CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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Oh, and we have sweet and crazy lori again.
Lora, you are in SO much trouble when Horatio finds out what you did. Sheesh.
I loved it Geni, every single word!

I'm also enjoying the supernatural quotes in your signature. ^_^
Rawr. Supernatural is the shizniz. :D

Thanks for the review!


Miami, next day

Layout room

Calleigh: *sighs*

Delko: *walks in* Hey, what time did you get in?

Calleigh: I never left.

Delko: Got anywhere with the case?

Calleigh: I have been over the evidence a hundred times. There is nothing that ties it with our victim. And now that the car has been soaked, the gun isn't admissible and the confession we have is allegedly coerced...We've got nothin'.

Delko: I'm sure some new evidence will turn up.

Calleigh: *shakes head* If IAB hadn't gotten in this...

Delko: You know how IAB is.

Calleigh: *crosses arms* I expected this from Stetler, but not from Tim.

Delko: He's just doing his job.

Calleigh: *sigh*

Delko: *places hand on Calleigh's shoulder* You did a good job while H was gone. It's not your fault the case went south.

Calleigh: I know.

Delko: Hey, after work what do you say...You and I go out for a beer.

Calleigh: *laughs* You're askin' me on a date?

Delko: As friends.

Calleigh: *smiling* Alright. I'd like that.

Delko: Great.


Ryan: Haven't seen you in a few days.

Tripp: That's what happens when IAB puts the screws to you.

Ryan: You back at work?

Tripp: For now. IAB doesn't have enough evidence to relieve me.

Ryan: I'm sorry man.

Tripp: I don't need an apology from you. If you'd been doin' your job like you were supposed to, you would have put this guy in prison.

Ryan: Hey, whoa, how is this our fault? You found the guy.

Tripp: And he confessed!

Ryan: Yeah well he said you coerced him.

Tripp: I don't need to coerce people to get a confession out of 'em.

Ryan: Apparently IAB thought otherwise.

Tripp: You want to tell me how to do my job?

Ryan: No I don't want your job.

Tripp: That's probably because you couldn't do it. All you science people think you're cops.

Ryan: *places hands on hips* I am a cop.

Tripp: A patrol cop isn't the same thing.

Ryan: *frowns* And sitting at a desk putting on the pounds makes you any more of a cop than I am?

Everyone looks over

Tripp: Get the hell out of my face.

Ryan: Or what? You'll coerce me into leaving?

Tripp: *grabs Ryan*

Ryan: Get off of me!

Speed: *walks over* HEY!

Tripp: *looks at Speed*

Ryan: *looks at Speed*

Speed: What in the hell do you think you're doing?

Tripp: *lets go*

Speed: *looks at Ryan*

Ryan: *clears throat* It's just a small personal problem.

Speed: Solve it.

Tripp: And who exactly put you in charge, mister big shot?

Speed: You might want to find the thing that crawled up your ass and died and get rid of it real fast.

Tripp: You know what? Suspend me. I'm tired of taking this crap from you people.

Speed: Go home.

Tripp: *steps forward*

Speed: *blocks Tripp* And if you touch any one of them again...You won't make it out of here on your own two feet.

Tripp: *pushes past, leaves*

Speed: *turns around*

Ryan: ...Thanks.

Speed: Get lost.

Ryan: *leaves*

Yelina: *walks over* You sure you didn't take Horatio's job and not Stetler's?

Speed: *smirks*

Yelina: Speaking of, I heared Horatio just got back from Colombia.

Speed: Colombia?

Yelina: Mhm.

Speed: *sigh* Come on.

Yelina: Any idea why he would go down there?

Speed: You know what? I don't even want to know.

Yelina: *smiles* I'm sure Rick can deal with it. Although I think Lori went with him.

Speed: *frowns* Great, now I'm sure nothing they did there was legal.

Yelina: Lori definitely has the heart of a strong Colombian woman.

Speed: That doesn't help.

Yelina: *laughs*


Question: Any suggestions for the RT? I haven't asked this in a while, but I thought I'd throw it out there since without you guys, there's no story. :lol:

And how about locations for a trip? So far they've been to:

-United States

So any ideas would be great. Even random places like a museum or McDonalds PlayPlace. :D PMs or posting here would be greatly appreciated.


CSI Garage

Lora: *scrubbing Hummerhome* ...Hey how come you aren't helping?

Heather: *reads newspaper* I didn't destroy evidence.

Lora: I can't believe IAB thought up this for a punishment.

Heather: Be glad Speed didn't tell Horatio about your little evidence mishap.

Lora: It's not like he would hurt me....Would he?

Heather: You missed a spot.

Lora: *frowns*

Colton: *wheels out from under Hummerhome* Okay so why am I helping again?

Lora: I'm paying you in Cheez-its.

Katie: *leans over roof* And why am I helping?

Lora: I'm paying you in mustard.

Missy: Question. What am I doing here?

Lora: You fell through the roof trying to spy on us.

