CSI:Miami - "Road Trip *puts on shades* Number Nine."

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*coughs* No comment. :p

:lol: Kidding of course. *huggles US* Me loves me some Americans.

Thanks for the reviews! *ties Lora down* You can have Horatio when I say you can have him, lol. Muaha.


Break room

Lora: Okay, there. Fries. Add 'em up.

Anni: *scribbling*

Colton: When did we get shafted to Scrabble? I want to solve a murder.

Anni: Let's solve yours.

Colton: What?

Anni: What?

Colton: Are you going to kill me?

Anni: *points to self* Me? Uh *laughs* No, I think you've mistaken me with someone else. See I was mumbling about something completely unrelated.

Lora: Eric, your turn. You gonna stare at your pieces all day?

Delko: I'm thinking.

Lora: Wow, we might be here a while.

Colton: Seriously, you're planning my murder?

Anni: NO! I just mumbled something. It's nothing you have to worry about.

Colton: I heard what you said and it wasn't a mumble.

Anni: Here, have some scrabble pieces.

Colton: *throws pieces* Take them back.

Anni: Hey, I'm in charge of the board.

Colton: No you aren't.

Anni: Yes I am.

Colton: Who made you the Queen of Scrabble?

Anni: No one. The fact that I'm the one who opened the box automatically makes me in charge of the game.

Colton: You didn't open the box, it fell open and you suggested we play it instead of cleaning up the mess YOU made.

Anni: Nonsense, I never make messes.

Colton: Yeah? How about the time you dropped porn all over my suitcase and blamed it on me?

Anni: It was your fault your room happened to be in my damage path.

Delko: There. Read 'em and weep.

Lora: ...

Anni: ...

Colton: ...

Anni: Wubba? WUBBA? Are you freaking kidding me?

Delko: No, that was your word. Over here is mine.

Anni: Oh.

Colton: Hey take those points back. Wubba isn't a word.

Delko: *smiles* Anthems. I spelled anthems.

Anni: ...

Colton: ...

Delko: I think that's...90 points for me.

Anni: *looks at paper*

Lora: Does that mean Eric's winning?

Anni: No.

Colton: No.

Lora: What?

Anni: *laughs* See? Look, he just um...Well, it's not a real word.

Delko: What?

Colton: Yeah Anni's right.

Delko: How can it not be a real word?

Anni: Uh...

Colton: Well you...Used part of the word Wubba for your word. Technically that voids your move.


Delko: ...So...My points don't count?

Anni: Afraid not.

Delko: *stares at board*

Anni: *wipes forehead*

Lora: Are you crying?

Delko: *clears throat* No.

Lora: It's just a game, dude.

Delko: A game? JUST A GAME?

Lora: Calm down.

Delko: IT'S A WORD DAMNIT! *kicks board*

Colton: Great, ruin the game for everyone else.

Anni: Way to go.

Delko: *crosses arms* I'm not playing with you guys anymore.

Layout room

Calleigh: *walks in* Hey, back already?

Ryan: Yeah it didn't take very long. Found out who the bracelet belonged to. Jennie Dayton, 25 years old. She was a trust fund baby who moved from Santa Monica to Miami three years ago.

Calleigh: Any idea why she moved here?

Ryan: She was going to marry some rich guy in the Grove.

Calleigh: You find out who the guy was?

Ryan: Yeah Barry Wilson. Apparently the happy couple had multiple arguments, witnessed by neighbors. No one's seen Barry or Jennie since.

Calleigh: Well we know where she ended up don't we.

Ryan: Mhm.

Heather: *walks in* Did you guys hear that IAB's on our ass about and illegally obtained confession?

Calleigh: *turns around* We haven't interrogated anyone.

Heather: You guys haven't but Tripp did. Found this Barry guy in a stolen Cadillac.

Ryan: What did he confess to?

Heather: Murder.

Ryan: *looks at Calleigh*

Calleigh: And he just confessed?

Heather: Yeah.

Ryan: We haven't even cleared him yet.

