CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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This is such a fantastic and hysterical road trip. Is there room in the Hummerhome for one more? If not...I will drive behind and pick up crumbs. :)

Haha i'm Batman. *falls to floor; starts doing push-ups*

That was an awesome card Geni. I mean that was hilarious! :lol: Showed my friend Jill too.

Ok, Gavin is really starting to get on my nerves! *grabs gun*

Can't wait for the next update Gen! :D
Welcome to the thread Catwoman! :D Glad you're enjoying it.

If there's one thing this story has proved is that the Hummerhome can expand as far as we can imagine it. :lol: So I'll see if there's an extra place on the couch. ;)

saraholic said I moved....lol I am so sad that Speed is dead....again...*just saying* But YAY! to the rest! :D

I hope you're having a great time in Dallas! Mmm Texas. :devil:

Hm, Speed's dead again? In my fic? Because I distinctly remember writing his role, lol.

Thanks for the reviews everyone, I'll have more a bit later!
speed_cochrane said:
Welcome to the thread Catwoman! :D Glad you're enjoying it.

If there's one thing this story has proved is that the Hummerhome can expand as far as we can imagine it. :lol: So I'll see if there's an extra place on the couch. ;)

Thank you. I don't require much. The occasional pet from Nick and a nice saucer of milk from time to time. :D


Next day, Miami Lab

Ryan: *walking, reading folder*

Calleigh: *follows* Hey.

Ryan: Hey.

Calleigh: New case?

Ryan: Mhm. A guy at Animal Protective Services was trying to catch a gator down in the Glades that had gotten stuck between some wiring and ended up finding an arm in its mouth.

Calleigh: How is that a murder?

Ryan: The fingers were cut off.

Calleigh: Trying to hide the victim's identity.

Ryan: Problem is, we don't have a body.

Calleigh: Need an extra pair of eyes?

Ryan: If you want to put in some overtime.

Calleigh: *smiles* Well maybe now that you have me, there won't be any overtime.


Stetler: So what did you find?

Speed: I'm not searching through his office.

Stetler: I thought we agreed th-

Speed: There's no probable cause.

Stetler: Fine. Then take this instead. *hands over folder*

Speed: *looks down at folder* ...

Stetler: *places hands on hips*

Speed: *lifts head* I'll take care of it.

Stetler: Keep me posted. *walks away*

Speed: *frowns*

Everglades, near Warehouse

Lori: *kicks over bike* Great, they busted it.

Gavin: Who was that anyway? And why were they shooting at you?

Lori: I don't know but it took them until sunrise to get the hell out of here.

Gavin: Colombians maybe?

Lori: Maybe. *looks down at cellphone*

Gavin: What is that?

Lori: I recorded some of them on audio. *plays audio*

Gavin: ...Sounds Spanish.

Lori: *shakes head* Portuguese.

Gavin: So I was right.

Lori: They said they're heading to Miami International.

Gavin: You got all that from the garbled audio?

Lori: *tinkering with phone*

Gavin: How many languages do you know?

Lori: *dialing numbers* English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, a bit of Vietnamese and Khmer.

Gavin: Khmer?

Lori: It's Cambodian. *lifts phone to ear* Yeah H, ready to head into the jungle?

Gavin: Okay I'm confused.

Lori: Yeah, alright. *closes phone*

Gavin: How did you learn these languages?

Lori: You'd be surprised how many tourists are lookin' for something other than a gift shop in Colombia. *walks away*

Gavin: *follows* Right.

Lori: You got a car?

Gavin: Yeah.

Lori: Good. I need you to get a hold of the US Coast Guard and have them intercept any shipments from or to Colombia.

Gavin: *crosses arms*

Lori: *turns around*

Gavin: Sounds like you've gone all cop on me all of a sudden.

Lori: Things go down a little differently over there.

Gavin: You can't save every kid you know.

Lori: Keys.

Gavin: *stares at Lori*

Lori: I need your car.




Alexx: Meet your victim. Or, pieces of her anyway.

Ryan: Her?

Alexx: I've determined these parts are from a female, 18 to 24 years of age. I sent a sample of DNA out.