JC: *slaps Missy* I told you not to put your fat boobs on the roof.

Missy: *slaps JC* My boobs aren't fat.

JC: *slaps Missy* Are so.

Missy: *slaps JC* Says you.

JC: *slaps Missy* You would!

Missy: *slaps JC* Take that!

JC: OW! Not the face.

Missy: Oh my bad, are you okay?

Anni: *runs out of Hummerhome* You will NOT believe what I just found in the bathroom.

Katie: Oh Anni we don't need to see it.

Anni: No no no. *pulls out Teddy*

Katie: *GASP* Nooooo.

Colton: I think I just crapped my pants.

Missy: *steps backward*

Colton: Very funny.

Heather: What's so bad about a teddy bear?

Anni: *wide-eyed* This is THE teddy bear.

Katie: Yeah. How have you NOT heard of it?

Lora: Because we don't live in the land of the muppets.

Anni: This is Eric Delko's one and only prized posession. This is the epitome of everything lucrative in his life. This is the Big Bang to his effervescent collection of stuffed friends.

Katie: Effervescent?

Anni: This came before WUBBA.

Everyone: *GASP*

Anni: I know.

Heather: It looks new.

Anni: Okay, well it's not Sniffles because we burned him in front of Wal-Mart because he fell into the septic tank and started rotting but IT'S STILL CLOSE!

Colton: Hey does it have a tag with a name?

Anni: *reads tag* Bibbles.

Colton: *lifts brow*

Anni: He named it Bibbles.

Heather: I'm confused.

Anni: This is like our MASCOT.

Heather: I thought the Hummerhome was your mascot.

Anni: Hm. *thinks*

Katie: I thought mustard was our mascot.

Colton: I thought Horatio was our mascot.

Lora: Alright everyone shut up about the damn mascot. I say we ditch the teddy.

Katie: Noooo noooo. See this is a sacred teddy. This is like GOD.

Lora: God's fluffy and smells slightly like ginger?

Katie: I guess.

Anni: Wouldn't that make this teddy Horatio's dad?

Katie: *gasp*

Anni: Just sayin'.

Colton: Why's there a button on the outside of the Hummerhome?

Lora: Press it and see what happens.

Heather: Uh, I don't think that's a very good idea.

JC: Yes it is. *pushes button*

Hummerhome explodes into a puff of smoke

Everyone: ...

Colton: *opens eyes* HEY! IT'S THE BAT MOBILE!

Katie: Whoa, it's like some kind of shielding. Now THIS is the 21st century my good people.

Anni: Does it float?

Colton: Only one way to find out. Lora?

Lora: Shut up. I don't have a hose.

Colton: So does this mean the entire inside has been transformed?

Everyone walks inside

Katie: Whoa it's like...Like...It's still homey.

Anni: So what would have happened while we were in here?

Colton: I think it would have hurt.

Anni: ...And why is the button on the outside if we're all supposed to be inside when this transforms? I don't get it.

Colton: I think Eric designed this.

Anni: Yeah well he needs to learn to build something other than stairs.

Katie: *flicks stairs*

Stairs crumble

Anni: ...I spoke too soon.


Anni: NO IT'S MINE! *lunges for couch*

Katie: Back off!


Katie: *kicks Anni* I got here first!

Anni: *shoves Katie to floor* I'm a new mother.

Katie: No you're not.

Anni: I thought it would work.

Katie: *slaps Anni* Get off my couch!

Anni: NO!

Katie: *pulls Anni's hair* GET OFF!


Katie: EW!

Katie/Anni slapping each other

Colton: Should I let the lab know?

Heather: Let the lab know what?

Colton: Cat fight.

Heather: *rolls eyes* Oh please.

Law Firm, Miami

Lori: *sits behind desk*

Boss: We haven't met. *extends hand* John Lawless.

Lori: *lifts brow*

John: Yeah, I get strange looks. Although sometimes I think it's because I have Xena's last name.

Lori: Um, sir?

John: Yeah.

Lori: Can you let go of my hand now?

John: OH! Ha, sorry. Okay well I'll let you get back to work.

Lori: Thanks.

John: *leaves*

Gavin: *walks in* He seems a little spastic.

Lori: Mhm. *writing*

Gavin: You busy?

Lori: I'm at work.

Gavin: *lifts brows* Nice skirt.

Lori: *lifts head*

Gavin: *stares blankly*

Lori: ...

Gavin: *scratches head* I actually pictured something more mature coming out of my mouth.

Lori: Like what? Nice legs?

Gavin: Sorry.

Lori: *turns page*

Gavin: ...

Lori: *takes out ponytail*

Gavin: What are you doing?

Lori: Casual Friday.

Gavin: *clears throat* D-Didn't notice.

Lori: Did you take a pill on the way here or something?

Gavin: *wide-eyed* What?

Lori: You're acting like such a...Man.

Gavin: As opposed to the un-manly way I normally act?

Lori: You really want me to answer that?

