CSI:Miami Road Trip: Unlucky Number 13

Hooray for Matt not being stupid! Although, CIA wasn't something I saw coming...

Can't wait to see how Scott reacts to all this...

Awesome update! :D
Thanks for the reviews! Hee. :adore:


Miami PD, 1pm

Lori: *walks in*

Scott: *looks over, stands* What happened? Are you okay? Who hurt you? *wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: I'm fine.

Scott: *places hands on Lori's cheeks* How did you get away?

Lori: Tia's stupid, that's all. Where are the kids?

Scott: Steph's at school, Dom's at daycare.

Matthew: *walks in*

Scott: *lifts eyes*

Lori: *looks back*

Matthew: *walks down hallway*

Scott: What's he doing here?

Lori: *lowers eyes*

Scott: *looks at Lori* Was he there?

Lori: It's not what you think, Scott. He's a federal agent.

Scott: *lifts brow* Since when?

Lori: Let's just get out of here.

Tom: *runs over* LORI!

Lori: *looks at Tom*

Tom: *grabs Lori, hugs her*

Lori: *falls against wall* Oof.

Scott: *steps back*

Lori: *winces* Hey Tom.

Tom: Alright, who's ass do I have to kick?

Lori: *places hand on Tom's back* Someone else might be kicking yours if you don't let go.

Tom: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *crosses arms*

Tom: *steps back*

Lori: *stands straight*

Tom: It's good to see you. *punches Lori's arm*

Lori: *frowns, rubs arm* I wish I could say the same.

Scott: I'm taking her to the hospital.

Lori: No you're not.

Tom: Have you eaten yet?

Lori: Would you both stop it? Jesus, this is what I get for being a slut. *walks away*

Scott/Tom: *stare down hallway*

Tom: She likes me better.

Scott: *looks at Tom*

Trace lab

Speed: *opens folder*

Lori: *walks in*

Speed: *lifts eyes*

Lori: *stretches out arms* Hug.

Speed: *walks around table, wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: *lies head on Speed's chest* Maybe I should just expect this from now on. Although, at least I have a better track record at keeping my kids at home than you do.

Speed: *smirks*

Lori: *lifts head* Wait, you haven't lost my kids at any point yet, right?

Speed: Not for very long.

Lori: That's not funny.

Speed: Want me to take you home?

Lori: No, you're busy. *steps back* I'll catch a ride with Scott.

Speed: *nods*

Lori: *turns around, walks away*


Scott: *opens door*

Lori: *steps into truck*

Scott: *shuts door*

Tom: *runs over* Can I come over tonight?

Scott: No.

Tom: Come on, I'll bring Anni.

Scott: *looks at Tom*

Tom: Maybe Lori would like a female presence around her for a while.

Scott: She seems fine.

Tom: Yeah right, you seemed fine for 6 years. *tilts head* Come to think of it, you look a little off today.

Scott: Off?

Tom: The planet. What'd you take?

Scott: I didn't sleep.

Tom: You never sleep.

Scott: This little conversation should really be reversed.

Tom: Sorry, I can't help that I'm on the straight and narrow. *smiles* You should join me, it's a lot of fun. You'll get to see straight, you only have to piss in a toilet and getting laid isn't a chore.

Scott: ...I can't believe you have a degree.

Tom: *opens truck door* Thanks for the invite, I'd love to come over. *climbs into truck, shuts door*

Scott: *sigh*

Inside truck, road

Tom: Hey Scotty, you might want to stay in your lane.

Scott: I'm in my lane.

Tom: You're on the white line.

Scott: It's still part of my lane.

Tom: You should be in the middle of your lane.

Scott: Are you a detective or a traffic cop?

Tom: Backseat driver.

Lori: *rubs forehead*

Tom: Hey can we stop at Burger King? I have a coupon.

Scott: No.

Tom: I didn't get breakfast.

Scott: That's not my problem.

Tom: It will be in about 5 minutes when I start eating your leather seats.

Scott: *turns wheel*

Tom: Excellent.


Woman: What can I get for you?

Tom: Whopper.

