Thanks for the fab reviews.

Apologies for not being able to put up a chapter yesterday but it was my Graduation so I had very little time. :lol:
And now that I'm back, we can continue the fun.
And for future reference, Colton, you're not evil in the story.

Just bear with me.
Office, DA
Lori: *writing things down*
Knock on door is heard
Lori: *sigh* Door's unlocked.
Man: *walks in*
Lori: *lifts head* Carlos.
Carlos: You promised to call me when you got to Miami.
Lori: What are you doing here?
Carlos: Did I say you could speak?
Lori: ...No sir.
Carlos: I explicitely said destroy the evidence, not tamper with it. I want him out of prison. What happened?
Lori: Look, get your drugs somewhere else. He burned them along with everything else.
Carlos: I put you here so you could get him out.
Lori: Actually my job description is to keep him inside.
Carlos: You don't think I actually expected you to do that.
Lori: He's innocent. If he gets out, he'll be killed.
Carlos: I want him out.
Lori: You should have found someone else to do your job for you. Killing his wife? That was smooth.
Carlos: You got an attitude problem. Fix it.
Lori: Yes sir.
Carlos: Now. You're going to frame that Ryan Wolfe for the wife's murder.
Lori: ...
Carlos: Barry will get out of prison and I will get my drugs, or whatever's left of the stash. Guinea pig or not, he agreed to play my game. And so did you.
Lori: Promise you won't hurt anyone.
Carlos: Who? Like um...What's his name..Oh yes. Tim Speedle?
Lori: *stares at Carlos*
Carlos: He's not your father. How much do you really remember from when you got back here? You were 13 years old. They've been telling you lies. You were born in Colombia, stolen from me. We finally got you back. You lived with my brother, remember?
Lori: I remember a drug dealer.
Carlos: It was for your own protection. Those people here, they're not your family.
Lori: *shakes head* I lived with my mother after I was born, w-
Carlos: No. The man who kidnapped their daughter in California also had you. You were switched and their child was killed. You lived. I had been trying to find you and my friend Colton was able to help.
Lori: I was shown a DNA profile when I got back.
Carlos: These people are liars. You didn't understand DNA back then. You ever wondered why you were drawn more to Colombia than Miami?
Lori: *looks down at desk*
Carlos: You don't even get along with them. You belong with me and your mother. We love you.
Lori: Yeah you love me so much that you're using me to get your drug dealer out of prison.
Carlos: After this is finished you can come home. With me and your mother.
Lori: ...If you love me you wouldn't have abandoned me this whole time.
Carlos: If those people loved you, they wouldn't have either. *sits beside Lori* You are my little one. I had been looking for you so long and I had found you. You would have been dead if my brother hadn't protected you.
Lori: Huh. Protected me. Is that what he did.
Carlos: A little girl's perception can be altered.
Lori: Then where the hell were you.
Carlos: Your mother was sick, I had to take of her.
Lori: ...
Carlos: You should not be lied to any longer, by anyone.
Lori: I don't understand. How could I have been stolen from Colombia?
Carlos: The man who killed those people's daughter stole you. He's from Colombia. Fortunately he was killed by your so-called mother. It took me five years to find you, Lori.
Lori: ...
Carlos: Now, my drugs are still somewhere on that property. You need to find them.
Lori: I'm tellin' you they were burned.
Carlos: Barry's smart, he wouldn't have burned all of them. He would have wrapped some in clothing, and hid the rest.
Lori: You want me to dig around a re-opened crime scene.
Carlos: Whatever you have to do.
Lori: I could be thrown in jail.
Carlos: I won't let that happen. Trust me.
Lori: ...How do I implicate Ryan?
Carlos: Leave some of the drugs at the scene so they'll be found. Then take some and put it in Wolfe's posession. You know of somewhere?
Lori: His kit.
Carlos: Good girl. Then, I want you to sabotage the evidence against Barry.
Lori: The tape.
Carlos: Destroy it.
Lori: *nods* Yes sir.
Carlos: Steal some un-burnt clothing and place it with mister Wolfe as well.
Lori: *nods*
Carlos: Do not let anyone get in your way. If they do, call me. I will take care of it.
Lori: ...Take care of it how?
Carlos: Leave it to me.
Lori: Don't hurt anyone.
Carlos: You must know that sometimes violence is necessary to get what we want. The only one who poses a risk is the ones important to the case. Yelina Salas, Ryan Wolfe, Tim Speedle and Frank Tripp.
Lori: We can do this without hurting anyone.
Carlos: Do not let your feelings cloud your judgement, little one. You have a job to do.
Lori: *nods*
Carlos: Do not let the Americans fool you into mercy.
Lori: Yes sir.
Carlos: It would be best if you were to plant the clothing first. Go.
Lori: *stands, leaves*
Delko: What are we eating again?
Anni: This is from the fancy restaurant down the road.
Calleigh: Couldn't we just...Eat there?
Anni: No. I ordered take-out.
Colton: *picks at food* I didn't think fancy places did that.
Anni: Apparently they do.
Horatio: What is this?
Anni: Spinach with lentils.
Horatio: Oh...Sounds delicious.
Carly: Um...Is this supposed to be dripping?
Anni: Yes, that's the pasta sauce.
Carly: It's more like juice.
Anni: Eat it.
Delko: I DON'T KNOW HOW TO EAT ART! *starts to cry*
Horatio: Maybe we should have tried ordering from the Burger King.
Calleigh: Maybe after we've finished this.
Anni: NO! This is dinner! How they eat it in France.
Delko: I don't want to go to France.
Colton: We've been to France.
Delko: Okay I don't want to eat in France or have drippy food.
Colton: So don't eat it.