Gavin: No. I just...Think you look great today.

Lori: You want something?

Gavin: No, I was giving you a compliment.

Lori: 'Nice skirt' isn't a compliment.

Gavin: ...

Lori: *leans back in chair, smiles*

Gavin: *frowns* What?

Lori: Pain killers?

Gavin: ...Some.

Lori: *laughs* A knife to the gut'll do that. Must be some kickass stuff you're on.

Gavin: You think I'm high?

Lori: *covers mouth*

Gavin: This isn't funny.

Lori: I'm s-*starts laughing*

Gavin: *crosses arms*

Lori: *wipes eyes*

Gavin: *sigh*

Lori: I'm sorry. *clears throat* I've just never seen you so...Un-like yourself. *stands, walks over* It's kind of cute.

Gavin: *stares at Lori*

Lori: *smiling* I am SO going to make fun of you for the rest of your life. But it's a nice change, you need to loosen up a bit more. *shrugs* Although I've been told I need to loosen up too but this isn't really about me. It's about you and your cute little acid trip.

Gavin: *kisses Lori*

Lori: *is pushed backward into desk*

Door slams across hall

Lori: *steps around, toward window*

Gavin: *turns around*

Lori: ...What in the hell are you doing?

Gavin: *looks down at floor* I'm sorry.

Lori: Okay, starting to be less cute. Honest mistake...Just don't do it again.

Gavin: *lifts eyes*

Lori: ...Maybe you should go.

Gavin: *glaring*

Lori: ...You're starting to creep me out.

Gavin: *walks over*

Lori: *stares at Gavin*

Gavin: It's funny what you can learn about yourself when your inhabitions aren't caged.

Lori: ...

Gavin: *smirks*

Lori: ...

Gavin: *leaves, slams door*

Lori: *flinches*

John: *walks in* Hey, I forgot to tell you which headers go on the first report.

Lori: *staring blankly*

John: Lori?

Lori: *blinks* What?

John: The headers for the report.

Lori: Oh. Um...*shakes head* Yeah, yeah I'll change them. No problem.

John: You okay?

Lori: *nods* Yeah. Yeah I-I'm good. *wipes eye*

John: Your hands are shaking, are you sure?

Lori: *half smiles* Yeah.

John: Alright then. I need the report by tomorrow. *leaves*

Lori: *grabs cellphone*

Atrium, Miami Lab

Lori: *staring out window*

Speed: *walks over* You called?

Lori: I know um, you're tired of seeing me pop up in your cases but...You're the only one I trust and I really need a cop.

Speed: What happened?

Lori: *hands over box*

Speed: *looks down, opens box* ...*looks up* Where'd you get this?

Lori: I can't say.

Speed: Alright, what can you tell me?

Lori: Those women were murdered over the past two years. So I've heard.

Speed: You think some of these are recent?

Lori: I'm not the detective.

Speed: Neither am I. I'm going to have to pass this on to Calleigh.

Lori: No. No, you know these guys. How they think.

Speed: No, I don't know how these guys think.

Lori: ...Please promise me you'll check in on it.

Speed: Of course. Hey.

Lori: *looks at Speed*

Speed: It's okay.

Lori: ...

Speed: I'll give this to Calleigh and Eric. And I promise I'll check in on it, okay?

Lori: *nods*

Speed: *leaves*

Lora, you and Heather will have a workoff! *raises fist* Let's see who can solve this case faster.
*takes out wallet* You accept bribes right?

Ok, Gavin wore a vest. Get on with it. :lol:

Rawr. Supernatural is the shizniz. :D
Yeah, it's the fa shizzle. *silence* My nizzle.

Speed: Solve it.

Tripp: And who exactly put you in charge, mister big shot?

Speed: You might want to find the thing that crawled up your ass and died and get rid of it real fast.

Tripp: You know what? Suspend me. I'm tired of taking this crap from you people.

Speed: Go home.

Tripp: *steps forward*

Speed: *blocks Tripp* And if you touch any one of them again...You won't make it out of here on your own two feet.

Tripp: *pushes past, leaves*

Speed: *turns around*

Ryan: ...Thanks.

Speed: Get lost.
*mimicks Padme from Star Wars 3*

Speed....you're breaking my heart!

Seriously, whats up his ass? Stetler? (hopefully) Geni, can we please get Speed back? It's weirding me out. Maybe he's being POSSESSED by a DEMON called Stetler. Isn't that something SUPERNATURAL? Who you gonna call?

*everyone* Ghosbusters!!


So any ideas would be great. Even random places like a museum or McDonalds PlayPlace. PMs or posting here would be greatly appreciated.
Ooo Russia!! This is when the team can find out i speak russian and i somehow save us my talking our way out the clutches of the Russian Mafia or something. Or they figured out I had some relitives in the mafia. *cough* If you ever needed convo in Russian, you could PM me. Huh? Huh? Ok, das vi danya.

Heather: What's so bad about a teddy bear?

