CSI:Miami Road Trip: Seven Years of Bad Luck & Counting

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Hey now, what do you guys take me for? :lol: :lol:

Carly! You...Playa! :lol: You certainly do get around the Speedle men. Wow, I hope he doesn't have another brother hiding somewhere or at least some cousin or something. That would be as they say, AWKWARD! *snaps* Psha. Sorry, the headache's taking over. Happy Birthday by the way. :) *gives Carly a cake that reads "You are SO not four days older than me...Except you are. You're buddy, The Big SC"*


Because Of Who I am

Outside, Hawaii

Lori: *runs out* I'm coming with you.

Speed: No you're not.

Lori: Yes I am.

Speed: You're staying here with your mother.

Lori: I don't want to stay with her.

Speed: *turns around* Lori, go back into the hotel.

Lori: No.

Speed: Is it your life mission to fight with me?

Lori: Not all the time. Sometimes it's my life mission to get money out of you.

Speed: *walks away*

Lori: *follows* Are you two getting divorced?

Speed: What kind of a question is that?

Lori: I was just curious, because I'm not living with mom.

Speed: Fine live on the front lawn.

Lori: That's not funny.

Speed: You know, it's kind of ironic.

Lori: What's ironic?

Speed: Katie left me before you were born, and I wasn't even in your life until you were almost a year old. And now you won't leave me alone.

Lori: *laughs*

Speed: Yeah laugh it up.

Lori: Okay so you're not a perfect father. But I still love you.

Speed: ...

Lori: *lifts brow*

Speed: Alright come on.

Lori: YES!

Speed: When we get back you're going back to school.

Lori: ...Damn.

Miami, next morning...Miraculously. Aren't fics super?

Josh's house

Josh: *opens door* ...Tim? What are you guys doing back?

Speed: We're not back. I'm back.

Josh: What happened? You get shot again?

Speed: *frowns* I need a place to stay.

Josh: ....Your house not big enough?

Lori: *walks in*

Speed: Katie and I have....Irreconcilable differences.

Josh: You're getting divorced?

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: What happened?

Lori: Didn't you hear the man? Irreconcilable differences. Now, where's my little sister?

Josh: Upstairs.

Lori: *walks upstairs*

Josh: Did you guys just decide this?

Speed: Yeah.

Josh: ...Did you cheat on Katie?

Speed: *looks down at floor*

Josh: You did. With wh-

Speed: No one.

Josh: Wow I didn't know you could have an affair with air.

Speed: You don't know her.

Josh: What did you guys do?

Speed: She kissed me, I thought she was drunk, she told Katie, end of story.

Josh: And you didn't try to stop her.

Speed: I should have tried harder.

Josh: Why don't you just tell me who it was?

Speed: It wasn't anyone you know.

Josh: You're lying. You've never lied to me which means you're trying to protect me from something.

Speed: It was Anni, okay?

Josh: *nods* Alright.

Holly: *runs downstairs* DADDY!

Speed: Hey.

Holly: *hugs Speed*

Speed: *hugs Holly* Were you good?

Holly: *nods* Yup.

Speed: Good.

Lori: I'm going to unpack.

Josh: Whoa wait a second, I can't have a whole bunch of people in here.

Speed: But you're such a good brother.

Josh: What do you think Carly's going to say?

Speed: I'm sure she won't mind if I stay.

Josh: And if she says get out?

Speed: Then I'll leave.

Josh: But you won't leave if I tell you to.

Speed: No.

Josh: You suck.

Speed: Yeah that's mature.

Josh: I know.

Lori: So...We're not allowed to stay here?

Speed: We are.

Lori: Well I don't want to intrude.

Speed: Stay right where you are.

Lori: Okay.

Speed: Josh, a word.

Josh: Okay.

Living room

Josh: Look man you can't just stay here. Sometimes Carly and I need our space from everyone.

Speed: Space for what?

Josh: *frowns*

Speed: I can't stay with Katie. I'm mad at her.

Josh: I thought she was mad at you.

Speed: Look we butt heads and half the time I don't even know what we're fighting about but I can't stand the fact that she called me a bad husband and I have been nothing but supportive to her.

Josh: Except for when you cheated on her.

Speed: That was a long time ago. I'm not the same person I was.

Josh: So that explains the fact you kissed another woman?

Speed: Um she kissed me.

Josh: So Anni kissed you and now you're getting divorced because Katie called you a cheater even though you did cheat but you didn't.

Speed: It wasn't Anni, it was Carly.