Calleigh: *leaves*

Heather: Does stuff like this happen all the time?

Ryan: No.

Heather: Bummer.


Calleigh: *walks over* Can I have a word?

Speed: *writing paperwork* Yeah.

Calleigh: Where's my suspect?

Speed: Cut loose.

Calleigh: Why.

Speed: He claims Tripp coerced him into confessing to a murder he didn't commit.

Calleigh: He was brought in on grand theft auto charges.

Speed: The guy's persistant.

Calleigh: On who's authority did the suspect leave?

Speed: Mine. *lifts head*

Calleigh: *frowning*

Speed: *closes file*

Calleigh: How could Tripp even have known about this case?

Speed: Wasn't he at the initial murder scene?

Calleigh: *sigh*

Speed: You find treads at that murder scene?

Calleigh: Yes.

Speed: Well there you go.

Calleigh: *looks down at table* Is that Tripp's gun and badge?

Speed: Mhm.

Calleigh: Harsh punishment.

Speed: Serious crime is how I'd put it. Unless you can prove this guy murdered your victim, Tripp's facing a judge and an investigation will commence, looking into every case he's ever laid an eye on.

Calleigh: How long do I have before you ruin a good cop's career?

Speed: Two hours.

Calleigh: I can't possibly process all the evidence in two hours.

Speed: You've got a team, right?

Calleigh: They're newbies.

Speed: They're all you've got.

Calleigh: *shakes head* I have to find the murder weapon, get a warrant for the car, run trace on the bracelet...It's too much work.

Speed: Well trace is out, it'll take more than two hours.

Calleigh: Okay. *sigh* The car's at CSI so I don't need the warrant. You realize I can't work soley to prove he did or didn't do it. I have to go with what the evidence tells me.

Speed: So do I. Contrary to what Stetler thinks, I need more than a suspect's word.

Calleigh: Thank you.

Speed: *leaves*

Calleigh: *sighs*

Colombia, Embassy, Interrogation room

Gomez: Is this truly necessary?

Gavin: *takes off overcoat*

Lori: *lifts brow*

Gavin: *rolls up sleeves*

Lori: *covers eyes*

Gavin: Howdy.

Gomez: *frowns*

Gavin: It's a nice little room isn't it? It's too bad it's the last one you're ever goin' to see with windows.

Gomez: I think I'll survive.

Gavin: I don't know, they usually kill the child rapists in prison first.

Gomez: I never laid a hand on any of those kids.

Gavin: *places hands in pockets, laughs*

Lori: *shakes head*

Gavin: That's cute, really.

Gomez: You high or something?

Gavin: I'm a pleasant guy. So. We might drop those charges if you tell us where Santeria is. You'll only go away for kidnapping, he gets busted and we all go home happy. Well, except you of course.

Gomez: Santeria's an idiot, he probably already got himself killed.

Gavin: That would really help us out.

Gomez: I bet.

Gavin: It's too bad we need to know the location of the rest of the kids.

Gomez: Go to hell.

Lori: *crosses arms* You're already going to jail. What could you possibly gain by not telling us where your 'idiot' partner is?

Gomez: My reputation.

Lori: Yeah I've heard of those. Isn't that what you get by gettin' your ass kicked by a girl in an empty hallway? Your prison buddies will definitely take a liking to you.

Gomez: *looks at Lori*

Gavin: She's a pistol, ain't she?

Gomez: *glares*

Gavin: A location's all we need.

Gomez: I want a lawyer.

Gavin: Tell me where the guy is and you can have one.

Gomez: *stands, pulls out gun*

Lori: *stands up straight*

Gomez: Not exactly the tightest security around here.

Gavin: Go ahead, pull the trigger. When they find two dead Americans and one blood-soaked Colombian, I think and I'm just speculating here, but they might think you did it.

Gomez: *stares at Gavin*

Gavin: Sit down.

Gomez: *sits*

Gavin: You have three seconds to put that gun on the floor.

Gomez: Or what? You'll hit me?

Gavin: No. I'll give her five minutes alone with you.