Anni: *wide-eyed* This is THE teddy bear.

Katie: Yeah. How have you NOT heard of it?

Lora: Because we don't live in the land of the muppets.

Anni: This is Eric Delko's one and only prized posession. This is the epitome of everything lucrative in his life. This is the Big Bang to his effervescent collection of stuffed friends.

Katie: Effervescent?

Anni: This came before WUBBA.

Everyone: *GASP*
:lol: !! i remember reading that update!

Katie: Noooo noooo. See this is a sacred teddy. This is like GOD.

Lora: God's fluffy and smells slightly like ginger?

Katie: I guess.

Anni: Wouldn't that make this teddy Horatio's dad?
I was just thinking that!!

Ah thanks for these updates Geni! It's a nice thing to read on a relaxing casual Sunday afternoon. ;) Keep up the great work Gen!
Hmmm. I'm still trying to figure out why they have a double decker but never went to London.

Wubba! Teddy Bear! Eric is a dorkulah.

Haha. speaking of which, I was at target, and I was looking at the hallween cards, and I spot one out of the corner of my eye that I just HAD to buy. It said


(drawing of Horatio Caine with hands on hips and his classic sunnies on, Alexx Woods, and a dead body with teeth marks)

Horatio Caine: "Clear case of fangs to the neck."
Alexx: "This really bites."
(The inside says hope your halloween doesn't bite.)


Oh, lets go to Transylvania!

I loved the interaction of the group in the garage. :lol:

Great Update!
Haven't we already been to Italy? Well, they have Mafia too right? The Russian one could connect to that one too Gen...

Haha Transylvania! I can totally see it! Well, mostly Eric screaming and Vampires and Wubbas...
Awesome updates, Geni!

First off, I have to say,...I love that the gang is somewhat coming back together ( the scene in the garage is living proof) and when Katie and Anni were slapping each other, I couldn't help but think of Night at the Museum, where the monkey and Ben Stiller kept slapping each other. That was classic, as was the garage scene. The elusive Teddy bearr was found, and the memories of the now departed Sniffles was hilarious. I still snort at that moment. Classic comedy!

And lori and Gavin... um.. can we say rollercoaster? One moment, Lori's all tough and kickass, and the next, she's putty in his hands, then turn right around from that, she's apprehensive. I wonder what the heck is going on with those two. It's intriguing.

And SPEED! I loved how he stepped to Tripp! That was very Horatioesque of him. All that was missing was the sunglasses. I still miss the old Speed though. Any chance of him catching a ride on this trip? It will loosen up him some! :lol:

About the trip..hmmm... why dont they go on a field trip to a put- put. I don't know, that seemed random enough, and I hate going put put , so having RT Anni wreak her havoc on it will be blissful! Just a thought!

Awesome updates, Geni!
My gosh you guys have fantastic--and might I say intriguing ideas. Especially with all of this Transylvannia talk. :lol:

Italy seems like a good idea, although seeing Anni at miniature golf would be a riot!

You know what I like about Gavin? He has this mysterious dark side about him. *random author's thoughts* We all know his back history with these woman kidnappings, but how much do we know about his involvement in them? And how hard was he trying to detract that aspect of himself--Clearly the fact that he's more 'loosened up' with these pain meds has pushed him into a darker place.

To respond to Anni's thoughts on the Lori/Gavin relationship: Maybe the fact that Lori finally trusts someone, it's has made her a bit slower and more cautious to respond. Normally she probably would have kicked his tushie, lol. Plus the guy did manage to overpower her and kidnap her so she knows she wouldn't win if he were ever to well...You get the idea, lol.

Anyway, that's just my opinion. :lol: I figure it's time for me to review my own chapters, lol.

As for Speed, he'll most definitely join the team in the Hummerhome. As will Eric, Horatio, Ryan, etc.


Gavin's house, 7pm

Lori: *knocks on open door* Gavin! ....*turns on lights* Gavin?

Gavin: *sitting on couch, drinking beer*

Lori: *walks over* I've been lookin' for you. Then again if I'd tried your place the first time around, it wouldn't have taken me this long.

Gavin: ...Do you think I'm stupid?

Lori: I don't know what you mean.

Gavin: The box in my closet is gone.

Lori: ...Yes, it is.

Gavin: *stands, turns around* Boy you really trust me, huh.

Lori: I didn't trust whatever the hell was in my office today.

Gavin: So giving that box to the cops is going to do what exactly?

Lori: I was freaked out! I didn't know what else you were hiding.

Gavin: *throws bottle into wall* I killed them! Is that what you wanted to know!

Lori: I want to know why.

Gavin: The simple answer is because I was told to.

Lori: *sigh* Great. Y'know, I don't even know why you bothered listening to those guys.

Gavin: *looks down at floor*

Lori: They affected you, seriously. To go from a cop to a killer just doesn't make sense.

Gavin: *rubs eyes*

Lori: What else are you hiding.

