CSI:Miami Road Trip: Seven Years of Bad Luck & Counting

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Awww man I love Drunk Lori. She gets it from me and who I got it from I have no idea. lol. But why does Speed always get a gun drawn on him? lol. And half of the time its his own gun. lol. That just makes me giggle. lol.

But awww poor Lori. I guess that was her little way of reacting. Not the best way but we all react differently to pain in different ways. Great update geni, can't wait for more.
:lol: It's true, it's usually his gun that ends up getting pulled on him.

Layout room, next day

Horatio: These the things from your house?

Speed: Katie's house.

Horatio: *nods* Alright let's see if we can find anything that Holly could have gotten her hands on.

Speed: Well I took all the shampoo, soaps, creams, sprays, and ointments.

Horatio: Have you or Katie used these recently?

Speed: Katie has.

Horatio: But not you.

Speed: No, I don't live there.

Horatio: You were sick a little while ago in the morgue.

Speed: That didn't have anything to do with Anthrax.

Horatio: Okay. If the stuff was in any of the products in your house, Katie would be sick.

Speed: It's not my house.

Horatio: Test all of this, and then page me with the results.

Speed: Sure.

Horatio: *walks away*

Speed: *opens kit*

Katie: *walks in* Hey.

Speed: *lifts head* Hey. What are you doing here? You're supposed to be at home.

Katie: I can't stay cooped up in there forever. You need any help?

Speed: You don't work here.

Katie: I know. Some hotel called this morning asking if I was going into work.

Speed: What did you say?

Katie: I said I'd be there in a couple of hours.

Speed: You're going to work there?

Katie: Well like you said, I don't work here.

Speed: You going to be able to find the place okay?

Katie: Lori will be with me.

Speed: She has school.

Katie: They have a week off.

Speed: Is that what she told you, or what the school told you?

Katie: Just because I lost my memory doesn't mean I'm stupid.

Speed: *tilts head* Sorry.

Katie: Anyway, I'll head out.

Speed: Okay.

Katie: *leaves*

Speed: *opens shampoo bottle*

Delko: *walks in* Taking a shower on the job?

Speed: I'm supposed to test all of this for Anthrax.

Delko: Shouldn't Hazmat do that?

Speed: It's not like someone delivered a huge package filled with the stuff. It's a couple of grams and it's pretty much dilluted by whatever product it came in contact with.

Delko: Except in prolonged doses.

Speed: Right.

Delko: So why was Katie here?

Speed: She probably got lost and didn't want to admit it.

Delko: That's being supportive.

Speed: *swabs shampoo bottle*

Delko: So are these from your house?

Speed: I don't live there.

Delko: My bad.

Speed: Take these samples to Trace.

Delko: Okay. *hands over samples*

Speed: ...What are you doing?

Delko: You're Trace.

Speed: Eric, I meant the lab.

Delko: Okay. *puts samples on table*

Speed: What are you doing?

Delko: This is the lab.

Speed: No. Take it to the Trace Lab.

Delko: Okay. *hands over samples*

Speed: *blank stare* I'm not a lab.

Delko: Okay. *puts samples on table*

Speed: ...Nevermind I'll do it myself. *grabs samples, walks away*

Delko: Okay.

Interrogation room

Calleigh: Sir, we took a peek at the security camera footage from last night's fire.

Paul: Yeah? So?

Calleigh: You were involved with a minor. That's a crime.

Paul: She's eighteen.

Calleigh: She is not eighteen. *opens folder* The time stamp shows you two arriving inside together at 9:30 pm, and the fire started at 11:00 pm. So I guess we know why you didn't see who started the fire, you were busy.

Paul: Hey she was drunk.

Calleigh: It doesn't matter. You weren't.

Paul: It was one kiss, what do you want me to say?

Calleigh: Excuse me. *pulls out phone, dials* ...Hey. Can you get down here a minute? I have some info.

Paul: *rolls eyes*


Speed: You needed to see me?

Calleigh: Yeah. Did you see the security footage from the night of the fire?

Speed: No.

Calleigh: We have it set up on the screen in interrogation.

Speed: Alright.

Interrogation room

Calleigh: *clicks remote*

Security tape starts to play

Paul: *rubs forehead*

Calleigh: *crosses arms*

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *clicks remote*

Security tape pauses

Calleigh: The tape clearly shows you were making out with a minor.

Paul: That's not illegal.

Calleigh: No it's not. Until the age of 24. You're 27.

Paul: *sigh*

Speed: We're pressing charges.

Paul: What? You can't do that. She's not even here.

Calleigh: We have consent from her legal guardian.

Paul: *shakes head* This is bogus.

Speed: Yeah? While you were tongue tied with her, your club was set on fire. So you can either help us or go away for fifteen years.

Paul: What do you need?

Speed: Your clientel list unless you've conveniently misplaced it.

Paul: I already told the Lieutenant it was in the safe.

Calleigh: We'll check it. We also want your fingerprints.

Paul: Whatever you need.

Calleigh: *grabs swab*

Speed: *crosses arms*

Paul: Wait, what's that for?

Calleigh: DNA.

