CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

It is very heart warming to know that Scott is fighting so hard to reclaim his life. It will definitely remind him to never take his life for granted EVER again. He's lucky that things are working out, now...if he can continue to chip at the ice block called Lori, I think he has a chance!

Very ...VERY sweet, I do love it when they connect:D

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Condo, 5pm

Katie: *dumps clothes into bag*

Speed: *walks over* Where are you going?

Katie: Orlando.

Speed: Again?

Katie: Yeah, it's a family type emergency thing.

Speed: I thought your family lived in Missouri.

Katie: I have some in Orlando.

Speed: Anything I can help with?

Katie: No. *picks up bag, turns around*

Speed: *takes Katie's arm* Drive safe.

Katie: Right.

Speed: *leans over, kisses Katie's cheek*

Katie: *walks away*

Speed: *looks back*

Miami lab, layout room

Tom: *staring through magnifying glass*

Speed: *steps in* Do you have a few hours to spare?

Tom: *lifts eyes* Um...no. Why?

Speed: I'm conducting an investigation. How well do you know Orlando?

Tom: *stares at Speed* ...Bloom?

Speed: *frowns* The city.

Tom: Depends which part of the city. If we're talking sight-seeing and
restaurants, you might want to take Anni.

Speed: Drug dens and strip clubs.

Tom: *stands* I'm your man. *walks around table, takes off labcoat*

A/V Lab

Speed: *typing*

Tom: *looks at Speed* Want me to do it?

Speed: Why?

Tom: You're slow.

Speed: I'm concentrating.

Tom: When did you take the black box out of your vehicle?

Speed: This morning.

Tom: Are you always this suspicious?

Speed: Just plug it in.

Tom: Hey I'll do my job if you do yours.

Screen pops up

Tom: You drive a Ford Escape? *looks at Speed* What are you, gay?

Speed: What do you drive?

Tom: Silverado.

Speed: Katie wanted a 'green' vehicle.

Tom: Then you should have bought one that was green-colored.

Speed: *looks up at screen* Got the mileage.

Tom: Alright, 257 miles north. That would put her within the Orlando limits.

Speed: Where did she stop?

Tom: A house in a residential neighborhood. It has a business attached to it. *types*

Speed: *staring at screen*

Tom: Doctor Monroe. Self-help therapy services.

Speed: *lifts brow* She's seeing a shrink?

Tom: About damn time.

Speed: Why didn't she just tell me?

Tom: Judging by how far she's traveling...maybe she's ashamed.

Speed: That's nothing to be ashamed about.

Tom: Think about it, everyone already mocks her about seeking therapy. Even yours truly. She probably doesn't want the grief.

Speed: I need to talk to her about it.

Tom: Ah just leave her alone, man. More power to her. *looks at Speed* Unless of course you're worried about her revealing damaging secrets.

Speed: *looks at Tom* What secrets?

Tom: You tell me.

Speed: *frowns*

Tom: See this is why Anni and I are so successful as a couple. Very little secrets.

Speed: But there are some.

Tom: Of course. If you spill all the beans, there's nothing left to look forward to.

Speed: ...You have an interesting sense of logic.

Tom: I'll take that as a compliment.

Well now, why exactly is Speed interested in what Katie is doing in Orlando! I'm still waiting to see who hes been messing with, and does he want to know because he Loves her and wants her around or is it because he was jealous and thought she had someone else? Hmm!

And Katie if your seeing a Shrink that great, but yes I do have to ask, are you see a shrink for medial purposes, Or are you seeing a shrink! Hmmm! Think aboout that before you answer!

Great update Geni!
Aww...Katie's getting help. To echo Tom's words:

Tom: About damn time.


It's overdue, but still...I'm glad she's getting some help. Although, I would have to wonder if it's a good idea that Speed talk to her about it. First, she's going to be like, "why did you low jack my car?" and second of all, she'd be like, "I don't want to talk about my feelings..." I think she's going to be a tough nut to crack...ha, no pun intended... It's awesome that she's getting help.

Awesome update!
Hooray for Katie getting the help she needs! And hooray for Scott!

Tom and Speed need to work together more often. I love the two of them together. :lol:

I am glad to see Lori and Scott trying to work on things. I hope it continues. :D

Fantastic updates! :D
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Miami Lab, breakroom

Tom: *opens magazine*

Katie: *runs in* Tim's not here, is he?

Tom: *lifts eyes* I think he's off.

Katie: Good. *sits on couch* What are you reading? *leans over*

Tom: People.

Katie: Oh look at that hideous dress.