Gavin: *sits on couch*

Lori: *sits*

Gavin: ...They took her.

Lori: Took who?

Gavin: I had a daughter.

Lori: *stares at Gavin*

Gavin: She was two...

Lori: *shakes head* I'm sorry.

Gavin: They made me kill those women and said I would get her back when they were finished with me. They said a cop wouldn't get caught....A couple of weeks turned into a couple of years.

Lori: You never got her back.

Gavin: ...You were my last victim. I couldn't do it anymore.

Lori: What happened to her?

Gavin: I don't know.

Lori: How come you didn't mention this before?

Gavin: Because I'm tired of being angry.

Lori: ...How did you even get a kid?

Gavin: I was 22 and made a stupid mistake. Would you like me to continue further?

Lori: No way, that's all the information I needed.

Gavin: She was essentially dropped on my doorstep.

Lori: Must have been quite a surprise.

Gavin: *sigh*

Lori: Look, these guys got away so there's a possibiliy they still have her.

Gavin: No. I didn't kill you which means I didn't keep up my end of the bargain. She's not alive.

Lori: Man you SO lied the first time I asked you about the whole gang thing in that holding cell.

Gavin: I didn't lie, I left her out of it. Would you focus?

Lori: I'm sorry but this whole thing was like a blow to the head. Man those guys must have made you really twisted.

Gavin: *frowns*

Lori: Well you attacked me in my office!

Gavin: I'm sorry.

Lori: No problem. Just let me in on it next time. *stands* Let's go.

Gavin: Uh, where?

Lori: We're going to get your mini child thing back.

Gavin: I already told you she's probably dead.

Lori: *grabs pen* What's her name?

Gavin: Jessie Mae.

Lori: *GASP* OH that's so cute.

Gavin: *lifts brow*

Lori: It's...Southern...*clears throat* Okay. *scribbles* Her age?

Gavin: You can't do math?

Lori: So four-ish. Description.

Gavin: Strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles.

Lori: OH ma gosh that's so cute.

Gavin: *rolls eyes*

Lori: *scribbling* You have a picture?

Gavin: Why?

Lori: Well...I can get someone at the lab to do a facial age-ing...Thing. I'm not sure exactly what it's called but we can determine what she would look like now.

Gavin: *grabs wallet*

Lori: Believe me, it's a lot easier picturing her as a four year old when we have something to compare it-

Gavin: *hands over picture*

Lori: -To...Oh what a darling.

Gavin: I thought you hated kids.

Lori: I do. Okay so I'll see what I can do.

Wow, I've missed a lot a again. But I'm loving it all, especially whatever Lori's been getting into recently. I just hope everything's okay with her and Gavin.

I also love how the gang's been getting back on some of the cases (at least the normal team) And how the doofuses are... still being doofuses. Great job, Gen!

How's about the gang head to the holy land! Israel, I say. :D Or somewhere in the middle east.

EDIT: Wow! And now Gavin has a missing child! Geni, you really know how to drop the surprise bombs. I'm actually guessing this will bring Gavin and Lori closer together because he's being more open with her and revealing more of his past and she's helping him. I'm anxious to see this play out.

Amazing job, Geni! :D
Hey, I know I said I'd be on, and I apologise profusely for not being here, but the last week or so has been completely hectic, with exam prep and formal/prom/whatever you call it prep and stuff, but I have some good news. I NEVER HAVE TO GO TO HIGH SCHOOL EVER AGAIN!...except when exams are on. I graduated a few days ago. WHEEEEE! Although, I still find it odd that Geni is younger than me (yes, 4 days, I know :lol:) and yet you graduated a sucstantial amount of time before I did. Eh, I guess thats the Australian school system for ya.

Anyways, I'm halfway through the updates, and I will complete reading them this afternoon (I tried to do them all this morning, but I'm out of time...going to the library to study. Bleh. I'd rather read the RT)

anyways, I'll be back on soon, and this time I really do promise to be on. No more school, you know ;)
Geni, I will read where ever they go...I just think that minature golf holds so much potential though ;)

Lori and Gavin: They are going through some serious ups and downs, glad though that things are leveling out for them...and Gavin has a DAUGHTER! WOW! Talk about revelations.... And to make light on Gavin's persona... I think there's a bit more to Gavin that we are seeing.I agree wholeheartedly with you Geni when you say that the pain meds have allowed him more 'loose' time , letting him be more like himself. It must be tough to always have your guard up, even tougher to be the one who has to live with that person ( on both accounts, I think Lori has her work cut out for her). Definetly can't wait to see where this goes, especially now that Lori's going to get his daughter back ( I mean , c'mon, did you really think that she couldn't? She's Lori Speedle for crying out loud! :lol: )

Excellent work, Geni!
LILLY! *tackles/hugs* Oh it's good to speak to you again! Man, why haven't we talked to each other in forever? I mean we're on a freaking board. :lol: It's good to see you again. :)

As for Speed, he'll most definitely join the team in the Hummerhome. As will Eric, Horatio, Ryan, etc.
AWESOME! Now i can make a move! Or hey...maybe Horatio will. ;) :devil:

Gavin has a 2 year old daughter? Hey Lori,

*imatates drums* Ba doom boom shh.