Gomez: *looks at Lori*

Lori: *lifts brow*

Gomez: *throws gun onto floor* He's five miles west from here.

Gavin: Thanks. *leaves*


Lori: *walking* Nice.

Gavin: *walking* That guy doesn't have three brain cells to rub together.

Lori: You left your overcoat in here.

Gavin: What's wrong with what I'm wearing?

Lori: Don't even get me started.

Gavin: Yeah, I saw your face.

Lori: *stops walking* What face?

Gavin: That glassy-eyed, oggling face.

Lori: *laughs* You sure think highly of yourself.

Gavin: Hey, I wasn't the one starin'.

Lori: I was not staring.

Gavin: *places hands on hips* You know, I read somewhere that women, often go for men that emulate-

Lori: Finish that sentence and it'll be the last thing you say.

Gavin: *reaches into pockets* Oh, geez, I think I left my razor back in Miami.

Lori: *smirks*

Gavin: HA.

Lori: *frowns* I'm goin' to beat you.

Gavin: *crosses arms, smiles*

Lori: *looks down at floor*

Gavin: Ah yes, that slow southern smile, charming, isn't it?

Lori: *walks away*

Gavin: *laughs*

I'm back! my god it took me all night to catch up but here I am! And all I can say is OH MY FREAKING GOD! Lori is exactly like her father, Gavin has to be the most amazingly bad good guy/ or good bad guy...in the history of man kind. I wish him luck in winning Lori over.
ROADTRIP TO CHINA! that was totally the best thing ever. Horatio and Callliegh wouldn't be able to get anywhere with their respective hair colours. Though I find it difficult to believe that JC and I were good enough to merit room service. Lord knows JC would've burnt something down.
*cries for Lori* She's so amazing!
Heather, I think you officially got the COOLEST welcome party ever. I would pay good money to see Ryan in a tutu (that's if I had good money to spend).

My internet is THANKFULLY returned to me, so I will be back as often as physically possible!
GENI YOU ROCK MY SOCKS! You are the goddess of fan fiction, with work amazing enough to be fit for television. It is way better then anything I've seen recently. YOU ARE GOD!
And thus ending my review.
:lol: Welcome back Missy. :D *huggles* Glad you have your internet back and that you've caught up!

Yeah, come to think of it, JC probably would have set something on fire by the end of the week, lol. *hugs JC*

Thanks for the reviews!


Bar, Colombia

Lori: *drinks wine*

Horatio: *sits down* I pictured you more as a beer kind of woman.

Lori: The beer here's watered down and I wouldn't drink the water.

Horatio: Noted.

Lori: *sigh*

Horatio: Something on your mind?

Lori: Mmm. Maybe.

Horatio: Anything you want to share?

Lori: Not really.

Horatio: *nods*

Lori: *drinks*

Horatio: The air certainly is different here, isn't it.

Lori: What's that supposed to mean?

Horatio: It's not intended to be an insult or that I'm implying anything, Lori.

Lori: Forgive me if I'm wrong, but anything you ever say implies you mean something by it. Otherwise you wouldn't say it.

Horatio: A keen observation.

Lori: Yes, the air is different here.

Horatio: *nods* Gavin noticed.

Lori: *rolls eyes* Oh geez. You know, we did have a relationship once.

Horatio: Yes I heard you returned your ring.

Lori: Did the entire United States hear?

Horatio: I understand you want to distance yourself from others in order to stay professional but it's a lonely life.

Lori: It's better this way. And look, I admit I wanted something more than a summertime fling but that was before I got help and straightened out my life. I don't need to use people as a crutch. I didn't think it would be fair to essentially use him.

Horatio: I'm glad you didn't want to rush into anything.

Lori: Oh I did. But then that little voice in the back of my head told me otherwise. I don't want to marry him. Bad things come from marriage.

Horatio: *looks up*

Gavin: *walks over* Got some information on Santeria. Local law enforcement searched the area that Gomez specified and didn't find much but it looks like there had been a lot of people living in one of the abandoned buildings.

Horatio: Any tracks?

