am

    Anni: Have you seen Katie recently? She's not home and she's not at work.

    Lori: I haven't spoken to her in a couple days. Maybe you just missed her.

    Anni: Maybe.

    Steph: *runs in, giggling*

    Tom: *runs in* Steph! Give me back my badge! *runs upstairs*

    Lori: *looks at stairs* He's a man child.

    Anni: *smiles* He's my man child.

    Lori: *smirks*

    Anni: Speaking of...how was lunch with Scott yesterday?

    Lori: *shakes head* He thinks just because he got out of rehab that everyone's going to give him everything back. It doesn't work that way.

    Doorbell rings

    Lori: Excuse me. *walks away*

    Anni: *sips tea*


    Lori: *opens door*

    Man: Lori Finch?

    Lori: Yeah.

    Man: *hands over paper* You've been served. *walks away*

    Lori: *looks down at paper*


    Anni: *places cup on table*

    Lori: *walks over* That BASTARD.

    Anni: *lifts head* What's wrong?

    Lori: The son-of-a-bitch is taking me to court.

    Anni: Scott? Why?

    Lori: He wants unsupervised visitation.

    Anni: ...And that's bad?

    Lori: He's not ready for that yet. And he's only doing it because I told him he couldn't pick them up.

    Anni: How do you know what he's ready for?

    Lori: He's only been back in town for a few weeks. It's not up to him to decide what he should get.

    Anni: ...I think that's why he's going through the proper legal channels.

    Lori: No. He's doing this out of spite.

    Anni: It sounds like he just wants more time with his children.

    Lori: You didn't see him yesterday! He looked like he was about to rip my throat out!

    Anni: Wouldn't you be frustrated if you thought you were making progress and suddenly you were being refused your children?

    Lori: I'm not refusing them, I just don't want them alone with him. Not right now.

    Anni: It wouldn't hurt to give him a chance.

    Lori: It will if they get killed with him.

    Anni: That's the risk you take when you put your trust in someone. *stands* I wasn't there during your lunch yesterday but look at it from Scott's perspective. Do you think anything you said or did seemed unreasonable?

    Lori: No.

    Anni: You've had problems in the past. I don't remember Scott ever being uncompromising or unreasonable.

    Lori: I'm not Scott.

    Anni: Lori, you need to stop this before it gets worse. You have children to think about, not just yourself. Dragging them deeper into this will have lasting effects, believe me.

    Lori: *shakes head*

    Anni: Be an adult about this.

    Lori: Tell him that.

    Anni: I'm telling you.

    Lori: *frowns*

    Upstairs, hallway

    Tom: *leans against wall, doubles over* Okay Tommy's getting tired. *winces* Should have stopped smoking sooner.

    Steph: *peeks around corner, giggles*

    Tom: *looks at Steph* Give me my badge.

    Steph: Nope. I'm gonna catch bad guys.

    Tom: You need to have your own badge for that, otherwise it's impersonating an officer and you'll go to jail.

    Steph: *looks down at badge*

    Tom: *smirks*

    Steph: What if I don't get caught?

    Tom: *laughs*

    Steph: *smiles*

    Tom: You are your mother's daughter. *walks over, picks up Steph* Badge.

    Steph: *hands over badge*

    Tom: Oof, you're getting heavy. *slides down wall, sits on floor*

    Steph: What does this mean? *points to badge*

    Tom: That's my badge number. It identifies who I am in the computer.

    Steph: Like a library card.

    Tom: *smiles* Exactly.

    Steph: I want one.

    Tom: You'll have to become a cop first.

    Steph: Okay.

    Tom: It's a lot of work. And sometimes bad guys are scary.

    Steph: I'm gonna catch the nice bad guys.

    Tom: *lifts brow*

    Steph: Like Daddy.

    Tom: *stares at Steph*

    Steph: *fiddling with badge*

    Tom: He's a bad guy?

    Steph: *nods* Drugs are bad.

    Tom: That doesn't mean he's bad.

    Steph: *looks at Tom* Momma says he's a prick.

    Tom: ...Steph, drugs are poison. They change the way you think and who you are.

    Steph: Why would Daddy want to change?

    Tom: It's more like a side-effect. He didn't know it was happening. But when he did find out...he stopped taking them.

    Steph: So he's changing back?

    Tom: Slowly.

    Steph: *nods*

    Tom: Does that make sense?

    Steph: Yep.

    Tom: Good.