:lol: Betcha didn't see that one coming.

Gavin: Strawberry blonde hair, blue eyes, freckles.
....are you SURE this isn't Horatio's daughter? *gasp* Oh that would be a crazy twist to the story! *pause* And now that i tihnk of it, wrong. Ok forget i said anything.

Thanks for the update Gen! *huggles*
Carly! What kind of strange and bizarre school system do you have to graduate in october? We graduate in June. at lease I DO! HAHA! Soon to join those of you who are well and truly out of high school.
I'm also starting to notice a strange amount of Supernatural quotes...Love though!
HOLY CRAP! Gavin has a daugher! That's so very very very cool...and strange and totally plot twist styled! Lori's reaction was great. good to see her go all mushy once and a while.
JC and I have fights like that all the time. mostly the first time I actually called her a Bitch...^_^ good times.
I think we should visit the haunts. All through the UK there are churchs, cemetaries and religious places that are supposedly haunted. I'm actually going in a couple years with some friends, it would be great to see the RT gang do it first. And I can picture Eric screaming like a little girl as we go through some random church. ^_^
Italy is a close second...*sinks into Random CSI NY dream* FYI, that one involves Danny...^_^
OH.. and with Halloween coming up.. the haunted places of the UK would sound awesome.... or Transylvania. :lol:

Gavin has a daughter?

Holy Wolverine! *snickers*

And Lori, who doesn't like kids, is all giddy about it. That's so adorable. I hope they find her. Strawberry Blonde Hair, blue eyes, freckles.. awww.

:D Can't wait to read more!
Carly, if you had moved to Canada like I told you to, you'd be finished exams. :p *huggles* Great to see you back here! Congrats on finishing school!

LILLY! Great to see you back here as well. :) As for the Middle East, we'll see how things go, lol. Remember what Horatio said when they headed that way in the Humercraft? "I'm a pale red-headed Irish man. I'M A TARGET!"

Oh haunted places in the UK sounds like a great idea! Especially like Heather said, with Halloween coming around. Definitely see some potential for craziness and pranks. And Wubba. ;)

Anni, I definitely think you're right. There is a lot more to Gavin than what we're seeing. Little glimpses are all we're getting for the moment.

Thanks for the fab reviews everyone!


Miami Lab, midnight

Gavin: I'm not sure breaking into the lab is the best idea.

Lori: You want to get this done the right way or the wrong way?

Gavin: Lori, I'm pretty sure this is the wrong way.

Lori: Oh stop being such a wimp. *turns on computer*

Gavin: *looks around* We could always do this in the morning.

Lori: The morning is for losers. Time is money. Money is time. Time means money. Money makes the world go round. T-

Gavin: Lori?

Lori: Yeah.

Gavin: I get it.

Lori: *typing* Okay, so I've scanned the picture and now we wait for the technology to do its thang.

Gavin: *sits*

Lori: *typing*

Gavin: *looks around* Aren't there cameras in this building?

Lori: Uh yeah but no one ever checks them.

Gavin: How do you know?

Lori: HA. Finished.

Gavin: *looks at screen*

Lori: That's what she would look like now.

Gavin: *nods*

Lori: You okay?

Gavin: ...

Lori: Helloooo. *waves hand*

Gavin: *blinks*

Lori: Are you alright?

Gavin: Let's hit it. *leaves*

Lori: Whoa, what? *runs*


Gavin: *gets into car*

Lori: *jumps into car* Uh, where are we going?

Gavin: Afraid to get a little dirty?

Lori: No, I'm all for it but you're supposed to be the sane one.

Gavin: *slams on gas pedal*

Lori: AH! *hangs onto dashboard* I knew I liked you for a reason.

Gavin: *laughs*

Lori: Okay you're either taking this very well or very badly. And where are we going?

Gavin: I know a few places. These guys move around a bit but they always have ways of communicating.

Lori: Like how?

Gavin: Radio towers.

Lori: They have radio towers?

Gavin: Each location submits a signal through the closest radio tower using a hacking system created by the dead guy in the hotel a while back. It gives out a localized ping in morse code which is sent to a specific frequency.

Lori: And you know that frequency.

Gavin: *grabs cellphone*

Lori: So you can tell where she is by finding out their locations?

Gavin: We find them first, then we get to the next step.

Lori: ...Which is...

Gavin: Finding a way through the traps.

Lori: Traps.

Gavin: Yeah.

Lori: What traps?

Gavin: Why do you think I didn't want to leave you alone in the forest?

Lori: So they're protecting their hideouts with booby traps.

Gavin: Somethin' like that.

Cellphone beeps

Gavin: Ha! Got it.

Lori: One of their locals?

Gavin: A petroleum storage facility in the Glades.