Gavin: Yeah, lots of activity. He probably drove kids through there or drove clients through there. The tracks head west to the small mountain range.

Horatio: Okay, good work. I'll go make some phone calls. *stands, leaves*

Gavin: *sits*

Lori: You're such a kiss-ass.

Gavin: Alright, you're going to have to tell me which mood you'll be in every time we meet so I can avoid it.

Lori: *stares at shot glass*

Gavin: Lori?

Lori: ...

Gavin: You're sure subdued.

Lori: *looks over* You kidnapped a bunch of women, right?

Gavin: Allegedly.

Lori: *tilts head*

Gavin: Where are you going with this?

Lori: Well if Santeria and Gomez were all about kidnapping kids from different countries, how did they sneak them all into buildings without anyone noticing? And how did they even get these kids in the first place?

Gavin: They would be looking for kids without any real ties to anyone so that their operation wouldn't be blown out of the water. No one puts up a missing child poster, no proof that child is even missing.

Lori: Good, so what targets would they choose?

Gavin: My guess, homeless kids. They tend to be psychologically and physically weak.

Lori: Easy to control.

Gavin: And hidden in plain sight. I think Santeria is hiding them in the homeless communities.

Lori: There's one near the mountain range. *stands* You have a vehicle?

Gavin: Yeah.

I just got caught up, and whoa....Lori is kickass, I think I've said it before though. Nonetheless, she's so kick ass that the kidnapper, Gomez, would rather give up than to face her. Does she have it, or what? ;) But... my god woman, let someone in that stone cold heart coughGavincough, and stop harboring all those demons.

HA! Everyone played Scrabble, and proceeded to turn Eric off to playing with them, ever! That was hilarious...but bad RT Anni...she's a bad influnce...But good call on playing the game to keep from cleaning it up. That's oddly something that I would do myself.

OH...And Ugh, IAB Speed... Not very likable, well, I suppose those ra-uh, officers of the law need to be unbiased. But for crying out loud, at least act like you used to know and work with the CSIs. He was brutal and relentless. Ugh, once more. He needs to come back to the lab. Pronto.

Fab update(s) Geni!
But i want Horatio now! *pouts*

Whoa. Eric was winning at Scrabble?

*everyone pauses*

IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD! RUN FOR YOUR - *record scratches* I'm kidding. :lol: But Eric sure got mad, kicked the board and everything.

Holy crap Lori is like everywhere in RT. We need another Road Trip! One that has eveyone! And us killing Stetler again. :lol:

Thanks for the updates Geni!
Oh! Lori is so smart and so observant. Horatio never says anything without a reason.
Hunter, we definately have to kill stetler again before this trip ends.
Geni, you are the coolest!
:lol: Ah poor old Ricky the Racoon. Good times, good times.

And there will be a road trip soon. :)

Thanks for the reviews everyone!


Layout room

Ryan: Hey, you search the car?

Calleigh: *grabs pen* Heather and Lora searched it.

Ryan: Any murder weapons?

Calleigh: None so far.

Ryan: They could have missed it.

Calleigh: *looks at Ryan*

Ryan: They're new.

Calleigh: Exactly, it means they're probably more observant than we are. They want to make a good impression.

Ryan: Or they could be playing around with the firehose.

Calleigh: Lora maybe, but not Heather.

Ryan: So what's this?

Calleigh: Treads from the murder scene. I compared them against the stolen Cadillac. They're a match.

Ryan: So he was at the scene.

Calleigh: No, the car was at the scene.

Ryan: I was assuming he was in the car.

Calleigh: Don't assume, Ryan.

Ryan: Okay so we need physical evidence that places him in that car at the same time that car was at the murder scene.

Calleigh: *picks up photo*

Ryan: Maybe we should find out why he stole the car.

Calleigh: I'm workin' on it.

CSI Garage

Lora: *spraying firehose* TAKE THAT!

Heather: Seriously! I'm trying to work here!

Lora: What? I thought we were supposed to have fun.

Heather: I don't want to have fun, I want to work.