Calleigh: *leans closer to table* Hey, bullet.

Ryan: So not death by gator..

Alexx: Definitely not.

Calleigh: *grabs tweezers*

Ryan: Anything else you can tell us about these body parts?

Alexx: Only that she was already dead before the gator got to her.

Ryan: I guess we can hope DNA kicks something back.

Calleigh: *looking at bullet* There's some Trace on this bullet.

Ryan: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: *smiles*

Alexx: *places giant bucket on table*

Ryan: *looks down* What is that?

Alexx: Alligator stomach contents. Feel free to sift.

Ryan: ....Great. Thanks.

Alexx: *laughs, walks away*

Ryan: Hey, you know I think I know who would be great at this.

Calleigh: Oh Ryan.

Ryan: Heather's the newbie and the newbie's gotta do it.

Calleigh: *laughs*

Ryan: I'll go get her. *winks, leaves*

Small airport, Colombia

Horatio: *places on shades*

Man: *walks over* Lieutenant.

Horatio: Sir.

Man: I got your message and looked into it. *hands over paper*

Horatio: *looks down at paper* Salazar Gomez.

Man: Allegedly involved with child slavery and has a command base in Miami. Easy to ship drugs. He has a partner, Julio Santeria. They 'own' over fifty kids. Been tryin' to these two for ten years.

Lori: *walks over*

Man: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Just got off the phone with the authorities. They tracked this guy *points at paper* from the airport this morning. Arrived in an American air craft from Miami.

Horatio: Good work. Any word on where he's heading?

Lori: The neighboring cities might have some more information but it's doubtful we'll get much. People around here keep quiet about child trafficking. They're either too scared to come forward or are utilizing the 'service' this guy is providing-=law enforcement included so there's only so many people we can trust.

Horatio: Where should we start?

Lori: *blinks* I know a place.

Nearby city

Horatio: *looks around*

Lori: *takes off shades*

Horatio: You lived here.

Lori: I existed here.

Horatio: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *looks down at paper* You might want to hide your badge a little better or we'll be dead before we get anywhere.

Horatio: Noted.

Gavin: *walks over* It's sad, the amount of homeless kids around here.

Horatio: You find anything out?

Gavin: I'm afraid I don't speak the language so no, I didn't get far.

Car backfires

Lori: *grabs Gavin's hand*

Gavin: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *clears throat*

Horatio: Let's stay together.

Geni, awesome update! Cool case for Calleigh and Ryan...And cue the dastardly music here..Speed works for Stetle *shivers* creeps me out every time I think about it. Wonder what RT Anni thinks about it?

And Lori and Gavin... Sounds like trouble boiling over. Again. Lori just needs to kick ass then go home and cook dinner, cause that's just how bad ass she is...I mean what, four languages, and she can fight?

Awesome as ever!
^ I also added another chapter in case you missed it. :p I'm weird like that, lol.

Thanks for the review!


Small hotel, Colombia

Lori: *sits on bed*

Gavin: *walks in* Horatio's asking the locals who speak English some questions. I'm sure based on what you told me, the kids around here speak English.

Lori: *opens laptop*

Gavin: You know, the atmosphere around here isn't that different from Miami. I guess it's one of the reasons these guys like to travel from there to here on a regular basis.

Lori: *typing*

Gavin: Wow, is it cold in here or is it just me?

Lori: I'm listening.

Gavin: You seem tense.

Lori: I'm working.

Gavin: *sits on bed* You know, you're beautiful when you work.

Lori: Don't you have any better pickup lines?

Gavin: It was supposed to be a small joke.

Lori: I'm not here to joke around.

Gavin: Clearly you're here to 'work'.

Lori: I've been after these guys for a long time.

Gavin: I know, I read the files on you.

Lori: I'd appreciate it if you'd stop reading all the files on me.

Gavin: *nods* Alright.

Lori: And what gives you the right to spy on me anyway?

Gavin: Excuse me?

Lori: In the Glades when I was making a deal with those guys. Do you follow me everywhere?

Gavin: I was just making sure you weren't doing anything stupid.

Lori: *laughs* Oh that must be the joke because it's hilarious. What part of 'get lost' did you not understand?