Lori: They have those?

Everglades, twenty minutes later

Gavin: *steps out of car*

Lori: Okay big scary abanonded buildings give me the heebee jeebees.

Gavin: *pulls out gun*

Lori: Uh, why can't I have a gun?

Gavin: *walks forward*

Lori: *runs over* Alrighty cowboy, stop for a second.

Gavin: *looks at Lori*

Lori: Maybe we should have called Horatio or something. Or hey, what about Calleigh? Even Eric!

Gavin: Since when do you opt for help?

Lori: I just think we need to slow down. It's probably the last time I'll ever say this, but going in there and risking our lives for someone we don't even know is alive might make things worse. Now I know before I wanted to get to the bottom of this, but I wanted to do it properly...Even if it did mean breaking into the lab. Wow I am a walking hypocrite today.

Gavin: I understand your concern but I'm not just walking in there.

Lori: *nods*

Gavin: *smiles* I have a gun.

Lori: NO! Look, can we just talk about this first? I mean, an hour ago, you were just Gavin and now you have this kid and she's been kidnapped and I totally was too ambitious about it. And look at you! You've turned into ME. You know what I liked about you? You put things into perspective. You're smart, slightly heroic and not arrogant about it.

Gavin: *sigh* You're right.

Lori: Thank you.

Gavin: But-

Lori: Why is there always a but?

Gavin: I need to do this. One look at her face and I knew I had to.

Lori: Ugh that is so adorable.

Gavin: You can stay here if you want.

Lori: No way. Who's going to save your ass when you run out of bullets?

Gavin: *laughs*

Inside petroleum storage facility

Gavin: *looks around corner*

Lori: *pulls knife out of shoe*

Gavin: *looks back* Seriously?

Lori: *shrugs*

Speaking is heard

Gavin: *ducks behind wall*

Lori: You recognize anyone's voices?

Gavin: A guy I worked with. Tito.

Lori: What the hell kind of name is Tito?

Gavin: He was the guy that came back for you after I left.

Lori: Oh numbnuts, I remember him. So this Tito guy knows where the bodies are burried.

Gavin: *lowers gun*

Lori: Oh you know what I mean.

Gavin: *looks out from wall* He's gone upstairs.

Lori: Okay I'll cover you.

Gavin: With a knife?

Lori: Hey don't knock it 'till you've tried it.


Lori: OH I hear a little kid. No way we've hit it right on the money the first time around. That only happens in terribly-written soap-opera sounding crime dramas. You know, the ones with palm trees and boobs.

Gavin: *kicks door open*

Lori: AH!

Gavin: *lifts gun*

Tito: *turns around* ...What are you doing here?

Gavin: I want her back.

Tito: *sigh* Well you're about five months too late. The boss wasted her.

Gavin: *cocks gun*

Tito: *lifts hands* Whoa whoa whoa, hey man have I ever lied to you? You and me, we was like brothers.

Lori: We were like brothers. Were.

Tito: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I'm sorry but it's not that hard to use English in the proper fashion. Just because you're a thug doesn't mean you have to sound uneducated.

Tito: Did you marry this broad?

Gavin: No.

Tito: Good.

Lori: Hey.

Tito: Look man, the kid isn't here. And besides, you know how the deal works. You do our hits and we give the kid back, simple as your phone number. You bailed on the job so the boss iced the kid.

Gavin: Then you wouldn't mind if I took a look around.

Tito: Actually I do mind. We've got some operations runnin' up here. And if the boss found out I let you in here, he'll have my head.

Gavin: You could go right now.

Tito: *laughs* You wouldn't shoot your ol' pal-


Tito: *flinches* ...Or maybe you would.

Gavin: You ruined my career, you ruined my family and you ruined my life. I have absolutely no problem puttin' one between your eyes.

Tito: So do it already.

Gavin: What I want and what's right is two very different things. No one needs to get hurt here and I'm asking you very nicely. Please return her.

Tito: And if I don't?

Gavin: You'll have a hundred cops swarming this place by breakfast. I'm sure the 'boss' would be the least of your problems.

Tito: Actually now that you mention it, I might have seen her around.

Gavin: Where.

Tito: In the next room. She's supposed to be heading to Cuba tomorrow morning. I hear they offer a pretty good price for American girls.

Lori: That's it, let me kick his ass.

Gavin: Okay, here's what goin' to happen. You're goin' to open the door and let her out. Then you're goin' to step into the room.

Tito: You'll never make it out of here.

Gavin: I guess that remains to be seen. Open it.

Tito: *grabs keys from pocket*

Lori: Can I please break one of his fingers?

Gavin: No.

Lori: Damn.

Tito: *opens door*

Gavin: *walks toward room*

Lori: Don't you even think about running.

Tito: *wide-eyed*

Gavin: *looks inside room*

Little girl sitting on makeshift bed, drinking glass of water

Gavin: *lowers gun, holsters it*

Jessie: *looks up at Gavin*

Gavin: *kneels*

Jessie: *places cup on floor, wipes mouth*

Gavin: Hi.