Lora: Why is everyone here so uptight?

Heather: You're spraying the evidence away.

Lora: Pish posh.

Heather: *frowns*

Lora: Fine. *drops hose*

Heather: Thank you.

Lora: What does this do? *presses button inside of car*

Heather: DON'T TOUCH IT!

Roof slams backwards

Lora: Hey I wish I had one of these moon roof dealies.

Heather: Place your hands behind your back.

Lora: Are you arresting me?!

Heather: No, I don't want you to touch anything.

Lora: Oh.

Heather: *looks at moon roof*

Lora: See something?

Heather: *grabs kit* Maybe.

Colombia, mountain range, small town

Lori: *turns around* No truck, no kids, no bad guy.

Gavin: Maybe they're in the next town.

Lori: And maybe they're not. *rubs face*

Gavin: We should call Horatio.

Lori: I'd love to but then we'd have to explain how we were wrong and how we're back at square one.

Gavin: *crosses arms* I'm sorry.

Lori: For what?

Gavin: For not being able to catch him.

Lori: It's not really your job.

Gavin: It's not yours either.

Lori: *sits on log*

Gavin: *sits*

Lori: ...

Gavin: *looks at Lori*

Lori: I never thought I'd be sitting here with someone I trust.

Gavin: *lifts brow*

Lori: Thanks for being here.

Lora! You are washing away the evidence... not to mention ruining my makeup (If I wore any. ;)). At least Calleigh has faith in me, but why doesn't Ryan. He was once a newbie too.. does that mean he played with the fire hose too when he was new?

"Place your hands behind your back." ---I'm starting to sound like Ryan.

Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Lori TRUSTS Gavin... she actually TRUSTS Him. :D :D :D :D

Sure you can cuff me, but i'm like Catwoman. I'll slip out of those badboys. :p

And i'm actually working. Well, trying to. But i can do work you know! Especially when Horatio's around. Or he asked me personally. Or something involving him. :lol:

Thanks for the update Gen! ;)
Thanks for the reviews everyone! :)


Hallway, Miami

Calleigh: *looking down at folder*

Speed: *walks over* Busy?

Calleigh: *looks at Speed* It's been two hours, does this mean my time's up?

Speed: And I thought sour grapes was my thing.

Calleigh: What's that?

Speed: *hands over tape* I got this from your victim's apartment building.

Calleigh: They had cameras installed?

Speed: Yeah after the multiple break-ins last year.

Calleigh: How did you get your hands on it?

Speed: Tripp arrested the suspect there so it's my job to retrieve evidence of how Tripp conducted himself before, during and after the arrest.

Calleigh: *stops walking* It may have caught the murder.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: *walks away*

Speed: You're welcome.

A/V Lab

Delko: *sits down* What do we have?

Calleigh: *looks over* Are you wet?

Delko: Uh...Lora had a hose..Long story.

Calleigh: *looks at screen* Camera footage from in front of the victim's apartment complex.

Delko: So who reported the Cadillac stolen?

Calleigh: *looks at notes* Jim Weaver. He lives in the apartment building.

Delko: *grabs paper* Right beside the victim. *flips page*

Calleigh: *typing*

Delko: Owns a car dealership. Explains the nice wheels.

Calleigh: Hey, check it out.

Delko: *looks at screen* Is that the victim?

Calleigh: Yeah, looks like she's having an argument.

Delko: I can't see the other person, they're behind the tree.

Calleigh: I'm betting whoever she's having this argument with is the one who killed her.

Delko: Didn't the neighbors report heated arguments between the victim and her boyfriend?

Calleigh: Yeah. Okay. *smiles* I will try to enhance this image if you check out Weaver's dealership.

Delko: What would be at his dealership?

Calleigh: There's evidence of motor oil on the bullet we found in the vic.

Delko: And dealerships have body shops.

Calleigh: Mhm.

Interrogation room

Ryan: *sits down* Thanks for coming down.

Barry: Yeah well the last time I was here, it wasn't so pleasant so why don't we get it over with.

Ryan: You know Jim Weaver?

