Aww...I remember those chapters with Lori.
Too Late And Didn't See It Comin'
Midnight, near the Causeway
Lori: *gets off bike* Mari?
Mari: *walks over* I didn't know you were allowed to use that.
Lori: I'm not. Was the plane ride okay?
Mari: That ticket you sent me, was for first class.
Lori: Only the best for my friends.
Mari: *smiles*
Lori: I just wonder what my dad's going to say when he gets the Visa bill.
Mari: Where do I stay?
Lori: My mom's house. You can stay there for a few days.
Mari: No one lives there?
Lori: Not at the moment.
Mari: How are you going to get in?
Lori: Oh come on now, you're the one that taught me the Golden Rule. Breaking and Entering.
Mari: The laws in Columbia are a little different than in America.
Lori: No one's going to catch us. *gets on bike* Come on.
Mari: You sure this is safe?
Lori: Oh yeah. As long as you don't move.
Mari: *rolls eyes*
Lori: So you have any family you can contact?
Mari: Last I heard, my sister moved here.
Lori: Your sister? I thought your family was killed.
Mari: No, my big sister moved away a long time ago. She's a cop.
Lori: ...Is her name Carly?
Mari: Yeah how did you know?
Lori: ....You don't have to stay at my mom's house. I'll take you to your sister's house.
Mari: You know where she is?
Lori: Well actually she's in Hawaii at the moment. *opens cell phone*
Mari: Who are you calling?
Lori: My dad.
Mari: Why? We'll get in trouble.
Lori: You're family.
Mari: I am?
Lori: Yeah in more ways than one.
Josh's house
Speed: *opens door* I told you not to take my bike. What the hell is the matter with your head?
Lori: I brought someone over.
Mari: *walks over*
Speed: *sigh* Oh great.
Lori: She's Carly's sister.
Speed: What?
Lori: Yeah. We neglected to ask that when we left.
Speed: She never said anything about her sister being held captive in some South American country.
Mari: She doesn't know. She hasn't spoken to us for ten years. At least that's what I think. I was taken five years ago, but I was nine, and when Carly left, I was just born.
Lori: You've never met her.
Mari: I've heard about her.
Lori: She doesn't know that her parents are dead.
Mari: Probably not.
Lori: I think we should call Carly.
Speed: I'll do it. Get her something to eat.
Lori: She can stay?
Speed: Yeah.
Lori: Great.
Josh: *walks in* Hey I saw the Ducati out front, I need you to move....Who's she?
Speed: Mari. Carly's sister.
Josh: She has a sister?
Mari: You got a problem with that?
Josh: *lifts brow*
Lori: That's Carly's...Husband.
Mari: ...Oops. My bad.
Josh: No problem. Has anyone called Carly?
Speed: I was going to.
Josh: I can call her.
Speed: Alright. Lori, you, me, living room, NOW.
Lori: ...
Living room
Speed: You take my bike again and you'll be grounded until you're old enough to see R rated films and pay taxes.
Lori: I needed to pick her up.
Speed: You could have just asked me.
Lori: I didn't think you'd go with me.
Speed: Of course I'd go with you. Lori, you don't have to do everything on your own.
Lori: I know, I'm sorry.
Speed: Okay. Don't take the bike again.
Lori: Yes sir.
Speed: Whoa. No no, hold on. Uh, sir?
Lori: *stares at Speed*
Speed: No, you don't get to call me that. I'm not your boss, I'm your father.
Lori: *looks down at floor*
Speed: Lori.
Lori: You just....You reminded me of him.
Speed: ...
Lori: I'm sorry.
Speed: I don't want you ever calling me 'sir'. Hell, call me Tim for all I care. I don't want to make you feel like you can't trust me, or that you can't come to me for help.
Lori: I know....I guess I'll go back upstairs and do my homework.
Speed: *hands over keys* Why don't you go gas up the bike.
Lori: ...Really?
Speed: *winks*
Lori: *smirks* Thanks. *grabs keys, leaves*