Tom: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *lifts head*

Tom: Would you mind...?

Katie: Oh. *slides back* Sorry.

Tom: *flips page*

Katie: ...Have you ever gone to therapy?

Tom: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *stares at Tom*

Tom: No.

Katie: *nods*

Tom: You?

Katie: *lowers head* ...Maybe. I don't know, I...I've been looking into some things.

Tom: In Orlando.

Katie: *lifts head*

Tom: It's what I would do if I was ashamed.

Katie: *laughs* I'm not ashamed.

Tom: But you are going to therapy in Orlando.

Katie: It's...not really any of your business.

Tom: You brought it up.

Katie: *scratches head*

Tom: *closes magaine* Whatever it is you want help for, I hope you get it. I really do.

Katie: *lifts eyes*

Tom: *places magazine onto table*

Katie: *looks down at lap*

Tom: *leans back on couch*

Katie: *starts to cry*

Tom: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *crying*

Tom: *looks around*

Katie: *sniffing*

Tom: Alright, spill before someone starts to think I'm breaking up with you.

Katie: *wiping nose, crying* Two years ago, I was in this crappy motel with some guy with pizza stains on his shirt and 5 bucks in his pocket and-

Tom: *lifts hand* Say no more. I get it, you feel ashamed that you lowered yourself to that level. I've been there.

Katie: No. I wanted to leave but he wouldn't let me.

Tom: *angry sigh* How unfortunate for you. I am sorry.

Katie: *wraps arms around Tom*

Tom: *blinks*

Katie: *squeezes tighter*

Tom: Uh...*places hand on Katie's back* there there?

Katie: *pokes Tom's abdomen*

Tom: Whoa! *leans back*

Katie: *lifts eyes* You're firm.

Tom: This isn't helping you.

Katie: *stares at Tom*

Tom: Maybe you should talk to Speed.

Katie: *frowns, sits up* He gets weird about things like that.

Tom: Wouldn't hurt.

Katie: Yes. It would.

Tom: *stands* Think about it. *walks away*

Katie: *lies back on couch, sighs*

I agree fully, she needs to talk to Speed. I mean seriously, he's enlightened now, and for sure, he loves her to death- I'm sure that Speed will be able to help her through this. He'll probably feel guilty, but it's important that he don't steal her thunder, she needs the moment to walk through all of her issues. But I do seriously think it's important she talk to him- who knows he might be supportive in her seeing a shrink.

One thing's for sure, she needs to keep her eyes on the prize... and her hands off of Tom...:guffaw:

Awesome update!
Thanks for the review! :D


Condo, 7pm

Katie: Um...why are we here?

Tom: *steps in, shuts door* I got to thinking about you today and since Speed's still out with Lori and the kids, I thought I'd teach you some breathing exercises.

Katie: *lifts brow* Breathing exercises.

Tom: Yeah. To clear your head. Sort of a meditation.

Katie: ...Why.

Tom: Well back when I lost my job, girlfriend and kid and ended up in a crappy apartment in Miami, I did a lot of things I'm not proud of to make all the bad shit I was feeling go away.

Katie: You mean the drugs and hookers.

Tom: Yeah. I was externalizing my pain. But later on, I found that instead of lashing out, I could achieve a more productive result by internalizing my feelings and cleansing them with meditation.

Katie: *stares at Tom*

Tom: Look, I'm not a therapist but I'm also not angry anymore. I can live with myself again and that's something I never thought I'd be able to do.

Katie: *lifts eyes*

Tom: Never hurts to try if the outcome could be positive.

Katie: *nods*

Tom: *grabs Katie's arm* Upstairs.

Katie: *blinks* What?

Tom: You should be comfortable.

Katie: *nods slowly*

Upstairs, bedroom, 15 minutes later

Katie: *sits on floor* Should I light some candles or something?

Tom: *sits* If that's what helps you.

Katie: *crosses legs*

Tom: *places hands on Katie's shoulders*

Katie: Whoa, what are you doing?

Tom: It's called a massage. You can't relax if you're all tensed up.

Katie: *closes eyes*

20 minutes later

Tom: What are you thinking about?

Katie: ...Huh?

Tom: Your thoughts.

Katie: Well they certainly haven't been negative thus far.

Tom: What do you feel about yourself right now?

Katie: ...Um...guilty.

Tom: Why's that?

Katie: For starters, I'm getting a massage from my best friend's husband and daughter's former lover.

Tom: *nods*

Katie: And...I don't know...unworthy? Maybe like a crinkled candy wrapper. *opens eyes* I guess I never really stop to think about that stuff.

