Thanks for the reviews everyone!

They're much appreciated. Onward!
Africa, trail
Katie: Okay I'm not one to complain but this is taking a really long time. I haven't seen one animal yet.
Horatio: Patience is a virtue.
Katie: Yeah well I haven't seemed to inherit that one.
Delko: My bum hurts.
Anni: So stop falling into the fire ants.
Delko: I CANT HELP IT! They're everywhere and I don't have balance.
Colton: Eric why don't we get you a leash.
Delko: I wish.
Horatio: Shh everyone get down.
Anni: *dives into tree* AH!
Katie: ...He didn't mean like that.
Anni: Well you never know.
Horatio: Look at those two birds over there.
Delko: You mean those tiny brown ones?
Horatio: Those are rocks.
Delko: ...
Horatio: The bigger brown ones.
Delko: What about them?
Horatio: I want to take a picture so everyone shut up.
Lora: CAW! CAW!
Birds fly away
Horatio: Um...Why did you do that?
Lora: I wanted to see if they'd respond.
Ryan: Lora,
Eric responds to loud noises. We can safely say birds do too.
Delko: WHERE'S THE CROW! *swinging large stick* WHERE IS IT!
Katie: OW! Eric! Stop swinging it!
Delko: There's a killer crow out there!
Horatio: Eric there's no killer crow.
Lora: You heard me.
Delko: You're not a crow.
Ryan: That's it. *grabs leash from pocket* You need this now.
Missy: I brought the shock collar too.
Horatio: We're not using shock collars.
Katie: How about tasers.
Horatio: No tasers.
Katie: Dang.
Horatio: *looks up* Um...Guys...Why don't we move um somewhere else.
JC: Why? *looks up* AH LEOPARD! LEOPARD! *hugs Horatio*
Delko: Hey an animal. Aren't you going to take a picture H?
Horatio: We should have brought a vehicle.
Katie: Great, why don't we go to Canada next and get eaten by grizzlies.
Horatio: Shhhh. *backs up* Let's go this way.
Delko: I think it can still see us. We should split up.
Lora: No stupid, it'll single us out. And it'll definitely single
you out.
Delko: *frowns*
Horatio: We all stay together.
Leopard jumps out of tree
Delko: *screams* RUN FOR YOUR LIFE!
Everyone runs
Horatio: NO! No running! No! *sigh* Great.
Leopard: *licks lips*
Horatio: Yes, well. Two can play at this game. *licks lips*
Leopard: *stares at Horatio*
Horatio: *stares at Leopard* I just wrestled a lion so COME GET SOME BABY!
Leopard: *lifts brow*
Horatio: ....AH! *runs*
Leopard: *runs*
Delko: Where's Horatio?
Katie: *stops running* I don't know.
Missy: I think he got eaten by the leopard.
Horatio: *runs over, all cut up* I DON'T LIKE AFRICA! THE SHADES ARE USELESS! And broken. *starts to cry*
Ryan: She broke your shades?
Katie: Sweet. *pulls Horatio's hair*
Horatio: Ow.
Katie: *pulls Horatio's hair*
Horatio: Ow.
Katie: *pulls Horatio's hair*
Horatio: Ow, stop.
Katie: *pulls Horatio's hair*
Anni: *pokes Horatio*
Horatio: Ow.
Lora: STOP IT!
Katie: He has no power to stop us.
Lora: *kneels* Horatio, despite what you think, your shades don't give you power. Your muscles do.
Horatio: But I don't have any. That's why I needed my shades! DON'T YOU GET IT! Before you know it, Stetler's gonna take over the lab, he'll change it into a blinding rainbow and I'll be chained to the middle of it RETINAS BLAZING!
Katie: You've still got your badge.
Horatio: Oh it means NOTHING these days.
Delko: How about your Hummer?
Horatio: It's just a big target for bombs and dings. And I hate getting dings in my doors.
Colton: So...Who's going to protect us in Africa?
Katie: *bites nails*
Ryan: I'LL DO IT. *places hands on hips, shifts positions* This calls for a....*puts on cape* Wolfe.
Everyone: ...
Ryan: The music didn't start.
Delko: That means you're not in charge. Okay lemme try. Okay. *clears throat* This looks like a job for *puts on shades* ...Delektorsky.
Everyone: ...
Lora: Yeah nice catchphrase. You've just earned one viewer and his name is Eric Delko.
Delko: Viewer?
Lora: Nothing.
Katie: Okay let me try. *grabs shades*
Horatio: Stop! You're breaking them even more!
Katie: We....*puts on shades* Need to get out of Africa.
Everyone: ....
Katie: Well fine, so I'm not a leader. *looks up* STUPID WHO! GAWD YOU'RE SO PICKY!
Lilly: Lemme have a go. We...*puts on shades* ...Um..
Lora: *grabs shades* You suck at it. The shades will pick whomever is the worthiest. Obviously you nutjobs aren't.
Colton: *grabs shades* You know what they say gang....*puts on shades* Bees sting.
Colton: There you go.
Everyone: *stares at Colton*
Colton: You're supposed to say something lame that everyone knows.
Lora: *pinches Colton*
Colton: OW!
Delko: Oh my God, he's our leader now.
Colton: Ha. *places hands on hips*
Colton: Hehe.
Horatio: *bursts into tears*
Calleigh: *looking through microscope*
Lori: *walks in* Hey Cal.
Calleigh: Hi.
Lori: Need any help?
Calleigh: Sure, I need some projectile samples from those guns on the counter.
Lori: Great. *pulls on latex glvoes, picks up gun*
Calleigh: Do you know how to s-
Lori: *snaps barrel into place*
Calleigh: -or not.
Lori: *places gun on counter* Okay what next?
Calleigh: Log the bullets.
Lori: Will do. *salutes*
Calleigh: Have a good night last night?
Lori: What?
Calleigh: You seem eager to get to work.
Lori: I like guns.
Calleigh: So what happened after I left?
Lori: Nothing.
Calleigh: Nothing as in...Gavin didn't come over.
Lori: *rolls eyes*
Calleigh: *smiles*
Lori: You are so nosey.
Calleigh: Well he called and wanted you out of the house for a few hours. So what did he do? Was it romantic?
Lori: For his budjet, probably.
Calleigh: So what was it?
Lori: Candles.
Calleigh: *smiling* OH THAT'S SO CUTE! Anything else?
Lori: *smiles* Well, let's just say the man has been workin' ou-
Speed: *walks in*
Lori:-t the kinks in this gun Cal. It handles like someone ran over it with a semi trailer.
Speed: *lifts brow*
Lori: *crosses arms* You need somethin'?
Speed: Uh...Just looking for the evidence Calleigh wanted me to pick up.
Calleigh: *hands over box*
Speed: Thanks.
Lori: *rubs eyes*
Speed: *nods* Must be a woman thing. I don't want to know. *leaves*
Lori: *bangs head on wall*
Calleigh: *smiles*