Gavin: You never told me to get lost.

Lori: Look, I didn't want you involved in the first place and I don't want you involved right now.

Gavin: Why.

Lori: *stands* Because I don't need some man thinking he has to protect me against everything.

Gavin: *stands* Yes because clearly you've shown through the drug addiction and a smart mouth during a kidnapping which almost got you shot in the head that you can take care of yourself perfectly fine.

Lori: Hey you were the one that dragged me into that mess.

Gavin: I should have picked someone with less of a vindictive personality.

Lori: Why so you could control her? Like you 'controlled' those other victims in those pictures? You're really the poster boy of great decisions, aren't you.

Gavin: *glaring*

Lori: *glaring*

Gavin: You know, you can be a real bitch.

Lori: *crosses arms*

Gavin: No wonder your relationships never last. No one can stand you for more than ten minutes. And I guess your excuse is the great Colombian corruption you faced as a child. Lori is such a victim.

Lori: *takes out gun, points it at Gavin*

Gavin: *stares at Lori*

Lori: We are finished this conversation.

Gavin: ...

Lori: *leaves, slams door*

Gavin: *sigh*


I'll have more in the morning!
Amazing updates, Geni! A lot has happened between gavin and Lori and it wouldn't that easy for her to get rid of him. I'm glad they're once again working together on this, and am interested to see how it goes, as ;png as they're together at the end of it. :) Especially with Horatio with them.

Oh boy the scene in Ryan's apartment had me in stitches. :lol: Hilarious, Geni. Heather fainting? Ryan in a tutu? I love RT. :D

Awesome job!

Edit: I read that last update ^^ up there. Noo! And I loved Lori/Gavin so much. Lori needs to face the fact that she can't do everything alone and that Gavin loves her and just wants to be there for her and help her. and Gavin needs to...um...keep doing what he's doing. And they need to get married already.

Love it, Geni, but I want to hear more!!
Gah! Lori!.... Ugh, can she like realize she doesn't have to be wonderwoman, saving the world one broken nose at a time? Can she see that Gavin loves her...HER! Can she detach that big ass stick in her kiester to realize that her life could be better than what it is? Can she stop being so blind???? I like how Gavin stood up to her though, he rocks!

This was awesome! Great work Geni!
Lori... Lori... Lori... When will she learn that Gavin loves her, and because of that doesn't want to lose her, and doesn't want her to fight this war of hers alone? *sigh*

*glares at a hot stubbly Ryan* I'm being forced to look through Gater Gunk? Thanks, Ryan. Love you too.

Good job on the new case, Geni. Very, I don't know... Season Premiere worthy? Yeah.. I think so... ;)
Season premier worthy? Well, I'd love to write a pemier. :devil: But alas, it'll never happen.

*oggles stubbly Ryan* The newbie's gotta do it. I mean, he DID have to jump out of a cake for you. ;)

Thanks for the reviews everyone!



Heather: *spraying gator parts*

Calleigh: *walks in* Hi.

Heather: Hey. *drops pieces*

Calleigh: *smiles* Find anything probative?

Heather: Unless by probative you mean fish and small birds, then yeah.

Calleigh: There's always something to find.

Heather: *leans in closer to parts*

Calleigh: Something good?

Heather: Looks like some kind of bracelet or anklet.

Calleigh: It's gold. Could be expensive.

Heather: *washes off bracelet* And engraved with our victim's name. J. D.

Calleigh: It's a start. I'll get Ryan to check with local jewelers.

Heather: What about me?

Calleigh: You get to accompany me to ballistics.

Heather: A new lesson?

Calleigh: Who better to brief you?

Heather: *smiles* Thanks.


Anni: *lifts head from microscope*

Calleigh: Have anything for me?

Anni: Your bullet is a 9 millimeter, no unusual characteristics.

Calleigh: You match it against anything in the system?

Anni: Nope.

Heather: Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

Calleigh: It means this gun hasn't been involved in a crime so our killer is either new at it or buys a new gun for every crime.

Heather: Making it harder for us to catch him.

Calleigh: Mhm.