Scott: *leans out window* Whopper.

Tom: With cheese.

Scott: *sigh* With cheese.

Tom: No pickles.

Scott: *looks back* You can't pick out the pickles?

Tom: It'll still taste like pickles.

Scott: *frowns, looks outside* No pickles, please.

Tom: I want fries.

Scott: And an order of fries.

Tom: Large fries.

Scott: Large.

Tom: You think they could put the ketchup in those little cups instead of giving me the package? I always have to use my teeth and end up squirting it everywhere.

Scott: *looks back at Tom*

Tom: Alright, ketchup packets.

Second window

Scott: Where's your coupon?

Tom: *pulls wallet open* ...I think I left it on the refrigerator at home.

Scott: *blinks*

Tom: Hey Lori, you got a 10-spot?

Lori: *pulls out wallet, hands money to Scott*

Scott: *takes money*

Tom: Oh damnit I forgot to get a soda. Y-

Scott/Lori: NO.

Tom: I'll let you have a fry.

Scott: *slams on gas*

Tom: *grabs onto seat* Lori, you dropped your wallet. *picks up wallet, looks down* Hey I didn't know your name was Loriana.

Lori: *reaches for wallet* Gimme.

Tom: *leans back in seat* Loriana Finch. That sounds very English. A lot better than Speedle, anyhow. Who the hell comes up with these names?

Lori: Give me my wallet.

Tom: *tilts wallet* Your picture isn't very flattering. You should update it. Was this before the plastic surgery?

Lori: ...Excuse me?

Tom: You were a crack whore, my dear. Nobody looks good after that much bodily torture. Scott's a good man for paying for it. *slaps Scott's shoulder*

Lori: *frowns* I didn't get plastic surgery. I kept healthy. Besides, you were no screaming hell either.

Tom: *smiles* Yes but I've always been naturally handsome. Ergo, not much to fix.

Lori: And I'm naturally ugly?

Tom: Your attitude is a train wreck.

Lori: *leans over, slaps Tom*

Tom: Ow.

Lori: *leans back in seat*

Tom: You were a lot more pleasant without any memories.

Lori: Would smacking your head into a wall keep you from making stupid comments?

Tom: Probably not. Hey Scotty, you missed the turn.

Scott: We have to go the back way. Paparazzi.

Tom: *looks around* What a crummy neighborhood. You can probably get all sorts of dope out of these windows.

Scott: *grips steeringwheel*

Lori: It's not that bad.

Tom: Sure it is. It's the back 9 of these upscale places you have to watch out for. We did a bust 6 months ago across the street. Old lady was selling Oxy from her death bed.

Lori: *lifts brow* Disturbing.

Tom: Yeah, not to mention Florida doesn't regulate prescription drug administration so most of these pain clinics you see are just dealers with a medical degree. A copy of an old MRI and cash will get you 1500 pills a month. Oxy, Xanax, Valium, you name it. Bef-

Scott: Alright, thank you for informing all the recovering addicts in the vehicle how to procure more drugs. We appreciate it.

Tom: Oh. Right.

Scott: *shakes head*

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o_o * eye tick* W.T...F is wrong with Tom? Did he snort something before he went on scene, my god, he acted as if he was on SOMETHING. And when the hell did he turn five? And...why in the world cant someone stand up to him and tell him to go home to his wife? Why must he interject himself into Lori's life...WHY?????

Argh. Chock it up to an annoying night...*sigh* someone please cut the cord with Tom...Please...

Awesome update though:D
LMAORF! WTF! What has Tom been doing? has he been hanging his head in the fuming chamber at work again, or did Speed slip him a Mickey in his coffee today! Gees, hes running ninety miles a min. whats up with that!

If I was Lori i think i would have pushed him out of the truck back at the Burger king! Tom, dude take a chill pill and sit still for about 5! I think his belly button would blow out if he did!

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the reviews! :D


Gables Estates, house, kitchen, 7pm

Scott: *flips on tap, places frying pan into sink*

Lori: Tom, put my child down.

Tom: What? We're having fun.