Tom: Probably doesn't feel great.

Katie: No.

Tom: What do you usually do when all of that crops up?

Katie: Glass of wine helps.

Tom: Just one?

Katie: *shrugs* 3 or 4. Ugh. Okay this is where I do the cleansing breaths, right? Symbolically push out the bad crap using mental power.

Tom: If you want to look at it that way. It's kind of like taking the lid off a boiling pot.

Katie: *sighs*

Foyer, 9pm

Tom: *walks over to door*

Katie: ...Thanks.

Tom: *looks at Katie*

Katie: This was...sweet of you.

Tom: Whatever helps you from pouring that 4th glass of wine, I suppose.

Katie: Why are you really doing all of this? You made it clear th-

Tom: *shakes head* I never said I hated you.

Katie: ...You did say you didn't like me.

Tom: Everyone deserves another chance.

Katie: *lowers head*

Tom: *opens door* Good night. *walks away*

Katie: *shuts door, slams forehead against it*

Gables Estates, house, bedroom

Steph: *climbs into bed*

Scott: *sits on bed*

Steph: Are you gonna pick me up from school tomorrow?

Scott: You bet.

Steph: *lies down* Can we get food on the way home too?

Scott: What does your mother think about that?

Steph: *puts finger up to lips* Shh.

Scott: *smiles*

Steph: Momma's cooking stinks.

Scott: Maybe she'll let me in the kitchen tomorrow and we won't have to pick anything up.

Steph: *hugs teddy* I hope so.

Scott: *leans forward, kisses Steph's forehead* Get some rest. *stands, walks away*

Steph: *closes eyes*

Living room

Speed: *looks at watch* I should be getting home.

Lori: Is it that late already?

Bob: You know you're getting older when 9 o'clock seems like midnight.

Lori: *smirks*

Scott: *walks over*

Bob: *wraps arm around Lori*

Scott: Kids are tucked in for the night. Hopefully it stays that way.

Speed: *stands* I'll give you a ride home.

Scott: *nods, walks away*

Inside vehicle, road

Scott: *looks out window*

Speed: Robert's a nice guy.

Scott: Yeah, he's fantastic.

Speed: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *scratches head*

Speed: *looks back onto road* Women are...complicated.

Scott: No kidding.

Speed: There are more fish in the sea.

Scott: *looks at Speed* Not for me.

Speed: Come on, you had to think at some point that the woman you were with was 'the one' and it turned out she wasn't.

Scott: *lifts brow* I've only ever loved Lori.

Speed: You must have dated other people.

Scott: Does 2 months of a girl following you around in highschool count?

Speed: ...You're a strange creature.

Scott: I love her. I'm always going to love her.

Speed: Love doesn't fix everything.

Scott: *nods* I know.

Speed: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *staring out window*

I'm pretty exuberant right now! Tom helped Katie...well, let's hope that Tom helped Katie. It was nice of him to do that for her and it stayed rather platonic! I do hope that Katie gets the help she needs, at least now, she's receptive to getting help.

Gotta love Scott, he's going to stand by his guns with his love for Lori, which, I think he should. No, love doesn't solve everything, but I think that he if he knows what he wants, and that it's good for him, then it's a good thing. Besides, it's love that keeps most people afloat:D

Awesome update!
Well So now Tom is turning into Katie's best friend. HMMM! Why do I feel like theirs an ulterior motive to this friendship coming? I just hope they can both handle this.

I really woould like to know what the hell Speed is up to. Hes got to be seeing someone else. Especially when he tells Scott theirs other fish in the sea. I can't wait to see who hes been sneakin around with ! I hope its someone good.

Great Update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :)


Miami Shores, house, 4 days later

Scott: *folds up vacuum cleaner*

Bailey: *drops suitcase* Scott Finch.

Scott: *looks back*

Bailey: *smiles* HEY!

Scott: *blinks* Bailey?

Bailey: *runs in, hugs Scott*

Scott: *wraps arm around Bailey* What are you doing here?

Bailey: Oh gosh, long story. But good news! *steps back, claps* I'm your new roomie!

Scott: *stares at Bailey*

Bailey: Oh honey you look like you're about to be sick.

Scott: 300 million people in this country and you are my new roommate.

Bailey: Isn't it great? It'll be like old times.

Scott: ...Old times.

Bailey: Back when we used to share an apartment. So where's my bedroom?

Scott: Uh...upstairs, second door on the right.

Bailey: Awesome, I'll go unpack. *walks away, stops* Wait. *turns back, lifts bag*

Scott: *staring blankly*

Bailey: *hands bag to Scott* Be a gentleman.