Jessie: *waves shyly*

Gavin: Do you know who I am?

Jessie: *nods* Daddy.

Gavin: *smiles*

Jessie: *reaches up* I wanna go home now.

Gavin: *laughs* Well then, let's get you home. *picks up Jessie*

Jessie: *hugs Gavin*

Gavin: *turns around*

Lori: Here, give me the gun.

Gavin: I thought you were going to ask for the kid.

Lori: Pfft, I'd feel more comfortable with a bomb.

Gavin: *hands over gun*

Lori: Alright Tito my man, get in the room.

Tito: I won't say nothing, I swear.

Lori: It's 'anything' and yeah you will so get in before I put a nice shoe-shaped mark on your ass.

Tito: *walks into room*

Lori: *shuts door, locks it* Let's get out of here before his high-pitched screams sound off the alarm.

Gavin: Good idea.

Alarms go off

Lori: Oh gee, perfect timing. Let's go. *runs*

Gavin: *runs*

Long hallway

Lori: *shoots gun*

Badguy: *fires weapon*


Lori: *hides behind wall* Why do they always have bigger guns?

Gavin: *cover's Jessie's head* I don't really think that's the issue.

Lori: Are you sayin' I'm a bad shot?

Gavin: Oh please, we are not having a fight right now.

Lori: No, seriously. You're saying I suck at hitting targets.

Bullets whiz by

Gavin: I didn't say that!

Lori: You were thinkin' it!

Gavin: Can we please wrap this up?

Lori: No. I want to know what's so bad about my aim.

Gavin: You really want to know?

Lori: Yeah.

Gavin: Really?

Lori: Yeah!

Gavin: You aren't shooting the weapon!

Lori: Oh. *turns around, fires gun*

Guy falls

Lori: *stands, runs*

Gavin: *stands, runs*

Outside, car

Lori: Can I keep the gun? It's really nice.

Gavin: No. *places Jessie inside car*

Lori: *gets into car*

Gavin: *turns key*

Lori: It's a nice gun.

Gavin: No.

Lori: How come you aren't excited to see your kid?

Gavin: I'll be excited later, right now I'm trying to get us out of here before there isn't a car left to drive.

Miami, Gavin's house

Jessie: *runs in*

Lori: *walks in* Whew, I didn't know cars could go that much over the speed limit without rolling.

Jessie: *flops on couch, turns on tv*

Lori: ...The kid knows what she likes.

Gavin: *rubs face*

Lori: You okay?

Gavin: Yeah, I'm fine. Just...A little...Um...

Lori: Nervous?

Gavin: How could you tell?

Lori: Look at her! She's basically a cat.

Gavin: Cat?

Lori: They take care of themselves.

Gavin: She's four.

Lori: And a half. She seems very mature about this whole thing. Now go bond.

Gavin: Uh...How?

Lori: I don't know, she's your kid.

Gavin: *scratches head*

Lori: You are NOT making me talk to her.

Gavin: She's not a monster.

Lori: So you talk to her.

Gavin: What am I supposed to say?

Lori: I don't know, find that deep-rooted fatherly...Thing you had in that room with her and go from there.

Gavin: I'm 27, I'm not much of a father.

Lori: Age makes no difference.

Gavin: I was going for the whole "I don't have much experience" thing.

Lori: Well you had her for two years.

Gavin: No. I had her for two weeks. She was already two when she was dropped on my doorstep.


Gavin: Shh.

Lori: Well you must have done something to keep her alive that long.

Gavin: Yeah a little something called daycare.

Lori: You're a horrible, horrible person.

Gavin: What was I supposed to do?

Lori: Be a father.

Gavin: There's that word again.

Lori: *sigh* She obviously remembers you, you had to have had some impact on her.

Gavin: I gave her a stuffed animal once to keep her from crying.

Lori: Good.

Gavin: I have no idea what I'm doing.

Lori: And you think I do? You're older than me!

Gavin: *places hands on hips*

Lori: Just do something.

Gavin: *walks over to couch, sits*

Lori: *runs over*

Gavin: ...So, what are you watching?

Jessie: Sesame Street.

Gavin: ...Is it good?

Jessie: *nods*

Gavin: Good. Okay, well nice talking to you.

Lori: *frowns*

Gavin: *rolls eyes*

Lori: So Jessie, those bad men who had you didn't hurt you, right?

Jessie: *shakes head* They gave me toys.

Lori: What kind of toys?

Jessie: Bears and horsies.

Lori: Are you happy to be home?

Jessie: *nods* They wouldn't lemme see Daddy. *leans head on Gavin*

Gavin: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *whispers* Oh stop panicking.

Gavin: *whispers* Shut up.


More from the RT clan in the next chapter! Don't worry, it won't focus too much on Lori/Gavin. It's just a starting point to go back to. I think for now, we can focus on the RT gang.
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