Steph: Yeah, Momma.

Lori: Steph, you need to get ready for bed.

Steph: But Momma...

Lori: Go.

Steph: *sigh* Okay. *runs away*

Tom: I should take off. Thanks for dinner. *wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: *winces* Tom, go home.

Tom: The next time you feel yourself getting kidnapped, don't.

Lori: I'll keep that in mind.

Tom: *lets go, walks away*

Lori: He's getting clingy in his old age.

Scott: *staring into sink*

Lori: *looks over*

Scott: *scrubbing frying pan*

Lori: *steps up to sink* Are you okay?

Scott: Yes.

Lori: You're wearing a hole into the frying pan.

Scott: *lifts arm, wipes forehead*

Lori: ...Scott.

Scott: Why do we bother associating with Tom?

Lori: He's our friend and he's saved our children's lives.

Scott: He's also an asshole.

Lori: You're still thinking about what he said in the truck.

Scott: I can't stop thinking about it. Why does he have to do that?
He knows we have problems.

Lori: ...I don't have a problem.

Scott: What?

Lori: I have no desire to get high.

Scott: *stares at Lori*

Lori: It's okay.

Scott: *drops frying pan, walks away*

Lori: *sigh* Scott.

Upstairs, bedroom

Lori: *walks over* You're still fresh from treatment, it's going to take time
to fall back into your life and feel normal.

Scott: I don't want to feel normal. I don't want to feel at all.

Lori: Unfortunately, we're not programmed with an off switch. God help the
human race if we were.

Scott: *rubs eyes*

Lori: *takes Scott's hand* Let's sit.

Scott: No. *steps back* I need to get out of here.

Lori: Uh, not a very good idea.

Scott: *walks over to door*

Lori: *grabs Scott's arm* Scott, you need to remember what happened the last
time you decided you needed to 'get out of here'.

Scott: *shrugs Lori away* Get off of me. *opens door, walks away*

Lori: *follows* So what now, you're going to go get high because of one
stupid comment?

Scott: *turns around* If you don't stop, I'm going to put you through a

Lori: *stares at Scott*

Scott: *walks away*

Lori: *frowns*

Biscayne Park, house, 11:30pm

Anni: *looks out window*

Brook: *rubs eyes* Where'd Daddy go?

Anni: He got called back to work. *looks at Brook* Bed.

Brook: *shakes head*

Anni: *walks over, picks up Brook* He'll be back later.

Brook: *wraps arms around Anni's neck*

Doorbell rings

Anni: *walks over to door, opens it*

Scott: *leaning against door frame*

Anni: Scott? What the hell are you doing here?

Scott: *slides down wall*

Anni: Brook, go upstairs. *places Brook onto floor*

Brook: *runs away*

Anni: *steps outside, kneels* Scott. *places hand on Scott's cheek* What did you do?

Scott: *closes eyes*

Anni: *rolls up Scott's sleeve* Great. You stupid son-of-a-bitch.

Scott: ...I'm done.

Anni: *looks at Scott* No you're not. Get up.

Scott: *pulls out gun*

Anni: *stands* Scott, put that down.

Scott: *places gun up to head*

Anni: STOP! *pulls out cellphone, dials* Just please, wait 5 minutes. That's all I ask.

Scott: *stares at Anni*

Miami Lab, layout room

Tom: *places box onto table*

Speed: *clips clothing to wire*

Tom: Victim's clothes?

Speed: Yeah. Rain may have washed away any usable evidence though.

Tom: Won't hurt to look. *pulls out bags*

Cellphone rings

Speed: *picks up phone, snaps it open* Yeah, it's Speed.

Tom: *opens bag*

Speed: *looks at Tom* I'll be right there. Don't leave him but don't get too close. *snaps phone shut*

Tom: What's that about?

Speed: Keep working. *walks away*

Tom: *nods slowly*

Biscayne Park, street, 11:50pm

Horatio: *places vest over head* How long's he been out here?

Speed: About 15 minutes.

Horatio: *nods* What's he saying?

Anni: He says he's finished with life.

Horatio: That's not very encouraging.