    Steph: I miss him.

    Tom: Yeah.

    Steph: Momma wants me to hate him but I'm not gonna.

    Tom: *smirks*

    Steph: I'm gonna go play outside. *stands*

    Tom: Be careful.

    Steph: *runs away*


    Anni: *dumps sugar into tea*

    Tom: *walks over, sits*

    Anni: Got your badge back?

    Tom: Safe and sound. *looks at Lori* You need to stop manipulating your kids.

    Lori: Shut up.

    Tom: No. My ex did it to me and now you're doing it to Scott. I'm not going to let you turn his kids against him.

    Lori: I'm just telling her the truth.

    Tom: You're supposed to tell her that her daddy loves her. That's the truth.

    Lori: *leans back in chair, crosses arms*

    Tom: I made the same mistakes as Scott. Hell, so did you. We're the last people who should be condemning him.

    Lori: Don't tell me how I should feel or how I should react! This isn't your life! You have your family, go be happy and leave me alone! *stands, walks away*

    Tom: That went well.

    Anni: *picks up paper*

    Tom: What's that?

    Anni: Summons. Scott's taking her to court.

    Tom: Good for him.

    Anni: *looks at Tom*

  5. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Well I think Tom is right about what to tell the children! They need to straighten this out before it causes really hard feelings that can't be fixed between them.

    Hmm! Know one has seen Katie! interesting! Somebody might need to check the closet or the headboard! Me thinks that Speed might be having a moment of flashback or something Kinky is happening at the Speedle house hold!

    Great update Geni!
  6. racefh853629

    racefh853629 Pathologist

    May 1, 2008
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    I kinda agree with Tom a bit... good for him. I kinda feel like Lori's being a little hypocritical, but at the same time, she also did have a head injury that changed her somewhat... I don't know. I think the point I'm trying to make here is that she should be willing to give him more of a chance- he's trying to change, and her behavior isn't making things better. And she does need to stop trying to manipulate the kids too.

    *climbs off soap box*

    Where'd Katie go?

    I love that everyone knew Speed got some... :lol:

    Awesome updates! :D
  7. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    I knew I'd get to this sooner or later... Finally, someone told Lori the deal - that it's not only about her, but those two kids. I mean, she can't see that telling Steph that her that she should hate her father sounds like living vicariously through her. It would do Lori some good to talk to someone about her feelings, and come to terms with them before she ruins her children's lives.

    Tom and Anni did such a good thing here. From talking to Steph to giving the low down to Lori, these two were on the job. Now...let's hope that Lori listened...

    Awesome update!
  8. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the reviews! :D


    Courtroom, 11am next day

    Lori: *crosses legs, leans back on bench*

    Speed: *walks over, sits* Dropped the Dom off at daycare. Steph's with your mother.

    Lori: She's alive?

    Speed: Yeah, she had a thing in Orlando.

    Lori: ...Thing.

    Speed: That's just what she told me. Is Scott here yet?

    Lori: No. *looks at watch* Maybe he missed the bus again.

    Speed: Lori...

    Lori: What?

    Man: Next up! Scott Finch vs Lori Finch!

    Lori: Oh crap.

    Speed: Go.

    Lori: *stands, walks away*

    Speed: *looks around*

    Front of courtroom

    Lori: *steps up to podium, straightens out skirt*


    Lori: *staring at watch*

    Scott: *walks in*

    Lori: *looks back*

    Scott: *walks over to podium, places briefcase onto table*

    Lori: *stares at Scott*

    5 minutes later

    Judge: *puts on glasses, grabs folder* Mister Finch, you're back in my courtroom. I hope with a different attitude this time.

    Scott: Very much so, your honor.

    Judge: *opens folder* You're here to petition for unsupervised visitation with your two children. How old are they?

    Scott: Stephanie's 6 and Dominick is 3.

    Judge: You currently have unscheduled visitation per the mother's convenience.

    Scott: Yes your honor.

    Judge: *lifts head, places folder on table* How did rehab go?

    Scott: Shaky at first.

    Lori: *rolls eyes*

    Judge: How long did you stay?

    Scott: 6 months.

    Judge: Where are you currently living?

    Scott: A sober house in Miami Shores.

    Judge: And how long have you been there?

    Scott: 3 weeks.

    Judge: No problems?

    Scott: No ma'am.

    Judge: *looks at Lori* Has he had any problems?

    Lori: Not that I know of.