Delko: Anni's forcing me to.
Colton: No one's forcing you to.
Delko: She's giving me an evil glare.
Colton: Ignore it.
Delko: I can't. It's like she knows what I'm thinking.
Colton: Dude, maybe that's because you're saying everything you're thinking.
Delko: Good call.
Anni: EAT!
Delko: Sorry. *eating*
Anni: *smiles* I love it when we're all together.
Calleigh: I love it too! We should to this more often...Without the food.
Anni: The food is the best part.
Carly: Who wants to barbeque?
Horatio: Let's do it.
Delko: I'm game.
Colton: I'm starving.
Trace Lab, 8pm
Lori: *walks in* No one's home. *walks over to desk, opens drawers*
Doors creak
Lori: *looks up*
Lights flicker
Lori: *digs through folders*
Footsteps are heard
Lori: Come on, come on....Ah. *grabs folder* Hello fabric.
Lilly: Lori?
Lori: *stands straight* AH!
Lilly: What are you doing here?
Lori: I...Could ask you the same thing.
Lilly: I was working late.
Lori: Good. Shows you have initiative.
Lilly: Why are you in the Trace Lab?
Lori: I was...Just...Um...Looking for something.
Lilly: Oh, maybe I can help.
Lori: *steps in front of Lilly* No no. No, I don't need help.
Lilly: Why's the drawer open?
Lori: It's...My porn stash.
Lilly: In the Trace Lab?
Lori: *laughs* Yeah. I'm a drawer porno freak.
Lilly: In a small folder?
Lori: *looks down* Mini...Porn. *nervous smile*
Lilly: Is that an evidence folder?
Lori: It was the closest thing I could find.
Lilly: How did you get that drawer opened? I thought you needed a key.
Lori: I have a key.
Lilly: Really? I don't even have a key. Usually Speed has the key.
Lori: *laughs* Okay I jimmied it open. Guilty as charged.
Lilly: You should probably close that up.
Lori: Yeah. *slams drawer closed* Thanks for the advice.
Lilly: Um...You probably shouldn't be back here.
Lori: I know but I didn't want everyone else to find my stash.
Lilly: You could have tried hiding it somewhere else like...At your place where no one has to...Find out about your weird fetishes.
Lori: Right, right yeah. Silly me. Sorry.
Lilly: Well I'll see you later I guess.
Lori: Rock on.
Lilly: *leaves*
Lori: *rolls eyes* Mini porn. I'm intelligent.
Speed: I noticed.
Lori: *screams*
Speed: What are you doing here?
Lori: *turns around* DON'T DO THAT!
Speed: *looks down at folder* You broke into my drawers.
Lori: *laughs* That sounded SO dirty.
Speed: *frowns*
Lori: Um...Okay so only I found that...Funny.
Speed: You don't have permission to be in here.
Lori: I'm under orders.
Speed: From who.
Lori: Can't say.
Speed: Is that the fabric evidence?
Lori: I wanted to take a closer look.
Speed: Put it back.
Lori: No.
Speed: Lori, put it back.
Lori: Sorry, I can't.
Speed: Why not?
Lori: I'm under orders.
Speed: So you say.
Lori: Look, it's late, you should get back to your son so I'm going to leave.
Speed: Not with that evidence.
Lori: *frowns* I just want to take a closer look. No harm in that.
Speed: Give it to me.
Lori: Stop telling me what to do.
Speed: This is ridiculous. Just give me the evidence.
Lori: You're not my father.
Speed: Uh...Are you drunk?
Lori: *grabs phone, dials* You shouldn't have come down here.
Speed: Why?
Lori: I'd leave if I were you.
Speed: Who are you calling?
Lori: You have about five minutes to leave.
Speed: Lori...
Lori: Tim get out.
Speed: No.
Lori: GET OUT!
Speed: *looks at door*
Carlos: *lifts gun*
Lori: *steps back*
Carlos: I should have known he'd get involved fairly quickly. You know you're a real nuissance.
Speed: And you would be?
Carlos: Lori's father.
Speed: *looks at Lori*
Lori: *walks over to Carlos*
Carlos: And my plan was going over so well.
Speed: Your plan.
Carlos: I never liked Miami. It's caused so much trouble for me over the years. And yet again I am at another road block. *hands gun to Lori* Give me the evidence, you get rid of him and make it look like Wolfe did it.
Lori: *holding gun*
Speed: What are you trying to do?
Carlos: I want what's mine. Including her.
Lori: *lifts gun*
Speed: What the hell are you doing?
Lori: You're in the way.
Speed: So you're just going to shoot me because he claims to be your parent.
Lori: It's more than that. I've never really felt at home here. In Colombia, I felt like I belonged there.
Carlos: Your daughter died a long time ago. Switched in California that time when she was kidnapped.
Speed: *nods*
Carlos: So you understand how this happened.
Speed: I do.
Carlos: Good.
Speed: I just have one question. How did you get her to believe any of that?
Carlos: Fathers and daughters have a connection. She merely came around when I explained everything to her. Isn't that right?
Lori: Yeah.
Carlos: *smiles* See?
Speed: Yeah I see.
Carlos: I expect you won't get in my way again. You will work a different case and you will not get involved with the current one.
Speed: If you say so.
Carlos: Good. Then you will not have to die. Lori, the gun.
Lori: *hands over gun*
Carlos: I will carry out my business as planned. Lori, meet me outside.
Lori: Yes sir. *leaves*
Carlos: *walks to door*
Speed: Hey.
Carlos: *looks back*
Speed: Would you die for her?
Carlos: *stares at Speed* ...
Speed: I guess that's the difference between you and me.
Carlos: *leaves*