Speed: He's high on something, it's probably going to be a good idea to get him under control pretty quickly. *looks at Anni* Do you know what he's on?

Anni: Definitely a depressant.

Speed: Good.

Horatio: *pulls gun from holster* Speed, take this.

Speed: *grabs gun*

Horatio: *walks away*

Speed: *steps over to truck, lifts gun*

Anni: You're not actually going to shoot him, are you?

Police cars pull up along with SWAT van

Speed: You know protocol, Anni.

Anni: The guy already wants to kill himself, you'd only be giving him what he wants. He might be high but he's not stupid.

Speed: You should be wearing a vest.

Anni: Wow. Are you really the person to be telling me that?

Speed: *looks at Anni*

Anni: *sigh* I hope Horatio went senile and didn't clean his gun.

Front porch

Horatio: *steps onto porch*

Scott: *turns around*

Horatio: *lifts hands* I'm not armed.

Scott: That's a shame.

Horatio: What's going on? Talk to me.

Scott: I don't want to talk to you.

Horatio: Okay. Who would you like to speak to?

Scott: *steps into doorway*

Horatio: Scott, I need you to come outside.

Scott: *steps back, slams door*

Horatio: *stares at door*


Speed: ...That went well.

Anni: My kids are in there. Someone get him OUT.

Speed: I guess your stance has changed.

Front porch

Horatio: *grabs radio* I need a visual on the subject.

Radio crackles

SWAT Officer: Subject is in the kitchen.

Horatio: *grabs radio* I need eyes on the bedrooms and control of the phone lines.


Anni: What's going on? Why aren't they doing anything?

Speed: We're not just dealing with a suicidal person, we're dealing with a hostage situation now.

Anni: *rubs forehead* I should have gotten him away from the house.

Speed: Removing yourself was the smartest thing to do.

Horatio: *walks over* Okay, we have our guys on the perimeter. For the moment, Scott's staying where he is but once the high wears off, it could go either way.

Anni: What about my kids? I don't want to leave them in there with a lunatic wielding a gun.

Horatio: I don't want to exacerbate the situation by removing the children at this point. I want him to let us come in to get them. It may be an opportunity to negotiate his surrender.

Anni: And what if he decides to shoot them?

Horatio: I don't think he will.

Anni: So we're basing this on your opinion. *looks at Speed* That's your child in there too, Tim and you're standing here like it's a typical day at the office.

Speed: There's nothing I can do. We have to let this play out on Scott's terms whether you like it or not.

Anni: We have more man power than he does. Can't we just barrel in and take him down?

Horatio: That's going to be the last resort.

Anni: *shakes head*

Speed: Scott must have come here for a reason. Do you know what that might be?

Anni: I've been spending a lot of time with him recently. We share a lot of common ground.

Speed: So he trusts you.

Anni: I guess. Maybe I could try going in?

Horatio: I think it would be best if we handled this.

Anni: *stares at Horatio*

Speed: *places hand on Anni's back* Why don't we go get a coffee. They have this under control.

Anni: *sigh* Okay.

Excuse me ! Coffee at a time like this! and WTF they didn't tell Tom about this! His child is in there also ! Tom is not gonna be a bit happy about this even though he did start the ball rolling so to speak! don't you think Lori should know what Scott is doing also ! I mean he is the father of her children and she could shed a little light on the situation and tell them why hes gone over the deep end again!

I guess its back to the loony bend for Scott again! I think they all need to go through counseling if you ask me! all they do is pick at each other for some reason and get stuff started !

I just Hope Brook stays up stairs with Tayla and doesn't come down cause if Scott hurts Brook hes gotta whole other can of whoop ass thats gonna be opened with Speed !

Great update Geni!
Thanks for the review. :)



Biscayne Park, street, 7am

Speed: *walks over to barricade*

Anni: Has Horatio made any headway? The press are starting to circle like vultures.

Speed: Scott's pretty agitated, he must have had some more dope on him.

Anni: What about my kids?

Speed: Your master bedroom has a balcony on it, we're thinking of maybe sending SWAT up to get the kids while Horatio distracts Scott.

