CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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oh geez Delko...nothing to say, but that...ohh and...

You gotta love me. :D If you don't, well...you don't matter then. hehe

Update Soon! :D
*gaspage* I knew me moving to California was a bad idea. I seriously just can't find a man can I? There all jerks and killers. What's next the axe man? *shivers* NOPE forget I said anything. lol. And what exactly did Adam mean by 'proffessional relationship'?

And awww what's going to happen to Delko? Geesh Adam needs to be put into his place soon. Update soon please.
i had to read it all over again since yesterday my dad shut off the computer while i was halfway!!! hilarious! I was laughing and my dad was laughing "with me"
okay so i would love to see how eric and ryan are gonna get out of this one cause i mean it seems like they are in pretty deep. and delko seroiusly needs to grow up but i guess thats why we love him is it not? I like to sleep on planes then i don't freak out as bad when i am on one.
I'm not even sure what i'm excited about more, the Eric/Wolfe on the plane situation, or me beating up Colton. :lol: Ok, i'll take the 2nd one. :devil:
Now play nice you two. :devil: :p


Apologies for not getting a chapter up, I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of days so I should be putting up another one soon. Thanks for holding out! :)
awww, sorry to hear that you are not feeling well! Here's to hoping that you do feel better! And no worries, I'll hold out until the cows come home, and I don't see any yet...lol. Okay, that was lame, but I'm sleepy.

Feel better Geni! :D
Hope you feel so much better Geni! *hugs* I think something international's happening, I'm also getting sick lol. Anyway feel better and take your time. :D
Apologies for not getting a chapter up, I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of days so I should be putting up another one soon.

I'll call up Doctor House. *grabs phone* You're really running a bill up on him Gen. Of course, you can just borrow some of Horatio's endless money. ;) Get better! :D
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