Josh: *blank stare*

Speed: I'm sorry.

Josh: Tim, get out.

Speed: I have no where else to go.

Josh: You want to sleep with her too, is that it?

Speed: No. I didn't want any of that. I'm telling you, this wasn't my fault.

Josh: So it's her fault.

Speed: Yeah. And you know what? I didn't want her to do that, I didn't ask her to do that, and I sure as hell tried to stop it.

Josh: Okay. You can stay.

Speed: Thank you.

Josh: *nods*

Speed: Are you mad at her?

Josh: No.

Speed: What? You got mad at me and it wasn't even my fault.

Josh: For better or for worse right? *walks away*

Speed: *shakes head*

Lori: *walks over* So are we staying?

Speed: Yeah we're staying.

Holly: Oh we're staying? Ew! I don't want more stew.

Speed: Let's get you some McDonalds, kiddo. Get in the Hummer.

Holly: Okay. *runs away*

Lori: That stuff with rot her stomach out. *leaves*

Speed: *lifts brow*

Oh man I literally just banged the table I was laughing so hard.

Lori: That stuff with rot her stomach out. *leaves*

Speed: *lifts brow*
Ohhh Lori must have heared that from beyond the whom. Even though I wasn't around then....whoa that girl must have some super bonic hearing. lol.

Oh man I loved how Speed had said Anni. That would soooo make her day. lol. And aww its offical now were getting divorced. Ah well it was a great...what..10...12 years? I'm to tired to think lol. Poor Holly doesn't want any more stew. I wouldn't either. Ew.

And awwwwwwwwww Lori loves Speed. *sniff* Sooo cute! And how nice is it that Josh is letting them stay. I'd hate to see what would happend when Carly comes home. Update soon please!

Hawaii 5-O

Hotel, 11 am

Katie: *hugging Anni*

Anni: *hugging Katie* I'm sorry.

Katie: *sigh*

Carly: Whoa, what happened to you?

Katie: Tim left me a message on my phone.

Carly: What did it say?

Katie: He's faxing me divorce papers.

Carly: ...Oh my God, I'm sorry.

Katie: Well it was bound to happen anyway. We haven't had the happiest of times lately. It wasn't just because of you.

Carly: But still...

Katie: No, it's alright. It wasn't your fault...Entirely. I'm just tired of playing the blame game.

Carly: Do you need anything?

Katie: Did Lori leave?

Carly: Yeah.

Katie: *sigh* Great.

Anni: Why don't we have a girls night tonight, huh?

Katie: Sure.

Anni: You can forget all your troubles.

Katie: You're going to get me drunk aren't you?

Anni: Yeah it'll be fun.

Katie: *sigh*

Miami, Lab

Lori: Dad, I don't want to go to school.

Speed: Go visit your boyfriend or something.

Lori: He's in Sacramento on a field trip with the chem class. He won't be back for a week.

Speed: Your bus gets here in five minutes.

Lori: I can't believe the bus stop is at the lab.

Speed: Believe it.

Lori: What about Holly?

Speed: She has the day off so she's staying with me.

Lori: You're not leaving her with Uncle Josh?

Speed: She was very adament on not going back anytime soon. Go catch your bus.

Lori: Fine. *leaves*

Holly: *sitting under table* There's a lot of cords down here.

Speed: That's because there's a computer up here.

Holly: ...What does that have to do with cords?

Speed: *rolls eyes*

JC: *walks in* ...I thought you were gone.

Speed: I'm back.

JC: Well then, welcome back.

Speed: Have you been working on a case?

JC: No actually I gave all the cases to the night shift. They have a bunch of newbies.

Speed: That's not funny.

JC: I wasn't joking. It's hilarious to see them all squeamish.

Speed: Where's Missy?

JC: She's in the shrine.

Speed: Shrine?

JC: To Eric. It's in the Layout room.

Speed: We need that room for evidence.

JC: Well she's using it as a shrine. Tripp came in and lit a candle.

Speed: Get the shrine out of there.

JC: HA. You are SOOO not in charge around here. That IAB person, Megan or whatever, she came back here because Stetler told her to spy on you. I mean, she was supposed to spy on Horatio but he went out of the country and Stettie doesn't have the budj-

Speed: I get it.

JC: Anyway, just thought I'd let you know. Man she's strict too. She yelled at me because my shirt was too low cut.

Speed: Did you put a different shirt on?

JC: She threw one at me and started yelling.

Speed: She sounds pleasant.