Anni: I thought you wanted to do this on Scott's terms.

Speed: That was before he took an upper.

Anni: *sigh*

Inside house

Scott: *scratches head, paces*

Brook: *steps downstairs*

Scott: *glances at Brook*

Brook: Where's Mommy?


Brook: *blinks, runs upstairs*

Scott: *sits on chair, runs hands through hair*

Telephone rings

Scott: *picks up phone* What.

Horatio: Thank you for answering the phone.

Scott: What do you want?

Horatio: I'd like to know what you want.

Scott: I want you to stop fucking calling. *hangs up phone*


Anni: I don't think this is going well.

Speed: Could be worse.

Anni: *looks at Speed*

Speed: I'm serious.

Anni: *frowns*

Inside house

Brook: *sits on top of stairs*

Tayla: *crawls over*

Brook: Go back, Tay.

Tayla: Want Mommy.

Brook: We gotta stay here.

Tayla: *starts to cry*

Brook: Shhh. *covers Tayla's mouth*

Tayla: *cries harder*

Scott: *walks over to stairs, gripping gun*

Brook: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *looks at Tayla*

Brook: Tayla, shushie.

Tayla: *crying*

Scott: Shut her up.

Brook: *wraps arms around Tayla*

Scott: NOW!

Brook: *stands, drags Tayla away*

Telephone rings

Scott: *walks into kitchen, picks up phone*

Horatio: I'm sure you'd like to think without all the background noise.

Scott: *looks around*

Horatio: Why don't you let the children come outside. They're only making things harder for you.

Scott: *sits on stool*

Horatio: You're a reasonable man, Scott. I know you don't want them to get hurt so let's keep this about you.

Scott: *stares at wall*

5 minutes later

Scott: *lowers eyes*

Horatio: You still there?

Scott: I'm going to jail, aren't I.

Horatio: We'll talk about it when you come out.

Scott: *scratches cheek* I don't want to talk to you anymore.

Horatio: Who would you like to speak to?

Scott: Send Speed in.

Horatio: Okay but in return, I want the children.

Scott: No. You're finished negotiating. *hangs up phone*


Horatio: *looks down at phone*

Speed: What's up?

Horatio: He wants to talk to you.

Speed: Me?.

Anni: Did he say anything about letting my kids go?

Horatio: *shakes head*

Speed: *puts on vest*

Anni: Be careful. And get my babies out.

Speed: *grabs gun, holsters it* Yeah. *walks away*

Inside house

Scott: *unlocks door*

Speed: *steps in, lifts hands*

Scott: *slams door, walks away*

Speed: *places hand on holster* Are the kids upstairs?

Scott: *sits on couch, pulls out foil*

Speed: ...I just want to make sure they're okay.

Scott: *flips on lighter*

Speed: *looks at stairs* Brook!

Brook: *peeks around corner*

Speed: *gestures* Come here.

Brook: *runs downstairs*

Speed: *kneels*

Brook: *wraps arms around Speed*

Speed: Is Tayla upstairs?

Brook: Yup.

Speed: Okay. Go get her and bring her to me.

Brook: *runs upstairs*

Speed: *looks at Scott*

Scott: *blows smoke*

Speed: *shakes head*

2 minutes later

Brook: *drags Tayla over*

Speed: *places hands on Tayla's cheeks*

Brook: She's been cryin'.

Speed: I see that.

Brook: I've been takin' care of her.

Speed: That's good. You did a good job.

Brook: *smiles*

Speed: I want you to take her outside and the nice police men will bring you over to Mommy.

Brook: Okay.

Speed: *stands, walks over to door*

Scott: *rubs forehead*

Speed: *unlocks door, opens it*

Brook: *grabs Tayla, runs outside*


Anni: Thank God. *runs around barricade*

Horatio: *grabs radio* Easy, Speed.

Inside house

Speed: *turns off radio*

Scott: *lies back on couch*

Speed: May I sit?

Scott: *looks at Speed*

Speed: *sits in chair*

Scott: This is it.