Beeper goes off

Calleigh: *grabs beeper* Looks like Ryan got that Trace back from the bullet.

Trace Lab

Calleigh: *walks in*

Ryan: Hey. *hands over paper* This was burned into the bullet.

Calleigh: *looks at paper* Motor oil.

Ryan: Synthetic motor oil. The difference is in the chemical compounds.

Calleigh: Why would motor oil be on the bullet?

Ryan: My guess is whoever loaded the magazine works in the stuff.

Calleigh: That certainly narrows things down.

Ryan: Yeah. *takes off lab coat* I'm off to the local jewelers, you coming along?

Calleigh: I think I'll check out some leads.

Ryan: Sure. *leaves*

Colombia, 10pm

Lori: *peers from behind wall*


Kid: *runs*

Kid2: *hands over papers*

Gomez: How many customers tonight?

Kid2: Five.

Gomez: Double that.

Kid2: *lifts brow*

Gomez: You want to eat this week? Go!

Kid2: *runs*

Lori: *grips gun*

Gomez: *walks into abandoned building*

Lori: *follows*

Upper floor, stairs

Gomez: *opens door*

Lori: *walks up stairs slowly*

Gomez: *steps forward*

Lori: *points gun to Gomez' head*

Gomez: *stops*

Lori: Place your weapon on the floor.

Gomez: *laughs* I don't have a weapon.

Lori: Do it or I blow your head from your neck.

Gomez: If you wanted me dead, you would have already pulled the trigger.

Lori: There's still time.

Gomez: *throws gun to floor*

Lori: Turn around slowly.

Gomez: *turns around*

Lori: *pointing gun at Gomez*

Gomez: *smiles* I see I have nothing to worry about.

Lori: Why's that?

Gomez: You were one of my best girls. Lori.

Lori: *stares at Gomez*

Gomez: I didn't expect you to remember. You've turned into a beautiful young woman.

Lori: Haven't made your fortune yet?

Gomez: *laughs* So you do remember! Ah, no but I figure in the next couple of days, I'll have what I need. So what brings you back? You miss the good old days?

Lori: Hardly.

Gomez: You a cop?

Lori: You taught me never to trust cops.

Gomez: Good to see you're still on my side. Why don't you go ahead and drop the gun and we'll talk.

Lori: How many kids you got back there? Twenty? Thirty?

Gomez: Thirty-one if you'd like to re-kindle your talents. Those hips don't lie. *laughs*

Lori: *smirks* I'm not your type.

Gomez: Shame. *pulls out gun*

Horatio: *walks up, points gun to Gomez' head*

Gomez: *stares at Lori*

Horatio: Drop the gun partner.

Gomez: *drops gun*

Gavin: *walks over, lifts gun*

Gomez: Should have known.

Lori: *grabs Gomez' arm, cuffs him to railing*

Gomez: *looks down*

Lori: Why don't you chill out for a while.

Horatio: *lowers gun*

Gavin: *holsters gun*

Gomez: This is all these kids know. If you take them, their families will die of hunger and disease. Who do you think supports them?

Horatio: *opens door*

Thirty or so kids seen in room, huddled together

Horatio: *walks in slowly*

Kids back up

Horatio: *holsters gun* Okay. I want you all to listen to me very carefully. I want you all to stand up and come this way.

Kid: *creeps forward* Policia?

Horatio: *smirks* That's right.

Kid: *stares at Horatio*

Horatio: No one's gonna hurt you anymore, you understand?

Kid: *nods*

Horatio: *extends hand*

Kid: *grabs hand*

Outside, two hours later--Police cars surround area, kids taken away in police vans

Horatio: *looking down at cellphone*

Gomez: *handcuffed* You realize these kids will be back on the streets by morning!

Horatio: Actually you're wrong, these kids will be on their way to Interpol by morning.

Gomez: What?

Horatio: We have an estimated number of American, French, Spanish and Canadian girls all of which were reported missing. You've got some operation running.

Gomez: You'll never find all of them.

Police officer shuts car door

Horatio: *walks few feet*

Lori: *kneeling*

Horatio: Find something?

Lori: I found multiple treads, all belonging to the same vehicle.