JC: Well I have to go. Missy said she was lighting the rest of the candles except they're fire works. *leaves*

Speed: *shakes head*

Holly: Who was that woman?

Speed: She's crazy. Don't pay attention to her.

Holly: *sits on chair* I wanna help.

Speed: You're too young.

Holly: Lori said you let her help when she was little.

Speed: ....What?

Holly: She said you let her play with evinance.

Speed: Evidence.

Holly: Yeah.

Speed: *nods* Well you're still too young.

Megan: *walks in* Speedle.

Speed: Yes ma'am.

Megan: No children in the lab.

Speed: Uh does it count if she's mine?

Megan: Yes. She needs to leave.

Speed: Horatio would never kick out a child.

Megan: I'm not Horatio.

Speed: *stands* Alright boss lady, let's set some ground rules. Number one. My children never leave my sight when they're in the lab. Number two. Never call me 'Speedle' again or it could get ugly.

Megan: What would you prefer I called you?

Speed: Anything but that.

Megan: Fine. But here are my rules. If you hit on me, smirk at me, or stare at my butt when I leave this room, you're fired.

Speed: Not a problem.

Megan: Good. Get back to work. *leaves*

Speed: *shakes head*

Holly: She reminds me of mommy.

Speed: *frowns* Which is exactly why this is going to suck.

Holly: Huh?

Speed: Nothing.

Awww, Katie and Timmy are getting divorced...gee, I wonder how long that will last :lol:

And Oooooo, Joshie knows that it was me...I wonder how he'll react. Well, at least he's not mad at me...hey! I'm completely innocent in all this, it's all Speedy's fault ;)

:lol: Missy made an Eric shrine...well, thats kinda like Eric making a shrine to every teddy bear he's ever owned in the Hummerhome closet :lol: Ahhhh, Sniffles, Snuffles, Teddington, Ted E Bair...so many memories...

And thanks Geni! *runs off with cake* Nah, just kidding *hands out slices of cake for everyone*
a divorece.. I'm sorry Katie
Eh, you win some and you lose some right? lol. That's ok I mean it wasn't like it was a happy marriage or anything. Well there was that time we kissed under fireworks and then umm..you know actually have 3 children...but then one died and one got taken away. And then there was the time I got drunk and so did Speed....and then you know there's Africa and what not. But yeah it was bound to happen anyways.

But ohhhh is Anni really going to get me drunk? Heck yes! I love drunk Katie/Queen of the Spider people.

And Tim's faxing the divorce papers over? Well way to be mature about things.

And Megan reminds Speed of me....that can't end up nicely lol. But look at her go all...in charge and bossy like. I can tell this Road Trip is going to be awesome. Update soon please!
He isn't dead....She is just worshipping him.........which is verrrrry creepy. :lol: These are very sad updates. :( Update soon.
carlz31 said
Awww, Katie and Timmy are getting divorced...gee, I wonder how long that will last :lol:

And Oooooo, Joshie knows that it was me...I wonder how he'll react. Well, at least he's not mad at me...hey! I'm completely innocent in all this, it's all Speedy's fault ;)

Carly! How many times have I told you to not underestimate me? :lol: ...Okay so it was never, but still. :p

And it was your fault! :p Muaha.

Ahhhh, Sniffles, Snuffles, Teddington, Ted E Bair...so many memories...

Ah yes, so many good and happy memories. I believe that's when we learned about the septic tank while Katie and Speed were inside the store trying on leather pants and such. Hm, good times everyone, good times. :p

Katie I could have sworn I read 'divorce diapers' and not papers. :lol: Too much sugar.

Aw. *hugs Colton* Well...I don't want to bust the happy tree, but the next update isn't going to get any better. :lol:

You've Taken Me Back

Hawaii, night club, 10 pm

Katie: WOW! This place is like Miami but there's more ocean and fat people! WOO!

Anni: Um you might not want to say that so loud.

Katie: *drinking tequila*

Anni: You've had seven shots of that.

Katie: *slams shotglass on table* HECK YES!

Carly: She's going to get alcohol poisoning.

Katie: Who's being poisoned! MAHA! *slaps Carly*

Carly: OW. *rubs arm*

Katie: *giggling* Okay okay okay. Here's what we have to do. We have to find out where to find the King of the Jungle and then we can ask him where all his paper cups are.

Anni: Why?

Katie: I want to make a fort. *falls off stool* WHOA! I just slipped right off a there. *laughing*

Carly: *helps Katie up* I don't know why we keep trying to calm you down even when we're the ones who want to get you drunk.