Scott: *lifts brow*

Bailey: Follow me. *walks upstairs*

Scott: *looks back*...*blinks*

Upstairs, bedroom

Bailey: *opens drawer*

Scott: *places bag onto bed*

Bailey: *turns around* Not much for color around here. OH! I should buy us some potted plants.

Scott: ...Why exactly are you here again?

Bailey: Oh, the booze got me again. *waves hand* Nasty stuff. Got me kicked from my shop. *lifts thong* You think anyone on the complex will care if I wear this in the pool?

Scott: *opens mouth*

Bailey: That's fine, I have others. *walks over to dresser*

Scott: ...Why are you here?

Bailey: *smiles* You're like a broken record, my man. Gotta grease up them brain cells to form some more sentences.

Scott: Forgive me but I wasn't really...ever expecting to see you again.

Bailey: *shoves clothes into drawer* What are you in for?

Scott: Uh...uppers and downers.

Bailey: Smoke or snort?

Scott: Neither.

Bailey: *looks at Scott* ...Yikes. Figured you were a part-time type. Y'know, just at clubs and stuff. Like before.

Scott: Things...got more complicated.

Bailey: Are you and Lori still an item?

Scott: That depends how you look at it.

Bailey: Ooh, she tossed you out on your pumpkin. Okay! First thing's first. Let's go from scour to flower! *holds out arms* Bloom, my dear Finch!

Scott: ...*whispers* Are you high right now?

Bailey: *smiles* Just on life.

Scott: *nods slowly*

Bailey: You still cook, right? I'm starving.

Scott: Yeah, sure.

Bailey: Great. *walks away*

Scott: *shakes head*


Bailey: *munches on salad* The landlord here is so nice. It's so much different than Melrose Place.

Scott: You need to watch less television.

Bailey: Oh come on, you totally watch it.

Scott: I really don't.

Bailey: You should. It's spicy. Hey, have you ever thought about being an actor? You've got the face for it. A definite pretty boy CW look.

Scott: What the hell is a CW?

Bailey: Oh sweetie, you have so much to learn.

Scott: *lifts spoon* Taste.

Bailey: *eats sauce*

Scott: How is it?

Bailey: Meaty.

Scott: *hands over napkin*

Bailey: *grabs napkin, wipes cheek*

Scott: *picks up spice shaker*

Bailey: I saw on the news they tore down your building.

Scott: Yeah that was...awesome to watch.

Bailey: *smiles* It was, wasn't it?

Scott: You haven't changed a bit, Bailey.

Bailey: OH! Can we play with your babies sometime?

Scott: *lifts brow* My children aren't really babies anymore.

Bailey: I like the little guy. Spitting image of his old man. *punches Scott in the gut*

Scott: Oof.

Bailey: I wish I had babies. They're almost like little people.

Scott: *smiles*

Bailey: HA! Success! Scott Finch does smile. *pinches Scott's cheeks* Look how cute you are!

Scott: *takes Bailey's hands* I hope you were this entertaining on the flight over here.

Bailey: Oh yeah, totally. The guy beside me looked so uncomfortable. Although I do think my new song 'Put Your Tray in the Upright Position' could catch on.

Scott: You're a singer now.

Bailey: Always have been, baby. I used to sing you to sleep all the time.

Scott: I remember you singing me awake.

Bailey: Potato, potato. We had a lot of fun. Remember when you rented that limo for the entire night just because I missed the prom? That was the first time I ever made out with someone in a suit.

Scott: I think I remember telling you to tip the limo driver with cash.

Bailey: What are you talking about? These lips are worth more than your car.

Scott: I don't have a car.

Bailey: *gasp* THEY TOOK BLACK BEAUTY? The one with the leather seats?

Scott: Unfortunately.

Bailey: Aw nuts.

Huh Oh! Looks like Lori's Biggest problem just walked through the door and has desided to homestead. I don't what shes gonna thing about this, or even if she even remembers Bailey witch she may not since the plane crash! Either way this could spell definite trouble . I hope Scott can keep his hands off and his zipper zipped!

Great update Geni.
Bailey's back! Awesome! Just when Scotty needed someone to cheer him up. She is an excellent choice:D It's sad that she's in again, but I look at it like this, she and Scotty would be great support mechanisms for each other.

Can't wait to see what's next

Awesome update!
Thanks for the reviews. :adore:


Miami lab, breakroom

Katie: Would you help me pour the vodka already?

Delko: I don't think this is a very good idea.

Katie: Hey. Tom laughed at me the whole time I was falling down the stairs, I'm going to make him fall down the stairs.