Horatio: Our friend's partner.

Lori: He's still MIA.

Horatio: I'm thinking he has the rest of the children.

Lori: The guy's smart. Take them to different locations, it's harder to find them all.

Gavin: *walks over* You guys should come up and see this.

Inside building, upstairs, small room

Horatio: *kneels, lifts sheet*

Lori: *looks down*

Gavin: One of the girls. She looks about eight or nine years old.

Horatio: So not only are these girls being exploited, but murdered as well.

Gavin: I guess this girl didn't want to cooperate.

Lori: I refused to cooperate once, almost lost an eye. She's obviously a repeat offender.

Gavin: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Excuse me. *leaves*

Horatio: Let's get a hold of the Embassy and print out the paperwork on these girls.

Gavin: I'll get on it. *leaves*


Lori: *gets into SUV*

Gavin: *gets into SUV*

Lori: *looks over*

Gavin: Spill it.

Lori: *rolls eyes* Please. *starts engine*

Gavin: Why didn't you tell us you knew him?

Lori: Wasn't important.

Gavin: *holds onto dashboard* You mind slowin' down?

Lori: *stares at road*

Gavin: Look, I'm just...Concerned about you. If you need any help-

Lori: *slams on breaks*

Gavin: *clutches dashboard*

Lori: You want to help?

Gavin: Yes, I do want to help.

Lori: Then get out of the truck.

Gavin: Who the hell stuck a rod up your ass? You chose to come here! Yes, you're bound to see the most grotesque things that people can do to each other, that's life. If you can't deal with it then you shouldn't be here at all. If you want to kick some ass, then go ahead but at least remember that what's going on here isn't about you, it's about those kids.

Lori: *glaring*

Gavin: Hell, take a few swings at me if you want!

Lori: ...

Gavin: *stares at Lori*

Lori: I guess I haven't really gotten over this, have I?

Gavin: It doesn't seem like it.

Lori: I'm tired of dreaming about this place...And being angry. Wishing I could have done something more than sit behind a desk.

Gavin: It's not your fault people do this. And it's not your fault you were dragged into it. Something is being done no matter how insignificant it seems.

Lori: *angry sigh*

Gavin: I can't understand what you're going through but I understand why. We all have our demons.

Lori: Mine just happens to be an entire country.

Gavin: *smirks* Yeah.

Lori: I'm sorry I've been such an ass to you lately. I just didn't want to involve you.

Gavin: Like it or not, I'm involved. Wherever you go, I go. Besides, you leave such a huge damage path wherever you travel so it's easy to find you.

Lori: *laughs*

Don't forget to mention wear a tutu while reading a poem. :D

*sings* Here comes Calleigh to save my day! Woot!

This is getting intresting.. at least Lori has Horatio to help out and be on her side. A little tidbit of advice, if Horatio's on your side, the others better run and hide. ;)

I'm hyper.. Whee. (Great update)
Whoa after watching SuperNatural i've missed a lot of RT.

A lot of actually serious RT of busting down criminals. Even though love it, i just got used to me pushing Ryan around. :lol: And WHEN can i make a move on Horatio?? ;)

And it's all about Lori! Holy crap women you got a lot of issues here. Not just in these updates but throughout the whole damn series. You're effed up girl. *shakes head*

Lori: *smirks* I'm not your type.

Gomez: Shame. *pulls out gun*

Horatio: *walks up, points gun to Gomez' head*

Gomez: *stares at Lori*

Horatio: Drop the gun partner.

Gomez: *drops gun*
*smiles* I like that. ;) :D

All those kids! :( And some of them are Canadian? I understand American and Spanish and French, but not Canadian. Since when are we a run down country like that? ....well. Not as much as America and France and Spain that is.

Thanks for the updates Gen! I'll get back to SuperNatural. *salutes*
Ah, at least they're back to the lightheartedness. I missed their closeness, because they really are made for each other, and Lori has to be a little less tough and let Gavin help her. I'm glad she is.

Lora!! We Americans aren't half as bad as you imagine. In fact, I like to think we're quite awesome/incredible/freaking amazing people. :D

Great update, Gen!
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