Barry: No.

Ryan: You were in the guy's car.

Barry: *rolls eyes*

Ryan: He reported it stolen this morning.

Barry: I borrowed the guy's label maker last June with his permission and didn't give it back the next day. He reported that stolen too. The cops almost laughed at him. The guy's an idiot.

Ryan: A car is a little more expensive than a label maker.

Barry: *sigh* Look, I was trying to get my girlfriend to...Get close to me, alright? We'd been fighting and I just wanted to make it up to her. I was going to take her to a drive-in place. She loved those things. I don't have a car so I asked Jim for his.

Ryan: So what happened when you got to the drive-in?

Barry: We never got there. We had another argument on the way there. I made a joke and she obviously didn't think it was funny. She made me pull over and she left. That's the last time I saw her. She was alive.

Ryan: Where did you pull over?

Barry: Somewhere near the Glades.

CSI Garage

Heather: *swabs seats*

Lora: This is taking FOR. EVER.

Heather: Sit on your crate and shut up.

Lora: You have no sense of fun.

Heather: *sigh* Lora, you got the entire car wet.

Lora: So?

Heather: So the outside of the car was evidence! What if there was blood on it? We can't prove it because you're an idiot!

Lora: Just because the car got wet, doesn't mean the DNA's gone.

Heather: You peeled the paint away.

Lora: Ooh, yeah that was my bad.

Heather: This sucks. *bangs hand on seat*


Heather: *looks down*

Lora: *looks over*

Heather: *lifts seat*

Lora: *walks over* What'd you find?

Heather: A spare compartment.

Lora: Sweet, open it up.

Heather: *snaps pictures*

Lora: Oh come on.

Heather: Be patient.

Lora: You're going too slow!

Heather: *lifts lid*

Lora: It's full of water.

Heather: *looks up* Water from you AND YOUR HOSE!

Lora: I didn't think it would soak into everything.

Heather: *reaches into box*

Lora: *sigh*

Heather: *pulls out gun*

Lora: *GASP* Oh my.

Heather: I'd say this is a good find.

Layout room

Calleigh: *walks in*

Delko: Hey any luck with the video?

Calleigh: All I could tell was our victim was agitated and then her and the man she was with left out of view. You have anything?

Delko: I went to the dealership and you were right. I found motor oil there which is the same consistancy as the stuff found on the bullet. And get this, it's the same brand that's in the Cadillac.

Calleigh: So whoever loaded the gun, poured the motor oil in the car.

Delko: Yep.

Calleigh: Jim Weaver?

Delko: *shakes head* Hard to say. He had his car serviced at his dealership, so anyone could have poured motor oil in it.

Calleigh: Great.

Delko: Sorry.

Calleigh: I do have some good news though. Heather found a gun inside the car. I just matched it to the bullet we found in the vic.

Delko: *laughs* When were you going to tell me?

Calleigh: *smiles* I thought I'd let you finish first.

Heather: *walks in* Got a problem.

Calleigh: *turns around*

Heather: One word. IAB.


Calleigh: *crosses arms* What do you mean the gun's not admissible?

Speed: The evidence was contaminated by your 'team'.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: Someone sprayed water into the compartment where the gun was found.

Calleigh: *frowns*

Speed: You didn't know?

Calleigh: If I knew, I wouldn't be here.

Speed: Well now your evidence is no good.

Calleigh: Accidents happen.

Speed: With fire hoses?

Calleigh: *sigh* Heather and Lora were the only ones in the garage.

Speed: *nods*

Calleigh: What's going to go in your report?

Speed: It was...Clearly an accident.

Calleigh: *lifts brow*

Speed: Case closed as far as I'm concerned. But the gun still isn't admissible.

Calleigh: What about Tripp?

Speed: That's still under review.

Calleigh: *nods* I hope you're having fun with your promotion. *leaves*

Geni...first off...LORA! She went ballistic with the fire hose, just like Ryan said (makes me think about Ryan a little bit)....but that was hilarious! And Eric got involved too? Sounds like Lora is taking Anni's place in getting into trouble.