Delko: By spiking his water?

Katie: Exactly.

Delko: Couldn't he get fired? Couldn't we get fired?

Katie: *lifts eyes*

Delko: Yeah you're right, no one's going to get fired. Not unless it's Ryan.

Katie: *smiles* And that's who we'll pin it on.

Delko: *unscrews lid*

Katie: Tom's supposed to be back from a scene soon. He always stops by here to get a drink first so we're guaranteed that he'll take the bait.

Delko: And if he doesn't?

Katie: Trust me, it'll work.

Delko: I don't think Anni will be very happy about this.

Katie: What else is new?

Delko: *looks back* Quick, I think someone's coming.

Katie: *jumps down behind couch*

Delko: *runs around couch*

Speed: *walks in, grabs bottle*

Katie: *whispers* Do you see anything?

Delko: *whispers* No, I'm hiding.

Speed: *drinks*

Katie: I wanna see.

Delko: He'll catch us.

Katie: *slams cheek against floor* I think I see feet.

Delko: What kind of shoes?

Katie: Black ones.

Delko: That helps.

Katie: *slaps Delko*

Delko: Ow.

Speed: *opens water bottle, walks away*

Katie: *lifts head*

Delko: *peers over couch*

Katie: Uh oh.

Delko: You just...did he...oh man, you are in so much trouble.

Katie: *slams head onto couch*

Trace lab

Speed: *drinking*

Katie: *steps over*

Speed: *throws bottle into trash*

Katie: Wow. That's your third one. And you didn't even recycle.

Speed: *looks over* Hey.

Katie: Must have been some interesting-tasting water.

Speed: Yeah, it was a little odd but it's that flavoured stuff Calleigh keeps buying.

Katie: Mhm.

Speed: *pulls on latex gloves*

Katie: *stares at Speed*

Speed: *blinks, looks down at hand*

Katie: *squints*

Speed: *looks around*

Katie: What's up?

Speed: *rubs eyes* Nothing, I'm just...I feel a little weird, that's all.

Katie: Weird how?

Tom: *walks over* Hey, do you have m...what's wrong with you?

Speed: I feel drunk.

Katie: *runs behind Tom* I didn't do it.

Tom: You don't look so hot, why don't you sit down.

Speed: *grabs chair*

Stool rolls away

Speed: *falls over*

Tom: *winces* Ouch. *steps forward*

Katie: *grabs Tom* 10 boxes of Cheez-its for you if you don't leave me.

Speed: *leans against back counter*

Tom: *walks around table, kneels* Is this a normal afternoon for you?

Speed: No. *stands, staggers sideways*

Tom: *stands, grabs Speed*

Speed: *grabs onto table*

Tom: Dude, you've been drinking.

Speed: I haven't.

Tom: It's a little late to lie.

Speed: Ugh, I'm telling you...*lifts eyes*

Katie: *steps back*

Speed: *runs around table*

Tom: Whoa! *runs, grabs Speed*


Katie: *ducks under stairs* Calm down, it was an accident.

Speed: What did you put in my water!

Katie: It's not your water.

Speed: *shoves Tom, walks under stairs*

Katie: *covers face with arm*

Tom: *yanks Speed back, shoves him into table*

Speed: *falls over table*

Glass shatters

People look over

Speed: *rolls over*

Delko: *walks over* What the h...uh oh.

Tom: Get him out of here.

Delko: *grabs Speed*

Tom: *steps under stairs, kneels*

Katie: *uncovers eyes*

Tom: You okay?

Katie: This was all my fault. I did it.

Tom: What did you do?

Katie: I spiked the bottles of water with vodka so you would drink them.

Tom: *lifts brow*

Katie: *rolls eyes* It was supposed to be a prank. I didn't know he'd drink it.

Tom: I have to say, not the most well thought-out plan.

Katie: *nods*

Tom: *takes Katie's hand* Next time, leave the pranks at college.

Katie: *stands*

Inside car, parkinglot

Tom: *looks at Katie*

Katie: *staring down at lap*

Tom: Where do you want to stay?

Katie: I'll probably stay with Lori until he calms down.

Tom: *nods*

Katie: Could you take me there?

Tom: Sure. *turns key*

OMG! Katie! How could you do that! I thought you were going to therapy! Now look what you have done! you may have just caused Speed to start drinking again! Hes certainly gonna be very angry when he sobers up! i would hate to have him find me if i did that to him. I hope you life insurance if paid up and you have a burial plain cause I think your gonna need it! Ugh!

Great update Geni!