:lol: HA! Axe man dreams are cool and you admitted it.
Will You Be There
Two days later, NY crime lab
Danny: Mac said you had somethin' for me, Miami?
Speed: *hands over paper* Fingerprints from everyone at a beauty salon downtown. Compare them with prints taken from a broken window.
Danny: Regarding what case?
Speed: Murder in Miami.
Danny: Yeah I got that part. Murder of who?
Speed: It doesn't matter.
Danny: Alright I'll compare right now. *looks through magnifying glass*
Speed: *crosses arms*
Danny: It'll take a while.
Speed: I'll wait.
Danny: Can't argue with you.
Speed: *looks around*
Danny: *smiles* So you uh...Up on the new technology at your lab?
Speed: Why.
Danny: Just wondering.
Speed: If you start to compare labs, I'll start to break fingers.
Danny: *laughs*
Speed: *rolls eyes*
Danny: Whoa, we got a winner.
Speed: Who?
Danny: *looks down at paper* Wallace Durham.
Speed: That's the owner.
Danny: Yeah well he's the one who broke in.
Speed: Who breaks in to steal their own products?
Danny: This guy.
Speed: Funny.
Danny: Lighten up, Miami we'll get him.
Speed: Yeah.
Danny: I'll go talk to him in interview.
Speed: Sure.
Danny: Okay. *leaves*
Speed: *frowns*
Interrogation room, one hour later
Danny: So. Your prints were on the window you said you never touched. Funny how that blew up in your face.
Wallace: I've touched the window. I work there.
Danny: So you're the only one with access to the cream.
Wallace: Yeah, so?
Danny: So you're the only one who could have 'stolen' it.
Wallace: Why would I steal my own products?
Danny: I don't know, to sell on the black market and poison people maybe. Or maybe you figured you'd get caught and destroyed the evidence and then get the insurance money.
Wallace: That's ridiculous.
Danny: Come on, you sold the stuff to Florida.
Wallace: Yes.
Danny: Did you make that batch?
Wallace: Yes.
Danny: Were you the only one who made it?
Wallace: Yes.
Danny: And you're the only one with access to it. No one else.
Wallace: Yes.
Danny: Case closed. You get 25 to life.
Wallace: What FOR?
Danny: Murder. Your cream killed a nine year old girl.
Wallace: It could never kill. I made it to make the public sick for a bit, not kill them. America is a company and that company has to be destroyed.
Danny: That little girl wasn't America. She was just a little girl. She was innocent.
Wallace: Then my message will get across even more now.
Danny: Yeah, we'll see. *leaves*
Behind glass
Danny: *walks in* We got him.
Speed: *glaring*
Danny: We can have him down to Florida by tomorrow.
Speed: I'll take him myself.
Danny: You don't have a county vehicle.
Speed: Mind if I borrow one?
Danny: ...Sure.
Speed: Thanks. *leaves*
Van, 2 hours later, highway
Carly: Okay so what are we doing?
Speed: *driving*
Carly: ...The killer's back there?
Speed: Mhm.
Carly: So we're driving back to Miami.
Speed: Yeah.
Carly: With the murderer.
Speed: *watching the road*
Carly: ...Tim..
With the murderer.
Speed: *turns wheel*
Van parks in a forest area
Carly: Tim...What are you doing?
Speed: *gets out of van*
Carly: Tim! *gets out of van*
Speed: *pulls Wallace out of van*
Wallace: *falls* Hey man if you gotta take a leak, you can leave me in the van.
Speed: *grabs large pole from back of van*
Wallace: What are you doin'?
Speed: *lifts pole*
Carly: *watches*
Speed: *smacks Wallace*
Speed: *hitting Wallace*
Wallace: AH! AH!
Carly: ...
Speed: *beating Wallace* YOU KILLED HER! YOU SON OF A BITCH!
Wallace: *screaming*
Speed: *beating him*
Carly: *runs to side of van, covers ears*
Speed: *still beating him*
Few minutes later
Speed: *throws pole onto ground*
Carly: ...*uncovers ears* ...Tim? *walks around to the back of the van*
Speed: *staring at dead body*
Carly: ...
Speed: ...
Carly: ...You killed him.
Speed: *staring at body*
Carly: We need to hide the evidence.
Speed: ....
Carly: Tim, come on help me grab him.
Speed: ...How?
Carly: Well come on we're CSIs. We should be able to find out.
Speed: ...*sits on grass*
Carly: *runs over* Tim, get up we need to get rid of him.
Speed: *staring at the ground*
Carly: Tim...Tim look at me.
Speed: *looks at Carly*
Carly: We need to hide the body. You understand me? No one can find him. If it comes back to us, we'll just say that he escaped and we couldn't find him.
Speed: *looks at body*
Carly: Tim?
Speed: You were right...
Carly: Right about what?
Speed: ...I don't feel any better.