Meanwhile, Gavin and Lori having some one on one time on a stakeout, finally giving headway to Lori's ability to speak her feelings (without kicking ass). The first step, apparently, in Lori's book ,is trust. It's safe to say that Gavin's got it made;) ...that is until Lori has a break with her new found self and shuts down again. Here's to hoping that won't happen.

And Speed...well...I'm just speechless at the new Speed. More and more he's starting to really creep me out...Career advancement...ugh.

Great updates, Geni!
Calleigh: *looks over* Are you wet?

Delko: Uh...Lora had a hose..Long story.
Well, actually not really. That's the whole story: Lora had a hose. Like c'mon!

Heather: *reaches into box*

Lora: *sigh*

Heather: *pulls out gun*

Lora: *GASP* Oh my.

Heather: I'd say this is a good find.
OMgosh because i thought she was going to go all Lori on me and point the gun at me for me being so frustrating. Man, why do i have to tick everyone off!! C'mon! Speed would like me! i listen to Mettalica and Lynard Skynerd and The Who and Smash Mouth and everyone like that! Ooh Jimi Hendrix too. Can't forget him. And Sam Roberts. ANYWAYS back to the point, i can work! In fact....i challenge Heather to a...a....a WORKOFF! Yeah! Yeah betcha didn't see THAT comin'!

Speed: The evidence was contaminated by your 'team'.

Calleigh: What?

Speed: Someone sprayed water into the compartment where the gun was found.


Blah..Speed. IAB is brainwashing you. With this supid career advancement and higer pay. Well, jsut remember this man. Whenver you look at Stetler, you better remember the time you found out his middle name.

*bursts out laughing*

Because THAT is still effing hilarious and makes me go into stiches just thiking about it!

Thanks for the update Gen. ;)
Hunter said:
ANYWAYS back to the point, i can work! In fact....i challenge Heather to a...a....a WORKOFF! Yeah! Yeah betcha didn't see THAT comin'!

:cool: You're on.

Speed... is turning into Stetler.. :eek: That's so not cool.. Or is Stetler wearing a Speed Suit? That, would be interesting to see.

I love the update, Geni. :)

Seriously, what's up with Speed? Scorned by the RT Miami crew?
Well, he did classify it as a mistake and he gave Calleigh the security tapes from the apartment building, along with investigating his own case by finding evidence, he's not quite Stetler. :p

But ironically their surnames have an 'S'.

Lora, you and Heather will have a workoff! *raises fist* Let's see who can solve this case faster.

Anni! You must protect what is rightfully yours. The ability to have insane adventures, even in the most benign locations. :D *throws alcohol and porn all over the road*


Colombia, midnight-Abandoned building

Lori: *points gun into doorway*

Gavin: *looks over*

Lori: *looks around* Clear in here.

Gavin: Downstairs is clear.

Lori: *sigh* This is the second village we've been to.

Gavin: I'm sure we'll find something. Where's Horatio anyway?

Lori: I don't know, he's not answering his cell phone. *leans over stair railing* Pretty dusty in here. I don't think anyone's been here in weeks.

Gavin: It definitely smells like people had been here before though.

Lori: Hey, did we check up there?

Gavin: *looks up* You hear something?

Lori: Sounded like something fell.

Gavin: *steps ahead*

Lori: Uh, what are you doing?

Gavin: Checkin' it out.

Lori: You're not going first.

Gavin: Why the hell not?

Lori: Because you don't know the building.

Gavin: Neither do you.

Lori: Yes but...I know the general area.

Gavin: Nice try.

Lori: Look, you'll just get your ass kicked if someone's up there.

Gavin: As opposed to you getting your ass kicked?

Lori: *walks up stairs*

Gavin: *rolls eyes*

Upstairs, hallway

Lori: *looks at door* It's coming from here.

Gavin: So, what should we knock?

Lori: *makes a face*

Gavin: It was a joke.

Lori: Shut up and cover me.

Gavin: Why?

Lori: Hey man, you're the cop.