Speed: ...Michael Jackson said that and it didn't turn out so well for him.

Scott: *drops lighter onto table, stands*

Speed: *lifts eyes*

Scott: *cocks gun, points it at Speed*

Speed: *stands, pulls put out gun*

Scott: *places finger on trigger*

Speed: *pulls trigger*


Holy Shit ! Speed! Did you just shoot Scott ! i hope like hell you winged him or Lori is seriously gonna be pissed off! not to mention A few other people ! Ooo! this is bad! Anni get a hold of yourself ! I'm sure Geni has something mind!

Geni, I hope you know what your doing because you may have a seriously pissed off Anni on your hands! lol!

Great update Geni!
OO....OMFG...SCOTT.... SPEED! OMG... Just....OMG.... what the...I can't believe this is happening. Poor Scott...Poor Tayla,...and Brook... Just poor everyone. It's just crazy. I...I'm speechless...GAH! I need more...STAT!

Awesome two updates:guffaw:

Oh, man. You are seriously a master of the cliffhanger, huh? Oh boy.

I'm glad the kids got out of the house before that happened...

Did Tom and Katie switch bodies? :lol:

Fantastic updates! :D
Thanks so much for the reviews! :D


Hospital, 3pm

Lori: *walks down hallway*

Speed: *looks at Lori*

Lori: You SHOT my husband?

Speed: I didn't want to get shot.

Lori: You're used to it! He isn't!

Speed: That wasn't really my concern at the time.

Lori: Please tell me he's not dead.

Speed: He got out of surgery a little while ago, he's upstairs. 7th floor.

Lori: He's in the psych ward?

Speed: ...I can't believe you know that.

Lori: Ugh.

Speed: You saw the news.

Lori: Yeah. What's he being charged with?

Speed: Suicide attempt.

Lori: ...You're not nailing him for the hostage-taking.

Speed: We didn't tell the press there was anyone else in the house. They got bored and went for lunch when the kids came out.

Lori: So what happens next?

Speed: Horatio's speaking to the judge. It's looking like he might get a 90-day stay downtown at the psych facility.

Lori: 90 days.

Speed: If you want my opinion, Scott needs 90 years.

Lori: I guess that's why we're leaving it to the professionals.

Speed: He'll be okay, Lori.

Lori: *sits in chair*

Speed: *sits*

Lori: ...I should have married Tom.

Speed: Don't say things like that. It gives Daddy heartburn.

Lori: *slaps Speed's arm*

Psych floor, room

Anni: *sits*

Scott: *opens eyes, looks at Anni*

Anni: *takes Scott's hand* Hey.

Scott: ...I'm sorry.

Anni: *stares at Scott*

Scott: I understand if you're angry.

Anni: Sweetie, I'm just glad everyone's okay.

Scott: *nods*

Anni: How's the shoulder?

Scott: Shoulder?

Anni: Tim shot you.

Scott: *looks down at shoulder*

Anni: *runs fingers through Scott's hair* Don't worry about it. Just get better.

Scott: ...This is what I need.

Anni: I agree.

Scott: *sigh*

Miami Lab, hallway, 6pm

Katie: *walking*

Delko: *rounds corner*

Katie: Hey, I thought you went to Aruba or something.

Delko: I'm back.

Katie: But you were gone for almost a year. Horatio thought you quit. We even hired 2 other people to fill in. Colton and Tom are picking up the slack.

Delko: Oh it's fine, I'm sure Horatio will give me my job back. Tell Tom he can go back to...where's he from again?

Katie: *frowns* Jersey.

Delko: Right, Jersey. Hey have you seen Calleigh anywhere? She left her underwear in my Hummer.

Katie: Calleigh's in ballistics.

Delko: *blinks* Calleigh works in ballistics?

Katie: In this lifetime, she does.

Delko: Huh. I could have sworn she was in interrogation telling people to 'cut the crap' and all those nice stereotypical cop sayings.

Katie: She must have run out of botox so she's hiding in the gungeon.

Delko: *lifts brow*

Katie: ...Ballistics is in the basement. Dungeon full of guns? Come on, this place used to have a sense of humor. Tom thought it up.