Jess: I like drunk Katie. She's fun, and not mad.

Katie: See? Someone likes me. Hey JESS!

Jess: Yeah.

Katie: Get me the number of that cute bartender.

Jess: ...That's a billboard.

Katie: Why are billboards serving drunks?

Jess: Drunks? Don't you mean drinks?

Katie: No they're serving people like me. Drunks.

Jess: Uh...Huh.

Katie: HEY! OH! LET'S MAKE THINGS HAPPY! Okay here's what we'll do. Okay let's go over there. I want to pee on that carpet.

Anni: Uh how about you don't.

Katie: All is well anyway, I don't even have to go. HEY! YOU! PERSON WITH THE STRIPED SHIRT!

Guy: *turns around*


Guy: Okay. *walks away*

Katie: Oh man oh man oh man. Guess what I heard?

Jess: What?

Katie: There's a meteor shower that can KILL people.

Jess: *nods slowly*

Katie: Let's go outside.

Jess: No. You'll get arrested.

Katie: Where's your sense of adventure?

Jess: I left it in the Hummerhome.

Katie: OH! You know what we should invent? A Hummerbike. I want a bigass motorcyle. But then I'd have to have a big ass. Haha..Ass.

Anni: *backs away slowly*

Katie: *jumping up and down on spot*

Jess: What are you doing?

Katie: The spider people can't read my mind if I stay like this.

Jess: Okay she gets more dillusional every time she gets drunk.

Katie: THE SPIDER PEOPLE ARE TAKING MY BRAIN CELLS! RUN! *runs out into the street screaming*


Katie: HEY YOU!

Guy: Yeah.


Anni: No, no Katie you're not doing this again.

Katie: You wanted to get me hammered so here's the consequence.

Carly: We didn't think you'd take it overboard.

Katie: MAN DOWN! *starts laughing*

Jess: Someone...Calm her down or something.

Anni: There's only one thing I know that can make her mad. And that is Tim Speedle.


Jess: Hey Katie?

Katie: Yes oh blonde one.

Jess: Why don't we go back inside?

Katie: Nope. Nope. Nope. It's too hot out here to go back inside there. I don't wanna get herpes. *walks away*

Anni: *sigh*


Anni: What.

Katie: I'M A TERRIBLE PERSON! *laughing*

Carly: *lifts brow* Why?


Jess: *grabs Katie* Come on.


Jess: Uh...Okay.


Carly: You know, maybe instead of making things worse by getting her drunk, we should think of a different tactic.

Anni: Or you know, we could start her off in a generally good mood to begin with.

Katie: *grabs piece of glass* This road needs to be re-paved. *digging into the street with glass*

Jess: Uh...

Carly: Katie honey the street's already paved.

Katie: *laughing* I KNOW! And for the record, I said that like Monica. SOMETIMES YOU HAVE TO KILL A FISH! *digging into the street* WOW! Look at all that blood. Funny how gravity does all the work for you. WOOOOO! Hey let's go for a swim.

Anni: *gets out cell phone*

Carly: *grabs Katie* Come on.

Katie: *swings piece of glass*

Carly: OW! *holding face*

Jess: Wow after digging into the street for so long, those pieces of glass get jagged.

Carly: Thanks for the information.

Katie: I wonder if I can re-pave my arms too.

Carly: *grabs Katie's hands* Come on, let's go.

Katie: NO! *pushes Carly*

Carly: *falls over* OW.

Jess: Put down the glass.

Katie: *giggling*

Jess: Katie...

Katie: *throwing glass* GET AWAY FROM ME!

Jess: We're just trying to help.


Jess: Okay who's idea was this?

Anni: Mine....My bad.

Carly: *grabs Katie*

Katie: *screaming*

Carly: Grab her, Jess!

Jess: *grabs Katie*

Katie: LET GO! *grabs piece of glass*

Jess: Katie, put it down.

Katie: *scratching Carly's hands* LET GO OF ME!

Carly: I can't.

Katie: *screaming*

Cop cars pulls up

Awww I've gone phsyco! *claps* Yay me! But you know behind drunk Katie's crazyness and talk of the Spider People she does speak some truth. She did kinda ruin everything, granted Speed cheated. But Carly came on to him so techically it wasn't his fault.

Katie: All is well anyway, I don't even have to go. HEY! YOU! PERSON WITH THE STRIPED SHIRT!

Guy: *turns around*


Guy: Okay. *walks away*
Yeah, I said it again!

Katie: HEY YOU!