    Judge: When and how often does he get to see the children?

    Lori: 3 days a week for an hour.

    Judge: Are you opposed to unsupervised visitation?

    Lori: Yes, I am.

    Judge: Why's that?

    Lori: I don't trust him. I don't feel safe around him.

    Scott: *looks at Lori*

    Lori: *looks at Scott* He's violent.

    Judge: *lifts brow* Explain that.

    Lori: *looks back at Judge* He attacked my mother during the intervention and got kicked out of the rehab for attacking a nurse and destroying public property.

    Judge: *looks at Scott* Is that true?

    Scott: Yes, your honor. I was subsequently able to return to the facility and continue treatment.

    Judge: Were you prescribed any medication?

    Scott: Yes I was.

    Judge: *grabs pen* What's the name of your medication?

    Scott: Fluoxetine.

    Judge: Are you taking it as prescribed?

    Scott: Yes ma'am.

    Judge: Have there been any incidents of violence since then?

    Scott: No ma'am.

    Judge: Are you seeking therapy or participating in any step programs?

    Scott: Yes.

    Lori: That's news to me.

    Scott: *looks at Lori*

    Judge: So you're committed to being a father to your children again.

    Scott: ...My children are my soul. *lowers head* And I sincerely regret the things I've done. I want nothing more than to be what they need me to be and that's a real father.

    Judge: *nods*

    Lori: Your honor, I'm sorry but this is bullshit.

    Judge: *looks at Lori*

    Lori: All he cared about the other day was getting my clothes off.

    Judge: It seems to me like he's made a lot of progress; his dramatically changed behaviour in this courtroom being a strong indicator if nothing else. *looks down at folder* Therefore, I'm going to award Mister Finch unsupervised visitation. *slams gavel*

    Scott: Thank you, your honor.

    Lori: Ergh.

    Outside courthouse, steps

    Scott: *steps outside*

    Lori: You happy now?

    Scott: Immensely.

    Lori: Don't act too smug, you still don't have custody.

    Scott: Lori, I'm not trying to start a conflict with you. I have no interest in taking anything from you or hurting you.

    Lori: ...You don't?

    Scott: No.

    Lori: You're supposed to be bitter.

    Scott: ...Why?

    Lori: That's the way separated couples are.

    Scott: *stares at Lori*

    Speed: *walks over* Just got off the phone with your mother, she wants to make him an apology lunch.

    Lori: Why?

    Speed: I would assume for the money thing.

    Lori: *looks at Scott* Hungry?

    Scott: Sure.

    Lori: *walks away*

    Scott: *looks at Speed*

    Speed: Come on, I'll give you a ride. *walks away*

    Scott: *nods*

  9. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Well I guess Scott will be getting the Children weather Lori likes it or not ! Whats up with Katie! Something isn't right here. Shes gone for days nobody knows where shes at, Speeds story is she had a thing in Orlando, and now she wants to make an apology lunch for Scott!

    Uh Huh! Well this should be interesting. I'm wondering now what really happened in those few days she was missing! What did Speed do to her.

    Great update Geni!
  10. racefh853629

    racefh853629 Pathologist

    May 1, 2008
    Likes Received:

    I'm glad to hear Katie's okay! I wonder what her thing in Orlando was... And I hope she doesn't rag on Scott too much.

    I hope Lori and Scott can work things out. I really do.

    Great update! :D
  11. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the reviews! :D

    Shorter one for now. :)


    Condo, 12:20pm

    Scott: *walks in*

    Steph: DADDY! *runs over*

    Scott: *smiles, kneels*

    Steph: *hugs Scott*

    Scott: *wraps arms around Steph*

    Lori: *walks in* Steph, go get washed up.

    Steph: No.

    Lori: *looks at Steph*

    Scott: It's okay, Lori. She'll wash up in a few.

    Lori: *frowns, walks away*

    Steph: Daddy, come watch cartoons with me. *grabs Scott's arm, runs*

    Scott: Ah! *staggers forward, runs*


    Katie: *dumps chicken into pot*

    Lori: *looks into den* I'm tired of being mad at him.

    Speed: Then don't be. *opens wine bottle*

    Lori: *looks at Speed*

    Speed: *hands bottle to Katie*

    Katie: *pours wine into pot*

    Lori: ...Maybe I need to stop trying to behave how I think I should behave.