Delko: Tom's not funny.

Katie: At least he doesn't snarl and leave when things don't go his way. *walks away*

Delko: *looks back*

Speed: *walks over* What was that about?

Delko: I don't think Katie likes me.

Speed: That's weird. Katie likes everyone.

Delko: *looks at Speed* Does she have a thing for Tom or something?

Speed: I wouldn't be surprised. She goes after anything Anni has. She's like a kindergartener.

Delko: Is H around? I want my job back.

Speed: He isn't.

Delko: Damn. When's he coming back?

Speed: He's off for the day so I'm in charge.

Delko: Excellent. You can reinstate me.

Speed: I have two words for you, Eric and they aren't 'welcome back'. *walks away*

Delko: *scratches head* Why does everyone hate me? *stomps feet*

Maybe because he can't make up his mind perhaps? * oops, I'll return back to the land of RT* I'm glad things worked out , somewhat. Scott's going to hopefully get the help he needs- I think that Anni being there is a positive step too. I just hope that Scott can find some semblance of peace amongst all of this.

On the other hand...Eric can return to Aruba for all I care...

Awesome update!
Thanks for the review! :)


Miami Insurance Brokerage, 11pm, 7 months later

Speed: *pulls camera from kit*

Tom: *walks over*

Speed: *looks at Tom*

Tom: I've been shit-shifted.

Speed: Nightshift isn't all bad. I prefer it.

Tom: What do we have?

Speed: Maintenance worker was found by the security guard on his rounds, hanging from the rafters. He said he handles security on this whole block.

Tom: It's not the most expensive neighborhood, they probably share. *lifts head* 12-foot ceiling...*lowers head* ladder. And we're here why?

Speed: Evidence of a struggle and blood on the ladder.

Tom: He's a maintenance worker. There are hundreds of ways to get blood on the equipment.

Speed: Alright, I'll give you that. But the only thing listed on his clipboard is to check the hot water heater and that's located at the back of the building.

Tom: He wouldn't have needed a ladder for that.

Speed: Exactly.

Tom: I'm going to go check out the back of the building.

Speed: *nods*

Tom: *walks away*

Alexx: How do you like working with him?

Speed: He does his job. Can't fault him for that.

Alexx: I've asked him the same about you.

Speed: *smirks* Of course you have.

Alexx: He has a lot of respect for you.

Speed: He's taking care of my child, he'd better damn well have respect for me.

Alexx: *smiles, opens wallet* Frank Abernathy, 52 years old.

Speed: Not anymore.

Miami Lab, A/V, 8am

Katie: *staring at screen*

Anni: *walks over* Hey you have my hotel security footage.

Katie: Yep, just digitized it.

Anni: Excellent. Where's my victim? *looks down at folder* William Powell, 33 years old. Works at the brokerage firm on the block.

Katie: Let's see the picture.

Anni: *lifts picture*

Katie: *looks back at screen* Okay...let's see...there. He checked in at 12:45am last night, then we see him exiting the elevator on the 5th floor.

Anni: Okay he was found in the hot tub in room 05.

Katie: ...He walks into room 07.

Anni: *lifts brow*

Katie: Maybe he had a side of T&A with his stew.

Anni: I questioned the guests on that floor, none of them said they heard anything strange or saucy.

Katie: Who's listed as being in room 07?

Anni: *looks down at folder* Rebecca James.

Katie: *looks at screen, types* Well your victim exits the room one hour later and returns to his.

Anni: What about Ms. James?

Katie: She doesn't come out.

Anni: Alright, stay on his room but fast forward until we get there.

Katie: *clicks mouse*

Anni: *stares at screen*

Katie: Room service knocks on the door at 6:45am. Right there, they hear something and bust in.

Anni: Yeah, they said they heard screaming from inside the room.

Katie: So the guy is boiled alive in his hot tub at approximately 6:45am. Except no one went inside his room the whole time. *looks at Anni* Who you gonna call?

Anni: *smirks* Alright, let's find out how it happened. I'll meet you at the hotel.