Guy: Yeah.


Anni: No, no Katie you're not doing this again.
Seriously why does someone always have to burst drunk Katie's bubble? What did she have do to anyone? Ok, granted I kinda just cut Carly's face with glass, but hey what are ya gonna do. lol.

Jess: Hey Katie?

Katie: Yes oh blonde one.
Oh man that made me laugh so hard I snorted.

Katie: MAN DOWN! *starts laughing*
YAY *claps* I finally got to say it! Teehee.

And ohhh no the coppers. They always ruin the fun. lol. And hmmm who is Anni calling? Did she call the cops on me or did she call someone else? I wanna know! Ok, now i'm really hypers.

And no I did put 'papers' and not 'diapers' but that would have been really funny if I did. Teehee. Update soon please!
Man, I'm not very nice... but he called me boss lady! :lol:
Megan: Fine. But here are my rules. If you hit on me, smirk at me, or stare at my butt when I leave this room, you're fired.
Aww. But I want him to do those things. And I remind him of Katie... I'm not sure if that's good or bad. But definately interesting...

Oh drunk Katie... so much fun... and yet, so much trouble. Has Katie ever gotten drunk and not had to police involved? :lol:
*hugs everyone* Thanks as always for the reviews. :D

You Heal My Broken Heart

Hospital, 7 am

Horatio: *takes off shades* What the hell happened?

Carly: She went a little overboard.

Horatio: She has restraints.

Carly: She tried to hurt herself.

Horatio: *frowns* Then why do you have a bandage on?

Carly: I was in the crossfire.

Horatio: Wild night huh.

Carly: You could say that.

Horatio: Stay here.

Carly: No problem.

Hospital room

Horatio: *places hands on hips* Katie?

Katie: Who else would be here.

Horatio: You want to tell me what happened?

Katie: No.

Horatio: Everyone's concerned about you.

Katie: Not everyone.

Horatio: ...So you know what you did.

Katie: Yeah.

Horatio: Why did you do that?

Katie: Just...Get out.

Horatio: I'd like to know what's wr-

Katie: GET OUT!

Horatio: *nods* Okay. I'll leave.


Carly: I'm sorry, we shouldn't have taken her out.

Horatio: You call Speed?

Carly: No.

Horatio: I think you should.

Carly: Sure.

Horatio: Alright, thank you. *leaves*

Carly: *gets out phone*


JC: So what are you working on?

Speed: Paperwork.

JC: Sounds boring. I'm bored. Are you bored?

Speed: Can you stop that?

JC: What?

Speed: Bothering me.

JC: Fine.

Speed: Where's Missy?

JC: She's building a mural.

Speed: ...A mural.

JC: To Eric.

Speed: cell phone rings Excuse me. *opens phone* Yeah it's Speed.

Carly: How would you like a nice vacation to Hawaii?

Speed: Not interested. *doing paperwork*

Carly: Okay, how about a nice couple of days in Hawaii?

Speed: No. I have to go.

Carly: NO! Don't hang up. Horatio told me to call you.

Speed: I'm sure he wants to be mister fix-it but I'm not interested in that.

Carly: It'll be fun.

Speed: No it won't.

Carly: Katie tried to hurt herself last night.

Speed: *lifts head* ...I'm sorry to hear that.

Carly: You should talk to her.

Speed: No. I don't want to make anything worse.

Carly: It can't get worse than this.

Speed: I'm sorry.

Carly: Don't you love her?

Speed: I have to go. *closes phone*

JC: Who was that?

Speed: No one.

JC: That was a long conversation for no one.

Speed: *looks at JC*

JC: Sorry, sorry I'm leaving.

Oh no! Geni, that was so sad! Fix it! Poor Katie. Poor Speed. Poor... everyone. Just because.
Loved it, as always.
This is so sad.

*smack Katie* *smacks Speed* I know you two love each other. Now stop being so stubborn, admit it to each other, and GET BACK TOGETHER! :(

Ok. My delusional freak out of the day is over. :) Thank you for holding. :)

Update soon. :)
Carly: Don't you love her?

Speed: I have to go. *closes phone*
Awwwww way to NOT answer the question. lol. But how did I know H man would come to the rescue. Well not really to the rescue because apparently the hospital saved me but still. Hehehe I told him to get out! Yay me!

*Gasp* And i'm in restraints...thats...really not good. But seriously Missy...a mural.....honey let it go. lol. Of course I have no room to talk because i'm in a hospital bed right now. So..yeah. Update soon please!
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