AH! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry *kicks internet* It's been all screwy lately...I didn't realise I hadn't been on in that long until I saw it had been 2 weeks..*kicks interent some more* But...I'm here now! *tumbleweed*...Anyway, onto the review.

Lora broke the most sacred on sunglasses? Poor old Horatio :lol: Bonnie, honestly...
*GASPAGE!* Lori is Pregnant? Woah, I remember when she was born...now I FEEL OLD! *screams* Well, katie and Speed sure took it...well :lol:
*DOUBLE GASPAGE!* JOSHIE! Well, I spose the good thing about not being on is that I don't have to wait to find out the end of the cliffhangers...*reads* Oh noes! Poor me

Ah, good old Hummerhome trips...But seriously, donkeys? Hm, Horatio can't go anywhere without something trying to kill him :lol:
JOSHIE! Well, at least he's alive...TEEHEE! Man, he really is a Speedle :lol:...Oh, he's in a coma...Well...he's still...alive....
:lol: Cait plays soccer? :lol: I don't know why, I just found that funny...
Hmmm, Katie and Adam? And katie was in on it? Or she wasn't in on it, and SPeed is just really really pissed off? Hm...and now Lori is involved? Woah, that is one disfunctional family :lol:
Oh no...Joshie *sniff* Poor me. Poor Speed. Poor kids...and poor Josh....all, unconcious and whatnot...*sigh*
Ohhh Adam is a tool. Well, he;s more than a tool, but you get my drift. And in the middle of everything, Ryan gets harassed by an old lady :lol:
Aww, sorry to hear you weren't feeling well *huggles*
Ahhh, I knew the Hummerhome would get stuck somewher one day...too bad for Colton and Lora that is was in the middle of the desert...serves Horatio right!...for what, I'm not exactly sure...but yeah...Ok, that made no sense...but it kinda made sense in my head...
And now everyone else thinks that Delko is insane. Well, he kept screaming about the Wubba monster, so even those who understood it probably would've thought he was insane :lol:
Ok, done *wipes brow* Phew. Sorry bout the lateness and probably incoherant-ness of the review...*huggles...everyone*
Please update soon!