Gavin: Barely. *lifts gun*

Lori: *kicks door down*

Man: *stands*

Girl: *runs to side of room*

Man: *pulls out knife*

Lori: *looks at girl*

Girl: *starts to cry*

Man: *runs to girl*

Lori: *runs in* STOP! *kicks man in face*

Man: *falls backward*

Lori: *runs to girl*

Gavin: *walks in*

Man: *stands*

Gavin: Hold it.

Man: *looks at Gavin*

Gavin: *points gun at man* What's your name!

Man: *stares at Gavin*

Gavin: Your name!

Man: Ria.

Gavin: Ria? As in Santeria?

Ria: You tell me boss.

Gavin: Get on the ground.

Ria: *grips knife*

Gavin: *walks slowly* Put the knife on the floor, man.

Ria: *twirls knife*

Gavin: Put it down!

Ria: *swings knife*

Gavin: *ducks*

Ria: *kicks Gavin*

Gavin: AH! *drops gun*

Ria: *swings knife*

Gavin: UGH. *grabs stomach*

Ria: *runs*

Gavin: *falls to knees*

Lori: *runs over* GAVIN!

Gavin: *staring at floor*

Lori: Gavin, talk to me. Say something.

Gavin: *winces* The kid alright?

Lori: She's fine. Sit down, sit down.

Gavin: *sits, leans against wall*

Lori: *rips Gavin's shirt open* ...A vest. You're wearing a vest.

Gavin: *coughs* You didn't think I was goin' to walk in here naked, did you?

Lori: *laughs* You're wearing a vest.

Gavin: *pulls knife out* Ugh. Didn't go far but it hurts like hell.

Lori: *smiling* You're wearing a vest.

Gavin: *lifts brow* You have issues with vests?

Lori: *hugs Gavin*

Gavin: Ow.

Lori: *hugs tighter*

Gavin: Uh *coughs* Killin' me.

Lori: *lets go* Oh. *clears throat* Sorry.

Gavin: Are you crying?

Lori: *smiles*

Gavin: You...Are scaring me. *stands*

Lori: *stands*

Gavin: *buttons up shirt*

Lori: *stares at Gavin*

Gavin: Is the kid gone?

Lori: I don't care.

Gavin: *picks up gun, holsters it*

Lori: *looks down at floor*

Gavin: You okay?

Lori: *nods*

Gavin: We should look for the guy.

Lori: No. I am finished.

Gavin: Why?

Lori: Let's get a hold of Horatio and get the hell out of here. *leaves*

Gavin: *throws hands up* Okay.

Hotel room

Horatio: *walks in* Couldn't get cell reception where I was.

Lori: And it never occured to you to use a payphone?

Horatio: I apologize.

Lori: *sigh* I think we scared Santeria into hiding for a few more weeks but it won't be enough.

Horatio: I advised local law enforcement about the situation and they'll try to do the best they can.

Lori: I doubt that.

Horatio: At any rate, we need to return to Miami. We did a good thing here--saved a lot of people.

Lori: *nods*

Horatio: I'll see you in the morning. *leaves*

Lori: *sits on bed*

Gavin: *walks in* Tickets are printed out, we leave at noon.

Lori: You get your gut checked out?

Gavin: Yeah. Needed a couple of stitches, no big deal.

Lori: *runs over, hugs Gavin*

Gavin: Uh, we're in an awful hugging mood today.

Lori: I'm glad you're okay.

Gavin: *laughs* You're never glad anyone's okay.

Lori: *hugs tighter* I love you.

Gavin: *wraps arms around Lori*

Lori: *sigh*

Gavin: You need to get some rest.

Lori: Mhm.

Gavin: *lets go*

Lori: *lets go*

Gavin: *turns off lights, gets into bed*

Lori: *jumps into bed*

Gavin: Uh...You have a bed.

Lori: I know.

Gavin: Great. I'm glad we're on the same page. So uh, why aren't you in that bed?

Lori: Shh, I'm trying to sleep.

Gavin: *rolls eyes*

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