    Katie: *hands bottle to Speed*

    Lori: Ugh. *grabs bottle, drinks wine*

    Speed: *blinks*

    Lori: *slams bottle onto counter, walks away*

    Katie: Want to taste my sauce?

    Speed: Uh, I think I'll wait until it's finished cooking.


    Steph: I'm learning Spanish.

    Scott: You are?

    Steph: Yep. Sesame Street is teaching me.

    Scott: *smiles* What have you learned so far?

    Steph: Hola means hello. And siete means seven.

    Scott: That's very good.

    Steph: Do you know Spanish?

    Scott: Uh, some. Your mother probably knows a lot more than me.

    Lori: What's that? *sits*

    Steph: Spanish.

    Lori: *grabs Scott's hand* You should learn a complicated language. OH! How about Mandarin.

    Steph: ...You want me to talk to oranges?

    Scott: *looks at Lori*

    Lori: *smirks* No.


    Speed: How was Orlando?

    Katie: Fine.

    Speed: What did you do there?

    Katie: Nothing exciting.

    Speed: Um...you know it's uh, it's okay if you're seeing someone. I don't mind.

    Katie: *looks at Speed*

    Speed: *stares at Katie*

    Katie: I'm not. I just had some business I needed to take care of, that's all.

    Speed: Anything you want to share?

    Katie: No. *looks back at pot*

    Speed: *nods*


    Lori: Go wash up.

    Steph: 'Kay. *runs upstairs*

    Lori: *looks at Scott* I'm sorry.

    Scott: *looks at Lori*

    Lori: I've been acting like a bitch.

    Scott: You were doing what you thought was right.

    Lori: So were you.

    Scott: *lowers head*

    Lori: *extends hand* Truce.

    Scott: *lifts eyes*

    Lori: I'll agree to get along with you if you will.

    Scott: *grabs Lori's hand* Deal.

    Lori: Great. *grabs Scott's cheeks, kisses him* MWAH. Okay, time to set the table. *stands, walks away*

    Scott: *smirks*

  12. Anni Grey

    Anni Grey Coroner

    Jun 22, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Glad to see that things are going well after that debacle in court. Definitely glad to see Lori coming to terms with things and FINALLY seeing that she may need to start thinking for herself. GLAD to see that Katie's alright.... I'm just glad to see that things are settling very well...

    Awesome two updates:D
  13. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Well The players are ll aboard! So let the games begin. Ok Heres an impotent Question: If Katie has been Orlando for the last few day doing God knows what and who, Inquiring minds would really like to know is WHO Is Speed Having SEX With??? The last female I remember him being around was Anni in Brooks room, but wasn't Tom there also in the house?

    I know one thing He wasn't having sex with me! So give it up Speed who Snatch did you Snatch this Time! lol! Just making an observation mind you! but I think its plain to see hes trying to Katie to find someone because obviously he has! lol!

    Great update Geni!
  14. Finch

    Finch Funnier in Enochian Super Moderator

    Jul 30, 2005
    Likes Received:
    Thanks for the reviews! Hee.

    Speed and Anni were at Lori's house, in their den. Tom was upstairs with the rest of the kiddies. :D


    Miami Shores, house, 4pm

    Lori: *steps in*

    Scott: *throws wallet onto table, walks away*

    Lori: *looks at wallet*

    Scott: Would you like tea or something?

    Lori: Uh, sure. *picks up wallet*

    Scott: *opens cupboard*

    Lori: *lifts paper from wallet*

    Scott: *turns around*

    Lori: *drops wallet*

    Scott: *looks at Lori*

    Lori: *places hands behind back* No sugar.

    Scott: ...Were you just going through my wallet?

    Lori: *stares at Scott*

    Scott: *walks over* Lori.

    Lori: Okay, maybe. But that's just because I want to make sure you're...

    Scott: Not shooting up?

    Lori: Yeah. So explain this. *lifts paper* Prescription for valium.

    Scott: *looks at paper*

    Lori: I mean, it was tucked away in this little pocket and it's all crumpled up, b-

    Scott: Exactly. It's old.

    Lori: Are you telling me you're just going to throw it away?

    Scott: *takes paper, rips it up* Yes.

    Lori: How about your medicine cabinet? *walks away*

    Scott: *sigh*

    Upstairs, bathroom

    Lori: *open cabinet, grabs bottles*

    Scott: *steps over*

    Lori: *digs through bottle* All of these are Tylenol.

    Scott: That's what it says on the bottle.