Paul: No. No one said anything about DNA. I'm not giving you anything else. And FYI, she came onto me.

Speed: *walks over, grabs Paul by the hair*

Paul: AH!

Speed: *takes swab from Calleigh, shoves it into Paul's mouth*

Paul: AHH! AHHH!

Speed: *hands swab to Calleigh, lets go of Paul*

Paul: Ugh. *rubs head*

Speed: *leaves*

Calleigh: Okay. Put out your left hand please. *smiles*

Paul: *frowns*

Well thats one way to collect evidence. lol. Go SPeedy boy. Never piss off the girls father. lol. And ya know Speed's probably right I probably did get lost and didn't want to admit it, I don't admit a lot of things lol. But seriously Delko doesn't have a couple of screws on in the right place lol. Update soon please.
Hahaha Katie you crack me up.

Anyway, I totaly loved the Eric/Speed scene, that was pretty damn funny. Also, I love ultimate......dynamo Daddy that Speed's got goin on lol. Man, I wish he was my dad! lol Hey, if he was stupid as a teenager, I could have been lol. I love how protective of her he is, and I'm glad that he still loves Katie because if he didn't then that would just be.......bad lol. Hmmmmmmm wonder if Geni will put them back together, I wouldn't doubt it haha! Great job Geni! Even though I already know the way it goes, it's still neat to raed it!
:lol: Ah Delko and his awesomeness. :)

Wyoming said
Hmmmmmmm wonder if Geni will put them back together, I wouldn't doubt it haha!


Beyond Measures

Trace Lab

Delko: Hey Speed, you have the results on that trace from Kristin's nail to compare to the fake nail?

Horatio: *walks in* Speed, I need the results on those samples from Katie's house.

Calleigh: *walks in* Tim, where are the samples I dropped off yesterday? You were supposed to have them processed or the DA's going to throw away my case.

Speed: *looking down at table*

Horatio: Speed, my results.

Delko: I need those right away.

Calleigh: I have a timeline here.

Carly: *walks in* I dropped off a file here yesterday, have you seen it Tim?

Horatio: Why haven't you processed it yet?

Delko: I thought mine was priority.

Calleigh: Mine was here first. Why didn't you get to mine first?

Carly: I've already been waiting for two days and still nothing.

Speed: *looks at everyone*

Horatio: Well?

Delko: Come on man, time is of the essence.

Calleigh: There's a reason we have Trace and that's so the samples get processed.

Carly: You can't just sit there and do nothing all day.

Speed: *frowns*

Calleigh: *walks over* I'm going to see if I can find my files.

Horatio: *grabs files* Maybe mine's in here.

Carly: *going through things* My results have to be here somewhere.

Delko: What happened to my samples? *rummaging through papers*

Calleigh: Oh what's this? Something from two weeks ago. Don't need that. *throws file in garbage*

Carly: Whoops, I broke the GCMS door.

Delko: Who here has virus software? I accidentally clicked onto a bad file.

Horatio: Why are all of these in alphabetical order? They should be sorted by date. *switching papers around*

Speed: Guys, GUYS!

Delko: Ah! Okay what did I touch? The computer just set on fire.

Calleigh: Did you try splashing it with cold water? *throws beaker with water onto flames*


Horatio: All this wasted lab space.

Speed: ...

Calleigh: This place needs to be cleaned up.

Delko: It's a mess.

Carly: It's a pig stye.

Horatio: *looks at watch* Lunch, people.

Calleigh: Oh excellent. *leaves*

Carly: I made sandwiches. *leaves*

Delko: Save me one! *leaves*

Horatio: *leaves*

Speed: ...*looks over at empty chair*

Hahaha. Poor Delko. Was he dropped on the head as a baby? And way to go Speed. Never mess with Daddy :p
Great Job, Geni! Can't wait for more!

Oops! Missed a chapter. Poor Speed. He must be feeling so unapreciated! :lol:
Speed: ...*looks over at empty chair*
Hmm... that was interesting. I'm not sure why I found that very interesting or why I'm thinking I found that interesting is correct but....did that just confuse you? Because it kinda confused me. lol.

Anyways, poor Speedy's being hounded by a babbilion different things. Poor guy he's only one person. Everyone else should have been respectable and chilled out for a minute until he could answer.
No, the 'space case' isn't over yet. ;) I'm just writing a few things at the same time, so we'll get back to it soon. :)
Speed: Take these samples to Trace.

Delko: Okay. *hands over samples*
that was my first instinct. Trace...Speed's trace, give samples to Speed. Take to Trace lab. Considering Speed is Trace, I assume he's in the trace lab. Ergo give samples back to Speed. Oh, great Speed/Calliegh, Good Cop/Bad Cop scenario! I loved that! Oh, poor Speed has gotta be feeling overworked, underpaid and totally unapreciated. ouch.

Jess, what did you do to stump Geni? I noticed your banner.

Good job Geni!
CSI_in_training said:
Jess, what did you do to stump Geni? I noticed your banner.

She said that I couldn't stump her for the "Who said it" game, and I gave her a quote over MSN and she was stumped, so she made me a banner and now I'm sporting it lol.

Sorry for the OTness.......
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