Katie: You're going somewhere else first?

Anni: Just have to make a call. *walks away*

Katie: *nods*

Layout room

Speed: *walks in* How's it coming?

Tom: All of these tools were inside the victim's truck, which I found at the back of the building. Everything's labeled and checked into the maintenance log.

Speed: Organized guy.

Tom: Yeah. Rope's missing so that was probably our murder weapon and the ladder was used to string him up except I can't find two of the other tools that were supposed to be in the truck. *flips page* I'm missing a box cutter and a screwdriver.

Speed: Follow me. *walks away*

Tom: *steps around table*

Trace lab

Speed: *points to microscope*

Tom: *looks into microscope*

Speed: This is the section of rope I collected from the scene.

Tom: Diagonal cut.

Speed: Probably from a box cutter.

Tom: *lifts head* This is starting to look like a crime of opportunity.

Speed: Crimes of opportunity usually imply the murder was done in haste. These tools seem to have been deliberately used to make his death look like a suicide.

Printer beeps

Speed: *grabs paper, looks down*

Tom: What is it?

Speed: The black flecks I found on the rope, they're leather.

Tom: Okay, gloves. So the blood on the ladder might be from the killer when he cut himself trying to shorten the rope with the box cutter.

Speed: Natalia's running the DNA right now.

Tom: *scratches head* Alright, but what I don't understand is why bother taking the box cutter? It wasn't the murder weapon, the rope was.

Speed: Could have been a souvenir or he decided to ditch it and the gloves.

Tom: And the missing screwdriver?

Speed: Maybe for his next murder.

Tom: That's...putting a bright spin on things.

Speed: Go back and canvas the area. Make sure to check the garbage bins and alleys.

Hotel room, bathroom

Katie: *looks around*

Anni: *walks over* Interesting part of town, huh?

Katie: Yeah. A 24-hour massage parlor on one side and a brokerage firm on the other. Location, location, location.

Anni: Might explain why the hot tub malfunctioned. I mean, this place isn't exactly a Holiday Inn. Cheap security tapes, cheap maintenance too?

Katie: Could be. *pulls panel off tub*

Anni: I just spoke to one of the guests coming in, apparently they didn't even get hot water this morning.

Katie: Yeah, this might be why.

Anni: What'd you find?

Katie: The hot water line is spliced into the main system.

Anni: Meaning?

Katie: This tub doesn't run independantly from the rest of the units. Everyone has to share.

Anni: So if you flush your toilet downstairs, you won't get a sufficient flow to brush your teeth upstairs.

Katie: Exactly.

Anni: And this place is still in business.

Katie: *stands* We need to see the hot water tank. Someone may have tampered with it.


Anni: Whew, what a smell.

Katie: *looks around* Rat traps.

Anni: Wouldn't want to be down here for very long.

Katie: *lifts flashlight* Hot water tank's over there.

Anni: *steps over to tank*

Katie: Panel's open. *pushes panel* ...Someone diverted the gas supply line. And the temperature/pressure valve doesn't look right either.

Anni: How do you know so much about hot water tanks?

Katie: The one at my old place needed a lot of repairs so I decided to DIY it.

Anni: *smiles* Is that why you moved?

Katie: *rolls eyes*

Anni: *kneels, lifts screwdriver* Hey.

Katie: *looks over*

Anni: *stands* Someone dropped this.

Katie: It's labeled.

Anni: Frank Abernathy.

Katie: Our #1 suspect.

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Ohh ...CASES! I haven't seen many of these in a while:guffaw: . That's awesome, I'm so ready and already intrigued. And LOL...Tom and Speed on the same shift...This is going to be LOADS of fun!

Awesome update:)
Lol! Bring on the madness, bring on the fun! Like theirs gonna be a hot time in the old town tonight! Well at lest Speed didn't kill Scott! Lori should be thankful! It could have been a lot worse than it was!

Lol! at Anni's Review of Eric coming back ! Anni you crack me up!
Oh and Eric was in Portia Rico not Aruba by the way! lol!

Great update Geni!