    Lori: *drops bottle, reaches inside cabinet*

    Scott: *leans against doorway, crosses arms*

    Lori: Aspirin, Prozac...okay. *walks over to toilet, takes off lid*

    Scott: *scratches eyebrow* Would you like to conduct a cavity search as well?

    Lori: *spins around* What?

    Scott: You may as well be thorough.

    Lori: This makes me feel better.

    Scott: *nods*

    Lori: *kneels, opens cabinet* ...Hairspray. *picks up bottle, stands* You have hairspray in your bathroom.

    Scott: *lifts brow* Yeah.

    Lori: You can get high off of this.

    Scott: Lori, I'm not inhaling hairspray.

    Lori: I want to check your bedroom.

    Scott: Feel free.

    Lori: *walks away*


    Lori: *opens drawers*

    Scott: *walks over, sits on bed*

    Lori: Bible, book light, keys...

    Scott: *nods*

    Lori: *looks at Scott* Can I check under your mattress?

    Scott: *stands*

    Lori: *grabs mattress, flips it against wall*

    Scott: *crosses arms*

    Lori: You have nothing under here.

    Scott: No, I don't.

    Lori: I'm checking the closet. *turns around, opens closet*

    Scott: *grabs mattress, drops it onto slats*

    Lori: *kneels, rummages around*

    Scott: *drapes sheets across bed*

    Lori: You don't have anything. Not even a shoebox.

    Scott: I keep my shoes downstairs by the door.

    Lori: *stands, turns around* Where's all the porn?

    Scott: *lifts brow* Excuse me?

    Lori: You're a guy, afterall. This place is too clean. I want to see where you keep the naughty stuff.

    Scott: Why don't you help me re-make the bed. *walks around bed*

    Lori: *grabs sheets, tucks them underneath mattress*

    Scott: *picks up blanket, tosses it across bed*

    Lori: *places hands on hips* One dirty magazine, that's all I ask.

    Scott: Grab the other end of the blanket.

    Lori: *takes blanket, pulls it*

    Scott: *folds corner of blanket*

    Lori: *looks at Scott*

    Scott: *lifts eyes*

    Lori: *looks down at bed*

    Scott: *smirks*

    Lori: *climbs onto bed* Okay. Level with me.

    Scott: Alright.

    Lori: There has to be at least one stray sock around here somewhere.

    Scott: *laughs*

    Lori: What?

    Scott: I'm not going to give you the satisfaction of an answer.

    Lori: *taps chin* I see. Therefore the incriminating evidence is somewhere.

    Scott: So far, your investigation has turned up zilch.

    Lori: *lifts finger* I never give up.

    Scott: *smiles* One of your better qualities.

    Lori: *fiddles with Scott's shirt* Give me a hint.

    Scott: Hard to do when there's nothing to find, my dear.

    Lori: *narrows eyes* What if I bribe you?

    Scott: With what, Febreze?

    Lori: *slaps Scott's arm* That's not funny. *sits down*

    Scott: *crawls onto bed, leans against pillow*

    Lori: If you could change one thing about your life, what would it be?

    Scott: Well...*places hand on Lori's leg* never picking up a syringe is a nice place to start.

    Lori: *looks at Scott* Nothing else.

    Scott: Uh...not working so much?

    Lori: That's it?

    Scott: Yeah. Why?

    Lori: *stares at Scott*

    Scott: *lifts eyes* What?

    Lori: You're picking stupid things.

    Scott: Alright, what about you? What would you change?

    Lori: Geez, should I start from A through P or Q through Z?

    Scott: *smirks*

    Lori: *places hand on Scott's chest* ...If I had never gone to that facility and you hadn't either, do you think we still would have met?

    Scott: I have to believe it.

    Lori: *looks at Scott*

    Scott: You and I are meant to be together.

    Lori: *lowers eyes* ...*grabs Scott's hand* You're still wearing your ring.

    Scott: *nods*

    Lori: It doesn't change anything.

    Scott: I disagree. It's a reminder of what I'm fighting for.

    Lori: *looks at Scott*

    Scott: *stares at Lori*

    Lori: *lies forehead against Scott*

    Scott: *closes eyes*

  15. CSISDFlash

    CSISDFlash Pathologist

    Sep 16, 2008
    Likes Received:
    Awww! How sweet I think I'm gonna puuuuuukkkke!!!! Lol!

    Great update Geni!

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